Cristina Domingo-Marimon

Cristina Domingo-Marimon
Centre for Research on Ecology and Forestry Applications | CREAF

PhD Geography MS Remote Sensing and GIS BS Biology


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Cristina Domingo-Marimon currently works at CREAF Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications. .


Publications (65)
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In order to enhance the visibility of BESTMAP project and its outcomes and to explore potential common activities and complementarities with other projects, initiatives, networks, and policy makers at EU level, the Plan of Engagement is developed and it will act as the strategy for creating a bridge between BESTMAP and all the other relevant projec...
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The BESTMAP dashboard, a pivotal element of the H2020 BESTMAP project, stands as a vital instrument for disseminating project findings and fostering informed decision-making processes. This platform enables exploration, analysis, and reporting on the outcomes of biophysical models, offering users valuable insights into various environmental factors...
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This document provides a summary of the systematic analyses conducted across BESTMAP five CS as part of the activities in Work Packages (WP) 1, 2, 3 and 4. First, we describe the main qualitative findings obtained from farmers during the semi-structured interview campaigns regarding their attitudes towards the implementation of agri-environmental s...
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Most of the agricultural policies, such as the new CAP, or the European Union Sustainable Development Goals, already present their list of associated indicators to monitor impacts. As BESTMAP biophysical models aim to map the impacts of these types of policies, each of the model outputs have a range of associated policy indicators. This deliverable...
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The Case Study Base Layer, described in this deliverable, is a harmonised geospatial database spanning across the five case study areas of BESTMAP: South Moravia (Czech Republic), Mulde (Germany), Humber (Great Britain), Backa (Serbia), and Catalonia (Spain). It is based on the Preliminary Case Study Base Layer (MS3) and includes geospatial informa...
Technical Report
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Executive summary The present document reports the ecosystem services assessment in the 6 NL4DL case study areas. The document describes the methodology for estimating the potential ecosystem services provision in the six NL4DL case study areas. The choice of how to estimate and map ecosystem service indicators depends on several factors, among whi...
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The adoption of agri-environment practices (AEPs) is crucial for safeguarding the long-term sustainability of ecosystem services within European agricultural landscapes. However, the tailoring of agri-environment policies to the unique characteristics of farming systems is a challenging task, often neglecting local farm parameters or requiring exte...
Migratory insects may move in large numbers, even surpassing migratory vertebrates in biomass. Long-distance migratory insects complete annual cycles through multiple generations, with each generation’s reproductive success linked to the resources available at different breeding grounds. Climatic anomalies in these grounds are presumed to trigger r...
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This document is the first version of the Data Management Plan of the H2020 BESMAP project. The Data Management Plan is intended as a living document and updated versions of this document will be produced in month 18 (D1.4) and month 36 (D1.6). The scope of the Data Management Plan is to describe the data management life cycle of all data sets that...
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Dashboards for data visualisation and decision-making are information management tools that visually display, analyse and provide metrics of data, for better decisions and understanding improvement.Dashboards provide critical reporting of spatialised data and associated metrics information and are essential for displaying model results, guiding dec...
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This deliverable presents a Summaries of data, obstacles and challenges from interview campaigns of the H2020 BESTMAP project. It aims at documenting the BESTMAP interview campaigns carried out to obtain data on farmers’ decision-making with regard to agri-environmental schemes (AES). It covers a detailed description of methodology, reporting on th...
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This deliverable provides a General Framework for the BESTMAP Policy Impact Assessment Modelling (BESTMAP-PIAM) toolset. An update of the framework will be provided later in the project in Deliverable 2.4. The BESTMAP-PIAM is based on the notion of defining (a) a typology of agricultural systems, with one (or more) representative case study (CS) in...
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In Europe and elsewhere, agri‐environmental schemes (AES) are designed to reduce agriculture's impacts on the environment. Designing effective schemes requires an understanding of the reasons that drive farmers' decisions whether to adopt AES. Currently, most insights come from individual case studies or structured surveys based on predefined quest...
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In the field of mine engineering, a cross-section topographic survey is usually carried out to perform volumetric calculations of earth movement in order to restore areas affected by extractive activities. Nowadays, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) technologies make it possible to perform the same work by using indirect meth...
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Phenology observations are essential indicators to characterize the local effects of climate change. Citizen participation in the collection of phenological observations is a potential approach to provide data at both high temporal scale and fine grain resolution. Traditional observation practices of citizen science, although precise at the species...
