Darko Lacmanovic

Darko Lacmanovic
Mediterranean University · Faculty for tourism "Montenegro Tourism School"



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Darko Lacmanovic currently works at the Faculty for tourism "Montenegro Tourism School", Mediterranean University. Darko does research in Marketing. Their current project is 'The development of integrated and sustainable tourism offer of Slovenia and Montenegro for Far Eastern Market (China)'.
Additional affiliations
October 2005 - February 2017
Mediterranean University
  • Professor (Full)
October 2015 - present
University »Mediterranean«
  • Professor (Full)
  • Introduction to marketing Tourism marketing Sales management in hospitality industry The methodology of scientific research Strategic marketing in tourism Global trends in intern.hosp.industry Tourism system development Marketing logistics
October 2010 - October 2015
University »Mediterranean«,
  • Professor (Associate)
October 2003 - February 2005
Megatrend University of applied science, Faculty of bussines studies
Field of study
  • Economics
October 1994 - February 1996
University of Belgrade, Faculty for economics
Field of study
  • Economics
October 1983 - December 1987
University of Split, Faculty for tourism and foreign trade
Field of study
  • Economics


Publications (65)
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This study investigates the practices and policies surrounding the collection and distribution of gratuities within the hospitality industry across Western Balkan countries, including Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Diverse strategies employed by employers in these regions present distinct advantages and challenges in man...
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Contemporary understanding of tourism marketing is grounded in a holistic approach to marketing management aimed at fostering sustainable tourism. This involves embracing the principles of holistic marketing, with a focus on sustainable or “green marketing,” which entails the organizational commitment to develop, promote, price, and distribute prod...
Conference Paper
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Purpose: The present research focuses mainly on one issue: “Tourism in crisis: How gamification may help increase the interest of tourists in visiting a destination” The purpose was to find out and determine the views of SMEs and tourists in Bar, as a tourist destination, with regards to the offer of tourist gamification. Methodology: In order to c...
Conference Paper
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The state of world and wellness tourism has been shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic. States are taking steps to at least slightly mitigate the effects of a complete state closure. Companies strive to retain employees, as they are aware that they are the key to competitive and quality service. All this raises the question of whether mass tourism based...
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The impact of terrorism on tourism causes the specific context in which tourism trips are realised. The relationship between terrorism and tourism was researched many decades ago. There are many open questions regarding the stated impact. The main goal of this paper is to find out some important facts considering the impact of terrorism regarding g...
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Suočavanje klijenta sa hotelskom ponudom predstavlja odlučujući momenat u realizaciji usluga, u kojem se nepobitno provjerava kvalitet načina upravljanja prodajnim aktivnostima u hotelu. Prodajne strukture u hotelima moraju spremno reagovati na uočene izazove i ostvariti optimalne prodajne rezultate sa stanovišta uloženih napora i ostvarenih noćen...
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Purpose: The present research mainly on one issue: "Tourism in crisis: how gamification can increase tourists' interest in coming to a destination"? The purpose was to find out the to determine the views of SMEs and tourists at the destination Bar on the offer of tourist gamification. Methodology: To conduct the research, a quantitative and qualit...
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Purpose – The situation in the field of gambling is changing due to the rise of Internet and Mobile gambling. In general gambling consumption is increasing every year, but the distribution of consumption has radically changed from Land Based gambling to Remote gambling. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of the world gambling ind...
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U okviru IPA projekta: “SMART turizam – inovacije i transfer znanja u turističkom sektoru”, Univerzitet Mediteran je, u radnom paketu WP1: “Unaprijeđenje dijaloga između stejkoldera kroz seminar i zajedničke aktivnosti”, realizovao aktivnost A1.1: “Pregled najbolje prakse i istraživanje lokalnih potreba za transferom znanja i inovacija u turističko...
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In the study presented, concepts of time, working and spare time are introduced, establishing what they have in common and what ties them together with respect to work and private life. The main objective of the empirical part was to define how individuals from different groups in Montenegro manage their work/spare time, therefore including elemen...
