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Publications (117)
In the novel stoichiometric iron-based material RbEuFe4As4 superconductivity coexists with a peculiar long-range magnetic order of Eu 4f states; their coexistance is puzzling and represents a challenge for both experiment and theory. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, resonant photoemission spectroscopy, Andreev reflection spectroscop...
In the novel stoichiometric iron-based material RbEuFe4As4, superconductivity coexists with a peculiar long-range magnetic order of Eu 4f states. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we reveal a complex three-dimensional electronic structure and compare it with density functional theory calculations. Multiple superconducting gaps were m...
The role of nematic order for the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity is highly debated. In most iron-based superconductors (IBSs) the tetragonal symmetry is broken already in the normal state, resulting in orthorhombic lattice distortions, static stripe magnetic order, or both. Superconductivity then emerges, at least at weak doping, a...
In the novel stoichiometric iron-based material RbEuFe$_{4}$As$_{4}$ superconductivity coexists with a peculiar long-range magnetic order of Eu 4f states. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we reveal a complex three dimensional electronic structure and compare it with density functional theory calculations. Multiple superconducting ga...
The BaNi$_2$As$_2$ compound is investigated using both the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in a wide binding energy range and combined computational scheme of local density approximation together with dynamical mean-field theory (LDA+DMFT). For more realistic comparison of LDA+DMFT spectral functions with ARPES data we take into a...
We propose a novel mechanism of flat band formation based on the relative biasing of only one sublattice against other sublattices in a honeycomb lattice bilayer. The mechanism allows modification of the band dispersion from parabolic to "Mexican hat"-like through the formation of a flattened band. The mechanism is well applicable for bilayer graph...
The role of nematic order for the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity is highly debated. In most iron-based superconductors (IBS) the tetragonal symmetry is broken already in the normal state, resulting in orthorhombic lattice distortions, static stripe magnetic order, or both. Superconductivity then emerges, at least at weak doping, al...
The interplay of high and low-energy mass renormalizations with band-shifts reflected by the positions of van Hove singularities (VHS) in the normal state spectra of the highest hole-overdoped and strongly correlated AFe$_2$As$_2$ (A122) with A = K, Cs is discussed phenomenologically based on ARPES data and GGA band-structure calculations with full...
We report a comprehensive study of the tridimensional nature and orbital character of the low-energy electronic structure in 50% Cobalt doped Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 (d6.5), by using polarization- and photon energy-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. An extra electron-like Fermi surface is observed around the Brillouin zone boundary compa...
The interplay of high- and low-energy mass renormalizations with band shifts reflected by the positions of van Hove singularities (VHS) in the normal-state spectrum of the most strongly hole-overdoped correlated AFe2As2 (A122) with A=K, Cs is discussed phenomenologically from ARPES data and band-structure (GGA) calculations with full spin-orbit cou...
One of the most unique and robust experimental facts about iron-based superconductors is the renormalization of the electronic band dispersion by factor of 3 and more near the Fermi level. Obviously related to the electron pairing, this prominent deviation from the band theory lacks understanding. Experimentally studying the entire spectrum of the...
We present a detailed study of the phase diagram of copper intercalated TiSe$_2$ single crystals, combining local Hall-probe magnetometry, tunnel diode oscillator technique (TDO), specific heat and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements. A series of the Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$ samples from three different sources with various copper content...
We present a detailed study of the phase diagram of copper intercalated TiSe$_2$ single crystals, combining local Hall-probe magnetometry, tunnel diode oscillator technique (TDO), specific-heat, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements. A series of the Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$ samples from three different sources with various copper content...
The fine details of the electronic structure of iron-based superconductors are responsible for the complete loss of resistance at relatively high temperatures. Although the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet fully understood, the high-resolution measurements of the lowenergy electronic states may help to find the answer. The results...
Electronic correlations were long suggested not only to be responsible for the complexity of many novel materials, but also to form essential prerequisites for their intriguing properties. Electronic behavior of iron-based superconductors is far from conventional, while the reason for that is not yet understood. Here we present a combined study of...
Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) is a fundamental interaction in solids that can induce a broad spectrum of unusual physical properties from topologically non‐trivial insulating states to unconventional pairing in superconductors. In iron‐based superconductors (IBS) its role has so far been considered insignificant with the models based on spin‐ or orbita...
