Darja Zavirsek

Darja Zavirsek
University of Ljubljana · Faculty of Social Work


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Publications (39)
Armed political conflicts and their aftermaths and social work interventions with individuals, families, and collectives call for social work peace studies. The topics of war, post-war, and peace must be included in social work curricula from a historical, critical, comparative, and multidimensional perspective to promote human dignity, human right...
Historical beliefs, mis-judgments, and hostility toward people with disabilities and older people put them at risk in times of emergencies. Disabled people’s organizations from different countries showed that triage processes need to be discussed through the lens of human rights and dignity, especially because of historical prejudices against peopl...
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The systematic dehumanization of people with disabilities in peaceful times is magnified in times of war and during post-war periods, especially in regions and countries with prevalent medical-pathological approaches towards individuals with disabilities. This discussion combines historical, current, and anticipated impacts and integrates the exper...
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Social work war studies that incorporate critical theory, including feminist, disability and crip studies, and postcolonial approaches, can be used to respond to the needs of people living through genocide, domicide, ecocide, and scholasticide, and for advocacy of human dignity regardless of state and ethnic affiliation, and thus for peace worldwid...
In December 2019, a 2-month-old baby named Ahmetaj, the third child of a 19-year-old mother, died in a Roma settlement in Slovenia. The death was surprising because it occurred in Slovenia, a country where infant mortality is almost nonexistent. Further, the fresh bite marks of a rat were found on the baby’s face. The mother reported that she did n...
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In the article, the authors pose a question: to what extent can we speak of social work practice in support of refugees in post-socialist Southeastern Europe given that in the region, which was part of the Balkans Humanitarian Corridor in 2015 and 2016, state-supported social work practice is very limited and very prescriptive at the same time? The...
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The article analyses the phenomenon of neopatriarchy, as the continuation of classical patriarchy in neoliberal conditions. It shows that transnational neoliberalism is linked with the neoliberal masculinism, which appears as neopatriarchy and intends to answer the problems of global economic inequalities: the shortage of the jobs; the increased ne...
A qualitative, mixed and partly covert research of the locally specific characteristics of deinstitutionalisation was carried out in Slovenia in 2015. The research showed that more than 20,000 adults with different disabilities still live in different long stay institutions and that there are not sufficient NGOs that would support community-based l...
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People who comprise today’s mass migrations are the embodiment of an increasingly hurtful planetary interconnectedness between towering inequalities and hegemonies and human lives. The humanitarian crisis has turned into a fundamental crisis of humanitarianism. The crisis of humanitarianism builds up by the state borders increasingly militarized, e...
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IzvlečekČlanek je analitična nadgradnja raziskave o vzpostavljanju infrastrukture za zagotavljanje enakih možnosti dostopa do publikacij slepim, slabovidnim ter osebam z motnjami branja, ki je bila narejena za potrebe razvoja Knjižnice slepih in slabovidnih Minka Skaberne in pomeni nadaljevanje razmisleka o pomenu dostopa do branja ne samo za senzo...
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Zbirni in namestitveni centri za begunce, azilni domovi in centri za tujce so sodobna oblika institucionalizacije in prostorske segregacije ljudi. Nekoč dobro znani procesi »velikega zapiranja«, biopolitike in ustvarjanja »populacij« so danes prežeti z ideologijami evrocentrizma, kulturalizacije in kulturnega rasizma, ki jih širijo mediji. Primerja...
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Die open access-Publikation steht zum kostenfreien Download unter folgendem Link bereit: http://www.irks.at/assets/irks/Publikationen/Forschungsbericht/Kinder_Jugendliche_Behinderungen_Psychiatrie.pdf
Historical, economic, and social differences as well as common experiences of state socialism in Eastern Europe made social work a profession with many commonalities and differences across the region. With some exceptions, university-based social work education began after 1991. Modern social policies and social work practices have developed during...
Nel presente articolo gli Autori analizzano il fenomeno della violenza domestica (DV) e della violenza tra partner (IPV) in Italia e in Slovenia. In entrambi gli stati, negli ultimi 20 anni, si è assistito ad un processo di normalizzazione che ha portato le vittime, anche se in numero ancora esiguo, a ricercare l’aiuto di persone esperte. Dopo un’i...
Technical Report
This short film can be viewed here: http://www.mediator.qub.ac.uk/ms/SocialWork/English.m4v and examines social work knowledge, skills and values from the perspectives of service user and carer participants across three countries with diverse welfare systems: Spain, Slovenia and Northern Ireland.
Human reproduction was until recently in Slovenia associated either with the collective coercion or with a personal choice based on emotions and values of the individuals. Today, it is increasingly dependent on medical technology, financial transactions, genetics and decisions among many choices which have to be taken prior of the child's conceptio...
Ethnic conflict is broadly defined as political or social conflict involving one or more groups that are identified by some markers of ethnic identity. Its appearance varies according to time and place. Ethnic conflict can take the form of discriminatory policies that affect housing opportunities, material resources, and reproductive rights, and th...
Sri Lanka is one of many developing countries where poverty, neo-liberal economic exploitation, economic migration and traditional long-term injustice towards ethnic minorities, children, people with disabilities and women, have created difficult conditions for social work to truly become a human rights profession. This article links poverty issues...
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The article presents three major prerequisites for users’ participation in research and teaching: a.) the “narrative turn” in social sciences and particularly in social work; b.) the impact of disability movements and other social movements in local contexts for the development of users’ participation; c.) the need for the development of an anti-pa...
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Članak predstavlja tri glavna preduvjeta nužna za sudjelovanje korisnika u istraživanju i podučavanju: a) „narativni obrat“ u socijalnim znanostima posebno socijalnom radu b) utjecaj utjecaj pokreta osoba sa oštećenjima i ostalih socijalnih pokreta u lokalnim kontekstima na razvoj sudjelovanja korisnika c) potreba za razvoj anti-paternalističkih pe...
Kako bi postiglo ciljeve socijalističke revolucije, novo komunističko vodstvo u Sloveniji (jedna od federalnih republika socijalističke Jugoslavije) započinje graditi novi poredak spolova i socijalne skrbi odmah nakon završetka 2. svjetskog rata. Članak razmatra pitanje koliko su nakon 1945. godine odnos spolova i socijalne skrbi bili isprepleteni...
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Suvremeni pristup u teoriji i praksi socijalnog rada orijentiran na dijete proizlazi iz "modernizacije djetinjstva" gdje je naglasak na važnosti djeteta kao subjekta i građanina s njegovim ili njezinim vlastitim pravima na temelju pripadnosti toj skupini. Istovremeno djeca smještena u javnim ustanovama doživljavaju pomanjkanje skrbi koja bi bila or...
The article de–individualises the debate about sexual abuse of disabled people, especially women, by showing that both the sexual and asexual identity of impaired persons are invariably fashioned within the institutional arrangement of domination and subjugation. It shows that if disabled persons are seen as asexual or if they are sexualised, they...
The article is a discursive analysis of medical, ecclesiastic and lay articles on women's hysteria published in Slovenia between 1877 and 1935. The analysis shows which discourses of women's hysteria dominated across Europe at the turn of the century and how they influenced the construction of the image of female biological and mental inferiority....
The recent child centred perspective in social work theory and practice is driven by the "modernisation of childhood" which stresses the importance of a child as a subject and a citizen with his or her own group rights. At the same time children living in public institutions experience a lack of child's centred caregiving and a lack of personal vis...


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