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This deliverable provides a General Framework for the BESTMAP Policy Impact Assessment Modelling (BESTMAP-PIAM) toolset. The BESTMAP-PIAM is based on the notion of defining (a) a typology of agricultural systems, with one (or more) representative case study (CS) in each major system; (b) mapping all individual farms within the case study to a Farm...
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This deliverable presents a Summaries of data, obstacles and challenges from interview campaigns of the H2020 BESTMAP project. It covers a detailed description of methodology, reporting on the concrete steps taken to collect and analyze interview data. It also discusses obstacles and challenges to BESTMAP interview campaigns. Finally, the deliverab...
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This document is the first version of the Guidelines and protocols harmonizing activities across case studies of the H2020 BESTMAP project. It is intended to be updated in month 40 (D1.8).
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Farmland abandonment has been a widespread land-use change in the Iberian Peninsula since the second half of the 20th century, leading to the establishment of secondary forests across the region. In this study, we aimed to address changes in the recent (1985–2014) emergence patterns of these forests and examine how environmental factors affected th...
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Half of the European Union (EU) land and the livelihood of 10 million farmers is threatened by unsustainable land-use intensification, land abandonment and climate change. Policy instruments, including the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have so far failed to stop this environmental degradation. BESTMAP will: 1) Develop a behavioural theoretica...
Conference Paper
The present study aims at analyzing the role of spatial resolution in Ecosystem Functional Types (EFT) time series’ patterns by comparing their spatial variability, retrieved at 300 m (MERIS products) and 30 m (Landsat products) of spatial resolution, with time series of Fluxnet in situ measurements, such as gross primary production (GPP) and evapo...
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ECOPOTENTIAL is a large European-funded H2020 project that focuses its activities on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services. ECOPOTENTIAL considers cross-scale geosphere-b...
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Biodiversity monitoring at simultaneously fine spatial resolutions and large spatial extents is needed but limited by operational trade-offs and costs. Open-access data may be cost-effective to address those limitations. We test the use of open-access satellite imagery (NDVI texture variables) and biodiversity data, assembled from GBIF, to investig...
The mechanisms translating global circulation changes into rapid abrupt shifts in forest carbon capture in semi‐arid biomes remain poorly understood. Here we report unprecedented multidecadal shifts in forest carbon uptake in semi‐arid Mediterranean pine forests in Spain over 1950‐2012. The averaged carbon sink reduction varies between 31‐37%, and...
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In recent years, researchers of different communities have increased their efforts in formalizing a set of measurements regularly collected for analysing changes in Drivers, States, Impacts and Responses of a given discipline. In some cases, different actors have converged in a minimum set of Essential Variables (EVs), such as for Climate, Biodiver...
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Lluís Pesquer, Cristina Domingo-Marimon, Xavier Pons, "Spatial and spectral pattern identification for the automatic selection of high-quality MODIS images," Abstract. Remote sensing is providing an increasing number of crucial data about Earth. Systematic revisitation time allows the analysis of long time series as well as imagery utilization in t...
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Changes in ecosystem area are often used to assess human impacts on habitats and estimate biodiversity change. However, because species respond to structural changes at fine spatial scales the use of area alone may not capture all relevant changes. Operational costs limit the assessment of biodiversity change at a simultaneously fine spatial resolu...
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Spatiotemporal ecological modelling of terrestrial ecosystems relies on climatological and biophysical Earth observations. Due to their increasing availability, global coverage, frequent acquisition and high spatial resolution, satellite remote sensing (SRS) products are frequently integrated to in situ data in the development of ecosystem models (...
Conference Paper
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Para avanzar en la comprensión de la influencia antrópica sobre el cambio global, el hecho de disponer de un e-laboratorio, que integre los diferentes factores implicados, nos permitiría obtener una valiosísima información espacio-temporal. ACAPI propone empezar su construcción para la península Ibérica mediante el uso de geoservicios apropiados (s...
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Changes over the last century in the economic model of European countries and the development of the market economy have led to intense shifts in land occupation patterns. Agricultural abandonment is an important consequence of these processes and has modified natural and cultural landscapes, involving side-effects for society. Understanding how en...
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In southern Europe, climate trends are expected to be characterized by an increase in temperatures and less water availability. Analyzing the role of structural factors and the influence of a changing climate provides insights into the evolution of forest ecosystems in regions with similar environmental conditions. The Mediterranean fringe of the I...
