Daniel PatónUniversity of Extremadura | UNEX · Department of Vegetal Biology, Ecology and Earth Science
Daniel Patón
I teach and do research on Ecology and Environmental Biotechnology at the Faculty of Sciences of the UEX, Spain.
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My main line of research is Ecological Modeling with applications in very diverse fields such as Dendroecology, Landscape Ecology, Grassland Ecology, Bioacoustics, Marine Biology, etc. I have been a member of AEST (Spanish Association of Gifted and Talented) and MENSA. Therefore, I am very interested in the detection, training and integration of gifted students in academic institutions. I maintain a YouTube channel on these topics.
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January 1989 - January 1991
January 1988 - January 1991
September 1982 - July 1987
Publications (171)
Since 2015, the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae has triggered the most serious marine macrophyte invasion in Europe. Its huge coastal biomass dumped on beaches generates health problems, strong odors, impacts on tourism, and high clean-up costs, but it also constitutes a new potential marine resource that offers significant prospects for exp...
In recent decades, the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae has had a huge environmental impact on marine biodiversity, fisheries, GHG emissions and public health along much of the Iberian Peninsula and islands coastline. Due to the enormous amount of algae biomass that is expelled to the beaches where it slowly rots, some circular economy busine...
A review of the prey of three amphiatlantic dolphin species, Tursiops truncatus, Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus delphis, is carried out. The main objective of this work is to review the feeding of these species in the Atlantic in order to assess the degrees of trophic competition and speciation pressure. A total of 103 fish families, 22 cephal...
The short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis, Linnaeus 1758) is mainly distributed in tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Our study area, the Bay of Algeciras, is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The subpopulation of common Mediterranea...
A review of the last 399 years (1624–2023) on fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mediterranean Sea was conducted, based on an extensive compilation of records published in the scientific literature, technical reports, public databases, journals, and social media. A total of 10,716 sightings and 575 mortality events have been computed, analys...
Nowadays, technology is pervasive in society and, therefore, in the economy and businesses. The so-called fourth industrial revolution, marked by the digital economy, has the potential to be enormously disruptive. Therefore, higher education must change and adapt, increasing the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is necess...
En este artículo se aportan datos de distribución y presencia de D. delphis, así
como de embarcaciones en sus zonas de máxima concentración. Se caracterizan lesiones y marcas en las aletas que
permiten su foto-identificación. Se describen pautas metodológicas para el manejo de esta información, útiles para
su uso en actuaciones coordinadas de “Citi...
Three species of dolphins are found in the Bay of Gibraltar: the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus, the
striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and the common short-beaked dolphin Delphinus delphis, the latter
two being resident or semi-resident. Of these, the Mediterranean subpopulation of D. delphis is considered
“Endangered” by the Internation...
Half of the organic waste generated by mankind is compostable. Many of the traditional methods of food waste treatment generate pernicious effects on ecosystems, such as leachates, greenhouse gases, pathogenic microorganisms or odors. Three cockroach species that are widespread as live food for feeding exotic animals (mainly reptiles) due to their...
Delphinus delphis Linnaeus 1758 is considered an endangered species in the Mediterranean. The species is resident in the Bay of Algeciras - Gibraltar (southern Spain; waters partially shared with Gibraltar, UK). This area is subject to strong anthropogenic pressure, but with an input of renewed waters in its central area. During three consecutive y...
Songbirds are one of the groups most vulnerable to extreme heat events. Although several recent studies have assessed their physiological responses to heat, most of them have focused on arid-zone species solely. We investigated thermoregulatory responses to heat in eight small-sized songbirds occurring in the Mediterranean Basin, where heatwaves ar...
Since 2015, the invasive alga Rugulopteryx okamurae has explosively burst into the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar with serious repercussions on marine biodiversity, tourism and the fishing industry. Its elimination entails an enormous cost for the municipalities in the area and vermicomposting is proposed as a solution, but the anti-food seconda...
List of allochthonous, native and endemic species sampled in Las Cardas Range Station (CEALC) during the period of study until 2002. Location of exclusions is shown.
(1) Background: Desertification is one of the most important environmental impacts around the world. In the semiarid grassland of North of Chile, overgrazing has deep effects on arid lands and consequently on its economy and social development. It is necessary to conduct very detailed studies to determine how the climate, the botanical composition...
