Cristina Figueroa

Cristina Figueroa
Rey Juan Carlos University | URJC · Business Economics (Administration, Management and Organization)

PhD Economics


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Publications (66)
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Innovation is a vehicle for modernization and competitiveness in tourism and, even so, the report on Tourism Innovation and Smart Specialization of SEGITTUR and COTEC (2021) confirms that the tourism sector does not innovate enough. This article evaluates the call for funding for tourism entrepreneurship Emprendetur, developed by SEGITTUR (2012–201...
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The present empirical study aims to determine the key factors influencing the travel intention of persons with disabilities who live across the Tungurahua Province, Ecuador. A cross-sectional survey was conducted between September 2019 and mid-March 2020, and collected 473 valid questionnaires containing critical components of the medical and socia...
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El sector turístico tiene el potencial de contribuir, directa o indirectamente, a todos los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) e implica a diversos stakeholders, donde las universidades desempeñan un papel clave. Dentro de los 17 ODS propuestos por las Naciones Unidas, el quinto ODS, por la igualdad de género, es especialmente relevante para...
Los canales de distribución son un arma fundamental para la competitividad de las actividades hoteleras, debido al poder que presenta el control de dichos canales. La aparición de canales de distribución electrónicos, con los Sistemas de Distribución Global o Global Distribution Systems (GDS), como primer exponente y con Internet como nuevo protago...
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Market economies are often characterised by a failure to self-regulate. One of the most enduring of these ‘market failures’ is the ability to maximise the entrepreneurial potential to generate growth. Within this context, gender remains one of, and probably, the most prevalent dimension of this perceived failure to maximise entrepreneurial potentia...
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The current study proposes a model to analyze the factors that facilitate or impede women’s access to management positions in the hospitality industry, including individual-level (perception of women’s leadership skills and experience), institutional-level (organizational misconceptions of women, stereotypes and organizational cultural barriers) an...
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Drawing on network theory, this study examines how the entrepreneurship orientation (EO)-performance nexus is intermediated by networks firms establish with government agencies, suppliers, and resource acquisition. Structural equation modelling is used to test the model on a sample of 556 women tourism entrepreneurs in Ghana and Nigeria. Findings i...
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Purpose This paper aims to present a conceptual model that identifies and relates the different approaches and thematic areas in the research area of tourism and gender. Design/methodology/approach The design of the conceptual model is based on a critical review of the literature and the evolution of feminist paradigms and theories. Findings The af...
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Drawing on the literature examining the nexus between gender, entrepreneurial leadership and entrepreneurial performance, this article critically explores a framework for analysing the role of gender in shaping entrepreneurial performance and leadership in tourism firms in a non-western context. Utilising a poststructural feminist lens that challen...
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Business women and their companies, powerful drivers of international economic development , are characterised by certain idiosyncrasies. The present study aimed to analyse the effect of financial support for female entrepreneurship on the number and characteristics of such endeavours. Data for 2005-2012 drawn from the database of new company proje...
Women’s tourism entrepreneurship has been identified as fundamental to meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals of both ‘gender equality’ and ‘decent growth and economic growth’ but neither entrepreneurship nor sustainability are gender neutral in the tourism industry. Therefore, further research is required into how gender influences sustain...
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Dominant accounts of tourism entrepreneurship position successful entrepreneurial performance as masculine and economically informed; undervaluing gendered difference in approaches to entrepreneurship. When varying approaches are held in focus, women are positioned as ‘less than’, and in need of training and support. In reviewing the gender, touris...
Purpose This paper aims to present a conceptual model that identifies and relates the different approaches and thematic areas in the research area of tourism and gender. Design/methodology/approach The design of the conceptual model is based on a critical review of the literature and the evolution of feminist paradigms and theories. Findings The...
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Objectives: The main objective of this paper is to present a critical accounting of the corpus of tourism gender research in order to provoke debate about its status and about the health of tourism research in general, concentrating on whether this research area has finally ignited in 2012. This objective is based on the conclusions of a previous a...
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The evolution of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) continues generating paradigm-shifts in the tourism industry, and the incorporation of gender diversity in the managing bodies of hospitality and tourism firms can become a factor of critical success. Nevertheless, women’s under-representation on decision-making positions in ICT...
The relevance and future prospects of blockchain technology in the tourism industry are not backed up by an important research corpus. Furthermore, the concept of blockchain is still blurred, not fully understood, and there is limited information around the knowledge and implementation level of blockchain in the hospitality industry. Consequently,...
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El desarrollo tecnológico afecta sobremanera al sector turístico, cuyas empresas deben estar en continua adaptación para su supervivencia. La tecnología blockchain se presenta como una revolución del sector y es considerada como una de las principales tendencias emergente para el sector turístico. Dicha tecnología promete cambiar la forma en la que...
Freely available from this website. Abstract The reorientation process of the rural area’s economies provides women a key role in the regional development through rural tourism activities, though with important gender differences in their labor conditions and in particular in wages. The objective of this resea...
The actuality of the double gender gap, that confirms the under-representation in both decision-making and technological positions, has been hardly analysed in the tourism industry. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify women’s position in top management positions in some of the most important tourism-high technological organisations and...
Conference Paper
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The double gender gap, that shows the under-representation in both decision-making and technological positions, has not be analysed in the tourism industry, while the combination of tourism and technology is a key issue in the development of this industry. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to identify the positioning of women in top management...