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The use of Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA) makes it possible to carry out a reasonably robust and automatic radiometric correction for long time series of remote sensing imagery, as shown in previous studies for large data sets of Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM+ imagery. In addition, they can be employed to obtain more coherence among remote sensing data fro...
Conference Paper
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La eficacia de la vegetación en la colonización del espacio depende de la influencia que los factores del medio tienen sobre las distintas especies. Analizar la sucesión o los patrones de cambio forestales puede ayudar a predecir nuevas situaciones y a definir protocolos más eficaces en la gestión del medio natural. Aquí presentamos algunos resulta...
Conference Paper
MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) daily surface reflectance data is distributed with one of the most complete quality ancillary data sets. Such amount of quality information is essential for automatically selecting the highest quality MODIS daily images, for example using geostatistical analysis of the image spatial pattern. How...
In this chapter, the authors explore whether life-history theory provides an integrative framework for the mechanisms mediating the responses of invertebrates to global warming. More specifically, they suggest that life-history trade-offs are key to the integration of the implied mechanisms because they will constrain the simultaneous optimisation...
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Durante los últimos años el interés en el seguimiento y en los efectos de las sequías se ha incrementado a causa de las situaciones climáticas extremas acontecidas, sobre todo en la cuenca Mediterránea. Por ello, la caracterización espacio-temporal de la sequía en la Península Ibérica es fundamental para el seguimiento, previsión y gestión de sus c...
Conference Paper
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It's time for a crisper image of the Face of the Earth: Landsat and climate time series for massive land cover & climate change mapping at detailed resolution. Combining climate dynamics and land cover at a relative coarse resolution allows a very interesting approach to global studies, because in many cases these studies are based on a quite high...
Conference Paper
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Drought is a phenomenon that affects many natural ecosystems around the globe and its impact on these systems is an important topic for many management and policy decisions. Indeed, the current situation of extreme climatic events such as drought has implications over many Social Benefit Areas (SBAs) that GEOSS addresses; and thus drought sets up a...
Conference Paper
The aim of this work was to develop a new methodology for auto matic selection of the highest quality MODIS daily images, MOD09GA Surface Reflectance product. The methodology developed here complements the quality assessment of MODIS products with a geostatistical analysis of spatial pattern images based on variogram tools. The resulting selection...
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Climate warming may accelerate the hydrological cycle as a result of enhanced evaporative demand in some regions where water is not limiting. However, the combination of warmer temperatures with constant or reduced precipitation in other regions may lead to a large decrease in water availability for natural and agricultural systems as well as for h...
Climate warming may accelerate the hydrological cycle as a result of enhanced evaporative demand in some regions where water is not limiting. However, the combination of warmer temperatures with constant or reduced precipitation in other regions may lead to a large decrease in water availability for natural and agricultural systems as well as for h...
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On 2002, a novel initiative was undertaken by the local water administration of Catalonia (the Agència Catalana de l'Aigua) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, leading to a ten-year project where a high number of medium resolution satellite images (MODIS and Landsat) were integrated to the daily water management to improve decision making ef...
Conference Paper
Soil moisture is a variable with important implications for the hydrological cycle and hence an initial parameter of great importance in the regional scale climate models. This study presents a preliminary estimate of soil moisture during the period 2003-2005 in the Vallcebre research catchments, located in a Mediterranean mountain area, through a...
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Resumen El presente artículo describe el flujo de pre-procesamiento de imágenes Landsat de diversos oríge-nes, tanto adquiridas a Eurimage por entidades diversas, descargadas del servidor GloVis, como ad-quiridas en el marco del Plan Nacional de Teledetección (PNT). Se presenta, además, un resumen de los resultados de la comparación entre los difer...
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Although Greece has now managed to obtain one of the largest firefighting air fleets in Europe, the burned areas are increasing every year. Fire risk mapping based on forecasting models is a technological innovation applied by the state in the last 20 years. The human factor, which is excluded from the level of the prediction is the main cause of t...
Conference Paper
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According to the Climatic Change report of the IPCC of 2007, the global warming makes evident an increase of air and ocean temperature (IPCC, 2007). These facts directly mean the lack of water resources, a high importance phenomenon in the case of the Iberian Peninsula. In the present work, the differential effect of water stress is analyzed in are...
Conference Paper
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According to the data of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the climatic change will cause a gen- eral increase of the temperatures and an accentuation of the periods of drought in Mediterranean areas, which can cause directly observable effects in vegetal species.The aim of this paper consists in detecting guidelines of water st...


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