Cristian Martinez-VillalobosAdolfo Ibáñez University
Cristian Martinez-Villalobos
PhD Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
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March 2021 - present
April 2020 - present
December 2019 - March 2020
May 2011 - August 2016
September 2010 - May 2011
August 2007 - June 2010
Publications (44)
Naturally occurring tropical Pacific variations at timescales of 7–70 years — tropical Pacific decadal variability (TPDV) — describe basin-scale sea surface temperature (SST), sea-level pressure and heat content anomalies. Several mechanisms are proposed to explain TPDV, which can originate through oceanic processes, atmospheric processes or as an...
Coastal El Niño events—marine heatwaves instances in the far eastern Tropical Pacific during otherwise basin-scale neutral or cold conditions—can have severe societal impacts for countries along the west coast of South America, as exemplified by the 2017 and 2023 Peru-Ecuador floods. Due to the brevity of the observational record, it is not well un...
The north and central coast of Chile is influenced by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) through oceanic and atmospheric teleconnections. However, it also experiences episodic oceanic warmings off central Chile (30°S) lasting a few months that are not necessarily associated with ENSO. These episodes, called “Chile Niño” events, besides their ecolo...
Plain Language Summary
Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are periods of prolonged, extremely warm ocean temperatures that have caused widespread ecological and socioeconomic impacts worldwide. The predictability of these events can be improved if we can find connections between regional events and larger climatic drivers, such as El Niño‐Southern Oscillation...
Marine heatwaves have profoundly impacted marine ecosystems over large areas of the world oceans, calling for improved understanding of their dynamics and predictability. Here, we critically review the recent substantial advances in this active area of research, including the exploration of the three-dimensional structure and evolution of these ext...
In addition to increasing in frequency, heat waves are expected to last longer under global warming. The probability distributions of heat wave durations are affected by correlations of temperature from one day to the next, and so cannot be simply extrapolated from changes in the probabilities of daily temperature values. Using analysis informed by...
Coastal El Niño events —instances of anomalous ocean warming in the far eastern Tropical Pacific during basin-scale neutral or cold conditions— can have severe societal impacts for countries along the west coast of South America, as exemplified by the 2017 and 2023 Peru-Ecuador floods. Due to brevity of the observational record, it is not well unde...
A Lagrangian model—the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model (HYSPLIT)—is used to quantify changes in moisture sources and paths for precipitation over North China’s Henan Province associated with tropical cyclone (TC) over the western North Pacific (WNP) during July–August of 1979–2021. During TC-active periods, an anomalou...
Daily precipitation extremes are projected to intensify with increasing moisture under global warming following the Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) relationship at about 7%/∘C\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setl...
Previous studies have investigated the role of the Pacific meridional mode (PMM), a climate mode of the mid-latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, in favoring the development of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However little is known on how ENSO can influence the development of the PMM. Here we investigate the relationship betw...
Daily precipitation extremes are projected to intensify with increasing moisture under global warming following the Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) relationship at about 7%/oC. However, this increase is not spatially homogeneous. Projections in individual models exhibit regions with substantially larger increases than expected from the CC scaling. Here, we...
The performance of GCMs in simulating daily precipitation probability distributions are investigated by comparing 35 CMIP6 models against observational datasets (TRMM-3B42 and GPCP). In these observational datasets, PDFs on wet days follow a power-law range for low and moderate intensities below a characteristic precipitation cutoff-scale. Beyond t...
Precipitation sustains life and supports human activities, making its prediction one of the most societally relevant challenges in weather and climate modeling. Limitations in modeling precipitation underscore the need for diagnostics and metrics to evaluate precipitation in simulations and predictions. While routine use of basic metrics is importa...
Plain Language Summary
Henan is one of the most populated provinces in China. Two catastrophic extreme precipitation events in July 2021 and August 1975 caused devastating catastrophes, such as flooding and urban waterlogging, which resulted in widespread impacts on agricultural production, human livelihood, and economic development. We used a clus...
This study investigates future changes in daily precipitation extremes and the involved physics over the global land monsoon (GM) region using climate models from phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). The daily precipitation extreme is identified by the cutoff scale, measuring the extreme tail of the precipitation distributi...
Purpose of Review:
Review our current understanding of how precipitation is related to its thermodynamic environment, i.e., the water vapor and temperature in the surroundings, and implications for changes in extremes in a warmer climate.
Recent Findings:
Multiple research threads have i) sought empirical relationships that govern onset of strong...
Quantitative simulation of precipitation in current climate has been an ongoing challenge for global climate models. Despite serious biases in correctly simulating probabilities of extreme rainfall events, model simulations under global warming scenarios are routinely used to provide estimates of future changes in these probabilities. To minimize t...
