Darla Gutierrez

Darla Gutierrez
Stony Brook University | Stony Brook · Institute for Mathematical Sciences


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Publications (263)
The objective of this study was to characterize the in situ ruminal degradability of the dry matter of a supplement with the inclusion of white shrimp waste (Litopenaeus vannamei) destined for dairy cows. A total of four bulls from Pardo Suizo breed were used with 700 ± 25 kg of LW, fistulated in rumen, fed with commercial concentrate (2 kg anim. d...
While topical minoxidil has been a mainstay androgenetic alopecia (AGA) treatment, oral minoxidil has only been studied recently. Previous studies indicate low‐dose oral minoxidil (LDOM) is an efficacious, well‐tolerated AGA therapy, and our study aims to contribute to the growing LDOM literature an analysis of quantitative outcomes at multiple are...
Funding sources: none. Conflicts of interest: J.S. is a consultant for Lilly, Pfizer, Eirion Therapeutics, Applied Biology, DS Laboratories and Keeps; he holds stock in RepliCel Life Sciences, has been an investigator for RegenLab® USA and is an investigator for Pfizer. V.C., C.Y. and P.J. are investigators for Lilly. V.C. is a consultant for Lilly...
La música guarda una estrecha relación con los estados de ánimo y la generación de recuerdos a largo plazo. Al respecto, Avello, Gavilan y Abril (2011) explican como a través de la música y la voz se establece una conexión más con el consumidor, que facilita la representación de la marca en su mente y crea asociaciones que activan directamente las...
El objetivo de esta investigación está orientado a establecer la relación entre la preferencia de género musical publicitario, la respuesta fisiológica y los niveles de recordación de marcas de bebidas y alimentos en jóvenes universitarios de la Universidad Santo Tomas. La investigación se orientó a partir de un diseño experimental realizando la me...
The HERMES III accelerator is an 18-20-MeV linear induction accelerator constructed at Sandia National Laboratories in the late 1980s and which continues operation to this day. As part of recent modernization efforts, the laser triggering system on the accelerator has been replaced with a newly designed solid-state system. This system consists of t...
Conference Paper
p>Background: Latinas in the US experience overall worse breast cancer (BC) survival than non-Latinas. Higher rates of aggressive BC subtypes including estrogen receptor negative(ER-) and HER2+ in Latinas are partly suspected. High intra-tumoral immune cells including myeloid suppressive M2 type macrophages (MAC) that suppress tumor immune response...
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The present work carried out the internal inspection of the pipeline that allows the natural gas transport from the “Compresora Lisama” to the gas plant “El Centro” in Santander, Colombia, establishing the current pipeline conditions and defining the actions that must be taken to maintain the safety of the process. The internal inspection was carri...
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Several image editing methods have been proposed in the past decades, achieving brilliant results. The most sophisticated of them, however, require additional information per‐pixel. For instance, dehazing requires a specific transmittance value per pixel, or depth of field blurring requires depth or disparity values per pixel. This additional per‐p...
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Plant DNA and RNA extraction methods are well established, with a wide range of protocols, depending on the purposes of each laboratory/research. Nowadays, quick, inexpensive and easy plant DNA and RNA extraction methods are highly sought after. We developed an optimized protocol for plant DNA and RNA extraction that uses an inexpensive bench drill...
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An alveolar hemorrhage case is reported as the initial manifestation of antisynthetase syndrome in a 40-year-old man, who is admitted to the Emergency Department for diagnostic approach of chronic cough and progressive dyspnea. The diagnosis of the alveolar hemorrhage was based on the presence of acute respiratory failure, decrease in hemoglobin le...
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A completely randomized design with three treatments (agro-ecosystems): A1 (grasses and Alnus acuminata Kunth); A2 (grasses and Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) and A3 (Grassland) and four periods of the years (PY): 1-12-2015 (1); 1-6-2016 (2); 1-12-2016 (3) and 1-6-2017 (4) in a factorial analysis was conducted to evaluate the effects of agro-ecosystems...
