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Skills and Expertise
Publications (91)
This work developed over the past 40 years starting from dielectric measurements on enzymes and the subsequent finding that the measurements were affected by electric, magnetic, electromagnetic fields and quantum fields. A request for help in the diagnosis and therapy of chemically sensitive patients who had become sensitive to their electromagneti...
To review the progress the author has made over the past 5 years in understanding coherence effects in water and living systems using quantum mechanical models.
The implications of existing theoretical work on water are discussed.
Available techniques for the measurement of frequencies imprinted in water are described or referenced.
The importance...
The Paschen curves of sparking potential as a function of the pressure × gap length product (pd) are given for normal pentane, hexane, heptane, octane and decane. The measurements of sparking potential have been made from pd about 30 Torr cm through the minimum sparking potential about 1 Torr cm to approximately 3 × 10−3 Torr cm. A previous empiric...
The electrical conductivity of hexane and transformer oil was found to be reduced by filtering the liquid through filters of pore size down to 10 nm, whereas no change in the liquid motion under the applied electric stress could be detected. It is concluded that a part of the measured conductivity is due to the charge carried by particles and that...
Light from coronas at tungsten point electrodes in a number of insulating liquids has been photographed and the dimensions of the luminous region measured. It was found that the radius of curvature of the tip of the corona region was proportional to the applied voltage. The ratio of the change in the applied voltage to the change in the corona radi...
It has previously been reported that a spray originates from high-voltage point electrodes in n-hexane. This paper is concerned with more detailed investigation of that spray. Although it is more readily observed if the point electrode is negative, it can also be seen when the point is positive provided that the gap length is adequate. The distribu...
The aim of this study is to present the results of three years of ex-perimental work on the interaction of water samples with passive resonant circuits. We shall finally attempt a physical justification for the changes that are produced in the water sample. Permanent changes in the physico-chemical properties of a water sample were obtained by expo...
The clinical effects of coherence relate particularly to electrically hypersensitive patients. These are persons who usually have some chemical damage, and in whom one or more regulatory systems are on the verge of instability. Very weak EM fields or water ‘imprinted’ with their appropriate frequency can take them from stability to instability or v...
Stimulating effect: It is known that the thyroid hormone thyroxin (tetraiodothyronine, T4) has a decisive influence on the speed of metamorphosis in amphibians. If thyroxin is added to the water in a test basin until the final concentration in the basin is approx. 10-8, then this induces and accelerates the laboratory animal’s metamorphosis [1,2,3]...
Sensitivity to the environment is one of the pleasures of life. Unfortunately, for certain individuals this gets out of control. They become hypersensitive to something around them: pollens, moulds, man-made chemicals or to certain foods or drinks. If this is allowed to develop, sensitivity to the electrical environment may also appear as a part of...
Research on the scientific basis of homoeopathy can generally proceed on two lines: (a) with regard to the principles underlying inversion effects of specially prepared dilutions (van Wijk and Wiegant, 1994; Bastide, 1994; Endler et al., 1994a) and (b)with regard to the biophysical properties of the information transfer process. This paper is dedic...
Biological systems make use of coherent frequencies of non-ionizing radiation from the sub-Hertz of circadian rhythms to at least the ultraviolet of bio-photons for purposes of bio-communication and control. The various techniques available for the detection and measurement of electromagnetic fields and their coherent frequencies as generated by bi...
Resonance phenomena between serially diluted agitated thyroxine and a coil fed by a laboratory oscillator were investigated. By testing different frequencies, a distinct pattern of frequencies that caused resonance leading to biological reactions (microtremor) in a human tester was found. Each succeeding step of dilution and agitation added two fur...
The phenomena of bio-information and water are considered in relation to electromagnetic fields. This first came to the fore when treating electromagnetically hypersensitive patients for whom the use of water treated with an alternating magnetic field, or vector potential, at a frequency specific to the patient, can be therapeutic. Resonances thus...
Coherence in water and living biological systems is considered experimentally and in relation to its possible involvement in neural networks as well as its clinical implications for electrical hypersensitivity and the mechanisms of homoeopathy.
In the present study, it was attempted to transfer information from a molecular thyroxine suspension (1:103) to non-pretreated distilled water (“test liquid”) by means of an electronic amplifier. Two transitions in the metamorphosis of Rana temporaria were investigated under the influence of this test liquid.
