Daniel BerteroUniversity of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Agronomy · Plant Production
Daniel Bertero
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We are currently working on two research lines: high temperature and waterlogging responses in quinoa. For both subjects we are using the wild quinoa ancestor Chenopodium hircinum from a wide range of environments as potential sources of traits to improve adaptation to these stresses.
We are also using mapping populations to screen for the genetic and physiological basis of quinoa high temperature responses
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October 1991 - August 2022
January 1994 - present
Publications (102)
Chenopodium hircinum, the putative wild ancestor of quinoa, is a source of traits that could improve the tolerance of crop quinoa to high temperatures. However, seeds of C. hircinum have physiological dormancy (PD), which is an obstacle for plant propagation and use in breeding programs. We studied the intraspecific variability in morpho-anatomical...
Genotype × environment (GxE) interaction effects are one of the major challenges in identifying cultivars with stable performance across agri-environments. In this study we analysed GE interactions to identify quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) cultivars with high and stable yields under different soil moisture regimes, representing control conditions, wa...
Intraspecific variation in plant traits, such as leaf morphology, offers insights into local adaptation and the ecological niche breadth of species. Chenopodium hircinum, the wild ancestor of quinoa, is widely distributed across various ecoregions in Argentina. A detailed comparative analysis of leaf morphology across 23 populations covering its en...
Context or problem: Despite its global significance as a highly nutritious food, the critical period for grain yield and grain protein determination of quinoa has not yet been identified. Objective or research question: This study aimed to determine the critical period of grain number, yield, and grain protein of quinoa in contrasting environments...
La quínoa es una especie cultivada de origen Andino que recobró importancia durante las últimas décadas debido a su plasticidad fenotípica para tolerar diversos estreses abióticos y el excelente tenor proteínico de sus granos. El cultivo de quinoa se ha expandido mundialmente encontrando nuevos desafíos climáticos que, al estar ausentes en su área...
La caracterización morfo-fenológica de los recursos fitogenéticos es el primer paso para su implementación en los programas de mejoramiento de los cultivos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir mediante herramientas de análisis uni y multivariado un conjunto de 48 poblaciones de Chenopodium hircinum para el número de hojas y la duración d...
In quinoa, similar yields are found under a wide range of plant population densities due to its phenotypic plasticity.
This study aimed to identify optimal plant population densities for achieving attainable yields, in relation to the most adapted genotype for a given environment.
Andean (RQ252 and RQ420) and Coastal (Titicac...
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), an Andean pseudocereal, attained global popularity beginning in the early 2000s due to its protein quality, glycemic index, and high fiber, vitamin, and mineral contents. Pitseed goosefoot (Chenopodium berlandieri), quinoa's North American free‐living sister species, grows on disturbed and sandy substrates across the No...
In this paper we tested the performance of the Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to provide reliable guidelines for planning a collection mission for quinoa’s wild ancestor, Chenopodium hircinum, across Argentina. A model was constructed by combining a prediction of the species’ geographic distribution based on bioclimatic variables and herbarium...
La temperatura determina el fitness biológico de un organismo ya que controla el tiempo de los eventos de su desarrollo (fenología). Se ajustaron modelos lineales y no lineales segmentados con distinta complejidad para capturar la respuesta fenológica a la temperatura (alta, AT y control, CT) de 272 genotipos de quínoa. Se analizó el número de días...
Cultivation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is rapidly expanding worldwide. Characterisation of populations of Chenopodium hircinum Schard., its wild ancestor, which thrives in some of the hottest environments in South America, may provide adaptations to new environments.
This study evaluated the developmental patterns of popula...
Quinoa’s germplasm evaluation is the first step towards determining its suitability under new environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to introduce suitable germplasm to the lowland areas of the Faisalabad Plain that could then be used to introduce quinoa more effec-tively to that region. A set of 117 quinoa genotypes belonging to the US...
Quinoa has been promoted as a crop for marginal environments. Because of this and high international prices its cultivation was expanded to more than 100 countries in the last decades, and some of these new environments face high temperatures. This is accentuated by temperature increase as a consequence of climate change, making high temperatures a...
The aim of this experiment was to understand the physiological basis of genotype by environment by management interaction in quinoa. Experiments were carried out at four environments combining two locations (Valleys and Puna) and two years (2017 and 2019 for Valleys, 2018 and 2019 for Puna). Local genotypes (RQ252 from Valley and RQ420 from Puna) p...
