Cristian Zanon

Cristian Zanon
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | UFRGS · Departamento de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e da Personalidade

Doctor of Psychology


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Publications (74)
Brazilian jeitinho constitutes an emic hierarchical personality trait related to problem-solving strategies, including creativity, breaking rules, and corruption. This manuscript provides a historical perspective of the Brazilian culture, describing how colonization might have impacted how many Brazilians deal with adversities and everyday situatio...
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Objective To identify validity evidence of the Brazilian version of the Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Scale - Adult Form. Methods This methodological study was carried out by means of the stages of translation, back-translation, evaluation by a committee of experts, pre-testing, and validation. Content validation was carried out by a committee o...
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Resumo Objetivo Identificar evidências de validade da versão brasileira da Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Scale - Adult Form. Métodos Estudo metodológico desenvolvido por meio das etapas de tradução, retrotradução, avaliação por comitê de especialistas, pré-teste e validação. A validação de conteúdo foi realizada por comitê de seis especialistas,...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe impacts on the mental health of Brazilians. While many studies have highlighted the risk factors contributing to more negative mental health outcomes (e.g., loneliness and isolation), there is less research on factors that may have promoted resilience during the pandemic in Brazil. Using a mediated structural eq...
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Providing a valid and reliable measure of conscientiousness constitutes a worthwhile endeavor to allow research and intervention in Brazil. This study aimed to adapt the Chernyshenko Conscientiousness Scales (CCS) into Brazilian Portuguese, evaluate their psychometric properties, and investigate the relationship between conscientiousness and academ...
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O estilo de resposta aquiescente é um padrão de resposta há muito reconhecido na literatura sobre psicometria e avaliação psicológica, assim como a tendência a utilização de pontos extremos e também a evitação de pontos extremos. A aquiescência pode ser definida como a tendência de concordar com itens de um questionário a despeito do conteúdo apres...
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This study adapted and examined the psychometric properties of the Youth Life Orientation Test (YLOT)—a measure to evaluate dispositional optimism and pessimism—in a Brazilian sample of children and adolescents aged between 5 and 16 years.The factor structure, reliability, convergent validity, and invariance of the YLOT were evaluated within and ac...
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Resumo Considerando que família e escola são os contextos em que o adolescente passa mais tempo, este estudo teve como objetivo compreender as possíveis relações entre os projetos de vida de adolescentes e as variáveis dos contextos escolar e familiar. Participaram 320 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, de 14 a 17 anos, do 9º ano de Ensino Fundamenta...
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Steen Happiness Index (SHI)—a measure of authentic happiness designed for intervention research—in a sample of Brazilian security workers. The SHI has yet to be used in a Brazilian sample and has the potential to assess both eudaimonic and hedonic happiness in Brazil. The psychometric propertie...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relations between sibling care level and the areas of interest in adolescents’ life purposes. Participants were 113 adolescents. The instruments were a record of socio-demographic data, the household tasks and Sibling Care Questionnaire, and a written testimony on life purpose. We identified 347...
Military firefighters play a relevant role in society and in their occupation they are exposed to major physical, social, and psychological risks. Our objective was to assess the subjective well-being and depressive symptoms in military firefighters and empirically test positive interventions. One hundred twenty-seven military firefighters were ass...
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Inclusion of early child development in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda raises issues of how this goal should be monitored, particularly in low resource settings. The aim of this paper was to explore the validity of the early Human Capability Index (eHCI); a population measure designed to capture the holistic development of childr...
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This study aimed to systematize information about the consequences of social distance along the different stages of the life cycle for people who were not infected by the virus, but who experience the indirect consequences of the pandemic. Through a narrative review, the results of recent research in different countries were systematized, as organi...
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A pandemia causada pela dispersão do COVID-19 no mundo obrigou muitos países a adotarem a quarentena como medida de contenção do vírus. Pesquisas prévias indicam que pessoas submetidas a quarentenas desenvolvem sintomas psicológicos variados principalmente relacionados a estresse, ansiedade e depressão devido à privação social e ao confinamento. Es...
This study evaluated the dimensionality, invariance, and reliability of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale–21 (DASS-21) within and across Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Romania, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the United States ( N = 2,580) in college student samples. We used confirmatory factor analyses to compare the fit of four diff...
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Resumo A pandemia causada pela dispersão da COVID-19 no mundo obrigou muitos países a adotarem o isolamento social como medida de contenção do vírus. Pesquisas prévias indicam que pessoas submetidas ao isolamento social desenvolvem sintomas psicológicos variados, principalmente relacionados ao estresse, ansiedade e depressão, decorrentes da privaçã...