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El objetivo del libro es establecer las bases para implementar una perspectiva de género en el desarrollo, la planificación, la gestión y la investigación en turismo. Para ello, en primer lugar se realiza un análisis conceptual y teórico del área de turismo y género. Se analizan los aspectos relevantes que permiten entender el género como un factor...
Despite the increasing presence of women in the hospitality labour market, empirical evidence shows persistent horizontal and vertical segregation, as well as a pay gap - a situation that perpetuates lost opportunities for the industry. Based on Barbara Risman's model “Gender as a Social Structure” as a leading reference, the paper provides a gende...
To the best of our knowledge, there is no work that has focused on analysing the development of the scientific production on women, peace and security. The main objective of this paper is to cover this research gap through a bibliometric analysis, that covers 95 years (1918–2013), of articles published in peer-reviewed journals extracted from the S...
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This paper aims to analyze how reading news through ICT can motivate students to improve learning. In this study, almost 200 students in Finance and Marketing courses, participated in a three-month guided reading activity program. Motivation levels were evaluated both at the beginning and the end of the program through online surveys. In addition,...
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Tourism is an information intensive sector and consequently decision-making entails managing and analysing an increasing quantity of information. Tourists generate incredible amounts of information, before, during and after their trips. Consequently, all kinds of tourism organizations are working to try to adapt new data techniques and methodologie...
In 2014, Spain’s Rey Juan Carlos University and the Austral- ian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), in collaboration with the Australian Chief of Defence, launched the NATO-SPS project «UNSCR 1325 Reload: An Analysis of Annual National Reports to the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives from 1999-2013: Policies, Re- cruitment, Retention & Operations»...
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En este trabajo se presenta un análisis sobre el seguimiento de la actualidad que realizan los alumnos para, a continuación, presentar una herramienta de aprendizaje que mejore dicho seguimiento y aumente el interés de los alumnos hacia dicha actualidad. La propuesta se basa en un tipo de enseñanza en el que se combine la metodología tradicional de...
El presente libro define, identifica y analiza la brecha salarial en el sector turístico. A partir de la definición de Brecha Salarial, la obra analiza los factores que ocasionan y mantienen dicha brecha entre mujeres y hombres en puestos operativos, intermedios y directivos en el sector turístico-hotelero. El libro expone tanto la perspectiva del...
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One of the most outstanding challenges that the hotel sector has ever had to endure has come in the form of the predominant position that the so-called Online Travel Agencies (OTA) have managed to garner in recent history, thus radically modifying the electronic distribution chain as we know it. The effective application of the “merchant” model, ha...
Uno de los desafíos más importantes a los que se ha enfrentado el sector hotelero ha sido la posición dominante que han logrado alcanzar las Online Travel Agency, OTA, llegando a modificar radicalmente la cadena de distribución electrónica. La aplicación del modelo merchant consiguió que los hoteleros pagaran un alto margen de comisión y perdieran...
Employment in the hospitality industry is generally associated with lower quality of employment opportunities than other industries. While women's participation has improved both quantitatively and qualitatively, they continue to encounter a host of barriers attributable to labour market discrimination. A gender-oriented study of job quality is con...
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La desaparición del TC en el Sector Turístico, al igual que en otros sectores, no es sólo una cuestión de justicia social, que lo es, sino también una cuestión relativa a la pérdida de talento y productividad para dicho sector. Numerosos estudios confirman que las empresas en cuya dirección y Consejos de Administración participan hombres y mujeres...
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Project conducted by the University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, funded by the Social Fund of the European Union, the Ministry of Health, Gender and Social Policy, Secretary of State for Equality and the Women's Institute.
Conference Paper
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El canal de distribución hotelero influye en la consecución de ventajas competitivas, en la rentabilidad y por tanto en el éxito en el largo plazo. El desarrollo tecnológico ha supuesto una revolución tanto en la forma de distribuir el producto hotelero como en la forma en la que los clientes reservan dicho producto. La industria hotelera ha realiz...
Conference Paper
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The correct selection of hotel distribution channels is a fundamental pillar in a company’s marketing strategies. Distribution channels have a direct impact on the achievement of competitive advantages in both profitability and long-run success. The hotel industry has invested heavily in the development of strategies to increase the volume of direc...
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In order to fully understand the situation of women in the armed forces of NATO members, this paper sets out the various actions taken by the 28 NATO members with regards to gender integration in the armed forces. NATO members implement a range of measures to increase and enhance the participation and retention of women in the armed forces.
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This paper seeks to rouse debate about the workings of tourism enquiry as a knowledge-generating system through its critical accounting of the sub-field of tourism gender research. This accounting includes a gender-aware bibliometric analysis of 466 journal papers published during 1985–2012, which categorises the sub-field’s prevailing themes and m...
A new model is proposed to assess the implementation of revenue management (RM), specifically by the hotel industry. Named the Model for Evaluating RM Implementation (MERMI), it was designed around the factors identified by expert consensus to be essential to ensuring optimal RM. The protocol developed from that information was applied to compare t...
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The decision-making processes of tourism firms are being conditioned by the profound transformations taking place in both client demand and destination dynamics. This new scenario requires an increased level of information, innovation and technology if tourism firms are to remain competitive. In particular, information and communication technologie...
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The new tourism environment has confirmed prices control as one of the most important tools for achieving competitive advantages in a hotel distribution market based on Internet. Yield Management is the management philosophy whose central objective is the optimization of prizes and capacity and consequently a basic process innovation for hotels; th...
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XXII Congreso Anual AEDEM. VI International Conference IABD. Estableciendo puentes en una economía global. Junio 2008
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Departamento de Estructura Económica y Economía del Desarrollo. Fecha de lectura: 26-6-08 Bibliogr. y fuentes estadísticas: h. 193-237 Tomo II : Anexos


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