Daniel OttoEuropean University for Innovation and Perspective
Daniel Otto
Prof. Dr.
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Professor for E-Learning and digital teaching at the European University for Innovation and Perspective
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April 2022 - September 2022
October 2009 - March 2015
October 2006 - April 2007
October 2005 - January 2008
Publications (60)
The importance of private universities in the higher education system is growing, particularly in distance education. The number and proportion of students choosing a private university is steadily increasing. However, there has been a lack of research to explain the rationales behind this. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the facto...
This article explores the role of self-efficacy in distance education. We argue that self-efficacy in distance education needs to be considered in terms of dimensions different from face-to-face education. Based on our literature review, we highlight three critical dimensions of self-efficacy in distance education: academic, learning, and social. T...
Der vorliegende Beitrag betrachtet die Genese von OER seit deren Initiierung im Jahr 2002. Gerade Deutschland war lange Zeit kaum an der Entwicklung und Verbreitung von OER beteiligt. Jedoch haben OER durch verschiedene Massnahmen vor allem in der vergangenen Dekade in Deutschland an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der Beitrag zeichnet diese Entwicklung aus de...
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Rolle der Selbstwirksamkeit im Fernstudium. Es wird argumentiert, dass das Konzept der Selbstwirksamkeit im Fernstudium andere Dimensionen berücksichtigen muss als im Präsenzstudium. Auf der Grundlage einer Literaturrecherche werden drei zentrale Dimensionen im Fernstudium hervorgehoben: akademische, lernbezogene un...
This article delves into university students' acceptance of an AI-based feedback system within self-regulated learning. With AI technology becoming increasingly prevalent in education, mainly through platforms like ChatGPT, debates surrounding its pedagogical and didactic implications have arisen. Despite the buzz, previous studies have produced mi...
Sustainability requires action by all actors in society. A critical challenge towards a sustainable future is transitioning to a climate-friendly regional energy supply. Application-oriented education plays a key role here, as it can bridge the gap between research and its practical implementation. However, how these educational offers should be de...
Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this collaborative editorial piece. This rather straightforward, yet nuanced query has sparked this collective endeavour by using indiv...
Der Kommentar versucht eine Betrachtung und Einordnung der Beiträge der vorliegenden Sonderausgabe aus der Perspektive der deutschen Hochschullandschaft. Dabei wird versucht, aktuelle Trends in Deutschland aufzugreifen und auf ähnliche Forschungsprojekte, Fördermaßnahmen und Publikationen hinzuweisen. Diese sind im besten Falle paradigmatisch für a...
Learning spaces are vital for education but subject to rapid transformation. The internet is the emerging space where learning takes place. The concept of learning ecosystems reflects the idea that in today’s learning processes, different elements interact and influence each other. For higher education, a learning ecosystem comprises all services,...
The incisive developments during the COVID-19 pandemic have made the importance of online learning for education in the digital age evident, and it is unlikely that this wheel will be turned back in the foreseeable future (Brown, 2021). First experiences show, for instance, that online learning can support the development of digital education and t...
Die Idee der offenen Bildungsressourcen (OER) ist mittlerweile in der Hochschule verankert, deren faktische Nutzung jedoch gering. Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich meist auf das (fehlende) Bewusstsein für OER und identifizieren Hindernisse für deren Nutzung. Der Beitrag argumentiert, dass die Debatte von der Perspektive der OER-erfahrenen Lehrende...
The idea of Open Educational Resources (OER) is nowadays widespread in higher education. However, notwithstanding their supposed benefits, the actual adoption of OER in teaching remains low. Due to this absence, various studies have primarily focused on (the lack of) OER awareness among teachers and identified barriers to their use. This article ar...
The proliferation of Open Educational Resources (OER) constitutes an essential element for establishing education as a “public good” on the internet. A core objective of OER is to broaden access to educational material and improve the overall quality of teaching and learning. In this manner, OER contributes to the sustainable (re)use and (re)distri...
Lizenz: CC-BY-NC-ND-3.0-AT/
In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung von Augmented-Reality-(AR)-Karten für den Informatikunterricht am Beispiel des PCBuildAR-Projekts beschrieben. Das Projekt zeichnet sich durch einen partizi-pativen Designprozess aus, in dem Personen aus Schule, Forschung und Wirtschaft kooperiert haben. Einen wesentlichen Beitrag...
This contribution critically discusses the prospect of openness for Bildung in the digital age. The wave of openness has challenged certain foundations of education. One central concern is education as a public good with equality at its center. Prima facie, openness claims to boost Bildung as both concepts revolve around the idea of opening educati...
Open Educational Resources (OER) bilden ein wichtiges Element im Diskurs über eine Digitalisierung von Bildung. Der Beitrag erhebt den Stand der internationalen empirischen Forschung zu OER, um dadurch Desiderate für eine zukünftige Forschungsagenda aufzuzeigen. Mittels eines systematischen Mapping-Ansatzes wird dafür die empirische...
For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about the digitisation of education. However, the empirical landscape of OER research is vivid and largely obscure. This article reviews the state of international empirical research on OER to reveal trends and gaps and, in this manner, identify possible deside...
