Cristina Queirós

Cristina Queirós
University of Porto | UP · Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences

PhD Psychology


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Cristina Queirós is Associate Professor with Agregation at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal (FPCEUP). She is a researcher member at CPUP Center of Psychology of University of Porto. She does quantitative research about stress, burnout, trauma and emotions among rescue and health workers (e.g. police officers, firefighters, emergency workers, nurses, etc.). She is, at FPCEUP, the director of the Lab Reabilitação Psicossocial (


Publications (239)
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Aim: This study aims to identify the organizational climate and culture among nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances (ILSA). Methods: A descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 81 Portuguese nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances at the National Medical Emergency Institute (INEM). The data wa...
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Aim: This study aims to identify the organizational climate and culture among nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances (ILSA). Methods: A descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 81 Portuguese nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances at the National Medical Emergency Institute (INEM). The data wa...
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Aim: This study aims to identify the organizational climate and culture among nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances (ILSA). Methods: A descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study was conducted with 81 Portuguese nurses working in Immediate Life Support Ambulances at the National Medical Emergency Institute (INEM). The data wa...
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Several studies devoted their attention to the impact of burnout among healthcare professionals. For example, Barello and colleagues (2020) studied the dimensions of burnout among Italian frontline professionals. At the same time, in Portugal, Duarte and colleagues (2020) assessed burnout levels among healthcare workers, describing high levels of s...
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Burnout, depression and anxiety are important variables that impact professional well-being and the quality of responses and care provided in the CAD area. Current literature contextualizes the study of these variables, focusing on different protective factors such as engagement and the dimensions involved in this concept. The present work aims to...
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Professional satisfaction is a dimension of workers' well-being and job-family balance. Thus, within the scope of the Burnout and Job Engagement research among healthcare professionals at Addictive Behavior and Dependencies in the North of Portugal, suggestions for improvement were collected, as well as the indication of satisfaction and discontent...
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Até setembro de 2024 noticiaram-se em Portugal seis suicídios de polícias (e uma tentativa) e 21 em Espanha (site “Predepol-Zero Suicidio Policial”), comparativamente a 2023 com, respetivamente, 8 e 21 casos, desconhecendo-se quão superior é o número real de casos. O Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental contempla o caso específico das Forças Policiais, m...
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Abstract: Occupational stress affects various professions, including emergency professionals such as paramedics/pre-hospital emergency technicians, firefighters, nurses, and police officers. All these workers face demanding, unpredictable, and potentially traumatic events, being exposed to high stress levels. Understanding the organizational factor...
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The Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI) reflects a novel approach to job-related distress anchored in depression research. To date, the extent to which the ODI exhibits measurement invariance across countries, languages, and demographics is unclear. Measurement invariance refers to whether a measure has the same structure, or meaning, across gr...
Technical Report
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O burnout é uma realidade com grande impacto em termos de profissionais de saúde, que se tornou ainda mais visível no período pandémico. Os profissionais de saúde que trabalham com populações com Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências (CAD) encontram-se particularmente vulneráveis a este fenómeno que surge associado a sintomatologia na esfera da an...
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Introdução: Desde que a OMS reconheceu em 2019 o burnout como um fenómeno ocupacional, o tema ganhou pertinência (Areosa & Queirós, 2020), nomeadamente em profissões consideradas de elevado stress como é o caso das forças policiais (Porter & Lee, 2023). Acresce que o burnout tem sido associado ao suicídio (Esparza-Reig & Julián, 2024), bem como à i...
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Nos últimos anos têm sido inúmeros os estudos que reconhecem que ser polícia é uma atividade stressante (Porter & Lee, 2023). Contudo, o stress na atividade policial apresenta características específicas, sendo importante dispor de instrumentos que permitam discriminar o stress operacional e organizacional (Queirós et al., 2020) e incluam a perceçã...