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Four central arguments made in this article are: (1) Gambling was an important industry for Slovenia, because it allowed invisible exports. (2) Cross-border gambling is an important part of gambling for Slovenia. (3) Gambling is a capital and labour intensive industry. (4) In the development of gambling online gaming must not be ignored. The main r...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of the research paper is to explore the impact of tipping on the motivation on workers’ motivation in the Montenegrin hospitality and gaming industry, and to develop a model – on the basis of the findings – for distributing tips among employees in order to increase their motivation. The main finding of the research is that employees i...
Conference Paper
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A few publications have discussed some characteristics of Chinese travellers in particular countries in the West Balkan region such as preferences, characteristics and trip motivation (Raspor, Lacmanović, Stranjančević, & Bulatović, 2016a), tourist destination strength and opportunities (Stranjančević, Bulatović, Lacmanović, & Raspor, 2016), positi...
Conference Paper
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Purpose and design-Tipping as kind of consumer satisfaction indicator is widely explored but at the same time it is still an interesting research area especially in hospitality industry due to service interaction. The main aim of this article is to find out some tipping habits in the hospitality industry in Montenegro and to highlight the importanc...
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The book prepared by three authors working on topic of Chinese outbound tourism attempts to provide at least some answers regarding the phenomena of Chinese tourists in West Balkan countries. The main purpose was to point on basic trends and to form recommendations how to market these destinations more efficiently. It is thus our hope the report wi...
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The use of social media is very present when planning a tourist trip. When tourists value the destination they travel to travel, they want to get as much useful information as possible. In the paper, we presented findings on the travel habits of Chinese tourists, which were covered by a survey of Chinese tourists in Slovenia and Montenegro in 2015....
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China is becoming an increasingly important partner of the countries of the former Yugoslavia. In the paper, we limited ourselves to the income of Chinese tourists, whose number is growing every year.The article deals with and compares available statistical data from national statistical offices and international organizations (UNWTO, World Bank, C...
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Special Interest tourism (SIT) represents an answer to mass tourism and its goal is to ensure tourist destination sustainability. The casino industry is growing intensively in the territory of Montenegro and a question arises whether casino tourism development is an opportunity or a danger for Montenegro and its sustainability. The goals of this pa...
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People’s Republic of China is the largest, Slovenia is the 64th and Montenegro is the 162nd largest export economy in the world. Methods of analysis, deduction and induction and comparative method were used in this paper. The paper reviews and analyzes statistical data of international trade with China as well as of Chinese outbound tourism and pro...
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Suočavanje klijenta sa turističkom ponudom predstavlja odlučujući momenat u realizaciji usluga, u kojem se nepobitno provjerava kvalitet načina upravljanja prodajnim aktivnostima u hotelu. Prodajne strukture u hotelima i drugim subjektima turističke ponude moraju spremno reagovati na uočene izazove i ostvariti optimalne prodajne rezultate sa stanov...
Conference Paper
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China is increasing each year as economic partner to countries of the former Yugoslavia, such as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. Each year also increases the number of Chinese tourists and their spending. Through a literature review and consideration of statistical data, this paper deals with the identification and comparison of selected...
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Since Chinese outbound tourism currently represents the largest outbound tourist market, the opportunities for tourism of Montenegro in the Chinese tourist market should be certainly examined. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relevant data about Chinese tourists who are visiting Montenegro: their specific demographic characteristics, travel...
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This book has been compiled by several authors1 working on the topic of Chinese outbound tourism, in an attempt to provide at least some answers regarding the phenomena of Chinese tourists in Slovenia and Montenegro. It is the result of a bilateral project in the framework of the scientific-technological cooperation between the Government of Monten...
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Trip planning with web and mobile applications is a popular service. When planning their travel, main problems of tourists are getting lost in the abundance of various tourism offers and losing a lot of time to find what you need. Travel, accommodation, sightseeing can all be organized by yourself, but it will take you unbelievable 45 days! just to...
