Damijan Štefanc

Damijan Štefanc
University of Ljubljana · Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts

Doctor of Philosophy


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October 2009 - present
University of Ljubljana
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (18)
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This study explores how podcasts’ accessibility fosters learning, examining listener engagement, content preferences, and the unique educational opportunities they offer. With the rise of digital audio platforms, podcasts have emerged as a significant medium for acquiring knowledge outside formal educational settings. Using an online survey, data w...
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Nekaj premislekov o prenovi osnovne šole in z njimi povezana stališča osnovnošolskih učiteljev Povzetek: V luči aktualnih potez šolske politike se v tem prispevku lotevamo obravnave dveh sis-temskih rešitev: v prvem delu odpiramo vprašanje razširjenega programa, ki ga razumemo zlasti kot sestavni del fleksibilno-diferenciacijskih rešitev osnovne šo...
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Čeprav je historična evolucija vsake znanstvene discipline vselej rezultat dela številnih posameznikov, ki teoretično in v neposredni praksi soobli- kujejo neki disciplinarni in širši miselni prostor, prav tako drži, da v tistem drobcu časa, ki se razteza skozi nekaj desetletij, nekateri avtorji za seboj pu- stijo izrazitejšo, bolj prepoznavno in t...
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Po tem, ko smo v Sloveniji v zadnjih treh desetletjih opravili dve večji prenovi osnovnošolskih in gimnazijskih učnih načrtov, smo se leta 2021 z Načrtom za okrevanje in odpornost zavezali k ponovni prenovi nacionalnih kurikularnih dokumentov. Ta se je začela leta 2022 s sprejetjem Izhodišč prenove, trajala pa naj bi do leta 2026, ko bodo prenovlje...
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V pedagoškem diskurzu so kompetence prisotne že nekaj desetletij: vsaj od 70. let prejšnjega stoletja je predvsem v anglosaksonskem teoretskem prostoru mogoče zaslediti vrsto razprav in dokumentov, ki si po eni strani prizadevajo za konceptualizacijo pojma kompetence v polju vzgoje in izobraževanja, po drugi strani pa obravnavajo možnosti za implem...
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V prispevku se lotevamo vprašanja konceptualnih pojmovanj in sistemske umeščenosti učne diferenciacije in individualizacije v osnovni šoli na Slovenskem, kar je tematika, s katero se je v Sloveniji najbolj intenzivno ukvarjal France Strmčnik. V prvem delu članka najprej orišemo razumevanje kon-cepta individualizacije v didaktični in pedagoški liter...
Following the adoption of the conceptual design proposed by the White Paper in 1995 and the legislation adopted on this basis, the reform of primary school transformed its overall image. In the present paper, we discuss only some of the solutions and consider the events and changes that have occurred in the last twenty years, devoting special atten...
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One of the main factors contributing to students' optimal development in school settings is the implementation of appropriate differentiating and individualizing measures. While this topic is well researched and addressed in the context of primary and lower secondary education, the theoretical and empirical research on differentiated and individual...
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In various EU documents, preschool education is emphasised as the most strongly contributing to equity along the entire educational continuum, particularly for disadvantaged children. It has an important role in reducing early school leaving and promoting social inclusion. It can also help reduce social, economic and other differences among childre...
In this article we tend to present some of the didactically significant characteristics of educational materials, particularly e-materials, as recognized by teachers in secondary technical education programmes in Slovenia. In the first part of the paper, some general didactic definitions of educational materials and e-materials are analysed. We fol...
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In the paper some issues and problems regarding the implementation of ICT in initial vocational education and training in Slovenia are discussed. After the brief analysis of the main theoretical characteristics of ICT and ematerials, the key findings from the recent EU survey on the ICT in schools are presented and some conclusions on the basis of...
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This article examines a didactic and curricular model that was developed to support the implementation of a competence-based approach, today prevailing in the European (initial) vocational education and training (VET). It starts by presenting contemporary developments in the Slovenian VET, and then continues with a study of some of the underlying p...
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The article analyses two defining assumptions about the Reggio Emilia (RE) approach: the absence of a planned curriculum designed in advance as a basis for educational work and children's participation in preschools. The authors demonstrate that different approaches to planning preschool education have advantages and disadvantages, which we cannot...
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In this paper we present some general didactic definitions of educational materials and emphasize that in relation to the teachers planning and conducting classes educational materials are educational means, in relation to pupils they are educational sources. The second part of the article presents some empirical findings from the research on the u...
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The article addresses the issues related to the use and evaluation of educational materials during the teaching process and independent learning. The first part defines the didactic function of educational materials, placing particular emphasis on the optimum explicitness of the educational contents under discussion, the improved rationalization an...
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V razpravi pokažemo, da je pojem kompetence v teoretskem diskurzu deležen različnih opredelitev. Izpostavili smo dve, in sicer razumevanje kompetence kot ponotranjene kognitivnoepistemološke zmožnosti posameznika, da na podlagi omejenih epistemoloških sredstev proizvaja neskončno število učinkov (kompetentnih presoj), pri čemer gre za opredelitev,...


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