The EU is perceived as an ambitious actor in environmental policy in general and climate policy in particular. Hence, most actors recognize the EU’s leadership role in the international system. This chapter analyzes the EU as an actor in the field of climate policy, with a specific focus on its external relations. The first section of this chapter...
Monetary, financial, and fiscal policy in the European Union (EU) underwent fundamental transformations over the past half-century, including the introduction of the euro, the establishment of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), and the successive tightening of fiscal and budgetary rules for the Member States. What implications do these develop...
Trade policy is one of the most integrated policy fields of the European Union’s (EU) external economic relations. By creating a customs union, the EU member states have largely delegated their trade and investment policy competence to the European level. Consequently, the EU can speak with a single voice in international trade fora. Nevertheless,...
This final chapter evaluates European actorness in trade, finance, and climate policy. It discusses future challenges the European Union as a global actor has to face as well as the value of actorness studies for students and scholars of International Relations, International Political Economy, and European Integration.
Digital Storytelling (DS) is increasingly recognised as a pedagogical approach at all levels of education. As a combination of the ancient tradition of storytelling and the use of digital media, DS renders a compelling teaching practice to acquire 21 st-century skills such as global, digital, technology, and information literacy. A review of the li...
Open Educational Resources (OER) have become widespread, but constantly lack adoption. The various studies that address this lack predominantly focus on structural causes (e.g. lack of time, legal uncertainty) while omitting individual factors. However, the latter especially can yield insights into the 'black box' of individual drivers for OER enga...
This book focuses on the European Union as an important actor in international relations and international political economy. The EU negotiates international economic agreements, represents Europe in international organizations, and is a major trading bloc and currency area. To what extent and under what conditions the EU can use its considerable e...
Der Beitrag möchte sich dem DS als Lehr-Lernmethode wie folgt annähern. Im zweiten Kapitel werden die grundsätzliche Idee des DS vorgestellt und verschiedene Konzepte für dessen Umsetzung im Rahmen der Hochschullehre präsentiert. Weiterhin werden bisherige empirische Befunde aus dem Anwendungsbereich Schule und Hochschule vorgestellt. Das dritte Ka...
Open informational ecosystems play a crucial role in fostering open educational resources (OER) and allow new opportunities to share and collaborate in the learning and teaching environment. Such ecosystems containing interoperable infrastructures and open interfaces aim at fulfilling user needs and fostering practices related to the concept of OER...
Dem pädagogischen Mehrwert von OER für die Schule auf theoretisch-konzeptioneller Ebene steht das Paradox einer geringen Verbreitung in der Bildungspraxis gegenüber. Der Beitrag adressiert dies unter der Forschungsfrage, was bestimmende Faktoren für die Nutzung von OER im schulischen Bereich sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass weniger das eigentliche...
Open Educational Resources (OER) sind ein prominenter Gegenstand der Bildungsdiskussion. OER wird das Potenzial zugeschrieben, die Entwicklung partizipativer und kollaborativer Lernszenarien zu ermöglichen und auf einer grundlegenderen Ebene offene Bildung und Bildungsgerechtigkeit zu fördern und zu unterstützen. Dennoch ist die Verbreitung von OER...
The concept of open educational resources (OER) is becoming increasingly prominent in education. However, research circles around defining OER, content and forms of OER, technological features of OER, and the importance of the issue or lack thereof. Vital aspects such as the notion of the adoption of OER by educational practitioners remain underdev...
It is still a matter of controversy whether E-Learning has in fact triggered a new educational paradigm. However, it is not overstated to claim that E-Learning nowadays is ubiquitous and has transformed our way of thinking about teaching and learning (Garrison 2011; Johnson and Brown 2017; Tibaná-Herrera et al. 2018). Since the first occurrence of...
Digital Learning: In the literature, there is quite a variety of definitions and conceptualizations of teaching and learning with the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the internet: E-Learning, Online-Learning, Blended Learning, and Mobile Learning – at first sight, all these notions seem to be more or less synonyms. But...
Climate change can be regarded as one of the key topics of sustainable development where public awareness and education are crucial. In the field of education, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have raised remarkable attention throughout the last decade as their initial objective is to provide massive open online education for everyone. This arti...
The concept of virtual mobility is increasingly receiving attention in the literature. As one central advantage, virtual mobility enables international and intercultural experiences for non-traditional students regularly found in distance education. However, hitherto there is a lack of empirical data on the students' experiences with virtual mobili...
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are one of the overarching topics of our times but have been subject to several controversial debates in recent years. Hitherto, the discussion has mainly focused either on some distinct success criteria for MOOCs, including technical features, enrolment numbers and dropout rates, or on the instructional dichotom...
The notion of virtual mobility has gained prominence not only in the field of distance education. Virtual mobility is entrenched in the idea to enable students to exchange and collaborate with teachers and fellow students from other countries by the means of the latest information and communication technologies (ICT). In this paper, we argue that e...