Quinoa is a crop originating in the Andes but grown more widely and with the genetic potential for significant further expansion. Due to the phenotypic plasticity of quinoa, varieties need to be assessed across years and multiple locations. To improve comparability among field trials across the globe and to facilitate collaborations, components of...
Quinoa is a crop originating in the Andes but grown more widely and with the genetic potential for significant further expansion. Due to the phenotypic plasticity of quinoa, varieties need to be assessed across years and multiple locations. To improve comparability among field trials across the globe and to facilitate collaborations, components of...
Citation: Stanschewski, C.S.; Rey, E.; Fiene, G.; Craine, E.B.; Wellman, G.; Melino, V.J.; Patiranage, D.S.R.; Johansen, K.; Schmöckel, S.M.; Bertero, D.; et al. Quinoa Abstract: Quinoa is a crop originating in the Andes but grown more widely and with the genetic potential for significant further expansion. Due to the phenotypic plasticity of quino...
Citation: Stanschewski, C.S.; Rey, E.; Fiene, G.; Craine, E.B.; Wellman, G.; Melino, V.J.; Patiranage, D.S.R.; Johansen, K.; Schmöckel, S.M.; Bertero, D.; et al. Quinoa Abstract: Quinoa is a crop originating in the Andes but grown more widely and with the genetic potential for significant further expansion. Due to the phenotypic plasticity of quino...
Cotton is often exposed to high temperatures during the reproductive stage, which can negatively affect its productivity. The objectives were to: i) test whether heat stress impacts during the reproductive stage on photosynthesis are due to instant temperature effects or to acclimation produced during the heat stress period, ii) evaluate the role o...
Expansion into areas outside their centers of origin requires knowledge of quinoa’s physiology and its response to the environment concerning the determination of seed yield and its numerical components to facilitate crop management and breeding. The objectives of the current work were to analyze the determination of seed weight (SW) of different q...
Soil moisture stress has become a serious environmental limitation to crop productivity and quality. The root system is the first organ sensing the changes in soil moisture; therefore, root development under water deficit is an important indicator for plant's drought tolerance. Previous studies focused on quinoa varietal differences in morphologica...
Quinoa domestication studies based on seed’s morphological traits and conducted in the Central Andes region concluded that it occurred somewhere around Lake Titicaca before 3000 BC. Recent genetic studies showed quinoa (an allotetraploid) resulting from the fusion of two diploid species (carrying the A and B genomes), one Eurasian and one American...
Quinoa cultivation expanded from South America to many countries in the last decades. Most of this expansion was based on trial an error but future breeding and crop management necesitates a better understanding of the crop’s physiology. Even though there were significant advances at the plant and leaf physiological level a crop level of understand...
Soil salinity has become a serious environmental abiotic stress limiting crop productivity and quality. The root system is the first organ sensing the changes in salinity. Root development under elevated salinity is therefore an important indicator for saline tolerance in plants. Previous studies focused on varietal differences in morphological tra...
There is renewed interest in quinoa as a potential source of vegetable oils; however, there is no information about how environmental conditions affect its fatty acid composition, a critical indicator of its oil quality. The fatty acid concentrations of four cultivars adapted to temperate environments were compared at three sowing dates...
History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or climatic changes. Exceptionally well preserved ancient DNA of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from the cold and arid Andes of...
Table A. Succinct chronology of climatic and social changes in the Southern dry Andes.
Table B. Seed sample description.
Table C. Microsatellite loci...
(Dataset). S2–File-WINKEL-et-al-Allelic-profiles-Dataset-(2018-04-05).
Background and objetives: The relative influences of genetic and environmental factors on seed composition traits as well as the interrelations among these attributes and seed yield are largely unknown in quinoa. These aspects are approached here through experiments conducted at a low elevation temperate environment with four quinoa genotypes sown...
History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or climatic changes. Exceptionally well preserved ancient DNA of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from the cold and arid Andes of...
The goosefoot genus (Chenopodium) is circumpolar in distribution, with taxa native to all of the major continents as well as distant archipelago-endemics. The most famous species are C. quinoa or quinoa, the highly nutritious seed crop from the Andean region, and C. album or lambsquarters, a notoriously invasive agricultural weed. Quinoa is an allo...
