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Csaba Csiba-Tóth

Csaba Csiba-Tóth
Nutrition intervention foundation · Evolutionary medicine

Clinical and laboratory research. Therapy of chronic internal diseases with nutritional intervention.


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I am a physician and researcher from Hungary with many years experience in intensive care medicine, internal medicine and family medicine. I am using the paleolithic-ketogenic nutrition in the treatment of chronic medical illnesses including diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases and epilepsy from 2010. In our research program, we explore the relationship between intestinal and other membran permeability in cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Additional affiliations
June 2018 - August 2021
International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention
  • Medical Doctor
March 2013 - August 2021
International Center for Medical Nutritional Intervention - Paleomedicina Hungary
  • Head of Department
September 1990 - June 1994
Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Field of study
September 1986 - June 1990
Kirov Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, Russia
Field of study


Publications (37)
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Introduction: Myoepithelial tumor of the soft palate is associated with rapid progression and poor outcome. The standard care includes surgery with optional radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Case report: Here we present a case with myoepithelial tumor of the soft palate where the patient denied conventional treatment options. Instead, the patient s...
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Introduction: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients are usually instructed to follow a low fat/high carbohydrate diet. A few studies in literature, however, reported metabolic benefits and sustainability of carbohydrate restricted diets. Case Report: Herein, we present a case of a 19-year-old male with newly diagnosed T1DM. The patient was first...
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Introduction Childhood absence epilepsy is an epilepsy syndrome responding relatively well to the ketogenic diet with one-third of patients becoming seizure-free. Less restrictive variants of the classical ketogenic diet, however, have been shown to confer similar benefits. Beneficial effects of high fat, low-carbohydrate diets are often explained...
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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a major public health problem affecting at least 20% of the world’s adult population. Components of the metabolic syndrome include obesity, impaired glucose metabolism, hypertension and altered lipid profile. Currently, medical treatment relies on drugs. A major problem is that patients with long-standing disease...
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Purpose: Although the classical ketogenic diet is an effective treatment in childhood epilepsy, it is difficult to maintain on the long term due to side-effects and dislike. Methods: Here we report a case of a child with frequent epileptiform discharges confined to non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and extensive cortical malformation. The child w...
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Polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) was used as a permeability probe to examine the gastrointestinal tract which can be involved in the pathogenesis of some inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. A novel methodology was developed and validated for the quantitation of PEG 400 excreted in human urine after oral administration using matrix-assisted laser...
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Studies in animal models have suggested that the ketogenic diet may be effective in the treatment of cancer. However, human cohort studies on the ketogenic diet have, thus far, failed to show benefits in cancer survival or in any other hard clinical endpoints of the disease. This paper presents a case report of a patient with glioblastoma multiform...
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Существует несколько научных фактов, известные уже давно и подтверждённые исследованиями в недавнем прошлом, которые однако не стали клиничкски руководящими методами. Речь идёт естественно о вопросе распространения и течения инфекционных болезней. Мы не инфектологи, но уже в течении десяти лет мы занимаемся наукой питания и его содействию в борьбе...
Possibilités de réduire la propagation du virus du SRAS-CoV-2 et d'accroître la résistance naturelle à la maladie par une intervention nutritionnelle Nous préconisons un examen approfondi des données médicales suivantes au bénéfice de la population hongroise. L'objectif de ce document est de contribuer à l'efficacité de la lutte contre l'épidémie a...