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The objective of this study was to characterize the in situ ruminal degradability of the dry matter of a supplement with the inclusion of white shrimp waste (Litopenaeus vannamei) destined for dairy cows. A total of four bulls from Pardo Suizo breed were used with 700 ± 25 kg of LW, fistulated in rumen, fed with commercial concentrate (2 kg anim. d...
We report the case of a 57-year-old man who presented at the emergency department with injuries to his face and head after falling down the stairs. A head computed tomography examination done because he complained of an intense headache revealed air bubbles in the retropharyngeal space. Given this finding, a computed tomography of the neck was done...
Background Although rugby referees are at risk given the highly demanding and intermittent nature of physical activity during match and training, their cardiovascular (CV) risk factors, in particular smoking, has been only poorly investigated. Moreover, as they may have an educational role for delivering preventive message, referees knowledge on he...
Resumen Se trata de un paciente varón, de 57 años, que acude al servicio de urgencias tras traumatismo facial y craneoencefálico al caerse por las escaleras. El paciente refiere cefalea intensa, motivo por el cual se le solicita una tomografía computarizada craneal donde se objetivan burbujas aéreas en espacio retrofaríngeo. Dado este hallazgo, se...
Resumen La tuberculosis es una enfermedad infecciosa producida por Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Es una de las enfermedades infecciosas más prevalentes en nuestro país y a nivel mundial. Su presentación clínica más frecuente es pulmonar, manifestada por pérdida ponderal, febrícula, tos y expectoración (hemoptoica o no), así como síntomas derivados de...
Resumen La infección tuberculosa latente hace referencia a la reacción inmunitaria frente a cepas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis viables aunque no transmisibles. Su importancia radica en que un porcentaje de estos individuos desarrollarán una enfermedad tuberculosa activa a lo largo de su vida. La identificación de los pacientes con infección tuberc...
The objective of this cross-sectional exploratory study is to develop and standardize two subtest for the proposed Filipino Reading Achievement Test. Subtests measuring Pagbabaybay or Spelling in Filipino and Pagkilala sa Binasa or Word Recognition was constructed. The focus of the study is assessing the validity and reliability of these instrument...
The Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET) is an instrument that allows us to obtain information about the student’s decision-making process during their participation in games. The usual instruments reflect the final result of student’s decision. However, the GPET offers an analysis of the context in which the decision has been made, and allows t...
Conference Paper
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a progressive and irreversible disease that leads eventually to right heart failure and death. The pathogenesis of this condition involves proliferation of endothelial and smooth muscle cells resulting in vascular remodelling of the pulmonary arterioles. Several factors are implicated in the remodelling process dr...
The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF), will be a test facility in which candidate materials for the use in fusion reactors can be fully qualified. The LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) is a prototype of one of the two IFMIF accelerators that is currently being built in Rokkasho (Japan). There is a beam dump made o...
Aim: To determine the effect of different numbers of projection images in C-arm cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on diagnostic content and image quality in patients undergoing angiographic embolotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Materials and methods: A total of 29 patients who underwent contrast-enhanced conventional multidetector...
Segmented thermoplastic polyurethanes (PUs) were synthetized using polycarbonate diol as soft segment with a molar mass of 500 and as a hard segment 1,5-pentanediol with a combination of isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI). Differential scanning calorimetry, differential mechanical analysis, Fourier transform infrare...
Resumen Introducción La diarrea en el paciente inmunodeprimido debida a infección por el VIH, receptor de un trasplante o que padece cualquier entidad asociada a inmunodepresión primaria tiene una etiología similar al paciente inmunocompetente, aunque con algunas peculiaridades como la mayor frecuencia de determinados gérmenes oportunistas. Causa...
One of the peculiarities, at lexical level, of Katomyomakhia is that the Greek term for the cat is not widespread aílouros but káta. As in this work action is transmitted only from the point of view of the mice, it can be assumed that this would be the perspective with which the author wants to be identified their listener/reader(s), by circulating...
Microbial contamination of a cooling water system by means of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and slime forming bacteria may decrease dramatically the performance of traditional corrosion inhibition agents. Redefinition of circuit operational conditions and the combination of a new corrosion inhibition treatment (designed by Adic-ionic® software) w...
