Da-Li Sun

Da-Li Sun
North Carolina State University | NCSU · Department of Physics



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September 2004 - June 2009
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • PhD Student
July 2009 - December 2011
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • PostDoc Position
January 2012 - present
University of Utah
  • Research Associate


Publications (106)
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Exploration of spin-currents in organic semiconductors (OSECs) induced by resonant microwave absorption in ferromagnetic substrates has been of great interest for potential spintronics applications. Due to the inherently weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of OSECs, their inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) response is very subtle; limited by the microwave...
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Magnetic field effects have been a successful tool for studying carrier dynamics in organic semiconductors as the weak spin–orbit coupling in these materials gives rise to long spin relaxation times. As the spin–orbit coupling is strong in organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites, which are promising materials for photovoltaic and light-emitting applic...
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The first decade of organic spintronics research has benefitted from the analogy and previous experience of the inorganic spintronics field, coupled with the unlimited versatility of organic materials synthesis. At the same time, the field of organic spintronics has developed into an attractive and promising field of its own, with rich physics and...
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Organic spintronic devices have been appealing because of the long spin lifetime of the charge carriers in the organic materials and their low cost, flexibility and chemical diversity. In previous studies, the control of resistance of organic spin valves is generally achieved by the alignment of the magnetization directions of the two ferromagnetic...
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Interfacial diffusion between magnetic electrodes and organic spacer layers is a serious problem in the organic spintronics which complicates attempts to understand the spin-dependent transport mechanism and hurts the achievement of a desirably high magnetoresistance (MR). We deposit nanodots instead of atoms onto the organic layer using buffer lay...
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The interplay between chirality with magnetism can break both the space and time inversion symmetry and have wide applications in information storage, photodetectors, multiferroics and spintronics. Herein, we report the chiral transition‐metal complex cation‐based lead halide, R‐CDPB and S‐CDPB. In contrast with the traditional chiral metal halides...
The interplay between chirality with magnetism can break both the space and time inversion symmetry and have wide applications in information storage, photodetectors, multiferroics and spintronics. Herein, we report the chiral transition‐metal complex cation‐based lead halide, R‐CDPB and S‐CDPB. In contrast with the traditional chiral metal halides...
The needs for sensitively and reliably probing magnetization dynamics have been increasing in various contexts such as studying novel hybrid magnonic systems, in which the spin dynamics strongly and coherently couple to other excitations, including microwave photons, light photons, or phonons. Recent advances in quantum magnonics also highlight the...
The elegant spin physics of Dirac electrons in topological insulators (TIs) have considerably endowed fertile tunability of magnetic/TI heterojunction performance with modified spin-orbit effect engineering. Signatures of proximate hybridization between magnetic states and topological surface states have been reported. However, the nature of the sp...
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The chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect, in which the structural chirality of a material determines the preference for the transmission of electrons with one spin orientation over that of the other, is emerging as a design principle for creating next-generation spintronic devices. CISS implies that the spin preference of chiral structures...
Developing hybrid materials and structures for electromagnetic wave engineering has been a promising route towards novel functionalities and tunabilities in many modern applications. Despite its established success in engineering optical light and terahertz waves, the implementation of metaresonators operating in the microwave band is still emergin...
Efficient generation of spin polarization is very important for spintronics and quantum computation. In chiral materials without magnetic order nor spin-orbit coupling, we find a new spin selectivity effect—chiral phonon activated spin Seebeck (CPASS) effect. Starting with the nonequilibrium distribution of chiral phonons under a temperature gradie...
Conference Paper
we explore THz generation from structured ferromagnet/ultrawide bandgap semiconductor heterostructures. The emission spectrum can span the entire THz gap, be enhanced, and tuned by changing size and periodicity of the subwavelength pillars in photonic crystal.
The Mott insulating state is the progenitor of many interesting quantum phases of matter including the famous high-temperature superconductors and quantum spin liquids. A recent candidate for novel spin liquid phenomena is α−RuCl3, a layered honeycomb Mott insulator whose electronic structure has been a source of mystery. In particular, scanning tu...
The Rashba-Edelstein effect (REE), which generates interfacial spin polarization and subsequent spin current, is a compelling spin-charge conversion mechanism for spintronic applications, since it's not limited by the elemental spin-orbit couplings. In this work we demonstrate REE at Pt/ferroelectric interfaces by showing a positive correlation bet...
The understanding and manipulation of anisotropic Gilbert damping is crucial for both fundamental research and versatile engineering and optimization. Although several works on anisotropic damping have been reported, no direct relationship between the band structure and anisotropic damping was established. Here, we observed an anisotropic damping i...