Interestingly, in these preliminary exp...
The objective the writer set himself two decades ago was to understand the physics involved in the electromagnetic interactions of living systems. This paper summarises the results obtained and the conclusions reached.
Volatile organic materials, in argon as a carrier gas, can be deposited as thin insulating films after polymerisation in an r.f. plasma discharge. When deposited on n-type silicon with evaporated gold electrodes, diodes of the Metal - Insulator - Semiconductor type can be produced. Using toluene as the monomer, these can be made with high reverse b...
Volatile organic materials, in argon as a carrier gas, can be deposited as thin insulating films after polymerisation in an r.f. plasma discharge. When deposited on n-type silicon with evaporated gold electrodes, diodes of the Metal - Insulator - Semiconductor type can be produced. Using toluene as the monomer, these can be made with high reverse b...
Dielectric measurements in the MHz region of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in aqueous solution have shown the existence of 1-dispersion with five distinct parts. This dispersion and the -dispersion at low frequencies conform approximately to the Debye relaxation equations. The derived apparent relaxation times showed dependence on various physical paramet...
The possibility of preparing useful electronic devices incorporating thin organic films between a semiconductor and a metal electrode has been demonstrated. Organic thin films from 200 to 300 nm in thickness have been deposited on n- and p-type silicon wafers using a plasma-ion beam technique.The current-voltage I–V characteristics of the devices d...
If a living system has not evolved to the stage where its biosensors and regulatory systems have reached the limits set by the fundamental laws of physics, then it will be at a biological disadvantage of becoming prey to a predator that can detect it without being detected. It will starve if its prey can always sense its presence and escape. It wil...
The proposal of coherent electromagnetic processes as the engine for biological dynamics suggests that Josephson effects could be present in living cells. Positive experimental evidence is reported and discussed.
In a previous paper, the authors have described the phenomenon of electrical hypersensitivity with particular reference to allergy patients. The present paper is concerned with clinical testing for electrical hypersensitivity and the possibilities of implementing treatment. There are factors which may arise in the course of taking a case history th...
Mustard seeds have been subjected to nitrogen ion bombardment. A range of conditions was found within which there was an enhancement in the growth of seedlings from the ion bombardment treated seeds relative to those grown from control seeds. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine seeds after treatment, it appeared that there had been an...
The effect of ion beam bombardment during thin film formation by plasma polymerisation of organic materials has been investigated. The effect of low energy (200–600 eV) ion bombardment during the preparation of thin films (10–1000 nm) of an organic material, pyrene, by plasma polymerisation is reported. X-ray and scanning electron microscope analys...
The recognition of electromagnetic effects by and in humans must begin with man’s conscious perception of the light from the sun and other heavenly bodies, thunder-storms, geomagnetic fields and through magnetite (lodestone) to the navigators’ compass. Gilbert (1600) published his treatise, De Magnete, in which he included an account of the “medici...
Among the traditions of theology we find the concepts of an objective existence for knowledge independent of the human body, and entities, spirit and soul, capable of comprehending that knowledge and acting upon it. At the moment of death, the acquisition of sense information is about to cease, and the body's material information storage locations...
In October 1973, Professor H. Fröhlich, FRS, retiring from the Chair of Theoretical Physics at Liverpool University, joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at Salford University, whose Charter did not require him to become “Emeritus” at such an early age. It is this which began the writer’s active participation in the Fröhlich co-operative...
Dispersion effects in bacteriorhodopsin both in suspension and incorporated into liposomes have been studied by measuring the changes in the dielectric properties induced by electric and magnetic fields at low and medium frequencies. The samples exhibit very high values of relative permittivity and dielectric loss. Dispersions have been measured up...
Using several specially designed discharge chambers embodying point-point, point-plane and point-sphere electrode systems, and filled with dielectric liquid, a zone of low luminescent intensity was detected between the electrode corona and the point in the liquid at which the discharge channel originated. This dark zone is evidently the location of...
A recent paper by Steffen1 repeating earlier work by Jones et al.2 failed to confirm any effect of potencies of Pulsatilla on the growth rate of cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which had previously been reported.
We find that using a more specific statistical test on the results given by Steffen1 it can be shown that these results contain almo...
Recently the validity of the Raman data from active cells and subsequent analysis has been questioned. We show here that this criticism is invalid.
