Cristiana Cervini

Cristiana Cervini
University of Bologna | UNIBO · Department of Interpreting and Translation DIT

Associate professor, University of Bologna


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Additional affiliations
June 2018 - present
University of Bologna
  • Senior Researcher
January 2004 - November 2015
University of Bologna; University Stendhal
  • Researcher


Publications (33)
W 2022 roku łódzka italianistyka oraz działające przy niej Studenckie Koło Naukowe ItaliAMO świętowali jubileusze swojej aktywności. W ramach obchodów tych dwóch ważnych rocznic (odpowiednio – jedenastej i dziesiątej) zorganizowany został cykl wydarzeń kulturalnych i naukowych związanych z językiem włoskim i kulturą Włoch, między innymi międzynarod...
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The fourteen contributions following the EVAL19 international conference, which was held in October 2019 at the University of Grenoble Alpes, shed light on the relationship between different types of assessment (formative, summative, certificate), their role in the language learning/teaching process and their potential impact on candidates, teacher...
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This paper presents the results of a study on the Italian placement test SELF (Système d'Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative) conducted for the first time on a large sample of candidates who were tested at several university institutions in France. After a careful contextualization and presentation of the characteristics of the reference sample...
Conference Paper
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This paper aims to describe the development of CALL-ER, an application for mobile devices, produced within the CALL-ER project (Context-Aware Language Learning in Emilia Romagna). An ever-increasing availability of applications for language learning that meet the different learning needs of users, as well as the ubiquitous wireless communication, l...
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Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une réflexion autour de la pédagogie et de l’innovation, résultat d’un travail de terrain et de recherches sur plusieurs années et d’interrogations sur les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants. Dans un monde en mutation perpétuel, quels sont les moyens d'accueillir et de former les apprenants allophones, dans le but d’u...
An interdisciplinary team composed of more than thirty people has been engaged in the process of designing, developing, and validating an online placement test with a formative perspective, called SELF (Système d’Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative). SELF is a large-scale assessment system validated according to the ALTE cycle using both quanti...
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Since 2012 an interdisciplinary and culturally heterogeneous team composed of more than 30 people has been engaged in the complex process of conceiving, designing and validating an online placement test with formative orientation called SELF (Système d’Evaluation en Langues à visée Formative), developed and already deployed in six different languag...
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In un periodo contraddistinto dal rapido moltiplicarsi di strumenti e tecniche, è importante non perdere di vista le coordinate sociali, psicologiche e più ampiamente umanistiche che rendono la glottodidattica una disciplina di intervento. Attenta alle indicazioni delle politiche linguistiche odierne e con un forte ancoraggio al contesto di ricerca...
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Sempre più variegati, ricchi e articolati sono gli ambienti in cui si apprendono e insegnano le lingue straniere. Le caratteristiche dell'ambiente di apprendimento influiscono direttamente sulle modalità di erogazione dei contenuti, sulle possibilità di interazione fra i partecipanti e sul modello di lingua e cultura proposto. Le ricerche e i proge...
In this paper, we present two versions of a learning game developed respectively at the Grenoble Alpes and Bologna University. This research focuses on a digital game aimed at favouring the learners' playful attitude and harnessing it towards accuracy aspects of language learning (lexicon and morphology, here). The game, presently available for Eng...
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Learning has been moving out of classrooms into virtual and physical spaces for over a decade now (Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula, & Sharples, 2004). It is becoming mobile ‘in space’, i.e. carried across various domains (workplace, home, places of leisure), ‘in time’, as it encompasses different moments of the day, and in terms of ‘learning purpose’,...
Conference Paper
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The use of game-based apps in e-learning has become a relevant trend with the diffusion of smart mobile devices. This is particularly true in language learning, where new captivating word games become a mean to enlarge vocabulary and improve the lexical accuracy of the user. This work presents MagicWord, a game based on widely known game mechanisms...
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Dans cet article, nous souhaitons faire le point sur la formation des enseignants de langue telle qu’elle se présente en Italie et voir dans quelle mesure celle-ci peut favoriser l’innovation dans les pratiques et les projets didactiques. Après avoir défini ce que l’on entend par innovation dans le domaine de l’Enseignement/Apprentissage des langue...
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In this paper, we grapple with the problem of what it means for a placement test to be communicative or even "action-oriented" (CEFR, 2001). Communicative tasks ("any purposeful action considered by an individual as necessary in order to achieve a given result, an obligation to fulfil or an objective to be achieved", ibid.: 10) are especially diffi...
This paper aims to give an overview of foreign language education for language trainers in Italy and look forward in seeing how it tries to enhance innovation in the language teaching domain as far as praxis and creation of new projects are concerned. We will first define the concept of innovation in the learning language domain and consider how te...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we show how speech recognition can contribute to the development of a multimedia course for foreign language self learning that focuses both on receptive and productive skills. Specifically, we describe how we merged two different existing e-leaning projects, DALIA and CALL-SLT. DALIA is a project for self learning and blended learni...


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