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China is one of the most important outbound markets in the world, according to the UNWTO statistics. From year to year the number of Chinese tourists is constantly increasing both in Slovenia and Montenegro. Due to the particularities of Chinese culture and habits of Chinese tourists the main issue is: Can Montenegro and Slovenia meet the needs of...
Conference Paper
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The growing purchasing power in People's Republic of China and formation of the middle classes with corresponding consumption practices and lifestyles have increased the demand for foreign travel. The number of Chinese outbound tourists has exceeded 100 millions in 2014 and it is estimated to reach 200 million by 2020. How small but tourism-wise we...
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The aim of this paper is to present possibilities for the application of marketingin the area of sustainable tourism in destination such as Montenegro.Testing attitudes of tourists is performed using SPSS base of primary data of the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro with the presentation of results that are the result of the original proc...
Turizam kao jedan od najbrže rastućih privrednih sektora svjetske privrede predstavlja poseban izazov za dinamično zapošljavanje mladih ljudi različitih nivoa obrazovanja. Zahtijevana znanja i vještine se relativno brzo mijenjaju što dodatno usmjerava pažnju obrazovnog sistema u Crnoj Gori ka adekvatnom profilisanju kompetentnosti kadrova u turizmu...
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The relationship between local community and tourism sector is an important issue in the marketing management of tourist destinations in theoretical and practical terms. It is especially important to consider specific issues relating to sustainable tourism marketing process and the participation of local people in the process. The subject of this...
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The level of tourist satisfaction is an important issue in marketing management of tourist destinations in theoretical and practical terms. Numerous studies have focused examination of the factors of tourist satisfaction in the context of the marketing of tourism destinations. The subject of this work is to determine the existence of significant di...
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Marketing management companies and destinations in terms of sustainable tourism requires solving various problems arising from the need of constant alignment in maximizing the level of satisfaction of the needs of the tourist, to profit and to meet a number of criteria of sustainability certain areas of the natural, socio-economic and cultural term...
Strateško razmišljanje o razvoju u današnje vrijeme uslovljeno je značajnim promjenama na tržištu i novim trendovima. Promjene na tržištu su turbulentne i njihovo uočavanje predstavlja osnovni preduslov otvaranja strateškog okvira sagledavanja „strateškog prozora“, kroz sagledavanje prijetnji i šansi u okruženju, jakih i slabih tačaka proizvoda tur...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of this article is to identify the role of information sources in positioning tourist destination of Montenegro. Tourist consumer positionate tourist destination ih his mind. Do marketers leave this process to random sequence of decisions under total influence of consumer? Marketers have to plan position which could provide the best...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of this article is to identify correlations between travel motives and level of satisfaction with regard to overall and certain segments of tourism product which in turn could sign on gap among projected and perceived image of destination such as Montenegro. Different perceptions of consumers condition the design of tourist destinatio...
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The subject work is to determine the level of perfomance of marketing activities in the business of hotel companies in the hospitality industry in Montenegro, based on examination of selected parameters. By examination the significant sample of hotels, presented by number of rooms and location dispersion, it have been determined the correlation of...
Conference Paper
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Identifying the adequate position of tourist product of Montenegro as responsible tourist destination in relation to the segmented groups of visitors is the main goal of this article. Responsible tourism can be defined as »a form of nature-based tourism that strives to be ecologically, sociokulturally, and economically sustainable while providing o...
Conference Paper
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Tourist product is complex product because tourist need is complex. Vine tourism system, according to D.Getz, is based on natural resources of sustainable production of qualitative vine, organizational, planned and marketing efforts of tourist destination management organizations (DTMO), and understanding the interaction between suppliers and vine...
Conference Paper
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Traditional sales management duties are being dramatically changed by buyer behavior dynamism, sales automation, salesperson empowerment, and shifts to new marketing channels. Inspiring the salespersons through more work commitment, sales managers keep management tools to stimulate the latent sales efforts and performances. Sales manager, on the av...
