Dariusz ProkopowiczCardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dariusz Prokopowicz
📰PhD of economy ♻️MBA🌳🌱🌿KPH OIG green economy and sustainable development consultant🌐MoR Risk Management Expert 💡Head of Innovation Department of International Institute of Innovations🎄📱🌎
🌐I am open to scientific cooperation Please send proposals for scientific cooperation by e-mail: darprokop111@gmail.com
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🎓Dariusz Prokopowicz📊PhD of economy🏛️Head of Innovation Department of the International Institute of Innovations.
🔬Scientific specialization: ♻️sustainable development, 🌲green economy, circular economy, 📖management and finances of enterprises, ⚡risk management, economic policy, business intelligence, ecology, 💡innovations, sociology, 💎capital investments, 🌐globalization, 💻Big Data, 🛡cybersecurity, social media, e-banking.
Additional affiliations
October 2012 - January 2019
Private University of Social, Computer and Medical Sciences in Warsaw
- Lecturer
- Subjects taught: Basics of economics, Socio-economic policy, Corporate finance
November 2015 - present
Congregation of Industry and Commerce - National Chamber of Commerce
- Head of the Center for Strategic Studies, Vice President
- Preparation of macroeconomic analysis and analysis of the prospects for the development of business entities of the SME sector in Poland for the needs of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Coordinating research and development projects carried out under partnership agreements of science institutions, research and development centers, universities and business entities of the SME sector. Coordination of business relations in innovative projects involving SME business entities.
April 2016 - February 2018
Business Academy Support for Business
- Director, Economics and Finance Expert
- Coordinating the training activities of the Support for Business Academy.
Publications (594)
Economic crises often become the source of new business concepts and the transformation of economic systems. Since the global financial crisis of 2008, the importance of implementing the principles of sustainable economic development has been growing as a key element of the green revolution and the transformation of the existing, traditional, brown...
Purpose: The aim of this article is to describe the important security determinants of post-pandemic development of the green circular economy in the context of the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) I IPCC Working Group, "Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis" and declarations made during the UN Climate...
The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic has had a major impact on the global economy. In 2020, due to the pandemic, many countries experienced an economic recession, an increase in unemployment, a decline in the economic activity of numerous companies and enterprises, and, consequently, an economic crisis. Due to the decline in economic acti...
The most popular definition of sustainable development is contained in the Report of the Brundtland Commission of 1987, according to which “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Although this definition is widely accepted...
The main purpose of the article was to indicate the growing importance of the issue of determi-nants of the development of applications of generative artificial intelligence with particular atten-tion to the issues of current and potential threats to this development and also the necessity of legal regulation of this development. On the one hand, t...
The interventionist measures taken by central banks, such as the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank, in response to the global financial crisis in 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, have generated much debate about their legitimacy and effectiveness. Key aspects of these actions, their similarities and differences are an import...
Rozwój generatywnej sztucznej inteligencji (GAI), tworzącej treści takie jak teksty, obrazy, muzyka czy symulacje, zależy od czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych, które kształtują jej potencjał wdrożeniowy. Wzrost produktywności, popyt na automatyzację oraz dostępność kapitału sprawiają, że duże firmy inwestują w GAI, by obniżać koszty i przyspieszać...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
Current and prospective goals of pro-family social policy based on the Family 500 Plus program - / - Bieżące i perspektywiczne cele prorodzinnej polityki społecznej opartej na programie Rodzina 500 Plus
General overview of the article problematic:
One o...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
"The importance of activating entrepreneurship and innovation of economic agents functioning in the economy and contemporary trends in teaching entrepreneurship in higher education"
General overview of the article problematic:
This article describes the...
Rozwój technologii określanej jako sztuczna inteligencja wymaga szukania właściwych dróg jego kształtowania i kanalizowania oraz odpowiedniego edukowania społeczeństwa. W kontekście niezwykłego tempa tego procesu powstaje wiele pytań i niejasności. Aspekty takie jak potrzeba nieustannego dostosowywania i doprecyzowywania przepisów prawnych, kształt...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the chapter:
Growing importance of ICT, Industry 4.0 and Big Data Analytics as key determinants of the development of The Financial Industry 4.0
General overview of the article problematic:
The chapter describes the determinants of the growing importance of ICT, Ind...
Chapter abstract: “Application of advanced data processing tools in the era of digitization” in the monograph: “Digitization in Management": In the analysis conducted, the authors have addressed important issues related to the application of advanced data processing tools in the era of digitization. In the issues discussed, attention was paid to th...