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A pandemia agravou o risco de adoecer psicológico nos profissionais de emergência médica (PEM), aumentando os seus níveis de trauma, stress e ansiedade. Estes indicadores psicológicos têm sido estudados nos enfermeiros e médicos, mas são pouco investigados nos PEM. Pretende-se apresentar uma revisão da literatura sobre o impacto da pandemia COVID-1...
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Mental health at work associated suicide in police forces with burnout and job stress, which are high in Police. We aimed to identify operational/organizational stress, burnout and suicidal ideation levels in police officers, and to verify if suicidal ideation can be explained through burnout and stress. We applied online in 2021 with institutional...
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A Organização Mundial da Saúde reconheceu que os profissionais de saúde correm o risco de desenvolver problemas de saúde mental (López del Hoyo et al 2022). Tal facto é resultante da pandemia covid 19 que exacerbou ainda mais o stress, ansiedade e depressão nestes profissionais, comprometendo o seu desempenho no trabalho (Duarte et al 2020 Hossain...
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Atualmente os polícias são confrontados com exigências cada vez maiores na sua atividade profissional, sendo consensual que sentem elevado stress de tipo operacional e organizacional, ficando vulneráveis ao burnout e à ideação suicida. Contudo, na interação com o cidadão os patrulheiros e os serviços especializados de Polícia confrontam-se com exig...
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Apesar de o Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental contemplar o caso específico das Forças Policiais, o suicídio nestas continua a acontecer. Em 2023, até fim de fevereiro já tinham ocorrido 3 suicídios em Portugal, e 3 em Espanha (através da página “Predepol-Zero Suicidio Policial”). Urge, então, conhecer fatores individuais de saúde mental, nomeadamente...
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Objective: The Occupational Depression Inventory (ODI) assesses work-attributed depressive symptoms. The ODI has demonstrated robust psychometric and structural properties. To date, the instrument has been validated in English, French, and Spanish. This study examined the psychometric and structural properties of the ODI's Brazilian-Portuguese ver...
An age-diverse sample of Portuguese workers (n = 474) reported their preference for several stereotypical personality traits of different generations in coworkers and team leaders. The results show that, overall, middle-aged traits were preferred in both cases. Only younger or highly educated participants preferred young as much as middle-aged trai...
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O risco de adoecer psicológico (ex.: ansiedade, depressão ou stress pós-traumático) é elevado nos profissionais cuja atividade laboral implica atuar em acidentes, seja na prestação de socorro ou noutras funções, surgindo também perturbações do sono, pesadelos e pensamentos intrusivos. Apesar das intervenções no trauma serem mais de cariz cognitivo-...
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A prevenção e promoção da saúde psicológica e ocupacional dos profissionais de emergência médica pré-hospitalar assumem especial relevância, dada a sua maior vulnerabilidade e risco, especialmente durante a COVID-19. Porém, são escassos os recursos humanos e técnicos que permitam regularmente prevenir e promover estes indicadores, e a utilização de...
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O stress no trabalho e o burnout têm vindo a aumentar, prejudicando a vida individual e profissional, bem como o desempenho laboral. A pandemia da COVID-19 prejudicou a saúde mental, alertando para a importância da prevenção. Contudo, alargou a possibilidade de interação digital e estimulou o autoconhecimento dos sintomas, nomeadamente através de p...
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A pandemia COVID-19 provocou inúmeras alterações a nível profissional (WHO, 2022), nomeadamente nas designadas front-line occupations, nas quais as organizações policiais se incluem, sendo os polícias fundamentais na gestão do risco nas zonas urbanas densamente povoadas (ex.: cerca sanitária, restrição à circulação entre zonas do país ou de uma cid...
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Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os níveis de burnout e engagement nos três diferentes regimes de trabalho - presencial, semipresencial e teletrabalho - em servidores públicos brasileiros, do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social – INSS. O INSS adotou os regimes de teletrabalho, presencial e semipresencial a partir de setembro/2019, o teletrabal...
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The COVID-19 pandemic led nurses to psychosocial job risks never before experienced, with serious implications for their mental health. This study aims to identify the levels of burnout, anxiety and depression in nurses, comparing them in the pre-pandemic phase and during the beginning of the pandemic. A sociodemographic and professional questionna...