Precipitation accumulations, integrated over rainfall events, are investigated using hourly data across continental China during the warm season (May-October) from 1980 to 2015. Physically, the probability of precipitation accumulations drops slowly with event size up to an approximately exponential cutoff scale L s where probability drops much fas...
The probability distribution of daily precipitation intensities, especially the probability of extremes, impacts a wide range of applications. In most regions this distribution decays slowly with size at first, approximately as a power law with exponent between 0 and −1, and then more sharply, for values larger than a characteristic cutoff scale. T...
Previous studies indicate an asymmetry in the amplitude and persistence of El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) events. We show that the observed EN–LN asymmetry can be captured with a linear model driven by “correlated additive and multiplicative (CAM) noise”, without resorting to a deterministic nonlinear model. The model is derived from 1‐month lag sta...
Numerous oceanic and atmospheric phenomena influence El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability, complicating both prediction and analysis of the mechanisms responsible for generating ENSO diversity. Predictability of ENSO events depends on the characteristics of both the forecast initial conditions and the stochastic forcing that occurs subse...
Precipitation accumulations, integrated over precipitation events in hourly data, are examined from 1979 to 2013 over the contiguous United States during the “warm" season (May‐October). As expected from theory, accumulation distributions have a characteristic shape, with an approximate power law decrease with event size followed by an exponential...
The most commonly used version of a Linear Inverse Model (LIM) is forced by state independent noise. Although having several desirable qualities, this formulation can only generate long-term Gaussian statistics. LIM-like systems forced by correlated additive-multiplicative (CAM) noise have been shown to generate deviations from Gaussianity, but par...
Precipitation accumulations, i.e., the amount of precipitation integrated over the course of an event, is a variable with both important physical and societal implications. Previous observational studies show that accumulation distributions have a characteristic shape, with an approximate...
A theoretical framework is developed for understanding the transient growth and propagation characteristics of thermodynamically coupled, meridional mode-like structures in the tropics. The model consists of a Gill-Matsuno type steady atmosphere under the longwave approximation coupled via a wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (WES) feedback t...
American Meteorological Society 2007 Meeting Presentation based on this paper http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0450.1 . Here we present a theoretical framework to understand ocean-atmosphere interactions coupled through the wind-evaporation-SST feedback, relevant to describe variability in the Tropical/Subtropical Atlantic and...
The first part of this thesis studies the low-frequency ocean-atmosphere coupling relevant to describe tropical meridional modes using an analytical framework and simple sensitivity experiments. We consider a simple Gill-Matsuno atmospheric model coupled to a thermodynamic slab ocean model to describe the wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (W...
A theoretical framework is developed for understanding the transient growth and propagation characteristics of thermodynamically coupled, meridional mode-like structures in the tropics. The model consists of a Gill-Matsuno type steady atmosphere under the longwave approximation coupled via a wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (WES) feedback t...
This study uses a simple linear coupled model to investigate the role of the WES feedback and ITCZ mean states in meridional mode variability. Optimal structures that maximize transient growth are calculated for mean states characteristic of boreal spring and boreal fall in the tropical Atlantic. During boreal spring the leading optimal structure i...
We present a modification of the standard method of evaluating the semihadronic tau decay width. The method is based on a derivative expansion for the Adler function rather than the standard series in powers of the strong coupling. The extracted QCD coupling at the tau mass scale is by 2% lower than the ``contour improved'' value. We find alpha(MZ2...
The semihadronic tau decay width allows a clean extraction of the strong coupling constant at low energies. We present a modification of the standard "contour improved" method based on a derivative expansion of the Adler function. The approach eliminates ambiguities coming from the existence of different integral expressions for the semihadronic ta...
In this article we explore the thermal evolution of the $\pi$-$\pi$ scattering lengths in the frame of the linear sigma model. We compute, using thermofield dynamics, all the one loop diagrams that contribute to $\pi$-$\pi$ scattering. We restrict ourselves to temperature correction only in the pion sector, due to the Boltzmann supression for the s...
El proposito de este trabajo es calcular correcciones t´ermicas a las longitudes de
scattering pion-pion en el marco del modelo sigma lineal. Para eso se estudiaron los propagadores termicos en los formalismos de tiempo imaginario y real de teoria cuantica de campos a temperatura finita. Se estudio el formalismo para construir amplitudes de scatter...
Question (1)
Hi all,
Besides CESM LENS2, which modeling groups provide large ensemble experiments in the CMIP6 era?