We perform ultrahigh resolution angle-resolved photoemission experiments at a temperature T=0.8 K on the type-II Weyl semimetal candidate WTe$_{2}$. We find a surface Fermi arc connecting the bulk electron and hole pockets on the (001) surface. Our results show that the surface Fermi arc connectivity to the bulk bands is strongly mediated by distin...
We perform ultrahigh resolution angle-resolved photoemission experiments at a temperature T=0.8 K on the type-II Weyl semimetal candidate WTe$_{2}$. We find a surface Fermi arc connecting the bulk electron and hole pockets on the (001) surface. Our results show that the surface Fermi arc connectivity to the bulk bands is strongly mediated by distin...
Spin–orbit coupling is a fundamental interaction in solids that can induce a broad range of unusual physical properties, from topologically non-trivial insulating states to unconventional pairing in superconductors. In iron-based superconductors its role has, so far, not been considered of primary importance, with models based on spin- or orbital f...
In the family of the iron-based superconductors, the $RE$FeAsO-type compounds
(with $RE$ being a rare-earth metal) exhibit the highest bulk superconducting
transition temperatures ($T_{\mathrm{c}}$) up to $55\ \textrm{K}$ and thus hold
the key to the elusive pairing mechanism. Recently, it has been demonstrated
that the intrinsic electronic structu...
In the family of the iron-based superconductors, the REFeAsO-type compounds (with RE being a rare-earth metal) exhibit the highest bulk superconducting transition temperatures (T-c) up to 55 K and thus hold the key to the elusive pairing mechanism. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the intrinsic electronic structure of SmFe0.92Co0.08AsO (T-c...
Detection of Dirac, Majorana and Weyl fermions in real materials may
significantly strengthen the bridge between high-energy and condensed-matter
physics. While the presence of Dirac fermions is well established in graphene
and topological insulators, Majorana particles have been reported recently and
evidence for Weyl fermions in non-centrosymmetr...
Single crystals of Na1−δFe1−xTxAs with T = Co, Rh have been grown using a self-flux technique. The crystals were thoroughly characterized by powder x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, and electronic transport with particular focus on the Rh-doped samples. Measurements of the specific heat and ARPES were conducted exemplarily for the optimal...
Single crystals of Na$_{1-\delta}$Fe$_{1-x}$T$_x$As with T = Co, Rh have been
grown using a self-flux technique. The crystals were thoroughly characterized
by powder X-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and electronic transport
with particular focus on the Rh-doped samples. Measurements of the specific
heat and ARPES were conducted exemplaril...
Strong electron interactions in solids increase effective mass, and shrink
the electronic bands [1]. One of the most unique and robust experimental facts
about iron-based superconductors [2-4] is the renormalization of the conduction
band by factor of 3 near the Fermi level [5-9]. Obviously related to
superconductivity, this unusual behaviour remai...
Temperature dependence of the electronic structure of SmB6 is studied by
high-resolution ARPES down to 1 K. We demonstrate that there is no essential
difference for the dispersions of the surface states below and above the
resistivity saturating anomaly (~ 3.5 K). Quantitative analyses of the surface
states indicate that the quasi-particle scatteri...
Thermal conductivity, point contact spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission and Raman spectroscopy measurements were performed on BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 single crystals obtained from the same synthesis batch in order to investigate the superconducting energy gap structure using multiple techniques. Low temperature thermal conductivity was measured in t...
The electronic structure of the iron chalcogenide superconductor FeSe 1−x was investigated by high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The results were compared to DFT calculations showing some significant differences between the experimental electronic structure of FeSe 1−x , DFT calculations, and existing data on FeSe x...
Using the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) with resolution of all three components of electron momentum and electronic states symmetry, we explicate the electronic structure of hole-doped BaFe2 As2, and show that widely discussed nesting and dimensionality of Fermi surface (FS) sheets have no immediate relation to the superconducti...
In this study, we investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of Rb_{0.77}Fe_{1.61}Se_{2} (T_{c} = 32.6 K) in normal and superconducting states by means of photoemission and μSR spectroscopies as well as band-structure calculations. We demonstrate that the unusual behavior of these materials is the result of separation into metallic (∼12%) a...
The three dimensional (3D) Dirac semimetal, which has been predicted
theoretically, is a new electronic state of matter. It can be viewed as 3D
generalization of graphene, with a unique electronic structure in which
conduction and valence band energies touch each other only at isolated points
in momentum space (i.e. the 3D Dirac points), and thus i...