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Coherent interactions between different magnetic excitations can lead to formation of magnon band gaps and hybrid magnon modes, which can find their applications in magnonic devices and coherent information processing. In this work, we probe the intrinsic magnon band gap of a layered hybrid perovskite antiferromagnet by its strong coupling to a sup...
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Tunability of coherent coupling between fundamental excitations is an important prerequisite for expanding their functionality in hybrid quantum systems. In hybrid magnonics, the dipolar interaction between magnon and photon usually persists and cannot be switched off. Here, we demonstrate this capability by coupling a superconducting resonator to...
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Nanosized perovskite ferroelectrics are widely employed in several electromechanical, photonics, and thermoelectric applications. Scaling of ferroelectric materials entails a severe reduction in the lattice (phonon) thermal conductivity, particularly at sub-100 nm length scales. Such thermal conductivity reduction can be accurately predicted using...
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Hybrid magnonic systems are a newcomer for pursuing coherent information processing owing to their rich quantum engineering functionalities. One prototypical example is hybrid magnonics in antiferromagnets with an easy-plane anisotropy that resembles a quantum-mechanically mixed two-level spin system through the coupling of acoustic and optical mag...
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Utilization of the interaction between spin and heat currents is the central focus of the field of spin caloritronics. Chiral phonons possessing angular momentum arising from the broken symmetry of a non-magnetic material create the potential for generating spin currents at room temperature in response to a thermal gradient, precluding the need for...
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Dual topological insulators, simultaneously protected by time-reversal symmetry and crystalline symmetry, open great opportunities to explore different symmetry-protected metallic surface states. However, the conventional dual topological states located on different facets hinders integration into planar opto-electronic/spintronic devices. Here, we...
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Recent successful integration of semiconductors into spintronic THz emitters has demonstrated a new pathway of control over terahertz (THz) radiation through ultrafast demagnetization dynamics. Here, the spintronic THz emission from different ultrawide bandgap (UWBG) semiconductors interfaced with ferromagnets is studied. The authors show that the...
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Herein, the magneto‐photoluminescence (MPL) of localized photocarriers and magneto‐photoconductivity (MPC) of delocalized photocarriers in amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a‐Si:H) films and devices, respectively, are investigated. Both responses are caused by mixing of spin sublevels in the photogenerated electron–hole (e–h) pairs that alters their...
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Solution‐processed metal halide perovskite (MHP) single crystals (SCs) are in high demand for a growing number of printed electronic applications due to their superior optoelectronic properties compared to polycrystalline thin films. There is an urgent need to make SC fabrication facile, scalable, and compatible with the printed electronic manufact...
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Next-generation terahertz (THz) sources demand lightweight, low-cost, defect-tolerant, and robust components with synergistic, tunable capabilities. However, a paucity of materials systems simultaneously possessing these desirable attributes and functionalities has made device realization difficult. Here we report the observation of asymmetric spin...
Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) are prime candidates for studying Rashba effects due to the heavy metal and halogen atoms in their crystal structure coupled with predicted inversion symmetry breaking. Nevertheless, observation of the Rashba effect in cubic CH3NH3PbBr3 single crystals that possess bulk inversion symmetry is the subject...
Ge Yang and co‐workers (article number 2001575) report the gamma energy‐resolving performance of a new class of all‐inorganic and lead‐free Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskite single crystals. The authors grow the crystals from Bi‐normal and Bi‐poor precursor solutions, respectively, and demonstrate that tuning the stoichiometry of Cs2AgBiBr6 could direct...
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Emergent topological insulators (TIs) and their design are in high demand for manipulating and transmitting spin information toward ultralow-power-consumption spintronic applications. Here, distinct topological states with tailored spin properties can be achieved in a single reduced-dimensional TI-superlattice, (Bi2 /Bi2 Se3 )-(Bi2 /Bi2 Se3 )N or (...
The development of terahertz (THz) spintronics has created a paradigm shift in the generation of THz radiation through the combination of ultrafast magnetism and spin-based electronics. However, research in this area has primarily focused on all-metallic devices comprising a ferromagnetic thin film adjacent to a non-magnetic heavy metal. Here, we r...
Manipulating spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is a key achievement for spin-orbitronic applications since SOC determines spin-diffusion lengths and spin-to-charge conversion efficiencies. While in most organic semiconductors SOC is inherently very weak due to being composed of primarily light elements, the SOC in conjugated polymer systems is also intimat...
\b{eta}-PdBi2 has attracted much attention for its prospective ability to possess simultaneously topological surface and superconducting states due to its unprecedented spin-orbit interaction (SOC). Whereas most works have focused solely on investigating its topological surface states, the coupling between spin and charge degrees of freedom in this...
