Daniel de la Prida CaballeroUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid | UPM · Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual Y Comunicaciones
Daniel de la Prida Caballero
PhD Acoustics: Psychoacoustics
Assistant PhD Professor at the Technical University of Madrid
Researcher at the Architectural Acoustics Research Group
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I'm currently an Assistant PhD Professor at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), belonging to the Architectural Acoustics Research Group.
Previously I've been Visiting and Assistant PhD Professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M).
B. Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering (UC3M - 2013), M. Sc. (with honors) in Acoustics and Vibrations Engineering (UVa - 2014). PhD (with honors) in (Psycho)Acoustics (UPM - 2021).
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - August 2017
June 2014 - July 2014
September 2013 - September 2014
Publications (53)
Large urban areas are very prone to be contaminated by different pollutants beyond safe limits. In recent years, it is not only pursued that these environments comply with all the regulations in this regard, but also to make them as comfortable as possible for their inhabitants. Being noise one of the most harmful pollutants, researchers and admini...
The listening tests are experimental procedures in which a group of participants are asked to express their opinion about certain questions regarding some stimuli that they have been urged to listen to. The listening tests have proved their effectiveness as methods for the subjective assessment of perception in different fields of acoustics, and pa...
The sound insulation provided by a certain construction element is usually presented through Single-Number Quantities (SNQs). These SNQs are global values used to summarize the sound insulation that a construction element has as function of the frequency. Although there are standardized SNQs, whose calculation is described in the ISO 717–1 and ASTM...
Listening tests are key to evaluate the perception of difference between confusable auditory stimuli, among other purposes. In room acoustics, the usefulness of listening tests is beyond question. They have been extensively employed and have allowed relevant and interesting conclusions to be drawn for different purposes, such as the determination o...
Citation: de la Prida, D.; Navacerrada, M.Á.; Aguado-Yáñez, M.; Azpicueta-Ruiz, L.A.; Pedrero, A.; Caballol, D. The Relevance of the Low-Frequency Sound Insulation of Window Elements of Façades on the Perception of Urban-Type Sounds. Abstract: The sound insulation of the façade and its elements is a very important characteristic, as it largely dete...
The recent advancements in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology have opened the opportunity for the reliable use of digital MEMS pressure sensors. Due to these sensors' low power consumption and lightweight design, the trend of instrumentation based on MEMS technology is on the rise. In this paper, we present the design of a scalable...
Numerosas exposiciones artísticas enfrentan dificultades para transmitir plenamente su valor a la audiencia. El sonido biaural puede mejorar significativamente la interacción del público con la escena, pero su implementación requiere un seguimiento preciso de los espectadores. Utilizando tecnologías que sincronizan el sonido con la mirada del obser...
The Laboratory for Acoustics and Vibrations of the Technical University of Madrid (Arquilav) has carried out over the years a large number of measurements of sound insulation of facades of various types of rooms, with very diverse features, in terms of the structure of the opening, the blind part as well as the dimensions of the enclosures. In this...
La iglesia de San Sebastián, declarada Bien de Interés Cultural en 1969, se ubica en el centro de Madrid y fue construida entre 1553 y 1578. Tras ser destruida en los bombardeos de la Guerra Civil Española, se llevó a cabo una reconstrucción en 1959 que trató de mantener la disposición original de la misma. A día de hoy, durante su uso cotidiano, s...
It is commonly considered that Room Acoustics as a scientific discipline begins with the works of W. C. Sabine at Harvard University at the end of the 19th century with his experimental work on the measurement of the reverberation time in rooms. In this communication, the relevance of W. C. Sabine's collaboration with architectural practices in the...
Environmental noise monitoring systems often require the detection and identification of the different types of sound events, in order to evaluate the acoustical impact generated by the various types of acoustic emitters that coexist in such environments, like cars, trains, aircraft, etc. These systems often require the joint analysis of several co...
El índice de reducción acústica de las ventanas es un factor clave que determina el aislamiento acústico de una fachada. En la actualidad, existe un debate abierto sobre el rango de medición en el que deben ensayarse las prestaciones acústicas de los sistemas de construcción. Los estudios sugieren que ampliar el rango de medición a 50 Hz no represe...
Changes in body perception influence behavior and emotion and can be induced through multisensory feedback. Auditory feedback to one's actions can trigger such alterations; however, it is unclear which individual factors modulate these effects. We employ and evaluate SoniWeight Shoes, a wearable device based on literature for altering one's weight...
RESUMEN Los edificios y monumentos históricos con el paso de los años junto con la acción de factores naturales y humanos aceleran su degradación y con ello, su pérdida. Los análisis preventivos son clave para la identificación temprana y la conservación de los monumentos, evitando el avance de los daños y su eliminación antes de que el avance del...
RESUMEN El aislamiento acústico se mide generalmente en el rango contenido entre las bandas de 1/3 de octava de 100 y 3150 Hz, siendo este rango el más habitual también para el cálculo de sus valores globales. La normativa contempla, no obstante, dos rangos extendidos de alta y baja frecuencia, cubriendo el rango entre 3150 y 5000 Hz y entre 50 y 1...
This document presents a synthesis of the held research on the sound reduction index in windows both with and without trickle vents, with small openings for permanent natural ventilation between the frame and the windowpane. These devices are invisible to the users and do not affect the natural light from the window. In the case of windows with shu...
Face masks are an element of health safety. When placed in front of the mouth of an acoustic emitter, sound waves experience, in their propagation, an additional resistance to that of the air. This may decrease the intelligibility of some frequencies, as they reach the ears of the receivers with less energy. This study seeks to assess, both objecti...
Sensory-driven illusions, such as those produced by sounds in combination with tactile and/or proprioceptive cues, can significantly alter people's body perceptions. The footsteps illusion exemplifies this phenomenon. However, individual differences in the effects have been observed, which may be attributed to body ideals or symptomatology of eatin...
C80 is an acoustic parameter that evaluates the influence of the room on the perception of musical clarity. Numerous studies have been carried out to determine its just noticeable difference (JND). In those evaluations different musical pieces have been used, and different results have been observed depending on the pieces. In some studies, the dif...
The following research presents the development of natural fiber-based nonwovens as a potential substitute for acoustic materials commonly made of synthetic and mineral fibers and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) which deals with the effect of fiber size, density, and binder content in the sound absorption coefficient of such materials. The characte...
Nowadays, continuous and unattended noise monitoring systems are being installed in the vicinity of airports, railways and roads, with the aim of more precisely controlling this kind of noise sources. A key part of these solutions is the detection and classification of the captured acoustic events. International standards permit the use of differen...
In the field of binaural audio, as in other areas of acoustics, listening tests are nowadays widely used to evaluate perceptual differences between highly confusable sound stimuli. Great efforts are made, in general, to ensure that the stimuli used in these tests are accurate and representative of the confusable difference under assessment. However...
Palabras Clave: comportamiento acústico, monasterio, patrimonio inmaterial, acústica de templos ABSTRACT. The Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial is an exceptional place in European geography. Inside the four external walls three differentiated spaces coexist: the monastery of Hieronymite monks, the seminar for the education of students, an...
People's body perception is highly malleable. Recent works have demonstrated that the dynamic modification of footstep sounds can lead people to perceive their body as thinner/lighter, walk more dynamically and feel happier, potentially supporting health. Previous studies modified the spectra of footstep sounds through a stereo 9-band analog graphi...
Palabras Clave: aislamiento acústico, baja frecuencia, magnitudes globales ABSTRACT. In order to make a decision on whether to include the low frequency bands (50, 63 and 80 Hz) in the calculation of the Single-Number Quantities, it is key to have accurate measurements in this range. The low frequency or corner measurement method is mandatory when...
La parte 3 de la norma ISO 16283 describe el procedimiento para determinar el aislamiento acústico de una fachada. El procedimiento se aplica a salas con volúmenes comprendidos entre 10 m 3 y 250 m 3 en el rango de frecuencias entre 50 y 5000 Hz. Para un volumen de la sala receptora superior a 25 m 3 , no es obligatorio utilizar el procedimiento de...
The characterization of both surface and subsurface pathologies (position, depth, width,...) that affects the porous materials used in building constructions, once in service, is important to establish the most suitable intervention strategy. In this sense, the use of non-destructive techniques allows the analysis of different properties without af...
Conserving historical heritage sites is fundamental for preserving cultural identity. Effective interventions require building damage to be pre-detected. Because stone masonry is one of the most globally prevalent building techniques, diagnosing building deterioration is pivotal for conserving heritage sites. Non-destructive tests (NDTs) provide ne...
Research over the last decade has explored the relevance of psychoacoustic indicators such as loudness (N), sharpness (S), roughness (R) and fluctuation strength (FS) for the description of the perceptual construct of soundscapes. Furthermore, the recent ISO 12913-2 standard, published in 2018, recommends their use for the quantitative assessment o...
Research over the last decade has explored the relevance of psychoacoustic indicators such as Loudness (N), Sharpness (S), Roughness (R) and Fluctuation Strength (FS) for the description of the perceptual construct of soundscapes. Furthermore, the recent ISO 12913-2 standard, published in 2018, recommends their use for the quantitative assessment o...
El uso de materiales aislantes es el primer paso para reducir la energía requerida para mantener una buena temperatura en el interior de un edificio y alcanzar la eficiencia energética. El objetivo es diseñar materiales para aislamiento acústico y térmico baratos, biodegradables y reciclables como los basados en fibras naturales. En este trabajo se...
Local production of construction materials is a valuable tool for improving the building
sector sustainability. In this sense, the use of lignocellulosic fibers from local species becomes an interesting alternative to the development of such materials. As it is thought that the properties of fiber-based materials are dependent on the fibers propert...
La Claridad C80 ha sido ampliamente utilizada para la determinación de la claridad musical de recintos desde su definición en 1974. A pesar de lo extendido de su uso, no se ha investigado en profundidad que este índice tenga una buena correlación con la percepción subjetiva de la claridad para cualquier entorno acústico. En esta comunicación se pre...
En España la inmensa mayoría de las viviendas se han construido antes de la aplicación del DB HR Protección frente al ruido del Código Técnico de la Edificación y no están adecuadas a las actuales exigencias de calidad acústica. Estas deficientes condiciones se han puesto de manifiesto en la situación de confinamiento en nuestras viviendas...
Una alta porosidad es fundamental para facilitar la absorción del sonido. Si bien existen métodos para la obtención de la porosidad, los métodos por saturación con líquidos suelen subestimar la porosidad abierta al no saturar los poros más pequeños y los métodos de picnometría requieren infraestructura de alto costo. En este trabajo se pre...
En las últimas décadas se han realizado grandes esfuerzos para encontrar magnitudes globales del aislamiento acústico (SNQs) que muestren una alta correlación con la sensación subjetiva. Pese a estos esfuerzos, no existe consenso aún hoy en día. Para dar respuesta a este hecho se han realizado numerosos listening tests, en los que se ha inv...
The use of acoustic virtual reality technologies makes it possible to restore the sound of historical sound spaces as these were in their original state. The process of creating acoustic models that allow this reconstruction consists usually of two phases. In the first phase, an acoustic model representing the current situation of the building is m...
The measurement of the sound absorption coefficient is clearly described in the ISO 10534 series of standards as well as in the ISO 354:2003 standard. However, the methods described in these standards are intended for laboratory testing under certain controlled conditions. There are situations where measurements have to be carried out in situ, as t...
Single-Number Quantities (SNQs) are used to evaluate the performance of sound insulation elements through a global and quantitative value that takes into account the contribution of all frequency bands. In recent years, several studies have been carried out to investigate how representative these magnitudes are of the subjective perception of sound...
The objective of a virtual acoustic model is to faithfully reproduce the sound of the acoustic environment that is represented in the model. Therefore, the model is often calibrated by in situ acoustic measurements. The usual procedure to calibrate the model is to compare the values of the room acoustical parameters obtained by measurements with th...
Rolling shutters or blinds are elements placed outside the window. They aim to protect the interior of dwellings from the direct exposure to sunlight. Even though they are not usual in some countries, they are commonly used in Mediterranean countries due to longer exposure to daylight. Acoustic insulation of window elements might be modified due to...
The application of auralization techniques is consolidated for the acoustical study and characterization in room acoustics. In combination with virtual reality systems, it turns to be a powerful project tool for analysing possible solutions and also for communicating. The main objective of the project is the application of this methodology into urb...
ABSTRACT Direct oral communication is a key issue in the learning process, therefore, classrooms and other learning spaces must have excellent acoustic properties. This paper shows the results of measurements of airborne sound insulation of the façades of several dozen secondary school classrooms where the original windows have been replaced or ano...
ABSTRACT In recent years there is a growing interest in the subjective characterization of acoustic insulation. However, there are still no standardized methodologies for this task. The objective of this communication is to present a precise methodology for the subjective characterization of the acoustic insulation of windows, by means of listening...
This work aims to investigate the importance and the consideration of the affection that the subjective parameters have when evaluating the raw material produced in different soundscapes. Thus, it is tried to demonstrate the repercussion that these can have on the perception of environmental noise. With this, it is intended to promote this area of...
Since soundscapes are strongly related to the human perception, the sound pressure level does not seem to be a sufficient representative of a soundscape by itself. Therefore, the characterization of a soundscape might be improved by using psychoacoustic parameters. A study has been conducted and the relationship between psychoacoustic parameters an...
This study presents a comparison between heavyweight and lightweight walls, in terms of perceived loudness of pink noise transmitted through 10 different walls. The objective is to investigate whether the single number descriptor RA,50–5000 adequately reflects the subjective perception of the acoustic performance of a wall and if the sound reductio...
Listening test have proved to be effective as a method to rate the subjective perception, although their preparation and performance can be tedious and there are many possible sources of bias. These biases are mainly caused by the human interaction of both the researcher and the participant. The aim of this research is the development of matlab-ass...
Building acoustics panorama is of renovation and change in different aspects. Negative health effects of general noise exposure due to adjoining dwellings are well known, but it is still a challenge assessing the perception of users and correlating it with physical descriptors of sound insulation. Many studies are being developed on the way to purp...
A lot of situations can be found where an objective descriptor doesn’t represent the
subjective perception that the same event causes in the human beings. If the purpose of
the descriptor is somehow to rate the human perception, being related to the comfort or
quality of life, the descriptor should then be studied in order to improve its performanc...