W ostatnich latach wystąpiło wiele różnych kryzysów jak np. kryzys dotcomów w końcu lat 90. XX wieku, globalny kryzys finansowy 2007-2009, pandemiczny kryzys gospodarczy i globalna recesja gospodarki 2020, wzrost cen surowców i wzrost inflacji od 2021 roku, wybuch wojny w Ukrainie, kryzys energetyczny i żywnościowy, który w 2022 roku wystąpił w wie...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
General overview of the article problematic:
The main purpose of the article was to indicate the growing impor...
Teoretyczne podstawy koncepcji istoty sztucznej inteligencji rozwijają się już od lat 60. XX wieku. Od tego czasu tworzone są w literaturze i filmie gatunku science fiction czarne scenariusze futurologicznych wizji, w których wyposażone w sztuczną inteligencję autonomiczne roboty będą potrafiły się reprodukować, samodoskonalić, uniezależnić się od...
W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono wybrane istotne kwestie dotyczące rozwoju i zastosowań technologii sztucznej inteligencji z uwzględnieniem aspektów etycznych i społecznych. Głównym celem rozdziału było wskazanie na rosnącą skalę rozwoju i zastosowań technologii generatywnej sztucznej inteligencji w różnych dziedzinach działalności podmiotów go...
The theoretical basis for the concept of the essence of artificial intelligence has been developing since the 1960s. Since then, black scenarios of futurological visions have been created in literature and film of the science fiction genre, in which autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce themselves, self-i...
This chapter presents selected relevant issues concerning the development and applications of artificial intelligence technology, taking into account ethical and social aspects. The main purpose of the chapter was to point out the growing development and applications of generative artificial intelligence technology in various fields of business ent...
Sztuczna inteligencja (AI) odgrywa coraz bardziej znaczącą rolę w sferze militarnej, przynosząc zarówno liczne korzyści, jak i stawiając przed nami kluczowe wyzwania i ryzyka. AI w wojsku umożliwia zwiększenie efektywności operacyjnej dzięki autonomicznym dronom i pojazdom, które mogą wykonywać skomplikowane misje z minimalnym udziałem człowieka i...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I would like to invite you to discuss in the Research Project (proposal) issues:
What are the key determinants of cyber-security of online and mobile banking systems in the context of currently developing Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence technologies?
General overvi...
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing No: PRAJGR122743DAR awarded to PhD Dariusz Prokopowicz (Assistant Professor, Affiliation: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) for professionally writing a review of a scientific article manuscript. Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing in recognition of an...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
"Cybersecurity of Business Intelligence Analytics Based on the Processing of Large Sets of Information with the Use of Sentiment Analysis and Big Data"
General overview of the article problematic:
Purpose: The research aims to characterize newest soulti...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I would like to invite you to discuss the chapter problem:
The development of ransomware malware as a new dimension of cybercrime of taking control of information systems of companies and banks
General outline of the problems of the chapter in the monograph: Legal and social aspects of cyber security. Publis...
Istotnym wydarzeniem ostatnich pięciu lat w skali globalnej jest zasadnicza zmiana stosunku państwa do własnej gospodarki i przemysłu. Jest ona następstwem światowego kryzysu finansowego, który miał miejsce w latach 2008-2011 i ekonomicznych skutków pandemii COVID-19, w tym pandemicznego kryzysu gospodarczego 2020 roku. Zmiany te zmierzają do ponow...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I am pleased to inform you that you can still submit manuscript texts for the special issue of the ENERGIES journal entitled "Green Transformation in the Energy Sector, Energy Security and Energy Crisis". On behalf of the editors of this special issue, I invite you to submit article manuscript texts. More inf...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
Security analysis of the protection of information systems in the context of the global ransomware cyberattack conducted on June 27, 2017.
General overview of the article problematic:
Implemented since the end of the last century, the intensive developm...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to learn more about my research project proposal:
Research Project (proposal): Could artificial intelligence in the future escape human control? Could generative artificial intelligence technology in the future, through a rapidly advancing process of technological progress, develop into a general...
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE This certificate is awarded to Dariusz Prokopowicz For serving as a reviewer for Scientific Reports of Fire University (0239-5223) Thank you for reviewing scientific article manuscript. Certificate issued for reviewing article manuscript 15 July 2024
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
Could artificial intelligence in the future escape human control?