The goosefoot genus (Chenopodium) is circumpolar in distribution, with taxa native to all of the major continents as well as distant archipelago-endemics. The most famous species are C. quinoa or quinoa, the highly nutritious seed crop from the Andean region, and C. album or lambsquarters, a notoriously invasive agricultural weed. Quinoa is an allo...
In the 1970s, during excavations at Los Morrillos, San Juan, Argentina, quinoa seeds were found within ancient pumpkin crocks protected from the light and high temperatures, and preserved in the very dry conditions of the region. The radiocarbon dates confirmed the age of these seeds at around 2300 years. Sectioning of some of these seeds showed re...
The importance of grain weight lies in it being an attribute of commercial quality and as a yield component, so this trait is often used as a selection criteria for quinoa breeding. The main aim of this study was to analyze grain weight (GW) determination through the analysis of its components grain growth rate (GGR) and grain filling duration (GFD...
Quinoa is an important Andean grain crop grown in a wide range of tropical and temperate environments. Time to flowering is an important trait determining grain yield. This work aimed to understand how responses to photoperiod and temperature might alter plant leaf and floral development. To assess the likely degree of G × E interactions, eleven qu...
CITACION: Winkel T, Cruz P, Álvarez-Flores R, Bertero D, Del Castillo C, Gasselin P, Joffre R, Peredo Parada S, Sáez Tonacca L, Vassas Toral A, Vieira-Pak M. 2015. El presunto desastre ambiental y social de la quinua real: desarmar los clichés para reforzar la ética. T'inkazos 38: 127-142. RESUMEN: El auge de la quinua genera un vivo debate sobre s...
A partir del auge de la producción de quinua en los Andes se observa un creciente interés en evaluar el impacto de la intensificación de su cultivo. Muchos son los análisis y comentarios, a menudo alertando sobre dinámicas poco sustentables, y en particular, sobre la pérdida de biodiversidad. A pesar del interés para contextualizar mejor los cambio...
Two possible sources of resistance to pre-harvest sprouting were evaluated in quinoa. They showed dormancy at harvest and significant variations in dormancy level in response to environmental conditions experienced during seed development. The aims of this work were to evaluate the importance of seed coats in the regulation of dormancy in this spec...
This chapter brings together knowledge of the germination and storage behaviour of quinoa seeds in relation to three general aspects: germination response to different factors and in situations of stress; tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting and dormancy control; and the dynamics of ageing and potential longevity of seeds in storage. Quinoa seeds dem...
In 2013, the United Nations declared the International Year of Quinoa. It gave global priority to quinoa, fostering expectations and highlighting challenges. The scientific studies and articles compiled herein describe with precision the potential contribution of quinoa and its limitations with regard to its cultivation, and promote its consumption...
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is one of the oldest crops in the American continent. It has been recognized as an extremely nutritious grain all over the world. The importance that quinoa could play in nutrition is being emphasized not only in developing countries but also in the developed world. This is the first study reporting the nutritiona...
The debate on the environmental and social sustentainability of quinoa in its area of major world production (southern highlands of Bolivia) revived with the acceptance by the United Nations of the Bolivian proposal to declare in 2013 as the Year of the Quinoa. Public debate focused on local impacts of quinoa expansion in the Southern highlands of...
Este documento es la traducción integral del artículo original publicado en Idesia (Chile) y titulado: "Calling for a reappraisal of the impact of the quinoa expansion on agricultural sustainabilty in the Andean highlands".
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas...
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas del sur de Bolivia) revivió con la aceptación por las Naciones Unidas de la propuesta de Bolivia de declarar el año 2013 como el Año Internacional de la Quínoa. El debate público se focalizó en los impactos locales de la ex...
En el 2013 las Naciones Unidas declararon el Año Internacional de la Quinua, situándola en un espacio privilegiado a nivel global, generando expectativas y desafíos.
El "Estado del arte de la quinua en el mundo en 2013" es una publicación conjunta entre el CIRAD y la FAO que reúne en un solo libro toda la información relevante sobre la quinua gener...
En este capítulo se reúnen los conocimientos sobre
el comportamiento germinativo y en conservación
de semillas de quinua a través de tres aspectos
generales: la respuesta de la germinación a
diferentes factores y ante situaciones de estrés,
la tolerancia al brotado pre-cosecha y el control
de la dormición, y la dinámica de envejecimiento
y longevid...