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The COVID-19 pandemic places unique challenges to medical rescuers’ occupational health. Thus, it is crucial to assess its direct and indirect impacts on key psychological outcomes and adaptation strategies. This study aims to analyse the impact of this pandemic on medical rescuers’ coping and emotion regulation strategies, and their levels of work...
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Virtual Reality (VR) has been identified as one of the most promising resources for developing empathy towards stigmatized groups as it allows individuals to experience a situation close to reality from another person’s perspective. This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the impact on empathy, knowledge, and attitudes towards people with sc...
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Introdução: Com a pandemia COVID-19 o teletrabalho intensificou-se e criou novos desafios à Saúde Ocupacional devido a longas horas de trabalho, isolamento e dificuldade em conciliar trabalho-família (Predotova &Vargas-Llave, 2021). Contudo o trabalho presencial em tempos de pandemia também se tornou um risco psicossocial no trabalho devido ao medo...
Although game development is a recent profession, many of its issues have been associated with the straining working conditions experienced by workers to keep themselves in the industry. This requires balancing job demands and job resources, and, in cases of extreme and prevalent job demands, it can elicit burnout as an occupational phenomenon. Thi...
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Os trabalhadores do setor ferroviário estão frequentemente expostos a diversos eventos stressantes e potencialmente traumáticos, que os colocam numa situação de risco de adoecer psicológico. Pretendem-se identificar e comparar os níveis de burnout em profissionais da ferrovia portuguesa, considerando dados obtidos em investigações de 2016 e de 2019...
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This study aims to identify the prevalence of workaholism and work-family interaction, their relationship and their variation according sociodemographic and occupational characteristics among nurses. A quantitative, descriptive, correlational and transversal study was conducted with a sample of 839 Portuguese nurses. Regarding workaholism, 27% of w...
Purpose This study aims to explore patterns of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel's mental health, regarding their levels of anxiety, depression, stress, COVID-19 anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms and well-being; and to explore variables that contribute to these patterns, among sociodemographic/professional and COVID-19 experience vari...
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(1) Background: Stress is a major public health problem due to its relevant health, social and economic repercussions. Moreover, stress can be associated with work; when stress increases over time, burnout can occur, an occupational phenomenon recognized by the WHO in 2019. There is interest in the use of wearable devices to monitor and control str...
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No decurso da sua longa e ativa carreira académica, o Professor Luciano Lourenço desenvolveu uma intensa atividade de interação e cooperação com instituições, grupos de investigação, profissionais de diversas áreas de atividade e do conhecimento, em estreita associação à sua atividade científica e docente, mas também consequência do seu caráter bei...
No decurso da sua longa e ativa carreira académica, o Professor Luciano Lourenço desenvolveu uma intensa atividade de interação e cooperação com instituições, grupos de investigação, profissionais de diversas áreas de atividade e do conhecimento, em estreita associação à sua atividade científica e docente, mas também consequência do seu caráter bei...
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Schizophrenia is characterized by disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness, and social interactions. The social skill deficits often predate the onset of schizophrenia, are present at the first episode, are stable over time in the absence of psychosocial treatment, and are predictors of relapse and rehospitalization....
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Objective: to identify and compare burnout levels between Portuguese, Spanish and Brazilian nurses. Method: quantitative, descriptive, correlational, comparative and cross-sectional study conducted using a sample of 1,052 nurses working in hospitals and primary care centers. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory were ap...
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With the COVID-19 pandemic, pre-hospital medical emergency professionals, a group at risk for psychological illness, are even more exposed to stressful critical incidents at work. However, scientific literature focused on the psychological impact and on gender differences is still scarce. This study aimed to analyse the levels of well-being and COV...
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Objective: To analyse the psychometric properties of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale in a sample of Portuguese nurses. Method: A methodological study was conducted with 1,030 Portuguese nurses. A sociodemographic/professional questionnaire and the Dutch Work Addiction Scale applied between October and December 2019. Results: The Confirmatory Factori...