Could generativ...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
General overview of the article problematic:
In recent years, there have been many different crises such as the dotcom crisis in the late 1990s, the global financial crisis of 2007-200...
The main purpose of the chapter was to point out the dangers of unethical and unregulated applications of artificial intelligence technologies. The importance of ethics relating to the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in various fields of business entities and institutions was also pointed out. There are both p...
This chapter describes selected relevant issues concerning the development and applications of artificial intelligence technology, taking into account ethical and social aspects. With the dynamic development of business applications of generative artificial intelligence technology that is currently taking place, there are numerous social and ethica...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies for...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
Chapter "Economic Consequences of the War in Ukraine" (in book:) "Selected Aspects of Russian Aggression on Ukraine in the Political, Military and Economic Areas", Publisher: Ellipse Publishing House, March 2023.
[Rozdział "Gospodarcze skutki wojny w Uk...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the presentation:
The economic impact of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Key determinants of impact [Wpływ pandemii koronawirusa (Covid-19) na gospodarkę. Kluczowe determinanty wpływu]
General overview of the article problematic:
The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronav...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
How should the system of institutional control over the development of advanced a...
Polityka gospodarcza, energetyczna, klimatyczna i środowiskowa w nowych uwarunkowaniach rozwojowych
W okresie ostatnich kilku dekad częstotliwość i skala występowania kryzysów gospodarczych i finansowych stale rośnie. Wpływ globalnego kryzysu finansowego 2008, pandemicznego kryzysu gospodarczego 2020, silnego wzrostu inflacji w latach 2021-2022, k...
Over the past few decades, the frequency and scale of economic and financial crises have been steadily increasing. The impact of the global financial crisis of 2008, the pandemic economic crisis of 2020, the strong increase in inflation in 2021-2022, the energy crisis of 2022, the recession of the economy of the first half of 2023 on the Polish eco...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
“The importance of Big Data Analytics technology in business management”.
General overview of the article problematic:
Data processing, artificial intelligence and IoT technologies are on the rise. The role of data transfer security systems and database...
All MENTIONS for scientific publications authored and co-authored by Dariusz Prokopowicz as of June 4, 2024 is 216.
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE II This certificate is awarded to PhD Dariusz Prokopowicz (Assistant Professor, Affiliation: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) for serving as a reviewer for “Journal of Modern Science” (ISSN: 1734-2031, eISSN: 2391-789X), Publisher: A. De Gasperi Academy of Applied Sciences...
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE I This certificate is awarded to PhD Dariusz Prokopowicz (Assistant Professor, Affiliation: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) for serving as a reviewer for “Journal of Modern Science” (ISSN: 1734-2031, eISSN: 2391-789X), Publisher: A. De Gasperi Academy of Applied Sciences...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the possibilities of applications of artificial intelligence and Big Dat...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
General overview of the article problematic:
In recent years, there have been many different crises such as the dotcom crisis in the late 1990s, the global financial crisis of 2007-200...
Wpływ największych kryzysów gospodarczych i finansowych, które wystąpiły w okresie ostatnich kilku dekad czasu na życie społeczno-gospodarcze w Polsce był wyjątkowo duży. Natomiast w kwestii czynników źródłowych, to niektóre z tych czynników występowały wiel...
The impact of the major economic and financial crises that have occurred over the past few decades of time on socio-economic life in Poland has been exceptionally large. On the other hand, in terms of source factors, some of these factors occurred repeatedly such as central banks raising interest rates after keeping them at low levels for a long ti...
Wpływ największych kryzysów gospodarczych i finansowych, które wystąpiły w okresie ostatnich kilku dekad czasu na życie społeczno-gospodarcze w Polsce był wyjątkowo duży. Natomiast w kwestii czynników źródłowych, to niektóre z tych czynników występowały wielokrotnie jak np. podnoszenie stóp proc. przez banki centralne po długim okresie ich utrzymyw...
The impact of the major economic and financial crises that have occurred over the past few decades of time on socio-economic life in Poland has been exceptionally large. On the other hand, in terms of source factors, some of these factors occurred repeatedly such as central banks raising interest rates after keeping them at low levels for a long ti...
Вплив великих економічних і фінансових криз, що сталися за останні кілька десятиліть, на соціально-економічне життя в Польщі був надзвичайно високим. З одного боку, з точки зору факторів походження, деякі з цих факторів виникали неодноразово, наприклад, підвищення центральними банками процентних ставок після утримання їх на низькому рівні протягом...
Leading research question:
Does state interventionism limit the development of financial and economic crises or does it generate and escalate these crises?