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The Big Five has been used as a theoretical framework for the evaluation of the 21stcentury skills and is associated with desirable outcomes. This study evaluates the extent to which the Big Five relates to students’ adaptation to the academic environment. Participants were 845 undergraduate students (60.7% female), aged from 17 to 31 years who ans...
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Background: The fourth year of the Sustainable Development Agenda era calls for countries to continue to invest not only in interventions and policies that will promote global equity and sustainability, but also in the monitoring systems required to track progress against these targets. A more pragmatic solution to measuring children's early devel...
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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre sintomatologia depressiva e fatores protetivos (religiosidade, espiritualidade e suporte familiar) e de risco (ruminação) em pacientes atendidos em um CAPS. A amostra foi composta por 43 pacientes de um CAPS-II do interior de São Paulo, com idades entre 22 a 71 anos, ambos os sexos, se...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the evidence of validity for the Purpose in Life Scale for Adolescents (EPVA) through its internal structure and the reliability of its factors. The sample consisted of 352 students aged between 14 and 17 years, enrolled in public and private schools in Campinas and the region. Exploratory factor analysis sh...
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Este artigo apresenta novos dados sobre a precisão e validade dos resultados na Escala de Satisfação com a Vida (SWLS) junto de estudantes universitários. Uma amostra de 545 estudantes provenientes de uma universidade pública portuguesa foi considerada. A unidimensionalidade da escala foi confirmada, apresentando todos os itens cargas fatoriais sup...
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Resumo Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar se a autoeficácia na formação superior pode predizer a satisfação com a experiência acadêmica. Participaram do estudo 372 universitários (66,4% do sexo feminino) de uma instituição de ensino superior paulista, com idade entre 17 e 53 anos (M = 22,84; DP = 6,09). Os instrumentos utilizados foram as Escala...
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Depression is a multifactorial and high prevalence disorder considered a global public health problem. There are several variables involved in the development and maintenance of this disorder, including psychological, social and biological ones. The objective of this research was to evaluate loneliness as a predictive factor in adult depression, af...
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Acquiescence in self-report personality assessment: A comparison between methods The use of self-report instruments to assess personality is widely known for being efficient, practical and economical. However, acquiescent responding, which is the tendency of participants to endorse items regardless of their content, may negatively impact on the psy...
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Depressão é um transtorno multifatorial, de alta prevalência, considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial. Diversas são as variáveis implicadas no desenvolvimento e manutenção deste transtorno, como as psicológicas, sociais e biológicas. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a solidão como fator preditivo na depressão em adultos, após controle...
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The structure of character strengths and virtues in different cultural contexts across the globe has failed to recover the six-factor solution originally proposed by Peterson and Seligman. This study aims to assess the structure of the Character Strengths Scale, a test created to assess character strengths and virtues and the association between th...
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Rumination is characterized by a set of repetitive thoughts about symptoms, causes and consequences of depression, and the Ruminative Response Scale was developed to evaluate this construct. This study aims to adapt and present validity evidence for the scale in Brazilian Portuguese. A total of 565 undergraduate participants responded to the scale,...
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Positive Psychology has gained momentum in the international scenario, and one of its first constructs that has been studied in Brazil is subjective well-being. This study aims to verify the Escala de Bem-Estar Subjetivo (Subjective Well-Being Scale) Scale’s psychometric properties by independently applying the Item Response Theory’s rating scale m...
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This study evaluates the relationship between life satisfaction and depression, anxiety and stress. These associations have not been jointly investigated in the Brazilian context. A sample of 371 university students (64% women) participated, each responding to the Life Satisfaction Scale (LSV) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. Correlati...
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The decision to seek therapy can reduce psychological distress and factors like public stigma, self stigma, fear of self exposure to therapist, among others, may constitute barriers in this process. This study investigated: how is the group of variables described in the literature as predictors of seeking therapy, and the relationship of variables...
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The present longitudinal study tested hypotheses about the relationship of subjective well-being and neuroticism with rumination, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress in university students after a large scale disaster. Measures of subjective well-being and personality were obtained two months before the 2013 Santa Maria's fire. Measures of ruminatio...
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Item response theory (IRT) has become a popular methodological framework for modeling response data from assessments in education and health; however, its use is not widespread among psychologists. This paper aims to provide a didactic application of IRT and to highlight some of these advantages for psychological test development. IRT was applied t...
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The quality of adaptation and success in Higher Education is related to students’ entry characteristics, as literature suggests the impact of gender, the field of studies, and family background on students’ results. In addition to sociocultural factors, social-cognitive variables such as outcome expectations and self-efficacy also influence student...