Water stress triggers acclimation responses and can damage plants, which varies by species and stress levels. Ongoing climate change is projected to result in longer and more intense water stress conditions leading to an alarming increase in drought-induced forest decline. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological responses of leaves...
1) Background: The NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) is a basic indicator of photosynthetic activity frequently employed in landscape and urban ecology. However, the high-resolution determination of NDVI requires an expensive multi-spectral digital camera. (2) Methods: In the present work, we are developing a general procedure that conv...
Ecoacoustics explains how animal and human behavior are affected by environmental sounds. Many studies show the marked role that sound has on people's psychological health. Our world is more and more scarce in natural sounds that produce our well-being. In this sense, we explore what acoustic parameters are related to human comfort in cities. For t...
Brief and very simple methodological description on how to implement a domestic composting strategy.
The low number of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus L.) from Mediterranean waters shows a very fragmented distribution. The presence of this species in the Catalan coast has been confirmed by different studies. A semivariogram analysis concludes that the maximum spatial variability is 15.86 km², much higher than in other areas along the world. In o...
Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus L.) is one of the six common species from the Gibraltar Strait. This cetacean is threatened due to ship collisions in an area of high marine traffic. It is very urgent to understand the factors implicated in the distribution of this endangered species. In this paper, we show a combination of three methods of spat...
Cetaceans are undoubtedly the most acoustically complex animal group that exists. Throughout their evolution they have developed their tremendous variability due to very different selective pressures in very diverse ecological niches. Formant analysis is a methodology based on extracting the frequencies that are correlated in temporal windows of sh...
Cetaceans are one of the most unknown groups in the animal kingdom. Their study is very difficult due to their scarcity, their flighty behavior, and their enormous displacements. In addition, some species feed in very deep waters and only emerge to breathe, or they live in hard to reach areas. However, few animals create so much wonder. What child...
Humpback whales show the greatest acoustic complexity of the animal kingdom. Their sound emissions present functionalities ranging from the calls of cohesion during the migration, the territorial calls of the males, the maternal-filial communication or the echolocation. Following the methodology of phonetic analysis using formants, we find three ac...
Up to four species of resident cetaceans can be observed in the Strait of Gibraltar. Between them we can find the common (Delphinus delphis) and the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). Data from both species have been collected during twelve years from opportunistic platforms of whale watching, obtaining 436 records of common and 1,138 records...
The methodological approach of the blue economy allows us to determine the effect of certain animal groups on monetary returns on a global scale. In this sense, cetaceans have not been enough studied. However, there is important evidences on its positive impact on the human economy. Their faeces have an important fertilizing effect, as they capture...
Cetaceans are highly complex acoustically showing a great variety of type of vocalizations and frequency ranges. Traditionally, these emissions have been analyzed by spectrograms because they allow a quick visual understanding of the characteristics of each species. In the present work, we show an analytic methodology based on qualitative character...
The absence of precise dates in Extremadura's Renaissance heritage can generate ambiguities that hinder the cultural interpretation of regional history. The analysis of the duration of the art styles, the date of construction of buildings and artefacts or the exact determination of restoration periods are severely affected by the absence of specifi...
En el estrecho de Gibraltar se pueden observar hasta cuatro especies residentes de cetáceos. Entre estas se encuentran el delfín común (Delphinus delphis) y el delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba). Se han recopilado datos de ambas especies durante doce años desde plataformas oportunistas de observación de cetáceos, obteniéndose un total de 436
Teaching experience on integration of four gifted students in a High School of Cáceres (SW Spain). We use an introductory class about IQ, Multiple Intelligences Theory of Howard Gardner and other related concepts. After, we ask to students by their capabilities. If students accept their cognitive diversity as natural will be tolerant with giftednes...
En el Estrecho de Gibraltar se pueden observar hasta 4 especies residentes de cetáceos. El calderón común es la más frecuentemente avistada por las plataformas oportunistas de observación de cetáceos. Se ha desarrollado un estudio desde estas plataformas entre los años 2012 y 2016 en el que se ha recopilado información según establecen los protocol...