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A magyar lakosság érdekében javasoljuk az alábbi orvostudományi tények alapos és kellően átgondolt vizsgálatát. Írásunk célja előmozdítani a jelenlegi, SARS-CoV-2 vírus okozta járvány eredményes és hatékony leküzdését és a halálos szövődmények számának gyors csökkentését. Van néhány tudományos tény, amely már régebb óta ismert volt, a közelmúlt kut...
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Studies in animal models have suggested that the ketogenic diet may be effective in the treatment of cancer. However, human cohort studies on the ketogenic diet have, thus far, failed to show benefits in cancer survival or in any other hard clinical endpoints of the disease. This paper presents a case report of a patient with glioblastoma multiform...
One should only grab a pen or, in this case, a keyboard and write an open letter if they want to make a clear and meaningful point. Competence in the subject is an advantage. We hope we meet both criteria. First of all, please let us express our appreciation for your work in the field of human nutrition science. We particularly appreciate your work...
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Healthy nutrition for Homo sapiens. Scientific facts. Anthropological and clinical evidence. The Paleolithic diet which can be used in clinical practice without risks and side effects.
Outlook for cancer patients remains poor despite ”best available treatment” which includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in most solid cancers. Genetic profiling, attempts to use matched chemotherapy and the use of high-cost biological therapies, so far, did result in no major breakthrough (1). Metabolic therapies have been suggested as a...
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Magnesium plays an essential role in several enzymatic reactions. Its deficiency is known to be widespread and has been associated with a variety of pathological conditions characterized by chronic inflammation and/or oxidative stress. The connection between the metabolism of glucose and magnesium at the cell level is wellestablished. We hypothesiz...
Between 5 and 7 April 2018, we would like to show you what principles we use in our clinical practice as well as the results that we have achieved. We also provide the opportunity to meet our patients personally. Through hard facts and interesting case studies we will demonstrate how there might be a way to achieve a perfect and lasting cure. The P...
Paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD): A diet covering and limited to our physiological needs We have developed the PKD in 2010-2011. Previously we have been using the paleolithic diet which proved to be ineffective in the vast majority of chronic conditions. We believe that the PKD is the only evolutionary adapted diet for humans. Rehabilitation of chr...
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Background: Ketogenic diets have repeatedly been suggested for the treatment of cancer. To date, only a few case studies reporting long term benefits associated with such diets have been published. Case report: Here we present a case where recurrent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a premalignant condition of cervical cancer, was successfu...
Introduction: Prognosis for patients with high-grade brain tumor is poor and survival did neither substantially change with advances in chemotherapy, radiotherapy and molecular profiling. Ketogenic diets have been suggested as a promising alternative therapy. However, group studies in cancer patients with the classical ketogenic diet so far provide...
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Background: Ketogenic diets have repeatedly been suggested for the treatment of cancer. Yet, only a few case studies have been published that reported long term benefits associated with such diets. Case report: Here we present a case where rectal cancer was treated with an animal fat-meat based diet, which we refer to as the paleolithic ketogenic d...
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Erickson et al. recently published a review on the use of the ketogenic diet in cancer. The authors of this reply are clinicians who bring into play an evolutionary approach in the practice of medicine and specifically have been using the paleolithic ketogenic diet in the treatment of chronic diseases since 2011. We have instituted the paleolithic...
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Introduction: Crohn’s disease is regarded as having no curative treatment. Previous reports on dietary therapy of Crohn’s disease indicate no major success. Case Report: Here we report a severe case of Crohn’s disease where we successfully applied the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Dietary therapy resulted in resolution of symptoms, normalized labora...
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The role of vitamin C at the physiological and cellular levels is indisputable. In line with this, blood level of vitamin C is inversely related to disease parameters such as risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and mortality in prospective cohort and correlational studies. At the same time, adequately powered clinical intervention studies consis...