Background: Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are at high risk for traumatic disorders, and these disorders are more likely if they resort to dysfunctional coping. However, few studies have examined how dysfunctional coping can be decreased, specifically by comparing the impact of personal characteristics, such as resilience, and of occupational...
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Emotional recognition is a part of more general behaviour to promote adequate inter-relationship patterns and social functionality. Previous results on emotional recognition in individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders suggest an impairment of this ability resulting in social inability. The purpose of the present p...
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(1) Background: Work stress is one of the most relevant issues in public health. It has a significant impact on health, especially the development of mental disorders, causing occupational imbalance. There is a growing interest in the development of tools with a positive effect on workers. To this end, wearable technology is becoming increasingly p...
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Objective to describe the perception and experiences of nurses about their performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods qualitative study with phenomenological approach. Fifteen nurses participated in the study, selected according to an intentional snowball type sample. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews and the transcr...
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BACKGROUND: The nurses are exposed to factors that can affect their mental health because they deal with the physical and emotional pain, with serious and complex situations and often with tense situations at work. Thus, nurses are susceptible to Compassion Satisfaction (CS), Burnout (BO) and Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), which influence their...
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The illness of workers through work is a serious problem and its resolution seems a difficult dream to reach, at least in upcoming times. Today, human subsistence depends mainly on labor, being its centrality in people's lives unquestionable. However, modern management techniques such as intensification of work and management by stress are destroyi...
Aim To identify and compare workaholism, engagement and family interaction levels among Portuguese and Spanish nurses. Background The contribution of nursing management and leadership to workers’ health and well‐being is cardinal to ensure a healthy work environment. However, factors such as workaholism, engagement and family interaction can stron...
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Experimental research examining emotional processes is typically based on the observation of images with affective content, including facial expressions. Future studies will benefit from databases with emotion-inducing stimuli in which characteristics of the stimuli potentially influencing results can be controlled. This study presents Portuguese n...
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BACKGROUND: Engagement and job satisfaction are key factors in maintaining and increasing levels of motivation of employees, their physical and psychological well-being and their quality of life. Aim: To identify the levels of engagement and job satisfaction of nurses working in the ambulances Life Immediate Support (SIV) and their variation accord...
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Policing is a stressful occupation, which impairs police officers' physical/mental health and elicits burnout, aggressive behaviors and suicide. Resilience and coping facilitate the management of job stress policing, which can be operational or organizational. All these constructs are associated, and they must be assessed by instruments sensitive t...
Aim To compare presenteeism levels among three samples of nurses and to identify the relationship between presenteeism and sociodemographic and professional characteristics. Background Presenteeism (going to work ill) is a phenomenon studied from different perspectives, and it has become especially important during the current COVID‐19 outbreak; i...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Stress at work is a factor that has repercussions on both a personal and health level, as well as on productivity at work. Objective: To establish if the wearables are devices capable of determining the level of labor stress of working people in a research center. Methodology: This pilot study followed up different variables during 6...
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Research has demonstrated that policing is a stressful occupation and that this stress has a negative impact on police officers’ mental and physical health, performance, and interactions with citizens. Mental health at the workplace has become a concern due to the costs of depression, anxiety, burnout, and even suicide, which is high among police o...
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RESUMO: O coping disfuncional desempenha um papel importante para o desenvolvimento do trauma, prejudicando os profissionais de socorro. É então relevante aprofundar o papel que este tipo de coping poderá assumir na relação entre o stress percecionado em incidentes críticos e o desenvolvimento de sintomatologia traumática. Pretendem-se analisar os...
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RESUMO: O tratamento de algumas doenças (ex. sífilis, delírios, estados maníacos com agitação motora) foi já efetuado pela Medicina/Psiquiatria com recurso à hipertermia, através de agentes indutores de febre ou banhos de imersão. Atualmente, através de equipamentos sofisticados como a hipertermia de corpo inteiro por infravermelhos, têm sido utili...