La estabilidad es un concepto clave en el análisis de muchos procesos ecológicos. En su forma más simplificada es el inverso del coeficiente de variación, es decir, el cociente entre la media y la desviación típica de un parámetro dado. Dicho de otro modo, mide en que medida un proceso se mantiene sin oscilaciones significativas que comprometan su...
La determinación de mapas de distribución en cetáceos es de la máxima importancia a la hora de establecer santuarios y áreas de protección, así como para determinar oscilaciones poblacionales que afecten a su conservación. Tradicionalmente se han usado ciertas metodologías como los Modelos Aditivos Generalizados (Generalized Additive Models, GAM) o...
El sonido es fundamental en el reino animal, y aún más para los cetáceos que dependen de él para relacionarse con su entorno. Este grupo animal presenta uno de los sistemas más complejos de comunicación acústica. En el presente trabajo, aportamos una nueva metodología basada en el análisis multivariante sobre parámetros cualitativos definidos sobre...
La yubarta, (Megaptera novaeangliae L.) es un cetáceo que presenta una alta variabilidad sonométrica. Emiten gran cantidad de vocalizaciones que afectan a la interacción entre individuos, la comunicación materno-filial, la búsqueda de alimento y la selección sexual. Se exploró la metodología de formantes para diferenciar poblaciones de ballenas jor...
Dentro del Programa de Innovación del Servicio de Orientación y Formación Docente (SOFD) de la UEx, se ha llevado a cabo una intervención con alumnos de la UMEX y del grado de Educación Primaria, centrada en metodologías activas y renovadoras: Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos (ABP) y Aprendizaje por Servicios (ApS). Un programa intergeneracional ori...
A lo largo del segundo cuatrimestre del curso académico 2016/2017, se está llevando a cabo en el Centro Universitario de Plasencia un programa de convivencia intergeneracional en el que participan alumnos de la Universidad de Mayores de Extremadura (UMEX) y alumnos de distintos cursos de los grados que allí se imparten (Enfermería, Forestales, Podo...
La bioacústica es un campo de estudio que relaciona el sonido emitido por los animales y su función adaptativa. Dicho campo ha desarrollado una serie de herramientas matemáticas de gran utilidad práctica. Adaptamos estas metodologías para detectar si la percepción auditiva en general obedece a parámetros sonométricos. Para ello, realizamos en 135 a...
Los mandalas son representaciones icónicas milenarias que simbolizan el universo, también
nuestro universo interior. Siguiendo la línea de estudio de Carl Gustav Jung de la psique humana,
y basándonos en teorías como la de la psicología del color o la teoría del Acorde de colores de
Heller, presentamos este estudio cualitativo colorimétrico y multi...
La determinación de la superdotación intelectual es de gran relevancia en entornos académicos. Los superdotados son cognitivamente diferentes y pueden manifestar diversos problemas de adaptación al ambiente universitario debido a sus mayores necesidades de aprendizaje, su extrema sensibilidad al estrés social y su tendencia a la sobrecarga sensoria...
El Análisis de Escalamiento Multidimensional No-Métrico (EMNM) es una técnica de análisis multivariante extraordinariamente versátil. Podemos adaptar el EMNM a diferentes tipos de datos, tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos. Además, no presenta ningún requerimiento estadístico previo. Puede también usarse en matrices con variables a diferentes esc...
Anthropogenic disturbance acts globally as an ecological process with long-term implication on the ecosystem equilibrium. In the central-western Argentina (Desierto del Monte Central: DMC), the desert Prosopis flexuosa woodlands has been intervened by man with differential incidence, e.g. through logging, fire and grazing. Despite recognizing a his...
I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions October, 2016. Bragança, Portugal
I International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions
Durante 12 años se ha registrado la presencia de Delphinus delphis y Stenella coeruleoalba en el Estrecho de Gibraltar desde plataformas oportunistas de observación de cetáceos. La geolocalización de ambas especies ha permitido determinar un total de 436 y 1138 registros respectivamente. Sobre esta base de datos se han determinado funciones de dens...
El análisis fractal es una metodología idónea para interpretar la estructura de las áreas de dispersión en cetáceos. Existen diversos procedimientos de análisis fractal que varían en sus supuestos teóricos, su costo de computación y la información que generan. Se hace por tanto necesario sentar las bases de esta metodología para su aplicación a gra...
