D. RamyaGoverment Arts College, Salem-7 · Mathematics
D. Ramya
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (23)
A graph G is said to be one modulo N-difference mean graph if there is an injective function f from the vertex set of G to the set
( ) ( ) ( ){ }/ 0 2 1 1 and either 0 mod or 1 moda a q N a N a N≤ ≤ − + ≡ ≡ , where N is the natural number and q is the number of edges of G and f induces a bijection* f from the edge set of
G to ( ) ( ){ }/ 1 1 1 and...
A graph G=(V,E) with p vertices and q edges is said to have centered triangular difference mean labeling if there is an injective mapping f: V(G) → Z+ such that for each edge e = uv, f*(e) = and the resulting edge labels are the first q centered triangular numbers. A graph that admits a centered triangular difference mean labeling is called a cente...
Let G=(V,E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. A graph G is said to have an even vertex odd mean labeling if there exists a function f:V(G)→{0,2,4,…,2q} satisfying f is 1-1 and the induced map f^*:E(G)→{1,3,5,…,2q-1} defined by f^* (uv)=(f(u)+f(v))/2 is a bijection. A graph that admits even vertex odd mean labeling is called an even vertex odd...
Let G=(V,E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. Consider an injection f:V(G)→{1,2,3,…,pq}. Define f^*:E(G)→{T_1,T_2,…,T_q } , where T_q is the qth triangular number such that f^* (e)=⌈|f(u)-f(v)|/2⌉ for all edges e=uv. If f^* (E(G)) is a sequence of consecutive triangular numbers T_1,T_2,…,T_q, then the function f is said to be restricted trian...
In this paper, we define a new labeling namely triangular difference mean labeling and investigate triangular difference mean behaviors of some standard graphs. A triangular difference mean labeling of a graph G = (p, q) is an injection f : V −→ Z + , where Z + is a set of positive integers such that for each edge e = uv, the edge labels are define...
A graph G = (V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to have centered triangular mean labeling if it is possible to label the vertices x ∈ V with distinct elements f (x) from S, where S is a set of non-negative integers in such a way that for each edge e = uv, f * (e) = f (u)+f (v) 2 and the resulting edge labels are the first q centered triangul...
Let G=(V,E) be a simple, finite and undirected (p,q)-graph with p vertices and q edges. A graph G is Skolem odd difference mean if there exists an injection f:V(G)→(0,1,2,...,p+3q-3) and an induced bijection f*:E(G)→(1,3,5,...,2q-1) such that each edge uv (with f(u)>f(v)) is labeled with f*(uv)=f(u)-f(v)2. We say G is Skolem even difference mean if...
Let G = (V, E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. A graph G is said to be skolem odd difference mean if there exists a function f : V(G) → {0, 1, 2, 3,...,p+3q - 3} satisfying f is 1-1 and the induced map f * : E(G) →{1, 3, 5,..., 2q-1} defined by f * (e) = [(f(u)-f(v))/2] is a bijection. A graph that admits skolem odd difference mean labeling...
A graph G = (V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to have skolem difference mean labeling if it is possible to label the vertices x ∈ V with distinct elements f (x) from 1, 2, 3, · · · , p+q in such a way that for each edge e = uv, let f*(e)= ⌈|f(u)-f(v)|/2⌉ and the resulting labels of the edges are distinct and are from 1, 2, 3, · · ·, q. A g...
Let G be a (p, q) graph and f: V(G)→{1, 2, 3,…, p + q} be an injection. For each edge e = uv, let f*(e) = (f(u) + f(v)) / 2 if f(u) + f(v) is even and f*(e) = (f(u) + f(v) +1) / 2 if f(u) + f(v) is odd. Then f is called a super mean labeling if
f(V) {f*(e): e E (G)} = {1, 2, 3,..., p + q}. A graph that admits a super mean labeling is called a...
Let be a graph with vertices and edges. A graph is said to be skolem odd difference
mean if there exists a function satisfying is 1-1 and the induced
map defined by is a bijection. A graph that
admits skolem odd difference mean labeling is called skolem odd difference mean graph. We call a
skolem odd difference mean labeling as skolem even vertex o...