Electronic structure of newly synthesized single crystals of calcium iron
arsenide doped with sodium with Tc ranging from 33 to 14 K has been determined
by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). The measured band
dispersion is in general agreement with theoretical calculations, nonetheless
implies absence of Fermi surface nesting at ant...
We present results from several measurements on BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 single
crystals designed to measure the superconducting gap structure. Low
temperature thermal conductivity was measured in magnetic fields up to
15 T and will be compared to other materials. Point-contact Andreev
reflection spectroscopy measurements were made using the needle-anvil
We derive an effective quasiparticle tight-binding model which is able to
describe with high accuracy the low-energy electronic structure of Sr2RuO4
obtained by means of low temperature angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy.
Such approach is applied to determine the momentum and orbital dependent
effective masses and velocities of the electron...
We report a systematic study on the electronic structure and superconducting (SC) gaps in electron-doped NaFe 0.95 Co 0.05 As superconductor using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Holelike Fermi sheets are at the zone center and electronlike Fermi sheets are at the zone corner, and are mainly contributed by xz and yz orbital characters. O...
We report a systematic study on the electronic structure and superconducting (SC) gaps in electron doped NaFe$_{0.95}$Co$_{0.05}$As superconductor using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Hole-like Fermi sheets are at the zone center and electron-like Fermi sheets are at the zone corner, and are mainly contributed by $xz$ and $yz$ orbital c...
The physical properties of a material are defined by its electronic structure. Electrons in solids are characterized by energy (ω) and momentum (k) and the probability to find them in a particular state with given ω and k is described by the spectral function A(k, ω). This function can be directly measured in an experiment based on the well-known p...
Using the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data accumulated over the whole Brillouin zone (BZ) in LiFeAs, we analyze the itinerant component of the dynamic spin susceptibility in this system in the normal and superconducting state. We identify the origin of the incommensurate magnetic inelastic neutron scattering (INS) intensity as scatter...
Using the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data accumulated over the whole Brillouin zone (BZ) in LiFeAs we analyze the itinerant component of the dynamic spin susceptibility in this system in the normal and superconducting state. We identify the origin of the incommensurate magnetic inelastic neutron scattering (INS) intensity as...
Single crystals of
Ba1-xNaxFe2As2 with
x=0, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4 were grown using a self-flux high temperature
solution growth technique. The superconducting and normal state
properties were studied by temperature dependent magnetic
susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific heat, revealing
that the magnetic and structural transition is rapidl...
We present an angle-resolved photoemission study of the surface and bulk electronic structure of the single layer ruthenate Sr2RuO4. As the early studies by photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy were confronted with a problem of surface reconstruction, surface ageing was previously proposed as a possible remedy to access the bulk states....
The onset of superconductivity at the transition temperature is marked by the
onset of order, which is characterized by an energy gap. Most models of the
iron-based superconductors find a sign-changing (s\pm) order parameter [1-6],
with the physical implication that pairing is driven by spin fluctuations.
Recent work, however, has indicated that Li...
Single crystals of Ba$_{1-x}$Na$_x$Fe$_2$As$_2$ with $x$ = 0, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4
were grown using a self-flux high temperature solution growth technique. The
superconducting and normal state properties were studied by temperature
dependent magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and specific heat
revealing that the magnetic and structural tran...
Line-shape analysis of the photoemission intensity from the surface states of Bi2Se3 reveals two unusual features: spectral line asymmetry and anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point. The former can be described by the one-particle spectral function assuming that the self-energy has an energy-momentum-dependent contribution to the i...
Line shape analysis of the photoemission intensity from the surface states of Bi2Se3 reveals two unusual features: spectral line asymmetry and anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point. The former can be described by the one-particle spectral function assuming that the self-energy has an energy-momentum dependent contribution to the i...
The electronic structure of SrPd2Ge2 single crystals is studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), and band structure calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA). The STS measurements show a single s-wave superconducting energy gap Δ(0) = 0.5 meV. The photon-energy dependence o...
Line-shape analysis of the photoemission intensity from the surface states of Bi 2 Se 3 reveals two unusual features: spectral line asymmetry and anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point. The former can be described by the one-particle spectral function assuming that the self-energy has an energy-momentum-dependent contribution to th...