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Introduction: Currently, type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is treated with insulin and a high carbohydrate diet. In literature, there are studies indicating that low carbohydrate diets may be beneficial in reducing hypoglycemic episodes as well as the need for insulin. Previously, we reported a case of a 19-year-old T1DM patient who was successfully...
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Gilbert’s syndrome (GS) is a common hyperbilirubinaemia syndrome caused by reduced conjugation of serum bilirubin by the liver. Although it is considered as a common and harmless condition not requiring treatment symptoms associated with GS may be unfavorable. Here we present a case of GS where high level of total and direct bilirubin, yellowish di...
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I became curious when I read the title of the case report by drs. Geijer and Ekelund. I am using a low carbohydrate diet, we refer to as the paleolithic ketogenic diet, in the treatment of diverse chronic diseases already for six years [16]. I have to say that in my practice I did never see a single case where ketoacidosis or metabolic acidosis dev...
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A 1-es típusú diabetes mellitus (1TDM) terápiájában eddig nem tudtunk alkalmazni olyan módszert, ami szükségtelenné tette volna az inzulinpótlást. A betegek terápiáját és gondozását diabetológiai központok végzik. A háziorvosi praxisok ezt nem vállalják. Két 1TDM beteg esetét mutatjuk be, akiknél terápiás módszerként a paleo-ketogén étrendet alkalm...
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A vastagbéldaganat világszerte az egyik vezető halálok. Előrehaladott esetekben az átlagos túlélési idő 6-12 hónap. A standard terápiának számító műtét és kemoterápia meghosszabbítja a túlélést, de nem biztosítanak gyógyulást. Két áttétes vastagbéldaganattal diagnosztizált beteg esetét mutatjuk be, ahol sikerrel alkalmaztuk a paleo-ketogén étrendet...
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Introduction Ketogenic diets have repeatedly been suggested to confer anti-tumor effect. In the literature, however, studies reporting on cancer patients who benefit from the ketogenic diet are sparse. Case Report Here we report a case of recurrent bronchial tumor successfully managed with the paleolithic ketogenic diet. Currently the patient is on...
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Az evolúciós orvoslás alapelvként fogadja el, hogy életfolyamatainkat tekintve stabil belsô szabályozási utakkal rendelkezünk. Ide tartoznak a felépítô és le -bontó folyamataink és kivétel nélkül minden bioké -miai rendszerünk. Ezek egymásra épülése és kölcsön -hatásai teszik lehetôvé fiziológiás folyamatainkat, min dennapi életünket. Úgy alakultak...
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Az elsők között lenni nagy kihívás, nehéz feladat. Dr. Tóth Csaba nem kevesebbre vállalkozott, mint hogy az egészségügy, a betegellátás rendszerébe a gyógyítás új szemléletmódjával utat törjön. Úgy tűnhet, magányos harcos ő, ám nem így van. Komoly szövetségeseket tudhat maga mögött, az evolúciós orvoslást, a paleolit gyógyítást és azokat a krónikus...
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A könyv tartalmazza mindazon élőhelyi, környezeti és akvarisztikai kívánalmakat, amelyeket helyesen alkalmazva, jó eredményeket érhetünk el afrikai sügéreink tartásában és tenyésztésében.


Questions (7)
Doctors know what is the glucose-ascorbate antagonism (GAA) theory?
When it comes to healing patients, this is a very important thing.
"The traditional diet of inland Nenets and Komi
indigenous Arctic people, which includes large amount
of venison, reindeer fat, and fish, effectively prevents
hypovitaminosis D."
Vitamin D status of northern indigenous people of Russia leading traditional and “modernized” way of life. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269189975_Vitamin_D_status_of_northern_indigenous_people_of_Russia_leading_traditional_and_modernized_way_of_life [accessed Jan 14 2018].
Fruit intake should be limited not to prevent the inactive-active transformation of vitamin D.
What changes are needed in the classical ketogenic diet which contains vegetable oils, dairy products and cereals and artificially produced nutritional supplements.
Is it possible that inflammation control in diabetes is more important than glucose control? Medicines and dietary protocols therefore do not reduce the number of long-term complications.
There is only ONE diet humans are genetically adapted to.
Look at the graph. Two persons, a wife and husband, started the paleolithic ketogenic diet (PKD) the same day, and ate the same each day. The two graps showing the weight loss are strikingly similar. The paleolithic ketogenic diet is highly predictable as regards weight loss as well is in boosting regeneration once correctly applied. Look at the graph and the picture-


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