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Individuals differ in the way they use rating scales to describe themselves, and these differences are particularly pronounced in children and early adolescents. One promising remedy is to correct (or “anchor”) an individual’s responses according to the way they use the scale when they rate an anchoring vignette (a set of hypothetical targets diffe...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate possible associations between positive academic experiences and the subjective well-being of university students, as well as the relationships among academic experiences and personality factors. More specifically, it was assessed the contribution of academic experiences to the prediction of subjective we...
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A investigação das forças e virtudes está no centro das atenções no campo da Psicologia Positiva porque evidências sugerem que forças de caráter podem ajudar pessoas a lidar com as adversidades. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a estrutura interna da Escala de Forças de Caráter (EFC), um teste com base no modelo de Valores em Ação, através de...
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O Teste de desempenho escolar (TDE) (Stein, 1994) avalia, de maneira ampla, a aprendizagem por meio de três subtestes: leitura, escrita e aritmética. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do subteste de escrita, a fim de avaliar sua estrutura interna, dificuldade e discriminação dos itens, utilizando métodos clássicos e...
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The aim of this study was to adapt the Household Responsibilities Questionnaire for the assessment of sibling care and household responsibilities among Brazilian adolescents. To do this, we carried out the translation and adaptation of items for the target population following the test-adaptation guidelines of the International Test Commission. Par...
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O teste de desempenho escolar é um instrumento psicopedagógico desenvolvido para crianças da 1ª à 6ª série, cujo objetivo é avaliar de maneira ampla a aprendizagem por meio de três subtestes: leitura, escrita e aritmética. A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do subteste de leitura, utilizando a análise de eixos princip...
O teste de desempenho escolar e um instrumento psicopedagogico desenvolvido para criancas da 1a a 6a serie, cujo objetivo e avaliar de maneira ampla a aprendizagem por meio de tres subtestes: leitura, escrita e aritmetica. A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicometricas do subteste de leitura, utilizando a analise de eixos princip...
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A asma é uma doença crônica e intervenções psicológicas podem melhorar seu manejo. Este estudo objetiva correlacionar características clínicas e psicológicas dos asmáticos. Foram avaliados vinte e quatro adultos asmáticos em Ambulatório de Pneumologia, sendo administrados questionários de controle e qualidade de vida em asma, escalas de Otimismo/Pe...
The school achievement test is a psychopedagogical instrument for children from 1st to 6th grade, assessing broadly learning through three subtests: reading, writing and arithmetic. The goal of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the reading subtest, using principal axes analysis and item response theory to evaluate the intern...
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Some studies have suggested that personality factors are important to optimism development. Others have emphasized that family relations are relevant variables to optimism. This study aimed to evaluate the importance of parenting styles to optimism controlling for the variance accounted for by personality factors. Participants were 344 Brazilian hi...
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This paper aimed to adapt the Subjective Happiness Scale to Brazil and gather evidences of construct validity to the scale. Participants were 600 subjects (50% men), aged from 18 to 70 years old (M = 30.1; SD = 10.6). Sample was split to cross-validate the results. Exploratory factor analysis (n1 = 300) achieved a reliable single-factor solution, w...
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O Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE) avalia a aprendizagem escolar através de três subtestes: leitura, escrita e aritmética. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer quais partes do continuum de habilidades são medidas pelos subtestes de leitura e escrita e a quantidade de informação fornecida, utilizando a Teoria de Resposta ao Item (TRI). A amostra fo...
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The main objective of this paper was to conduct a cross-cultural study comparing a pool of positive variables in an American and Brazilian sample. The variables were hope, optimism, life satisfaction , affects, self-esteem, and personality. The participants were 179 Americans aged 18 to 61 years and 499 Brazilians aged 17 to 53 years. They answered...
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Satisfaction with life is one of three hallmarks of subjective well-being, along with frequent positive emotions and infrequent negative emotions (Diener et al. in Psychol Bull 125:276–302, 1999), and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS; Diener et al. in J Pers Assess 49:91–95, 1985) has been used worldwide to evaluate it. The current study seek...
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El Test de Orientación ante la Vida (LOT-R) es el instrumento más empleado para la medición del optimismo, pero falta evidencia sobre las propiedades psicométricas de la versión en español. El objetivo del presente estudio fue la evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de dicho cuestionario, con base en una muestra representativa de la població...
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Strong associations of Neuroticism and Extraversion with positive affects (PA) and negative affects (NA) have been reported in the international literature. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of such relationships in a Brazilian sample, and also to investigate the role of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness and Openness in the prediction of P...
The way in which positive and negative affects are perceived may be associated with a distinct pattern of behaviors and attitudes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between various combinations of affections and gender along with tendencies towards neuroticism, rumination, reflection, and life satisfaction. The participants wer...
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The aim of this study was to construct a positive and negative affect scale (AS) and to search for validity evidence. The participants were 850 undergraduate students from southern Brazil, 57% female, with a mean age of 21 years (SD=3). A factor analysis extracted two factors: positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). The first one presented a...
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The objective of this study was to adapt and gather validity evidence for a Brazilian sample version of the Hope Index and to verify if cultural differences would produce different results than those found in the United States. In this study, we present a set of analyses that together comprise a comprehensive validity argument for the use of a test...
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Este trabalho descreve o processo de validação e características psicométricas da Adult Dispositional Hope Scale (ADHS) para adolescentes do sul do Brasil. Esta escala avalia o construto Esperança em termos de rotas e agenciamento. A ADHS foi traduzida para o português e submetida a uma tradução reversa. Uma amostra de 450 estudantes entre 14 e 18...
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Mental illness is one of the reasons for the great number of absences from work due to incapacity in Brazil. Recently, mental disorders were included in the list of occupational diseases of the International Labour Office. In spite of the difficulty in attributing a causal link between an inappropriate work environment and mental illness, studies h...
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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as relações de ruminação com neuroticismo e suas facetas (vulnerabilidade, desajustamento psicossocial, ansiedade e depressão), no tocante à variável sexo. Compuseram a amostra 361 estudantes universitários (48,5% do sexo feminino), com média de idade de 19,9 anos (DP=3,6). Os estudantes foram testados coletivame...
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This study aimed to adapt a positive and negative affect scale for adolescents. Participants were 425 students, aged between 14 and 19 years. Students were tested in their classrooms. Principal component analysis revealed a bifactorial solution. The first factor, positive affect, had an eigenvalue of 8.1 and explained 29% of the total variance. The...
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idades entre 14 e 19 anos. As escalas foram respondidas pelos estudantes em sala de aula. A análise de componentes prin-cipais revelou uma solução bifatorial satisfatória. O primeiro componente referente a afetos positivos apresentou eigenvalue de 8,1 e explicou 29% da variância total. O segundo fator, referente a afetos negativos, apresentou eigen...
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The aim of the present study was to develop norms of self-esteem for children, adolescents, and adults, and to update the psychometric properties of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale adapted by Hutz (2000). Participants were 1,151 elementary school, high school, and university students in southern Brazil. Participants answered the questionnaires in g...
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This study aimed at adapting and validating the Staats Hope Index for Brazilian adolescents. Participants were 450 high school students aged from 14 to 18 years old being 56% females. They responded to the Staats Hope Index, Adult Dispositional Hope Scale, Revised Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. A factor analysis extr...
The aim of this paper is to present possible relationships of rumination and reflection with gender, Neuroticism/Emotional Adjustment, and subjective well-being (SWB) as reflected on the current scientific literature. Ruminative thinking is negative and not adapted to problem solving and, therefore, may be inversely associated with SWB. However, re...
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O conceito de carreira sem-fronteiras define a carreira de acordo com os diferentes graus de movimentações físicas e psicológicas que um indivíduo encara em sucessivas situações de emprego. O presente artigo propõe a adaptação e validação da Escala de Atitudes de Carreira Sem-fronteiras (EACSF) para o Brasil. Para tanto dividiu-se em três estudos:...
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O conceito Carreira Proteana descreve um estilo de carreira em que o sucesso, subjetivamente avaliado, é alcançado através do comportamento vocacional autogerenciado e dirigido para valores individuais. A Protean Career Attitudes Scale (PCAS) avalia estas dimensões. O estudo explorou a estrutura fatorial de ma versão brasileira da PCAS. Participara...
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The concept of a boundaryless career refers to the different degrees of physical and psychological mobility an individual faces throughout successive employment situations. The present article aimed to explore the factorial structure of the BCAS in a Brazilian sample. It was composed by three studies conducted with two independent samples: 1) pilot...
Rumination and reflection are different kinds of thoughts in which everybody engages in some measure. The literature points out that different combinations of rumination and reflection are associated with personality traits and psychopathology symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship among ruminative and reflective thinking,...
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Private self-consciousness, or the tendency of an individual to reflect on his or her thoughts, motivations, feelings, and other private aspects of the self has been extensively studied during the last decades. The aim of this research was to adapt the Rumination and Reflection Questionnaire to Brazilian university students, investigating its facto...


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