In the course of work on the interactions of electric and magnetic fields with both living and dead biological materials, it was noticed that certain published dielectrophoretic yield curves for biological cells showed unexplained deviations in the region of 2 kHz.
Dielectrophoretic measurements made at frequencies and magnetic fields which satisfi...
A large number of cultures of the bacterium E. coli have been grown in weak alternating magnetic fields of square waveform, at frequencies of 50 Hz and 16.66 Hz. Control cultures were simultaneously grown under ambient conditions identical except for the almost complete absence of any magnetic field. The mean generation time (MGT) for a culture sub...
Rutherford backscattering of 2 MeV 4He+ particles has been employed for compositional analysis of the inorganic substances of human dental hard tissue. The dentine region of thin sections of teeth taken from a number of subjects were analyzed in respect of calcium, phosphorous and oxygen. This technique gives an atomic spectrum of all elements pres...
Investigations of interactions between field-emitted electrons and a monatomic layer of a liquid dielectric using a field-emission microscope and energy analyser show identified perturbations which result in a reduction of electrons with energies close to the Fermi level and an increase of electrons which have lost some energy, together with an ove...
An instrument is described for measuring the relative permittivity and dielectric loss of body tissues and organsin vivo, over the frequency range 01 Hz to about 100 kHz. A voltage transient is applied by means of suitable electrodes and the
resulting waveform is sampled, digitised and Fourier transformed using a microprocessor to give a spectrum i...
Changes in the potential difference between electrodes in contact with an enzyme-substrate system due to the presence of microwave radiation are reported. They are measured with a Keithley l50B instrument using a point-plane electrode system across a waveguide and the enzyme and substrate absorbed in a membrane separating the electrodes. An HP8690A...
This paper is intended to provide an introduction to this session which is co-sponsored by the Dielectrics Society. It will consider experimental difficulties encountered in working with biomedical materials, the techniques available to reduce these difficulties and the kind of results which are obtained. An invited paper will then deal with non-li...
A noninvasive method for the percutaneous extraction and determination of samples of metabolites is described. It involves
the use of a battery-operated, constant-current supply for obtaining the samples by ‘in-vivo electrophoresis’. These are then
examined in respect of their amino acid and urea content by thin-layer-chromatography. The results of...
Experimental difficulties encountered in working with biomedical materials, the techniques available to reduce these difficulties and the kind of results which are obtained are considered. It is concluded that dielectric measurements on biological materials are sensitive and can be non-destructive and non-invasive; but they are not usually sufficie...
The 1978 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (1) included a session on the Dielectric properties of Biological Systems. This session was chaired by Professor H. P. Schwan of the University of Pennsylvania and was organized by the present writer on behalf of the Dielectrics Society which co-sponsored it. The introductory pap...
Magnetic fields of the order of 600 gauss cause in 0.011% (weight) solutions of lysozyme in water an increment in the magnitude |x| of the diamagnetic susceptibility of the order 1.5×10-6. Per molecule this is 104 times higher than normally expected. The effect disappears above critical fields of 800 gauss suggesting a Meissner effect.
The light from coronas at point electrodes in gases and vapours has been photographed. The radius of curvature of the boundary of the luminous region has been measured. Values of the local field E at the corona boundary have been deduced for the range 2-760 Torr for air, helium, hydrogen, sulphur hexafluoride, n-pentane, n-hexane and water vapour....
Results suggest that the sharply defined boundary to the corona region is a surface of constant electric field and that it represents the demarcation surface between regions in which elastic and inelastic collisions occur. It is possible to choose a combination of multiples of the axial projection of the C-C bond distance and energies corresponding...
This work extends previous measurements with concentric cylinder electrodes to parallel plate and separated equal-radii parallel-cylinder electrodes. The results are compared with the theory.
In 1836, Faraday noted that turpentine would rise along high voltage leads; in 1926 Gyemant studied the rise of oil and found it was proportional to the square of the applied voltage. The effects then received little attention until 1955 when Sumoto again called attention to them. A historical survey has been given by Pickard. 1
Studies of light emission from electrically stressed n-hexane have been reported in two earlier papers, 1,2 and the present investigation is a continuation of that work in order to determine the spectral content of the light observed and provide further information leading to the understanding of high field conduction and breakdown.