Enterobacteriaceae family is the most important and heterogeneous group of gram-negative bacilly (GNB) with clinical relevance. They produce a wide variety of diseases in humans. Clinically they may be classified in two groups: primary pathogens (Salmonella enterica, Shigella spp., Yersinia spp. and some strains of Escherichia coli), mainly implica...
Enterobacteriaceae are the most numerous and diverse group of Gram-negative bacilli. They are found in soil, water or vegetation, some are part of the normal intestinal flora of most animals and man. Some members of this family are considered primary pathogens as they always are associated with disease when isolated in clinical samples, others howe...
Antiretroviral therapy has modified the natural history of the HIV infection. The antiretroviral treatment has evolved from an initial phase in which the main and probably sole objective was saving the life to the actual phase in which an additional objective is to avoid the adverse effects. Adherence to therapy is the basis to attain these objecti...
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Information about the performance of different plant materials of Tithonia diversifolia collected in the central-western region of Cuba is offered. A technology for biomass production, cut performance, grazing and for its use in the biological and physiological performance of animals used in the cattle development is presented. Plants materials des...
In the comedy The Clouds, from the comic poet Aristophanes, the Aér is mentioned three times, twice by Socrates and one by Strepsiades. Translators, commentators and critics have always considered that when this element was mentioned, it referred to the cosmological doctrines of the philosophers of the phisis, especially of the physikós Diogenes of...
The question of how to determine the number of independent latent factors (topics) in mixture models such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is of great practical importance. In most applications, the exact number of topics is unknown, and depends on the application and the size of the data set. Bayesian nonparametric methods can avoid the proble...
In this chapter the historical development and current status of luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) are reviewed. LSCs are novel, low-cost photovoltaic devices basically constituted by highly luminescent slab coupled with small, high-effi ciency solar cells. LSC devices convert both direct and diffuse sunlight, are very fl exible covering a var...
Conference Paper
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The Pre-Damping Rings (PDRs) and Damping Rings (DRs) of CLIC are needed to reduce the beam emittances to the small values required for the main linacs. The injection and extraction, from the PDRs and DRs, are carried out by kicker systems. In order to achieve both low beam coupling impedance and reasonable broadband impedance matching to the electr...
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The power of modern high throughput DNA sequencers is enabling a new generation of virological studies in which metagenomes of ecosystems can be determined to understand evolution and variability of viruses. We are currently applying a technology based on siRNA sequencing and assembly to determine the ‘virome’ of sweetpotato throughout Africa. Resu...
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The study starts with the recognition of a complex social reality de- rived from two concepts or frames of reference: positivism and interpre-tivism. First, the origin of the terms validity and reliability is reviewed in order to establish comparisons, interpretive moments and critical reflec-tions. Application of these two terms, intimately and tr...
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Background Psychological disturbances are common in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). From the cognitive-behavioral theoretical perspective, they may be due largely to specific cognitive distortions (CD) that are likely to be modified by brief interventions. The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument for evaluation of...
To describe clinical features and ultrasound findings of three cases of a little-known and relatively infrequent entity in daily clinical activity, which is often unnoticed and under-reported: penile Mondor's disease or superficial penile veins thrombophlebitis. We are reporting the cases of three patients aged 33, 25 and 39 years who were referred...
A systematic study of electric transport through thin (2–8 nm) CoFe2O4 films deposited on epitaxial SrRuO3 bottom electrodes was performed by conducting atomic force microscopy (CAFM). Experimental procedures to investigate transport through thin insulating films by CAFM are critically revised, and the potential of CoFe2O4 films for the use as spin...
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Background: Mitochondrial diseases are a group of disorders caused by mutations in nuclear DNA or mitochondrial DNA, usually involving multiple organ systems. Primary adrenal insufficiency due to mitochondrial disease is extremely infrequent and has been reported in association with mitochondrial DNA deletion syndromes such as Kearns–Sayre syndrome...
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The objective of this prospective study is to determine the rate of injury on the population of the French women's rugby team. It was conducted over 50 months from July 2006 to September 2010. The medical staff of the French team collected data during training and match exposure. One of the main results of the study is the significant difference in...