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Occupational health is a growing concern, and it can be monitored through technological devices, which collect data related to psychological well-being and physiological parameters. This study aims to analyze the relationship between perceived stress, heart rate, hours of sleep and number of steps at work, in a sample of workers from technological...
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The Railway works uninterruptedly, which means that its workers are organized in shifts, with an impact on emotional/physical tiredness and work-family conciliation. This study aims to understand the impact of shift work on burnout, sleep, and work-family interaction levels among members of the Railroad Union of the Commercial and Itinerant Review....
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A existência de trabalho por turnos faz com que o serviço/organização esteja sempre em funcionamento (aumentando a produtividade, tendo equipamentos industriais em laboração contínua ou serviços sempre disponíveis, etc.), o que tem impacto na saúde do trabalhador (Parkes, 2017; Silva, Keating & Costa, 2017; Silva, Prata & Ferreira, 2014). Ora, a Fe...
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Introdução: O coping disfuncional desempenha um papel importante para o desenvolvimento do trauma, prejudicando os profissionais de socorro. É então relevante aprofundar o papel que este tipo de coping poderá assumir na relação entre o stress percecionado em incidentes críticos e o desenvolvimento de sintomatologia traumática. Pretendem-se analisar...
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Introduction: Nowadays nurses execute their tasks in demanding and stressful contexts, where the stress accumulates and can trigger burnout. This one seems to be the result from the combination of organizational factors with individual vulnerability, in particular predisposition for anxiety and personality traits such as neuroticism. Objectives: Th...
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Introduction & Objective: The current perspective of healthy workplaces implies reinventing new approaches to the relationships between health and work, emphasizing it as a health-promoting agent. Thus, welfare programmes have emerged that include best practices in occupational health. The aim of this study is to present the data gathered on the ef...
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BACKGROUND: The new professional and labour demands in nursing are risk factors for nurses' mental health, having as individual consequences burnout and job disengagement, as well as, at the organizational level, the quality of care provided. AIM: To identify the levels of burnout and engagement in a sample of nurses, its interrelationships and its...
Conference Paper
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Ser polícia tem sido considerada uma atividade extremamente stressante devido aos imprevistos diários, perigos, falta de recursos e até incompreensão e críticas por parte da sociedade (Burnett et al., 2019; Talavera-Velasco et al., 2018). Sendo as Policias Municipais mais recentes do que outras forças de segurança, e tendo tarefas que implicam uma...
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Atualmente as organizações de emergência devem ser resilientes, o que implica profissionais mais preparados, técnica e psicologicamente. Contudo, pela impossibilidade de minimizar a exposição a estímulos potencialmente traumáticos, esta preparação poderá incidir nas estratégias de coping e na promoção da saúde ocupacional dos profissionais de emerg...
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Conceptual Framework: Given the high prevalence of young people suicide, schools are a privileged means of prevention. The existence of the first National Suicide Prevention Plan (2013-2017) is an indicator of awareness of the problem, whose objectives will be to increase health information and education, involving the entire school community. The...
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Introdução: Os técnicos de emergência pré-hospitalar (TEPH) estão mais propensos a desenvolver trauma, e ansiedade/depressão/stress. Estudos recentes apontam para o impacto destas 3 variáveis no trauma . Porém, escassa literatura analisa, em profundidade, estas relações nestes profissionais. Objetivo: Conhecer os níveis de ansiedade/depressão/stres...
Conference Paper
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Resumo Objetivo: Conhecer as tendências atuais na implementação de programas de promoção da aúde em locais de trabalho. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura usando o modelo proposto por Whittemore e Knafl (2005). As bases de dados eletrónicas PubMed, EBSCOH, Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal e Google Scholar foram pesquisada...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Os enfermeiros trabalham em contextos emocionalmente exigentes, onde o stress ocupacional crónico conduz ao burnout e à desmotivação, constituindo a ansiedade um fator de risco para o stress e desinvestimento profissional. Pretendem-se identificar, em enfermeiros portugueses, os níveis de ansiedade, burnout e engagement e sua inter-relação....