El calderón común está ampliamente distribuido en el oeste del mar Mediterráneo, considerando el mar de Alborán una de las áreas más importantes para esta especie. Esta especie es residente en el Estrecho de Gibraltar y se localiza usualmente en la parte central y profunda del canal. Este estudio se ha desarrollado desde plataformas oportunistas de...
En el Estrecho de Gibraltar se pueden observar hasta 5 grupos sociales de orca (Orcinus orca) que albergan un total de aproximadamente 50 individuos. Se recopilaron datos según establecen los protocolos de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos desde plataformas de observación de cetáceos entre 2012 y 2015 (marzo - octubre). Se recorrieron 59.894,74 kiló...
El delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus) es una de las 4 especies residentes en el Estrecho de Gibraltar y una de las especies clave para el avistamiento de cetáceos. La población del Estrecho la componen entre 250 y 300 individuos. Tres plataformas de observación de cetáceos fueron utilizadas para la recogida de datos según establecen los protocolos d...
In the present research we show the relationships between intellectual coefficient (CI), emotional intelligence (IE), sensitivity (PAS) and creativity (CREA) in 98 people of the University of Extremadura (UEx). The relationships between the four tests have been analyzed using different regression models with highly significant results (R 2 =0.892,...
Frost events may damage the cambium or newly produced tracheids which have not yet been lignified, leading to the formation of frost rings. This study deals with the presence of frost rings in Araucaria araucana trees according to cambial age and bark thickness, under the assumption that these factors may be involved in mechanisms of resistance to...
We develop a GLM model for the determination of Fin Whale distribution in Catalonian coasts. The model show a very high predictibility but need some improvement with high-resolution bathymetry and more information.
We develop a GLM model for the determination of Fin Whale distribution in Catalonian coasts. The model show a very high predictibility but need some improvement with high-resolution bathymetry and more information.
We develop a GLM model for the determination of Fin Whale distribution in Catalonian coasts. The model show a very high predictibility but need some improvement with high-resolution bathymetry and more information.
Frost events may damage the cambium and consequently the newly produced tracheids whose cell walls have not yet completed their lignifications, leading to the formation of frost rings. This study deals with the presence of frost rings in Araucaria araucana trees according to cambial age and bark thickness, under the assumption that these factors ma...
Background: At different ages trees experience changes in their structure and interactions with environmental conditions. Thus, a reciprocal action between tree age and physical resources, photosynthetic rates, and xylem production may influences hydraulic resistance and plant water stress. However, is still uncertain how these developmental aspect...
Dentro del campo de la Ecología Numérica son escasos los estudios sobre comportamiento espacial de cetáceos que usen análisis multifractal. Con ese enfoque, durante dos años (2014-2015) se ha realizado un seguimiento pormenorizado de la población de Rorcuales (Balaenoptera physalus) en la costa catalana. Se registró la coordenada GPS de cada avista...
Durante los años 2003 a 2015 se ha realizado un seguimiento pormenorizado de la población de Cachalotes (Physeter macrocephalus) en el Estrecho de Gibraltar. Se registró la coordenada GPS de cada avistamiento y el tamaño del grupo de cetáceos observado. Estos datos se representaron gráficamente mediante funciones de densidad Kernel con diferentes r...
Cetaceans are widely diversified in their sonometric characteristics but no comparative research has determined the general patterns that condition their bio-acoustic evolution across a large number of species. Echolocation calls of 69 cetaceans species has been obtained from different data sources. Through analysis by a Hierarchical Partitioning t...
Acoustic identification of cetacean species is very relevant for studies of population dynamics, especially when visual recognition is not possible. In this research, we determine formants of different individuals of three common species from Mediterranean waters: Grampus griseus (n=21), Stenella coeruleoalba (n=29) and Tursiops truncatus (n=31). T...
We analyze the relationships between acoustic emissions and 29 biological characteristics of 59 cetacean species. We have standardized sound records of each species for comparative purposes using Audacity software. Biological parameters are
related to different aspects of feeding, behavior, morphology, longevity and taxonomy. We determine that biol...
Nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos L.) are an excellent bio-indicator of environmental change in cities. Many studies show an interesting relation between their song and noise pollution. In fact this species can modify its acoustic spectra by traffic noise by adapting their dominant frequency. However no studies have made a complete analysis of wi...