Introduction: Postsurgical pain is the main cause of acute pain in hospital settings. Selective &αλπηα;-2 adrenergic agonists such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine administered via peridural infusion have been evaluated in postsurgical pain control, since they act on brain stem, spinal and peripheral receptors, modulating the nociceptive input. In...
Utility power quality problems like input voltage unbalance and sag conditions severely stress electronic equipment. Voltage sag forecasting is a complex issue, since it involves a large variety of random factors, such as: type of shortcircuits in the power system, location of faults, protective system performance and atmospheric discharges. Recent...
Utility power quality problems like input voltage unbalance and sag conditions severely stress electronic equipment. Voltage sag forecasting is a complex issue, since it involves a large variety of random factors, such as: type of shortcircuits in the power system, location of faults, protective system performance and atmospheric discharges. Recent...
To study and compare the evolving capacities of speech discrimination with cochlear implants in older patients compared to patients implanted at a younger age. A retrospective study comparing a group of 52 patients aged over 65 with a control group of 58 patients aged between 30 and 50 years, followed for 5 years after implantation. We analyzed and...
The spatial dimension appears as a fundamental to board the urban employment generation topics. The space plays a key role on the location decisions made by the agents due to not all places offer the same levels of utility and profitability. The existence of a number of advantages in certain places such as the agglomeration, economies of scale, var...
Electric transport through ultrathin CoFe2O4 (CFO) films of different thicknesses is studied using current sensing atomic force microscopy. Analysis of current distribution maps and I-V characteristics reveals anomalous thickness dependence. Results indicate the existence of an Ohmic conduction channel in parallel with the tunnel one. The origin of...
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Twenty crossbred Creole kids, non-weaned and with 60 and 90 d of age, were slaughtered to reveal the influence of slaughter age on the conformation of goat carcass and the weight of meat pieces. The kids were grazing for eight hours, regularly with their mothers. At night, they were in barns with mineral salts and water ad libitum. At the age sched...
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En Colombia la cría de ovinos de pelo y caprinos se está expandiendo en diversas regiones por ser alternativa para la producción de carne y leche a precios competitivos gracias a su adaptabilidad y facilidad para digerir forrajes toscos. Dentro de los ectoparásitos que afectan a los pequeños rumiantes tradicionalmente se reconoce a los piojos y la...
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El ostión del norte, Argopecten purpuratus, es una especie hermafrodita de gran interés comercial en Chile. Se han desarrollado técnicas para la producción de juveniles en laboratorio, lo cual permite utilizar a esta especie para estudios de los potenciales efectos que tendría la autofecundación en los cultivos del ostión del norte. En el presente...
The Northern scallop, Argopecten purpuratus, is a hermaphrodite species which has a great economical importance in Chile and Perú. Hatchery techniques for juvenile production have been developed for this species, allowing the study of the potential effect of self-fertilization in the aquaculture of the Northern scallop. The present study produced s...
In this paper is presented construction and implementation of a mechatronic robot to obtain porosity in parts mechanics of centrifugal pumps using ultrasonic wave. Considerations about the methods applied and their use in the field of metrology for the metal mechanic industry are taken into consideration. This project is inserted in ITT Goulds Pump...
This study tried to find out the height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), and age of peak performance beach volleyball players with regard to their level of play and their role. The men's and women's pairs that classified in the World Tour and in the Olympic Games during seasons 2000-2006 were analyzed (625 males and 617 females). A descriptive, corr...
The meningitis is one of the most severe diseases in children due to its mortality or sequels. However, timely knowledge of whether the infection is bacterial or viral in origin and applied a specific therapeutic would be beneficial for the patients and clinician. The haptoglobin/IgG index and Boyer's score have been use in this purpose. 39 pediatr...
In this contribution we present the obtaining of SnO2 nanoparticles with average diameters of 5 nm by hydrothermal route from SnCl2 and temperature of 150 C. The nanostructures were studied by UV-visible electronic absorption and Raman spectroscopy [1], their crystal structure were determined from XRD patterns and by HRTEM images. XRD showed the pr...