Climate literacy is a key impetus for triggering individual behavioural and societal change. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), at first glance, entail a multiplier effect for climate literacy as they are recognized for offering non-formal learning opportunities to a wider audience. However, throughout the recent years MOOCs have been under manif...
Lernergebnisse statt Lernziele: Ein Praxisbeispiel für die kompetenzbasierte Evaluation
Spätestens mit dem Beginn des Bologna-Prozesses werden Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes) zunehmend ein elementarer Bestandteil von Studiengängen und einzelnen Modulen. Damit erfolgt auch eine Verschiebung der Orientierung vom Lehrenden hin zum Lernenden. Im Geg...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) können unbestritten als eines der am meisten diskutierten Themen in der bildungspolitischen Landschaft der vergangenen Jahre gelten.
Die sich aus Kanada und den USA verbreitende Idee von offenen Online-Kursen, für die sich prinzipiell eine unbegrenzte Zahl an Interessierten ohne akademischen Hintergrund einschrei...
Higher Education (HE) is experiencing disruption from technologies, demographics, the globalising world and longer life expectancy. Historically Higher Education has had a legacy of being seen as the requirement for an educated ‘elite’, there has been a policy ambition set in various countries (including the UK) for it to become the expectation for...
(Auszug aus Einführung von Georg Simonis) Im zweiten Kapitel dieses dritten Teils des Handbuchs liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der internationalen Ebene. Das Kapitel behandelt die Entstehung und die Ausdifferenzierung des multilateralen UN-Klimaregimes. Dem Kapitel liegt die Leitfrage zu Grunde, warum Staaten kooperieren oder an dem Kooperationserforder...
In recent decades, a vast amount of literature has been published discussing the educational use of simulation games in higher education. One reason simulation games are regarded as superior to traditional teaching is that they encourage students to learn through interaction and collaboration. Simulation games can therefore be subsumed under Kolb's...
While the term 'climate change' is firmly anchored in the global discourse, its visibility is often vague and subliminal. Education's key task, therefore, is not only to provide knowledge on causes and impacts, but also to build a nexus between scientific knowledge and what is called 'lived experience of climate change' in this article. Over the co...
While the term 'climate change' is firmly anchored in the global discourse, its visibility is often vague and subliminal. Education's key task, therefore, is not only to provide knowledge on causes and impacts, but also to build a nexus between scientific knowledge and what is called 'lived experience of climate change' in this article. Over the co...
Despite the euphoria about MOOCs, a final evaluation of the educational value is still pending. In our paper, we question the recent research focus which tends to solely quantify educational success by referring to certain numbers of completion. We think it is promising to give more consideration to the subject of students’ individual learning succ...
E-Learning und digitale Medien haben dazu beigetragen, neue Formen des Lehrens und Lernens auch für nicht-traditionelle Studierende zu etablieren und standortübergreifende Lernorte für das Lebenslange Lernen zu ermöglichen. Diese Lernorte schaffen neue Möglichkeiten für die Internationalisierung von Bildungsangeboten für nicht-traditionelle Studier...
Hierarchie und Differenzierung waren lange Zeit dominierende didaktische Elemente bei der
Gestaltung der „Traditionellen Lernkultur“. Die auf dieser Lernkultur basierenden didaktischen
Modelle können jedoch nur bedingt den spezifischen Anforderungen in der Weiterbildung gerecht
werden. Auch vor dem Hintergrund der neuen technischen und didaktischen...
The annual Conference of Parties (COP) of the Framework Convention on Climate Change takes place since the establishment of the Berlin Mandate in1995. Since then the on-going climate change negotiations have produced little progress in preventing the ultimate objective of the Framework Convention that is to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interfere...
Governance for Sustainable Development in the Arctic
In Zeiten zunehmender globaler Unsicherheiten nimmt die Wissenschaft für die Entscheidungen der Politik eine zentrale Stellung ein. Epistemic communities sind nach Peter M. Haas durch ihr konsensuales Wissen in der Lage, das Kooperationsverhalten von Staaten zu beeinflussen. Das vorliegende Buch prüft diese Aussage kritisch. Wie der Fall der Klimar...
Simulation games have emerged as an innovative learning tool to complement traditional formats of blended learning. Utilizing simulation games allows students to better understand complex topics by unveiling underlying dynamics and problems. Furthermore, they help students develop new skill sets and a common understanding through interaction. These...
Der internationale studentische Austausch bildet an Präsenzuniversitäten für Studierende eine attraktive Option. Fern- und Weiterbildungsstudiengängen dagegen steht diese Option aufgrund ihrer besonderen Studiensituation nicht zur Verfügung. Jüngste Entwicklungen im Bereich der digitalen Medien und Bildungstechnologien erlauben jedoch alternative M...
Simulation games in higher education can be thought of as an innovative tool in order to illustrate complex problems and make them more intelligible. As a student-centered approach it allows personal interaction which enhances student motivation and collaboration. Numerous studies show that emotional and personal commitment can result in better lea...
Political science draws on different theoretical approaches that can be used for explaining the outcome of climate negotiations. These approaches take into account that interests shape the preferences of states, of the economy and of civil society. In its analysis of climate change as an issue of global governance, political science must be part of...