Ongoing research shows that recent economic and financial crises, including the global financial crisis of 2008, the pandemic economic crisis of 2020, the strong increase in inflation in 2021-2...
Z prowadzonych badań wynika, że ostatnie kryzysy gospodarcze i finansowe, w tym globalny kryzys finansowy 2008, pandemiczny kryzys gospodarczy 2020, silny wzrost inflacji w latach 2021-2022, kryzys energetyczny 2022, recesja gospodarki pierwszej połowy 2023 roku są skutkiem nadmiernie rozwiniętego interwencjonizmu państwowego, ręcznego sterowania p...
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE This certificate is awarded to Dariusz Prokopowicz For serving as a reviewer for Scientific Reports of Fire University (0239-5223) Thank you for reviewing scientific article manuscript. Certificate issued for reviewing article manuscript. 20 May 2024.
Great job, Dariusz!
Your research proposal reached 50 reads
Achieved on May 20, 2024
Research proposal: Research Project (proposal): What are the key determinants of improving cybersecurity techniques and systems in the context of the development of electronic online and mobile banking?
Research Project (proposal): What are the key determinants of...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
To what extent did the lockdowns imposed on selected service sectors of the econo...
During the recent economic and financial crises in many countries as part of anti-crisis and pro-growth stimulus measures, monetary policy, money supply formation, interest rate changes formally and/or informally cooperate with the government, which also in the framework of anti-crisis programs undertaken, instruments for the activation of...
During the recent economic and financial crises in many countries as part of anti-crisis and pro-growth stimulus measures, monetary policy, money supply formation, interest rate changes formally and/or informally cooperate with the government, which also in the framework of anti-crisis programs undertaken, instruments for the activation of economic...
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE This certificate is awarded to PhD Dariusz Prokopowicz (Assistant Professor, Affiliation: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) for serving as a reviewer for “Journal of Modern Science” (ISSN: 1734-2031, eISSN: 2391-789X), Publisher: A. De Gasperi Academy of Applied Sciences WS...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What deglobalization processes that worked during the Covid-19 pandemic are still...
Certificate for writing reviews of manuscripts of texts sent to the Editor of the Publishing House as proposals of articles for publication in the “Journal of Modern Science”.
WSGE Academy of Applied Sciences Publishing House
im. A. De Gasperi
Well done, Dariusz!
Your research proposal reached 50 reads
Achieved on April 22, 2024
Research proposal: Research Project (proposal): What are the main factors of the growing importance of the developing climate crisis and the necessary acceleration of the processes of green transformation of the economy in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I would like to invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
General overview of the article problematic:
Economic crise...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What were the key determinants of the 2022 energy crisis?
Why was the 2022 energy...
A significant development of the past five years globally is the fundamental change in the attitude of the state towards its own economy and industry. It follows the global financial crisis of 2008-2011 and the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes are aimed at once again expanding and increasing the state's active role in the eco...
Cover, Table of Contents and CHAPTER of the monograph:
K. Pająk, H. Potrzebowski, P. Soroka (ed.), „Polskie Lobby Przemysłowe im. Eugeniusza Kwiatkowskiego”, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski Polish Industrial Lobby, Program and information materials, opinions and positions of 2023 and early 2024, Yearbook No. 35, Polish Industrial Lobby, Warsaw March 2024, p...
A general overview of the chapter's problems:
A significant development of the past five years globally is the fundamental change in the attitude of the state towards its own economy and industry. It follows the global financial crisis of 2008-2011 and the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes are aimed at once again expanding and...
Chapter in monograph:
Cite Article (APA Style):
K. Pająk, D. Prokopowicz, K. Rawska, P. Soroka, A. Karpiński, Stanowisko Polskiego Lobby Przemysłowego poświęcone pożądanej strukturze przemysłu w Polsce i proponowanym nowym rozwiązaniom i mechanizmom ekonomicznym niezbędnym dla modernizacji i zmiany tej struktury (Position of the Polish Industrial L...
This certificate is awarded to
Dariusz Prokopowicz
For serving as a reviewer for Scientific Reports of Fire University (0239-5223)
Thank you for reviewing scientific article manuscript.
Certificate issued for reviewing scientific article manuscript:
27 March 2024
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the main factors of the growing importance of the developing climate cri...
Book: Fundamentals of finance and banking.
This publication is the result of the authors' long-standing interest in finance and banking, observations of financial phenomena occurring in the modern economy, and the authors' practical experience from working in various positions in government, financial and banking institutions. The book is aimed mai...
