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Publications (223)
Temperate inland salt marshes, formerly used as meadows or pastures, are priority habitats in Europe and are threatened by intensifying anthropogenic activites. They are particularly important because of their biogeographical location on the North German Plain, which is the westernmost hotspot of continental halophytic vegetation in Eurasia. In spi...
Ellenberg-type indicator values are expert-based rankings of plant species according to their ecological optima on main environmental gradients. Here we extend the indicator-value system proposed by Heinz Ellenberg and co-authors for Central Europe by incorporating other systems of Ellenberg-type indicator values (i.e., those using scales comp...
Numerous features of the great diversity of saline environments in Romania (Southeastern Europe) have been investigated, although less explored regions still require field research. Tectonic movements and abundant fossil salt deposits have led to various isolated salt fountains, salty rocks and hypersaline ponds in the contact zone between the East...
There is a long tradition in Europe of assigning ecological indicator values to plants and using these values in ecological research. A special case is that of the salt-tolerant species.
Saline soils are extremely heterogeneous and their physical and chemical properties vary significantly with microrelief and between alternating dry/wet seasons. Th...
In salt-affected environments, salinity shapes ecosystem functions and species composition. Apart from salinity, however, we know little about how soil chemical factors affect plant species. We hypothesized that specific ions, most of which contribute to salinity, co-determine plant niche differentiation. We asked if the importance of ions diff...
We describe the vegetation of small-sized non-forest wetlands in the forests of Bystrá dolina, located in the western part of the Pilsko massif in the Orava region of northern Slovakia. The sites are situated between 1126 and 1293 meters a. s. l. In the vicinity of active springs or streams, a spring habitat of national interest has been inhabited...
In Slovakia, Tozzia carpatica is a rare species endemic to the Oravské Beskydy, Malá Fatra, Chočské vrchy, Západné Tatry, Čergov and Bukovské vrchy Mts. As a species protected under the European Union's Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), it is currently a subject of conservation in four special areas of conservation (SACs). This report brings new insi...
Increasing nitrogen depositions adversely affect European landscapes, including habitats within the Natura2000 network. Critical loads for nitrogen deposition have been established to quantify the loss of habitat quality. When the nitrogen deposition rises above a habitat-specific critical load, the quality of the focal habitat is expected to be ne...
The first comprehensive phytosociological classification of all vegetation types in Europe (EuroVegChecklist; Applied Vegetation Science, 2016, 19, 3-264) contained brief descriptions of each type. However, these descriptions were not standardized and mentioned only the most distinct features of each vegetation type. The practical application of th...
The file of the electronic Expert system for the identification of habitats in Slovakia.
The habitat catalog of Slovakia presents a comprehensive overview of all habitats occurring in Slovakia, including their description, ecology, distribution and characteristic species composition. In addition, an electronic expert system was also created, which can assign the analyzed vegetation record to a specific habitat based on a similarity cal...
Understanding large‐scale drivers of biodiversity in palustrine wetlands is challenging due to the combined effects of macroclimate and local edaphic conditions. In boreal and temperate fen ecosystems, the influence of macroclimate on biodiversity is modulated by hydrological settings across habitats, making it difficult to assess their vulnerabili...
The class Montio-Cardaminetea includes vegetation of springs with constant water flow. These habitats, which function as islands for highly specialized and sensitive biota, are endangered by ongoing landscape and climatic changes. Although a harmonized classification into vegetation units is necessary for effective habitat conservation, there is cu...
Monitoring the occurrence of new alien species among native flora is the first prerequisite for preventing their later invasive spread. During the last decade, we recorded data regarding 25 alien taxa new to Slovakia including 21 casual and 4 locally naturalised species, with ornamental plants predominating significantly. The locally naturalised sp...
The book summarises over 50 years of intensive botanical research in the Veľká Fatra National Park.
It provides a lot of information and data about one of our largest and best-preserved national parks in a highly professional yet attractive and understandable form. Symbolically, the publication was completed just at the time when the national park...
The heterogeneity of the geological, geomorphological (relief), climatic and soil conditions of the study area (smooth hilly-, but also steep rocky-relief, exposed sunny slopes and cold ravines, snowfields, bogs, etc.) allowed the survival of various flora elements and the existence of a wide range of plant communities.
The species richness and veg...
While the importance of conservation mowing for mesic grasslands is generally accepted, its use for fens and fen grasslands interspersed within agricultural land is still controversial. Although fens may persist naturally, ongoing environmental changes increase productivity and accelerate succession. These processes can be mitigated through conserv...
Our contribution provides new chorological data on rare and endangered species
Andromeda polifolia and Rhynchospora alba. We discovered new localities during a survey
of peat forest complexes Hladovské bory and Sosnina in the Orava basin in northern Slovakia. We recorded Andromeda polifolia in two sites in the vegetation of the alliance Sphagnion m...
The first comprehensive checklist of European phytosociological alliances, orders and classes (EuroVegChecklist) was published by Mucina et al. (2016, Applied Vegetation Science , 19 (Suppl. 1), 3–264). However, this checklist did not contain detailed information on the distribution of individual vegetation types. Here we provide the first maps...
Classification of European bog vegetation ( Oxycocco‐Sphagnetea class); identification of diagnostic species for the class and vegetation subgroups (orders and alliances); development of an expert system for automatic classification of vegetation plots; and production of distribution maps of the Oxycocco‐Sphagnetea class and its alliances.
Increasing evidence for the effects of Holocene history on modern biotic communities suggests that current explanations of community patterns and conservation strategies require revisiting. Here we focused on Central European rich fens that are at high risk among mire habitats because of their relatively low environmental stability, and hence sensi...
Posledná vedecká publikácia autorov Pilous a Dudu synteticky prezentujúca machorasty bývalého Československa vyšla ako kľúč na ich určovanie roku 1960. Odvtedy uplynulo už 62 rokov a tento citeľný nedostatok sa autori prihlásenej publikácie pokúsili aspoň čiastočne odstrániť vydaním Atlasu machorastov Slovenska. Z 930 druhov machorastov zaznamenaný...
Ranunculus polyphyllus is a Eurosiberian species of the Eurasian forest-steppe zone, extremely rare in the western part of its distribution range, in Central Europe. In Slovakia, this lowland semiaquatic plant has its westernmost border, where only a few historic locations are known, and which have not been confirmed since 1965: one on the Podunajs...
This paper presents distribution of Galatella linosyris in Slovakia. We recorded the species in 237 quadrants of the Central European mapping grid. The vast majority of the localities is situated in the Pannonian region, especially in the districts of Burda, Ipeľsko-rimavská brázda and Slovenský kras. In the Carpathian region, the species is scatte...
Rising temperatures may endanger fragile ecosystems because their character and key species show different habitat affinities under different climates. This assumption has only been tested in limited geographical scales. In fens, one of the most endangered ecosystems in Europe, broader pH niches have been reported from cold areas and are expected f...
Question : Rich fens of the Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomentypnion nitentis alliance require a specific combination of base richness and climate to occur. Their rarity at the southeastern margins of their European range has previously prevented rigorous vegetation classification. We asked how many associations may be delimited here and whether some of th...
The great book of plants, rocks, minerals and fossils is a unique, richly illustrated work, which in a comprehensive form gives an image of the flora of the whole of Central Europe. The updated texts present in an engaging way information on the life, reproduction, distribution, occurrence of plants and their importance for humans, as well as data...
Ranunculus pedatus is a Eurasian species with a northern distribution edge in southern Slovakia. In the nineties of the 20 th century, it was assumed that the species probably occurs only near Štúrovo. Occurrence in the Hron and Ipeľ basins and several localities in the Podunajská nížina lowland between Komárno and Štúrovo was considered historical...
Halophytic vegetation on fossil salt deposits and salt springs is an extreme habitat occurring in isolated continental areas of temperate Europe. It has a relatively rich representation in the Transylvanian Basin of Romania; however, comprehensive research into this highly specialized vegetation is lacking. We provide the first phytosociological su...
As a result of water regulation in the past, periodically exposed natural habitats with vegetation of the class Isoëeto-Nanojuncetea in Slovakia and the surrounding Central European countries have recently become scattered. Many of its characteristic species have, however, found opportunities for living in secondary habitats such as water reservoir...
Human activities have enormous impact on current biodiversity distribution across all spatial scales. Despite the numerous studies showing the difference between preserved and impaired sites, only little is known about the regional scale. Therefore, we selected four European regions differing in habitat conservation status (HCS) to explore if the v...
Water resources and associated ecosystems are becoming highly endangered due to ongoing global environmental changes. Spatial ecological modelling is a promising toolbox for understanding the past, present and future distribution and diversity patterns in groundwater-dependent ecosystems, such as fens, springs, streams, reed beds or wet grasslands....
Little is known about the suite of ecological conditions under which characteristic species may continue to develop under the pressure of recent habitat deterioration. We aimed to determine the niche of three indicator species of the priority habitat Pannonic salt steppes and to find out how their vegetation composition, land use, and soil chemistr...
Calcareous and rich fens harbour the unique biodiversity of plants and invertebrates. They areextremely sensitive to landscape changes because oftheir island nature. In the Carpathians, theyare still well-preserved, but their number has substantially decreased. Knowledge about theirvariability and classification into vegetation units, a baseline fo...
The EUNIS Habitat Classification is a widely used reference framework for European habitat types (habitats), but it lacks formal definitions of individual habitats that would enable their unequivocal identification. Our goal was to develop a tool for assigning vegetation‐plot records to the habitats of the EUNIS system, use it to classify a Eur...
Several methods of tillage are among the practices most destructive to inland saline grasslands, and can result in their complete deterioration. Despite the high frequency of habitat destruction by these means, the recovery of the saline vegetation and regeneration abilities of halophytes are still not sufficiently known. The reaction of inland sal...
Water resources and associated ecosystems are becoming highly endangered due to ongoing global environmental changes. Spatial ecological modelling is a widely used tool for understanding the past, present and future distribution and diversity patterns in groundwater-dependent ecosystems, such as fens, springs, streams, reed beds or wet grasslands....
This paper presents the historical and recent distribution of Galatella cana in Slovakia. Revising herbarium specimens we have confirmed 7 localities of the species, five in Pannonian region (districts of Devínska Kobyla hills and Podunajská nížina lowland) and two of them the adjacent area of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Since the vast majority of sites...
After the Pannonian Sea has dried up, the Pannonian Basin has become a major depression in Central Europe. The continental climate and intensive groundwater evaporation from the upper layers of the soil caused the accumulation of salts and the formation of Solonchak and Solonetz soil. A mosaic of very specific halophytic vegetation has developed on...
Bioindication systems based on the occurrence of plant species are widely used in vegetation science, palaeoecology, community ecology, geographical modelling and global change biology. Although the existing systems are mostly regional, the development of large-scale vegetation databases calls for the establishment of a pan-European indication syst...
Abstract: Mosses Meesia triquetra, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudocalliergon trifarium, and Scorpidium
scorpioides represent umbrella species of pristine rich fens. They are considered to be endangered taxa and
glacial relicts in temperate Europe. We analysed species composition of vegetation with the target species in
the Alps, Central Europe, the Bal...
Western-Carpathian travertine fens developed on deep-circulation groundwater are highly localised and harbour unique communities that combine rare species of calcareous fens and salt marshes, with many species considered glacial or Early-Holocene relicts. Using a multi-proxy palaeoecological approach, we tested the assumption of naturalness and Hol...
Filtering of vegetation plot records according to sampling size is an essential methodological step in vegetation studies. In fens, the variation of traditionally used plot sizes seems to limit continental‐scale syntheses following the Braun‐Blanquet approach. Which plot sizes harbour the analogous number of habitat specialists (i.e. diagn...
There is a lack of a comprehensive study of eastern Adriatic salt marsh vegetation with special attention to plant–soil relationships that determine individual plant assemblages. We surveyed 41 sites of salt marshes on the Croatian coastline in order to classify their vegetation by numerical methods and to compare the resulting groups in terms of s...
Calcareous fens represent an endangered type of peatlands, acting as refugia for stress-tolerant species in the currently changing landscapes. The resurveys across many regions have reported their recent disappearance or deterioration despite both the extreme habitat conditions (carbonate richness, presence of calcareous tufa, nutrient limitation,...
Fens have a well‐developed bryophyte layer covering most of the ground. Non‐sphagnaceous bryophytes, especially the group of so‐called brown mosses, prevail over sphagna under alkaline conditions. In sub‐alkaline conditions, rich fens allow the co‐occurrence of both these functional groups, but sphagna are competitively superior over non‐s...
We surveyed 17 locations of salt marshes along the Barents Sea coast in northern Norway (Finnmark, Nordkinnhalvøya and Varangerhalvøya), where 86 phytosociological relevés were recorded and analyzed. Two main vegetation groups were identified: Caricion glareosae and Puccinellion phryganodis, both alliances belonging to the class Juncetea maritimi,...
First two records of Eleusine indica in Slovakia are presented. This exotic grass species originating from the tropical Old World was found in the Podunajská nížina Lowland (Eupannonicum): in 2017 in Štúrovo and the next year in Bratislava, municipal part Karlova Ves. Both populations counted only three individuals grown in the pavement cracks. The...
During the exceptionally low water level of the Danube River in the 2018 vegetation season the third locality of Lindernia dubia was found in Slovakia. This alien species, native to North America, grew east of the Štúrovo town, in the confluence area of the rivers Danube and Hron. Its population counted ca. 50 plants which grew sporadically on the...
Our study brings new information about occurrence of 29 endangered vascular plants from the territory of central Slovakia. Species findings were recorded in the years 2017 and 2018. The annotated list comprises one regionally extinct (RE), one critically endangered (CR), two endangered (EN), five vulnerable (VU) and 20 near threatened (NT) plant sp...
Modern databases containing large amounts of botanical data are a promising source of new results based on large data analyses. We used a new database of plant macrofossils of the Czech and Slovak Republics to compare the recent distributions of putative relict species of fen bryophytes with their past distributions since the late glacial. All the...
We studied historical and recent distribution of halophytic species Tripolium pannonicum subsp. pannonicum in Slovakia. In total, 60 localities were recorded, 49 sites are documented by herbarium vouchers and 11 sites were excerpted only from the literature and unpublished data. Historical data are shortly discussed and some traduced errors are exp...
The paper presents data on the distribution and habitat preferences of Polygonum arenarium subsp. arenarium in Slovakia. The study showed a rapid decrease in the number of localities in Slovakia in recent decades, due to destruction of sandy habitats. At present the taxon is considered to be very rare. We recorded it in stands of pioneer vegetation...
Bryophyte species occurring in calcium-rich fens are endangered and retreating in all European countries, including those in Northern Europe, because of fen degradation in intensively exploited landscapes. During our field investigation of mires in northwestern Belarus in July 2017, we discovered new localities of some rare fen bryophyte species. T...
Results of the 51st Floristic Course of Slovak Botanical Society and Czech Botanical
Society conducted in July 2012 in Zlaté Moravce are published. During the course, 198 localities was visited and 1068 plant taxa were recorded.
Glacial relicts have been regionally more common in glacial than in recent times. A rigorous assessment of which species are indeed glacial relicts is extremely difficult because direct evidence is untraceable or equivocal for many species. We aimed to identify species of the Western Carpathian flora (vascular plants, bryophytes and terrestrial lic...
Quaking rich fens dominated by boreal semi-aquatic brown-mosses such as Scorpidium scorpioides and Calliergon trifarium are extremely rare in the Carpathians. These fens harbour endangered species persisting at few localities in the region. However, their phytosociological classification has not been sufficiently solved yet, because they lack Sphag...
Between 2011 and 2016 we surveyed 42 sites of coastal salt marshes of Croatia. We confirmed the occurrence of several rare and endangered plant species. Ten of them are included in the Red List of Croatia; critically endangered (CR) Eleocharis uniglumis , Triglochin barrelieri and T. maritima , endangered (EN) Carex divisa and C. extensa , vulnerab...
We investigate whether (1) environmental predictors allow to delineate the distribution of discrete community types at the continental scale and (2) how data completeness influences model generalization in relation to the compositional variation of the modelled entities.
We used comprehensive datasets of two community...
We present the first continental‐scale study of factors controlling the species richness of groundwater‐fed fens, comparing land snails, vascular plants and bryophytes. We separately analyse two ecologically distinct groups differing in conservation value and colonization/extinction dynamics, that is habitat specialists, and matrix‐derived spec...
Historical and current occurrence of perennial grass Melica altissima was studied in Slovakia during 2011–2017. The species occurrence was scarce in five phytogeographical districts studied (the Podunajská nížina, Ipeľsko-rimavská brázda region, Malé Karpaty Mts., Považský Inovec Mts., Spišská kotlina Basin); we recorded 11 native localities in tot...
North of the town Štúrovo near Diva settlement a rare halophyte, Triglochin maritima was found. It grows in stands of the association Puccinellietum limosae which occupies the lowest-lying shallow depressions. The site is intensively grazed by cattle, semi-ruderalized stands of the alliance Potentillion anserinae prevail. Although the area is known...
Questions: How do published syntaxonomical data of exposed salt lake plant communities from particular
countries correspond with our field data sampled throughout the Pannonian Basin? How do the soils and the
duration of flooding affect the pattern of individual vegetation types? Is there geographical variation in the
vegetation of soda pans within...
Vertigo lilljeborgi (Westerlund, 1871) is one of the rarest terrestrial snail species in temperate mainland Europe, where it is traditionally considered a glacial relict. This contrasts with its occurrence in northern Europe where it is a widespread species. This species prefers constantly wet habitats that are neutral to slightly acidic and avoids...
Juncus castaneus and Juncus triglumis are umbrella species of moist calcareous tundra and arctic-alpine initial fens (the Caricion atrofusco-saxatilis alliance), being considered as relicts from the glacial times in Central-European mountains. Here we report their new recent records from the Western Carpathians, where they are extremelly rare, and...
Ludwigia palustris has always been a very rare species in Central Europe. In Slovakia, its occurrence remained unconfirmed for over 60 years and it was therefore considered extinct. The paper reports its rediscovery on two sites in SE Slovakia. Both localities were found in the Latorica River catchment area in 2015 when persistent
summer droughts e...
2 Botanický ústav, Centrum biológie rastlín a biodiverzity SAV, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, daniel.dite@savba.sk Abstract: We report on a new record of Thesium ebracteatum Hayne in Slovakia. This species has been known from a single record published more than 90 years ago from the site Abrod (Borská nížina Lowland). Recently we have disco...
Our contribution provides information on historical and recent occurrence of Scorzonera parviflora in Slovakia. The species was documented or published from 23 localities; most of them were found in the Podunajská nížina lowland, less frequently in the Záhorská nížina lowland. Isolated sites are situated in the Turčianska kotlina and Hornádska kotl...
Abstract: Linnaea borealis was known as a missing species in Slovakia for several decades. It was re-discovered in 2013 on a single locality in the High Tatra Mts. In the vegetation seasons 2014 and 2015, during the intensive survey of old-growth forests of Slovakia, we confirmed Linnaea borealis in other locations. New locality has been found not...
Abstract: In Slovakia there are four documented historical sites of Cochlearia pyrenaica. The species was originally considered as Cochlearia tatrae, only in 2000 it was recognized as a new species for Slovakia and the Western Carpathians. Recently it is known only from two closer lying locations in the Veľká Fatra Mts. The remaining two sites were...
The article summarizes new information on the occurrence of 142 vascular plant taxa (including four hybrids) infrequent in the Veľká Fatra Mts. Among them 101 are autochthonous and 39 allochthonous to the flora of Slovakia, while origin of two taxa remains unclear. We recorded new sites of one endangered (EN: Utricularia minor) and three vulnerable...
Historical and current occurrence of halophytic species Carex divisa was studied in Slovakia during 2003–2014. It is known only in the Podunajská nížina Lowland, SW Slovakia, where 19 sites were found in total including historical and recent locations. Recently, the number of records decreased markedly and we confirmed only 9 localities. Due to the...
Aims: Phytosociological classification of fen vegetation (Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae class) differs among European countries. Here we propose a unified vegetation classification of European fens at the alliance level, provide unequivocal assignment rules for individual vegetation plots, identify diagnostic species of fen alliances, and...
3 Oddělení vegetační ekologie, Botanický ústav AV ČR, Lidická 25/27, CZ-602 00 Brno Na rašelinné louce nedaleko rybníka Zlámanec u obce Vortová ve Žďárských vrších byl recentně ověřen výskyt kriticky ohroženého suchopýru štíhlého (Eriophorum gracile). Druh zde roste ve společenstvech asociace Agrostio caninae-Caricetum diandrae. Fytocenologické sní...