As established by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) cleaved surfaces of the
high temperature superconductor YBa$_2$Cu$_2$O$_{7-\delta}$ develop charge
density wave (CDW) modulations in the one-dimensional (1D) CuO chains. At the
same time, no signatures of the CDW have been reported in the spectral function
of the chain band previously studied by...
ARPES experiments on iron based superconductors show that the differences
between the measured and calculated electronic band structures look
insignificant but can be crucial for understanding of the mechanism of high
temperature superconductivity. Here we focus on those differences for 111 and
122 compounds and discuss the observed correlation of...
In a recent preprint Putzke et al. argued that their dHvA data on LiFeAs are
in good agreement with DFT calculations and contradict our ARPES results. Here
we show that the situation is just the opposite.
Single crystals of the new unconventional superconductor LiFe1−xCoxAs with x= 0, 0.025, 0.05 were grown by a new approach using the self-flux technique. The superconducting transition temperature was found to decrease upon Co doping at the Fe site. Apparently, in LiFeAs this doping scheme suppresses superconductivity, in contrast to the effects of...
Electronic structure of SrPd2Ge2 single crystals is studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and band-structure calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA). The STS measurements show single s-wave superconducting energy gap \Delta(0) = 0.5 meV. Photon-energy dependence of the...
Usually the superconducting pairing is considered to modify electronic states
only in a narrow momentum range close to the Fermi surface. Here we present a
direct experimental observation of fusion of Bogoliubov dispersion branches
originating from the antipodal Fermi crossings by means of angle-resolved
photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Uncommon...
We present specific-heat, c p , and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data on single crystals of the stoichiometric superconductor LiFeAs. A pronounced anomaly is found in c p at the superconducting transition. The electronic contribution can be described by two s-type energy gaps with magnitudes of approximately 1 = 1.2 meV and 2 =...
Accurate analysis of the photoemission intensity from the surface states
of Bi2Se3 reveals two unusual features: spectral line asymmetry and
anomalously enhanced photoemission from the Dirac point. The former
indicates a certain symmetry of a scattering process, which results in
strongly k\omega-dependent contribution to the imaginary part of the
We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study bandwidth renormalization in layered superconductor 2H-NbSe2. Renormalization of the conduction band in comparison with the very similar 2H-TaSe2 is of the factor of two. We discuss the possibility that the Van Hove singularity could be responsible for this effect not only in dichalcogenides...
By applying a state-of-the-art angle-resolved photoemission to LiFeAs, the only stoichiometric pnictide superconductor without magnetic ordering, we identify a clear fingerprint of the phonon spectrum in the fermionic self-energy and estimate the electron-phonon coupling strength, which appears to be sufficient to mediate the superconductivity. Thi...
We present an angle resolved photoemission study of the surface and bulk
electronic structure of the single layer ruthenate Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. As the early
studies of its electronic structure by photoemission and scanning tunneling
microscopy were confronted with a problem of surface reconstruction, surface
aging was previously proposed as a possible r...
The Hall coefficient of the hole-doped iron arsenide Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (BKFA) is calculated purely on the basis of the electronic structure, revealed in the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments, and compared to the one measured directly. The observed agreement allows us to state that upon cooling the Fermi surface (FS) in the o...
The recently discovered topological insulators exhibit topologically protected metallic surface states which are interesting from the fundamental point of view and could be useful for various applications if an appropriate electronic gating can be realized. Our photoemission study of Cu-intercalated Bi 2 Se 3 shows that the surface-state occupancy...
The transient optical conductivity of photoexcited 1T-TaS 2 is determined over a three-order-of-magnitude frequency range. Prompt collapse and recovery of the Mott gap is observed. However , we find important differences between this transient metallic state and that seen across the thermally-driven insulator-metal transition. Suppressed low-freque...
Electronic structure of SrPd2Ge2 single crystals is studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and band-structure calculations within the local-density approximation (LDA). The STS measurements show single s-wave superconducting energy gap \Delta(0) = 0.5 meV. Photon-energy dependence of the...
LiFeAs is unique among the broad family of FeAs-based superconductors,
because it is superconducting with a rather large $T_c\simeq 18$ K under
ambient conditions although it is a stoichiometric compound. We studied the
electrical transport on a high-quality single crystal. The resistivity shows
quadratic temperature dependence at low temperature g...