Key aspects of the article are as follows: The research aims to characterize newest soultions, especially with the respect to cybersecurity aspects of Business Intelligence analytics based on the processing of large sets of information with the use of sentiment analysis and Big Data. The working hypothesis refers to assumption that current regulati...
All MENTIONS for scientific publications authored and co-authored by Dariusz Prokopowicz as of March 2, 2024 is 200.
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
Triggered by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic, the increase in digitization of economic processes and the importance of cyber security of mobile banking systems
General overview of the article problematic:
The main purpose of the article wa...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I invite you to discuss in the problems of the article:
General overview of the article problematic:
Objectives The most popular definition of sustainable development is contained in the Report of the Brundtland Comm...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I am pleased to inform you that you can still submit manuscript texts for the special issue of the ENERGIES journal entitled "Green Transformation in the Energy Sector, Energy Security and Energy Crisis". On behalf of the editors of this special issue, I invite you to submit article manuscript texts. More inf...
Congratulations, Dariusz!
Your article reached 100 reads
Achieved on February 5, 2024
Generative artificial intelligence technology has been developing particularly rapidly in recent years....
REVIEWER CERTIFICATE This certificate is awarded to PhD Dariusz Prokopowicz (Assistant Professor, Affiliation: Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) for serving as a reviewer for “Journal of Modern Science” (ISSN: 1734-2031, eISSN: 2391-789X), Publisher: A. De Gasperi Academy of Applied Sciences WS...
The article points out the growing importance of the issues of the global climate crisis, still increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the need to accelerate the green transformation of the economy, including the need to accelerate the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources. From the considerations and research undertaken, the need...
Congrats, Dariusz!
Your book reached 100 reads
Achieved on January 29, 2024
Book: Rynki finansowe
Congratulations, Dariusz!
Your presentation reached 900 reads
Achieved on January 22, 2024
Presentation: Wpływ pandemii koronawirusa (Covid-19) na gospodarkę. Kluczowe determinanty wpływu
Congrats, Dariusz!
Your article reached 250 recommendations
Achieved on January 15, 2024
The most popular definition of sustainable development is contained in the Report of the Brundtland Commission of 1987, according to which “sustainable develop...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the potential applications of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analy...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
When applied in a situation of a rapidly developing deep financial and economic c...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What impact did the introduction during the Covid-19 pandemic into the economy of...
Nice work, Dariusz!
Your data reached 300 reads
Achieved on January 8, 2024
Data: Rozdział 8: "Gospodarcze skutki wojny w Ukrainie" (w:) E. Cieślak, J. Maj, K. Pająk, D. Prokopowicz, A. Radomyski, P. Soroka, P. Śledź, "Wybrane aspekty rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę w obszarze politycznym, militarnym i gospodarczym". Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warszawa 2...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I am pleased to announce that the most cited article according to Research Gate portal among scientific publications authored or co-authored by Dariusz Prokopowicz is:
Scientific article published in April 2016:
Globalization and the process of the system and normative adaptation of the financial system in Pol...
Great work, Dariusz!
Your article reached 300 reads
Achieved on January 1, 2024
Great job, Dariusz!
Your article reached 8,000 reads
Achieved on December 18, 2023
I invite you to discuss the issues in this article:
Economic crises often bec...
The article describes key aspects of the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine since February 24, 2022 on the Polish economy with a particular focus on the energy crisis caused by this war. When in 2021 the economies of many countries began to recover from the covid recession of the 2020 economy, the prices of various categories of industrial and en...
In recent years, there have been many different crises such as the dotcom crisis in the late 1990s, the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, the pandemic economic crisis and the global economic recession of 2020, the rise in commodity prices and the increase in inflation from 2021, the out-break of war in Ukraine, the energy and food crisis that o...
In the area of the fastest growing fields of ICT technology which determine the successive stages of progress in the field of online electronic banking, it is necessary to disseminate standards for conducting financial operations carried out in the so-called cloud as well as using the large data sets located in the so-called Big Data pla...
Good job, Dariusz!
Your book reached 50 recommendations
Achieved on December 25, 2023
Book: Ekonomiczno-społeczne aspekty rozwoju jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce
Great job, Dariusz!
Your article reached 8,000 reads
Achieved on December 18, 2023
ICT information technologies AND Industry 4.0 are an important element of the current fourth technological revolution and significantly determine the development of knowledge-based economies. Individual developing countries whose economies are largely based on such production factors as technology, information, innovation, entrepreneurship and know...