β−PdBi2 has attracted much attention for its prospective ability to possess simultaneously topological surface and superconducting states due to its unprecedented spin-orbit interaction (SOC). Whereas most works have focused solely on investigating its topological surface states, the coupling between spin and charge degrees of freedom in this class...
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Detection and manipulation of spin current lie in the core of spintronics. Here we report an active control of a net spin Hall angle, θSHE(net), in Pt at an interface with a ferroelectric material PZT (PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3), using its ferroelectric polarization. The spin Hall angle in the ultra-thin Pt layer is measured using the inverse spin Hall effect...
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The emergence of hybrid metal halides (HMH) materials, such as the archetypal CH 3 NH 3 PbBr 3 , provides an appealing material platform for solution-processed spintronic applications due to properties such as unprecedented large Rashba spin-splitting states and highly efficient spin-to-charge (StC) conversion efficiencies. Here we report the first...
Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites have shown great promise for spintronic applications due to their large spin-orbit coupling induced by the Pb and halogen atoms. Particularly, the large observed surface-induced Rashba splitting in CH3NH3PbBr3 indicates efficient spin-current-to-charge-current (StC) conversion, which, however, has not been demon...
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Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians may still have real eigenvalues, provided that a combined parity-time (ƤƮ) symmetry exists. The prospect of ƤƮ symmetry has been explored in several physical systems such as photonics, acoustics, and electronics. The eigenvalues in these systems undergo a transition from real to complex at exceptional points (EPs), where...
Manipulation of tunneling spin-polarized electrons via a ferroelectric interlayer sandwiched between two ferromagnetic electrodes, dubbed multiferroic tunnel junctions (MFTJs), can be achieved not only by the magnetic alignment of two ferromagnets, but also by the electric polarization of the ferroelectric interlayer; this provides great opportunit...
Manipulation of tunneling spin-polarized electrons via a ferroelectric interlayer sandwiched between two ferromagnetic electrodes, dubbed Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions (MFTJs), can be achieved not only by the magnetic alignments of two ferromagnets but also by the electric polarization of the ferroelectric interlayer, providing great opportunities...
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Although both theoretical predictions and experimental observations have demonstrated that the Gilbert damping is anisotropic at ferromagnet/semiconductor interface possessing robust interfacial spin–orbit coupling, it is not well understood whether non-local Gilbert damping driven by spin pumping in heavy metal/ferromagnetic metallic bilayers is a...
Optical and electrical properties along the b-axis of Fe-doped β-Ga2O3 were studied using low temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy and current-voltage (IV) measurements. The optical absorption spectroscopy showed an absorption edge without near edge shoulder and the corresponding optical bandgap was cal...
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Tailoring molecular spinterface between novel magnetic materials and organic semiconductors offers promise to achieve high spin injection efficiency. Yet it has been challenging to achieve simultaneously a high and nonvolatile control of magnetoresistance effect in organic spintronic devices. To date, the largest magnetoresistance (~300% at T = 10...
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The hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) form a new class of semiconductors which show promising optoelectronic device applications. Remarkably, the optoelectronic properties of HOIP are tunable by changing the chemical components of their building blocks. Recently, the HOIP spintronic properties and their applications in spintronic devices...
Topological Insulators (TIs) have emerged as some of the most efficient spin-to-charge convertors owing to their correlated spin-momentum locking at helical Dirac-surface-states. While endeavors have been made to pursue large ‘charge-to-spin’ conversions in novel TI materials using spin-torque-transfer geometries, the reciprocal process ‘spin-to-ch...
In the Comment on our original paper [R. McLaughlin et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 180401(R) (2017)], Kimling et al. claimed that our optically detected change of Kerr rotation angle in a ferromagnetic slab subjected to a lateral temperature gradient measured by magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is not, or not only, caused by the transverse spin-Seebeck...
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Recently the hybrid organic-inorganic trihalide perovskites have shown remarkable performance as active layers in photovoltaic and other optoelectronic devices. However, their spin characteristic properties have not been fully studied, although due to the relatively large spin-orbit coupling these materials may show great promise for spintronic app...
This chapter reviews the first observations of magnetic field effect (MFE) in the organic‐inorganic hybrid perovskite system, and other related measurements such as field‐induced polarization and ultrafast spectroscopy. It shows that a combination of these three experiments leads to a reliable interpretation of the data, and deepens our understandi...
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Conducting polymers, where pristine polymers are doped by active dopants, have been used in a variety of flexible optoelectronic device applications due to their tunable conductivity values. Charge transport in these materials has been intensively studied for over three decades. However, spin transport properties in these compounds have remained el...
In their Comment, Kimling and Kuschel (hereafter the commenters) challenge our original interpretation of the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) measurements using ultrasensitive Sagnac interferometer, claiming that the transverse spin-Seebeck effect (TSSE) is not the only contribution to the measured change in the Kerr rotation angle from a Ni80Fe...
Incorporating heavy atoms into polymer chains represents an effective way to generate emissive triplets. Here we used magneto-optical emission spectroscopy up to 17.5 Tesla for studying the fine structure of the triplet exciton in a series of Pt-rich π-conjugated polymers with various intrachain Pt concentrations. We found that their phosphorescenc...
The organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites show excellent optical and electrical properties for photovoltaic and a myriad of other optoelectronics applications. Using high-field magneto-optical measurements up to 17.5 T at cryogenic temperatures, we have studied the spin-dependent optical transitions in the prototype CH3NH3PbI3, which are manifested...
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Magnonics concepts utilize spin-wave quanta (magnons) for information transmission, processing and storage. To convert information carried by magnons into an electric signal promises compatibility of magnonic devices with conventional electronic devices, that is, magnon spintronics1. Magnons in inorganic materials have been studied widely with resp...
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Coupling of spins and phonons in ferromagnets (FM) may persist up to mm length scale, thus generating macroscopic spatially distributed spin accumulation along the direction of an applied thermal gradient to an FM slab. This typical feature of transverse spin Seebeck effect (TSSE) has been demonstrated so far using electrical detection methods in F...
Here we summarize magnetic field effects (MFEs) in organic/hybrid systems when spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is getting involved. Under this condition, spin relaxation time is shortened and spin forbidden transition becomes (semi-)allowed, so the triplet luminescence is pronounced and can also change with external field. For example, the singlet and tr...
Reverse intersystem crossing (RISC) from triplet to singlet states has been recently introduced to photophysics of organic chromophores. One type of RISC occurs in donor (D)-acceptor (A) composites that form an exciplex manifold in which the energy difference, ?EST between the lowest singlet (S1) and triplet (T1) levels of the exciplex is small (<1...
Organic semiconductors find increasing importance in spin transport devices due to the modulation and control of their properties through chemical synthetic versatility. The organic materials are used as interlayers between two ferromagnet (FM) electrodes in organic spin valves (OSV), as well as for magnetic spin manipulation of metal-organic compl...
Exciplex organic light-emitting diodes (XOLEDs) utilize non-emissive triplet excitons via reverse intersystem crossing process of thermally activated delayed fluorescence. The small energy difference between the lowest singlet and triplet levels of exciplex also allows magnetic field to manipulate their populations, thereby achieve ultra-large ‘int...
Hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites have emerged as a new class of semiconductors that exhibit excellent performance as active layers in photovoltaic solar cells. These compounds are also highly promising materials for the field of spintronics due to their large and tunable spin–orbit coupling, spin-dependent optical selection rules, and their pre...
Macroscopic spatial spin distribution caused by the application of an in-plane thermal gradient in a conducting ferromagnetic film, known as transverse spin-Seebeck effect (TSSE), is in many cases overshadowed by thermoelectric and magnetothermoelectric effects when using the conventional electrical detection via the inverse spin Hall effect. Here...
Spin transport in thin-film materials can be studied by ferromagnetic resonantly (FMR) driven spin pumping of a charge-free spin current which induces an electromotive force through the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). For quantitative ISHE experiments, precise control of the FMR driving-field amplitude B1 is crucial. This study exploits in situ mo...
Organo-lead halide perovskites show excellent optoelectronic properties; however, the unexpected inconsistency in forward/backward I-V characteristics remains a problem for fabricating solar panels. Here we have investigated the reasons behind this "hysteresis" by following the changes in photocurrent/photoluminescence under electric field poling i...
A novel “hybrid” optoelectronic–spintronic (O-S) device that contains an organometal trihalide perovskite (OTP)-based solar cell or light-emitting diode coupled to an inorganic spin valve is presented. The synergy between the OTP and spin valve components results in two new functionalities: nonlinear magnetophotoconductivity and hysteretic magnetoe...
Control of the nano-scale crystal size distribution in films of organic-inorganic lead-tri-bromide perovskites is achieved through a recently reported solution-based, anti-solvent treatment method [H. Cho et al., Science 350, 1222 (2015)]. The treated films are shown to be high quality, optically smooth with excellent emissive and optical gain prop...
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Spin transport in thin-film materials can be studied by ferromagnetic resonantly (FMR) driven spin pumping of a charge-free spin current which induces an electromotive force through the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). For quantitative ISHE experiments, precise control of the FMR driving field amplitude $B_1$ is crucial. This study exploits in situ...
Organic semiconductors find increasing importance in spin transport devices due to the modulation and control of their properties through chemical synthetic versatility. The organic materials are used as interlayers between two ferromagnet (FM) electrodes in organic spin valves (OSV), as well as for magnetic spin manipulation of metal-organic compl...