El cultivo de quinoa en el Noroeste de Argentina abarca un rango latitudinal y longitudinal estrecho en comparación con la distribución geográfica de la especie, pero un amplio rango altitudinal (2334-4012 msnm) acompañado de una muy alta variación climática. Un análisis de la variabilidad morfo-fenológica de una colección de germoplasma detectó cu...
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas
del sur de Bolivia) revivió con la aceptación por las Naciones Unidas de la propuesta de Bolivia de declarar el año 2013 como el
Año Internacional de la Quínoa. El debate público se focalizó en los impactos locales de la ex...
RESUMEN El método de Regresión por Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales (PLS) relaciona en un solo procedimiento los efectos de interacción genotipo x ambiente (GxA) como variable dependiente con respecto a variables externas ambientales como variables explicativas. En este trabajo se aplicó PLS a los datos obtenidos de ensayos multi-ambientales comparativo...
La variabilidad genética, su estructura, y asociación con la variabilidad morfológica para poblaciones de quinoa (C. quinoa Willd.) procedentes del Noroeste de Argentina (NOA) eran aspectos ignorados pocos años atrás, fuera de alguna información sobre un bajo número de accesiones argentinas conservadas en bancos de germoplasma en Bolivia y Perú, mu...
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd., 2n = 4x = 36) is an Andean broadleaf seed and vegetable crop of ancient origin. Quinoa represents one or two botanical varieties of a much broader tri-species complex native to North and South America and dominated by weedy forms of pitseed goosefoot (C. berlandieri Moq.) and avian goosefoot (C. hircinum Schrad.)....
The lifecycle of the facultative biennial oilseed-crop evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) is a major constraint for its commercial production under different growing conditions, as a variable proportion of plants fails to flower during the first season and remains as vegetative rosettes (biennial behavior). The aim of this work was to understand...
Effect of a quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa W) based diet on the intestinal mucosa of growing Wistar rats - Volume 72 Issue OCE1 - S. M. Vidueiros, I. Fernandez, D. Bertero, M. E. Roux, A. Pallaro
This short chapter presents the main agrophysiological characteristics of the quinoa crop in terms of its water requirements, drought and cold resistance, and grain productivity.
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), one of the main crops domesticated in the Andean highlands 1,000 of years ago, played an important role as a protein source. 35 germplasm accessions collected along the Northwest Argentina (NWA) region were studied using 22 microsatellite (SSR) markers. Results showed a great level of genetic diversity, differing...
Traducción integral del artículo en inglés publicado en J. Agron. Crop Sci.
Analizando la situación de la producción de quinua en el altiplano sud de Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) sostiene que el auge del mercado de exportación tiene un impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente y el consumo nacional de la quinua, lo que ll...
AbstractA set of 34 quinoa populations from the Northwest Argentina region was characterised using quantitative and qualitative phenotypic traits in an experiment conducted in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. A selection of quinoa descriptors from the Bioversity International (former IBPGR) list was applied, and data were analyzed using descriptiv...
Reviewing the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) argues that the booming export market has a negative effect on the environment and on the home consumption of quinoa, thereby leading to an environmental disaster in the region. In view of the scarcity of scientific knowledge on the rapid...
Reviewing the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) argues that the booming export market has a negative effect on the environment and on the home consumption of quinoa, thereby leading to an environmental disaster in the region. In view of the scarcity of scientific knowledge on the rapid...
This short chapter presents the main agrophysiological characteristics of the quinoa crop in terms of its water requirements, drought and cold resistance, and grain productivity.
El uso de herramientas de Análisis Multivariado para datos de Conjuntos Múltiples en la caracterización de recursos genéticos es aún poco frecuente a pesar de sus ventajas. En este trabajo aplicamos Análisis de Procrustes Generalizado (APG) para describir 25 accesiones de quínoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) nativa del Noroeste Argentino caracterizad...
Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) is a serious risk when adapting quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) seed production to different temperate environments. Two quinoa accessions, ‘2-Want’ and ‘Chadmo’ were evaluated under field conditions in the Argentinean pampas over 2 years on five different sowing dates, to explore a range of climate conditions under which se...