Daniel WonohadidjojoUniversitas Ciputra · Information Technology
Daniel Wonohadidjojo
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Publications (18)
Smart home merupakan rumah dengan beberapa perangkat pintar yang terpasang di dalam rumah. Perangkat pintar ini merupakan bagian dari Internet of Things (IoT), dengan tujuan untuk membantu pemilik rumah dalam memantau dan mengendalikan keadaan dalam rumah. Perangkat pintar dapat dioperasikan oleh pemilik rumah di dalam maupun di luar rumah dengan m...
Bacterial image analysis using traditional laboratory methods encounters bacterial recognition errors and requires extra experience and long processing time. Therefore, the automated classification technique of bacterial images is more useful than traditional visual observations for biologists because of their accurate classification, low cost, and...
Pada periode tahun 2000 hingga 2018 dapat diketahui bahwa meskipun terjadi kenaikan pada nilai Programme for International Student Assesment untuk Indonesia tetapi nilai Indonesia relatif turun pada semua bidang. Cara berpikir Computational Thinking (CT) menggunakan pendekatan pemrosesan informasi dengan cara penalaran, pemikiran procedural dan alg...
Analisis struktur WBC dari gambar mikroskopis dan klasifikasi sel menjadi beberapa jenis merupakan tantangan. Meskipun sel darah putih dapat dibedakan berdasarkan bentuk, warna dan ukurannya, satu aspek yang menantang adalah bahwa mereka dikelilingi oleh komponen darah lain seperti sel darah merah dan trombosit. Pada penelitian ini diterapkan metod...
When the photos are taken in low light condition, the quality of the results will not meet their expectation. Image Enhancement method can be used to enhance the quality of the photos taken in low light condition. One of the algorithms used is called Histogram Equalization (HE), that works using Histogram basis. The superiority of HE algorithm in e...
Pelatihan workshop yang dilakukan oleh Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Program Studi Informatika Universitas Ciputra bertujuan untuk memperluas wawasan para fasilitator Yayasan Kaki Dian Emas (YKDE) dalam literasi digital. YKDE dipilih berdasarkan dari interview melalui WhatsApp messenger maupun menelpon langsung. Hal karena pelatihan ini dilakukan pa...
Extant research on passion is replete with individual-level studies. Although team-level studies have emerged, these empirical studies have adopted a static approach. We pivot from the predominant static focus on passion by examining passion convergence, or the dynamic pattern of increasing similarity in passion among members of a team. Drawing on...
This research presented a performance comparison of the two methods in cancer cells image processing. Each method consisted of two stages. The first stage was image enhancement using fuzzy sets. The second stage was optimal fuzzy entropy based image thresholding. In the thresholding stage, the first method used Firefly Algorithm (FA) and the second...
Coconut sugar is widely used in Indonesian and other Asian countries cuisine for centuries and also very popular as a natural sweetener in Indonesia, and nowadays it is also becoming popular as a sweetener in some developed countries. This product is still produced in cottage level with a wide quality level and this study tried to investigate the i...
Komik disukai oleh banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Komik Jepang atau yang biasa disebut manga dapat ditemukan di internet, tapi tidak semua orang dapat membacanya karena berbahasa Jepang. Terdapat tim non-profit yang bersedia menerjemahkan manga namun karena waktu dan tenaga yang terbatas maka tidak semua manga dapat diterjemahkan. Oleh sebab itu, w...
The article presented the enhancement method of cells images. The first method used in the local contrast enhancement was Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFS). The proposed method is the IFS optimized by Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. The ABC was used to optimize the membership function parameter of IFS. To measure the image quality, Image Enhan...
The inaccuracy of monitoring the cell number in medical imaging is due to the cell image observation and the data transmission. When the data observation result is accurate then the next required step is to send it to the analyst or doctor. Therefore a reliable mechanism to send the data is required. An architecture and method in real time data tra...
In this study, two models of power generation system are developed. They consist of the PV module, boost converter and the controller. The models utilize intelligent controllers, Perturb and Observe algorithm and Fuzzy Logic Controller. The objective of this study is to compare the performance of each controller in the system by using the same inpu...
The position control system of an electro-hydraulic actuator system (EHAS) is investigated in this paper. The EHAS is developed by taking into consideration the nonlinearities of the system: the friction and the internal leakage. A variable load that simulates a realistic load in robotic excavator is taken as the trajectory reference. A method of c...