Conference Paper
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Projection of development of accomodation facilities is aimed, in general, to recognize opportunities in development, to avoid possible threats, to encourage strong and to reduce weak points of tourist product in destination. Developing of tourist destination of Herceg Novi have to provide satisfaction of expected requests of tourist demand with a...
Conference Paper
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Sales channels become marketing instrument from substantial significance in contemporary terms of business. The dynamic of changes of information technology impose, as more important, the electronic intermediaries in hotel's sales channels such as CRS (Central Reservation System), GDS (Global Distribution System) and Switch companies (intermediarie...
Conference Paper
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If brand is, according to P.Kotler and K.L.Keller definition, »perceptual entity that is rooted in reality but reflects the perceptions and perhaps even the idiosyncrasies of consumers«1 , that is question: How to apply basic brand concept on the tourist destination, considering it as integral tourist product? Tourist destination branding process...
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Analiza tržišne pozicije hotelske industrije Crne Gore zasniva se na rezultatima trogodišnjeg istraživanja i to za poslovne godine 2004.g., 2005.g. i 2006.g. Pokazatelji su prikazani grafički uz kraći komentar. Radi se o prezentaciji osnovnih kretanja i međuzavisnih odnosa. Na kraju prezentacije dati su interesanti trendovi u hotelijerstvu u 2000-t...
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Hotel product distribution include methods, techiques and organizational forms in disposal of hotel facilities to tourist consumers. Channels of distribution represent the paths in distribution the content of hotel offer from the hotel reception to the final consumer. Sales and distribution channels could be underestood in contemporary meaning as m...
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Sales management acitivities such as monitoring, directing, evaluation and rewarding represents useful ways for increasing the salesperson job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Motivating the sales effort ussually include three dimensions: intensivity, persistence and choice. By inspiring salespeople on greater job commitment, sales manag...
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Organized contact between tourist supply and demand with purpose to exchange goods and services, which are intended to tourists by certain price within space and temporal determination, could be called as tourist market. Changing the contents of the tourist supply on the global tourist market could be clearly recognized through development several...
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Upravljanje marketingom turističko-ugostiteljskih usluga iskazuje spremnost poslovne strukture da u odgovarajućem trenutku i pod najpovoljnijim uslovima uvjeri klijenta u ispravnost njegovog izbora u procesu kupnje. Suočavanje klijenta sa turističko-ugostiteljskom ponudom predstavlja odlučujući momenat u realizaciji usluga, u kojem se nepobitno pro...
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Traditional sales management duties are being dramatically changed by buyer behavior dynamism, sales automatization, salesperson empowerment, and shifts to new marketing channels. Sales executives in the hospitality market face many challenges as they combat operating with less administrative help and dealing with tighter-fisted clients. With appea...
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Sales managers have at their disposal managing instruments by which they can stimulate latent efforts and performances of sales persons. Management is the process in which one individual influences the behaviour of other people in order to achieve certain goals. Management efficiency is based on personal characteristics, managerial skills and behav...
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Rezime Pregovaranje je sveprisutno i u globalnom zamahu. Proširuje se na sve veći broj proizvodnih kategorija uslijed Internet ekspanzije, povećanja konkurencije izmedju dobavljača, brzog zastarijevanja proizvoda, fragmentacije tržišta, pojavljivanja globalnih kupaca, promjena u prodajnom okruženju, i pomaka u ekonomiji od proizvodne ka servisnoj o...
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Traditional sales management duties are being dramatically changed by buyer behavior dynamism, sales automation, salesperson empowerment, and shifts to new marketing channels.The sales department is one of the first contacts that many persons have with a hotel. Sales executives in the hospitality market face many challenges as they combat operating...
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Development of tourist destination Herceg Novi must guarantee satisfaction of expected requests of tourist demand and reaching optimum level of profitability of tourist industry, employment and the other economical effects, taking care of keeping present natural, social and cultural environment, and realizing competitive advantage which is expresse...


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