ARTICLE INFO In this paper we define a new labeling called skolem odd difference mean labeling and investigate skolem odd difference meanness of some standard graphs. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. G is said be skolem odd difference mean if there exists a function f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , p + 3q − 3} satisfying f is...
Let G(V, E) be a graph with p vertices and q edges. A graph G is said to be odd mean if there exists a function f: V(G)→{0,1,2,3, ...,2q - 1} satisfying / is 1-1 and the induced map f∗:E(G)→{ 1,3,5, - 1} defined by f∗ (uv)={f(u)+f(v)/2f(u)+f(v)+1/2 if /(u)+/(v) is even if /(u)+/(v) is a bijection- A graPh - if /(u)+/(v) is odd 2 that admits odd mea...
Let ( , ) G V E be a graph with p vertices and q edges and : ( ) {1,2,3, , } … f V G p q " + be
an injection. For each edge , let ( )
( ) ( )
e uv f e
f u f v
= =
` j . Then f is called a super mean
labeling of G if { ( ( )) { ( ) : ( )} {1,2,3,..., }. f V G f e e E G p q , ! = +
A graph that admits a su-
per mean labeling is called a super...
In this paper, we introduce a new type of graph labeling known as super mean labeling. We investigate the super mean labeling for the Complete graph K-n, the Star K-1,K-n ,the Cycle C2n+1,and the graph G(1) boolean OR G(2) where G(1) and G(2) are super mean graphs and some standard graphs.
A graph with p vertices and q edges is called a mean graph if there is an injective function f that maps V(G) to such that for each edge uv , is labeled with if is even and if is odd. Then the resulting edge labels are distinct. In this paper, we prove some general theorems on mean graphs and show that the graphs , Jewel graph , Jelly fish graph an...
Let G be a (p,q) graph and f : V (G) → {1,2,3,...,p + q} be an injection. For each edge e = uv, let f ∗ (e) = (f(u) + f(v))/2 if f(u) + f(v) is even and f ∗ (e) = (f(u) +f(v)+1)/2 if f(u)+f(v) is odd. Then f is called a super mean labeling if f(V )∪{f ∗ (e) : e ∈ E(G)} = {1,2,3,...,p+q}. A graph that admits a super mean labeling is called a super m...
Let G be a (p,q)-graph and f:V(G)→{k,k+1,k+2,k+3,⋯,p+q+k-1} be an injection. For each edge e=uv, let f * (e)=⌈f(u)+f(v) 2⌉. Then f is called a k-super mean labeling if f(V)∪{f * (e):e∈E(G)}={k,k+1,k+2,⋯,p+q+k-1}. A graph that admits a k-super mean labeling is called k-super mean graph. We present k-super mean labeling of C 2n (n≠2) and super mean l...
Let G be a (p, q) graph and f : V(G) →{1,2,3,... ,p + q} be an injection. For each edge e = uv, let f*(e) = (f(u) + f(v))/2 if f(u) + f(v) is even and f*(e) = (f(u) + f(y) + l)/2 if f(u) + f(v) is odd. Then f is called a super mean labeling if f(V) U {f*(e) : e ε E(G)} = {1,2,3,... ,p + q}. A graph that admits a super mean labeling is called a supe...
Let G be a (p,q) graph and let f:V(G)→{1,2,3,⋯,p+q} be an injection. For each edge e=uv, let f * (e)=(f(u)+f(v))/2 if f(u)+f(v) is even and f * (e)=(f(u)+f(v)+1)/2 if f(u)+f(v) is odd. Then f is called a super mean labeling if f(V)∪{f * (e):e∈E(G)}={1,2,3,⋯,p+q}. A graph that admits a super mean labeling is called a super mean graph. In this paper...
The concept of super mean labeling was introduced by the authors. They investigate the super mean labeling of some standard graphs. In [M. A. Seoud and M. Z. Youssef, Ars Comb. 65, 155–176 (2002; Zbl 1071.05571)], harmonious graphs if order 6 were discussed. In the present paper, we determine all super mean graphs of order ≤5.