The discussion undertaken shows that various interventionist anti-crisis measures were applied during the various crises. In addition to this, a long-term developing climate and environmental crisis was also pointed out, the scale of which may grow significantly in the future. The key determinants of the development of the global climate crisis, st...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the key determinants of post-pandemic security for the development of a...
Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
I hereby present a proposal for a research project that can be carried out individually or by a team of researchers and scientists. I invite you to join me for scientific cooperation in this research project.
Research Questions:
What are the key determinants of improving cybersecurity techniques and systems i...
Okładka, strony redakcyjne i spis treści monografii pokonferencyjnej nawiązującej do Konferencji Nauk Społecznych „Nauki społeczne wobec kryzysów XXI wieku”, która odbyła się 27 września 2023 r. w Państwowej Uczelni Zawodowej im. Ignacego Mościckiego w Ciechanowie. Monografia pt. "Problemy i wyzwania ekonomii i zarządzania. Wybrane aspekty", w któr...
W niniejszym rozdziale wskazano na kluczowe determinanty i źródła poszczególnych kryzysów gospodarczych, finansowych i innych jakie wystąpiły od początku XXI wieku. Dla poszczególnych kryzysów w tym przede wszystkim dla globalnego kryzysu finansowego 2007-2009 i pandemicznego kryzysu gospodarczego 2020 przedstawiono także antykryzysowe polityki gos...
This text synthesizes the considerations and results of the author's research in the problems of analyzing the essence, specifics, sources of the various economic and financial crises that have occurred since the beginning of the 21st century, and what anti-crisis economic policies have been applied to limit the scale of the developing crises. Due...
Questions (1,544)
Can the responses of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet be “arbitrarily programmed in algorithms,” biased and predetermined by their creators, or are they rather a statistical resultant of the data on which they were trained?
The prevailing opinion on the subject is that the advanced language models currently under development, such as ChatGPT, Copilot and other intelligent chatbots, are based on artificial intelligence algorithms that learn by analyzing vast amounts of text and data. These algorithms are not “preloaded” with specific views or worldviews of their creators, but rather are trained on data that reflects the diversity of thoughts, ideas and perspectives present in society. In practice, this means that the views and values expressed by such models are the resultant of the data on which they were trained, rather than being directly derived from assumptions imposed by their creators. Thus, language models do not have a built-in “worldview,” but may reflect or reproduce dominant narratives, biases and patterns that are present in the datasets on which they were trained. But what is your opinion on this topic?
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Which online applications equipped with artificial intelligence technology do you think can be useful for researchers and scientists? Which applications utilizing generative AI technology can assist in conducting scientific research and/or analyzing and presenting the results obtained from such research?
Artificial intelligence technology has significantly enriched the range of tools available to researchers and scientists, supporting them in data analysis, writing publications, organizing work, and automating repetitive tasks. In the field of managing scientific literature, applications like Mendeley and Zotero enable document organization, automatic citation formatting, and recommendations for new publications. For data analysis and statistics, tools such as IBM SPSS Modeler and RapidMiner are particularly useful, as they employ machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets, while Google Colab offers access to AI libraries and a Python environment for advanced data processing. In writing and editing scientific texts, applications like Grammarly and Writefull enhance linguistic quality and clarity, while ChatGPT supports the generation of summaries and research ideas. For data visualization, Tableau and Power BI are indispensable, as they integrate AI to automate trend analysis and suggest visualization formats, with BioRender aiding in the creation of aesthetically pleasing scientific diagrams. In natural language analysis, Leximancer and NVivo facilitate qualitative research by automatically identifying key themes and patterns in textual data. Teamwork organization is made easier with tools like Notion and Slack, which leverage AI features to manage projects and improve communication. For exploring scientific literature, applications such as Semantic Scholar and Connected Papers allow users to uncover relationships between articles and recommend key publications. These tools significantly streamline research processes, save time, and open new opportunities in science, adapting to the specific nature of the research being conducted and the needs of research teams.
In view of the above, I address the following question to you:
Which online applications equipped with artificial intelligence technology do you think can be useful for researchers and scientists? Which applications utilizing generative AI technology can assist in conducting scientific research and/or analyzing and presenting the results obtained from such research?
Please feel free to respond.
I invite you to join the discussion and scientific cooperation.
Thank you very much.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the article given above and to cooperate scientifically on these issues.
Kind regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz