Cristian Colther

Cristian Colther
Universidad Austral de Chile · Instituto de Economía

Phd. Economics
Profesor Auxiliar, Instituto de Economía-Universidad Austral de Chile


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Publications (50)
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This article proposes a chronology or "dating" of the classical business cycles for an extended period in the Chilean economy (1817-2015). The determination of turning points was conducted using the methodology proposed by Harding and Pagan (2002b), and the analysis was supplemented with a brief review of historical background to contextualize the...
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This research studies the dynamics of the level of occupational segregation of women during the period 1992-2015. Using the dissimilarity index proposed by Duncan and Duncan (1955), the degree of segregation has been measured by occupational categories and economic sectors. The results show that the level of segregation has not changed significantl...
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This article proposes that artificial intelligence (AI) is positioned as a key driver of a new evolutionary stage of human knowledge, complementing human intelligence and facilitating the creation and development of sophisticated collective intelligence, defined as the noosphere, understood as the sphere of collective human thought. The study revea...
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The strong increase in global demand for lithium, driven by the ion battery market and the use of this non-metallic mineral in various economic sectors such as mining (as a non-metallic and non-renewable mineral), health, technology, and geopolitical issues, has fueled the development of disruptive innovation, with new products linked to knowledge...
This article examines the relationship between graduates' academic performance and the financial returns of their university education in Chile. By Analyzing data from 784 students who graduated from 10 selected Chilean universities between 2010 and 2016, this study utilizes linear and quantile regression to estimate returns. The results indicate t...
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The study of production function has a long history. Since the first works in 1928, many studies have explored the relationship between technology and productive factors such as capital and labor. The main purpose of this article is to assess the impact of the Cobb–Douglas function on scientists. This manuscript also aims to continue and update thi...
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RESUMEN El presente trabajo parte de la observación de dos problemas en la conmutación chilena: por un lado, el efecto alométrico detectado entre las funciones ofrecidas y la población encontrada en un determinado territorio, especialmente en el Norte Chico y la Patagonia Chilena; por otra parte, la tendencia a concentrar población, pero no contrib...
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Impacto de la especialización productiva en el crecimiento regional. caso estudio el sector Silvo-agropecuario en Chile 1 RESUMEN En este trabajo se ha analizado el grado de especialización que las regiones de Chile presentaron en el sector Silvo-agropecuario durante el período 2008-2015. Para este pro-pósito se ha utilizado datos de las empresas p...
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This paper has analyzed the degree of specialization that the Chilean regions in the Fo restry and agricultural sector during the period 2008-2015. For this purpose, data from companies belonging to the sector has been used and a methodology is proposed that combines various tools of the regional economy to measure the degree of specialization and...
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Due to the increasing volume of waste and the increasingly complex administration of its collection and disposal, solid waste management is quickly becoming a demanding issue for municipalities all over the world. Benchmarking the effectiveness of municipal solid waste management is critical for assessing municipalities’ resource management perform...
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Este trabajo tiene por objetivo revisar dos nuevas herramientas que pueden ser utilizadas para obtener el output gap a través de desagregar la componente ciclo-tendencia del PIB. Se han evaluado el filtro de Hamilton (2018) y la transformada wavelet, comparando sus resultados respecto de los métodos tradicionales utilizados para estimar el output g...
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This paper analyzes the effect of public spending on the Chilean economy by analyzing quarterly data for the period 1990-2018. GDP and public expenditure among other macroeconomic variables have been used to estimate a VEC (Vector Error Correction) model. The main objective is to investigate an important component of public spending, such as Govern...
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This paper presents a new method for detecting turning points in business cycles using the discrete wavelet transform. A methodology is proposed to select the ideal wavelet function and optimize the identification method. We illustrate the method by analyzing the 1957–2021 United States business cycle. We compare the effectiveness of wavelet functi...
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En este artículo se analizó la distribución por género en 62 universidades chilenas, considerando el alumnado y su personal académico, durante el periodo 2009-2019. Se estimaron indicadores de desigualdad de género para analizar la situación de las universidades chilenas. Los principales resultados muestran que existe una alta correlación entre la...
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El principal objetivo de este estudio es determinar el impacto de la participación femenina en la producción científica. Se utilizan datos publicados por el Consejo Nacional de Educación (CNED, 2020) y se examina la producción científica de 63 universidades chilenas en el período 2009-2019. Se analiza la distribución por género y se utiliza el mode...
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Pronóstico de la demanda turística en Chile: Análisis regional utilizando un Modelo Autorregresivo Estacional Abstract This paper presents Chilean tourism demand describing its behavior for both the country and each of its regions, the analyzed period comprises 2014:01 to 2019:02. The seasonal autoregressive model (SARIMA) process was used to model...
Conference Paper
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Current advances in the research, development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems have given rise to a far-reaching discourse on the ethics of AI and with them, the generation of several ethical guidelines comprising normative principles and recommendations. In this wide-ranging discussion, it has been considered important to br...
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Esta investigación analiza la producción científica de las universidades chilenas para el período 2013-2017 utilizando un panel de datos balanceados. La metodología utiliza una función de producción agregada del tipo Cobb-Douglas resuelto por medio de un modelo de datos de panel de efectos fijos un Análisis de Frontera Estocástica (AFE). Los princi...
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En este trabajo se ha modelado el turismo emisivo y receptivo que experimentó Chile para el período 2000-2018. Se han utilizado modelos de regresión lineal con variables dicotómicas y los modelos ARIMA con componente estacional para modelar las series y evaluar sus errores en los pronósticos. Los resultados muestran que los modelos ARIMA con compon...
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Manual de ejercicios de la asignatura de Econometría
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Ejercicios propuestos y resueltos de Introducción a la Macroeconomía
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Chinese indirect trade relations in the global trade network to observe if the objectives identified by Cai (2017) in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are being fulfilled, especially with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries. Methodology: Using data from the UNCTAD (2016) for the perio...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la experiencia de la Facultad de Cs. Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad Austral de Chile en implementar un programa que fomenta el emprendimiento y el desarrollo de habilidades para emprender entre sus estudiantes de pregrado. Como metodología, el programa ha utilizado métodos de reciente uso...
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In this paper the tourism demand for the Magallanes Region in Chile is successfully modelled and forecasted for the 2014-2019 period. An autoregressive model with seasonal component (SARIMA) is selected for the analysis because of the non-linear, stochastic behavior and seasonal fluctuations present in the time series.. Results show that the models...
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RESUMEN En este trabajo se propone un indicador sintético que mide el grado de desarrollo de las universidades chilenas, valorando de forma cuantitativa las misiones (investigación y enseñanza) realizadas por las mismas. Se utiliza un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales resuelto a través de mínimos cuadrados parciales, analizando datos de 54 univers...
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El aumento de la participación de la mujer en el mercado del trabajo plantea diversos desafíos en la sociedad, particularmente aquellos que tienen relación con la igualdad y equidad en el trato que experimentan. Diversos estudios han analizado la situación de las mujeres a nivel nacional, pero son escasos los estudios a nivel de regiones. Este volu...
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This research discusses the effect of different variables on the price of hotel services in Chile and establishes whether there is a correlation between prices and user ratings. In doing so, a multivariate linear regression model was used to analyse a set of 145 hotels available in in Santiago de Chile during three seasons. The findings...
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Este trabajo revisa el concepto de descentralización y los problemas presentes a nivel subnacional, enfocándose en los factores y efectos visibles en los territorios. Además, se realizan algunas propuestas para lograr un proceso de descentralización integral que considere lo fiscal, territorial y la gestión, con el fin de ayudar a los territorios s...
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La solución de problemas medioambientales, a los que el desarrollo sostenible pertenecen, suele buscarse mediante políticas públicas, herramientas jurídicas que se valen, de manera «miope», de instrumentos diseñados para castigar o recompensar ciertos comportamientos: los «incentivos». De acuerdo con Rittel y Webber, los problemas que se resuelven...
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The objective of this work is to analyze the employment behavior in the labor market in Chile at the regional level, determining the differences and similarities between regions, and of the regions with the aggregate employment at the national level. For this work, we studied the monthly regional employment rates during the 1986-2010 period for Chi...
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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de la ocupación en el mercado del trabajo en Chile a nivel regional, determinando las diferencias y similitudes entre regiones, y de las regiones con el agregado de empleo a nivel nacional. Para la realización de dicho trabajo se han utilizado las tasas mensuales de ocupación regionales y...
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Esta investigación analiza distintos factores que pueden incidir en la decisión de compra de las personas a través de Comercio Electrónico en Chile. Se analizan doce variables como aquellas que influyen en la compra a través de Internet. Estas se organizaron en cuatro categorías: Sociodemográficas, Económicas, Familiaridad con internet y las Tecnol...
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Environmental public policy is challenged by its complexity and uncertainty as manifested in Wicked Problems. Incentives were considered to encourage behavioural change in the public policy on air pollution in Valdivia, Chile. However, air pollution is still increasing due to extensive usage of firewood. This research aims to assess the policy with...
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El presente texto tiene por objetivo poner a disposición de los estudiantes de un texto actualizado relacionado con problemas de Macroeconomía II, en donde se presupone que los estudiantes están familiarizados con aspectos básicos de la Economía, Matemática y Macroeconomía básica. En el texto se ha procurado entregar un breve resumen conceptual y d...
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El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar el grado de sincronismo entre el ciclo económico de la Región de Magallanes respecto del ciclo económico nacional para el período 1985-2010. Para determinar el ciclo económico se ha usado el procedimiento de Harding y Pagan (2002) y medido el sincronismo con el índice de contingencia de Pearson. Nuestros...
Conference Paper
En este estudio se ha analizado los ciclos de empleo de las regiones de Chile para el período 1986-2010, caracterizando su comportamiento, y comparándolos entre ellos. Para este análisis hemos utilizado el algoritmo de Bry y Boschan (1971) para determinar el ciclo del empleo en las regiones, y luego medir el sincronismo entre regiones utilizando el...
Conference Paper
International trade consists of a complex network of direct connections between exporters and importers. Nevertheless, the indirect flows analysis of importations, which is made through an intermediary country, has been a big complexity issue. In order to identify these flows, it’s necessary to apply a proper methodology such as the Forgoten Effect...
Technical Report
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In order to make a good assessment of vulnerability to climate change, it is im- portant first, to distinguish between weather and climate, climate variability and climate change. This is also necessary for the development of an effective meth- odology and good assessment tools for vulnerability analysis. While weather refers to daily observed atmo...
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The article tries to contribute to a new understanding of how money is created by commercial banks and to describe the dilemma, which after some time, every Central Bank within the fractional reserve banking system faces. This dilemma provides an explication for the politics of “cheap money” that has been applied by Central Banks of almost every in...
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En este trabajo se analiza la experiencia de descentralización de Chile examinando sus distintas fases, los elementos, acciones desarrolladas, su eficacia y los temas pendientes. Además se resumen las problemáticas particulares de Chile, usando una nueva perspectiva desde la teoría del Desarrollo a Escala Humana propuesta por Max Neef. También se d...
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The quantitative analysis of business cycles has been extensively studied since the later part of theindustrial revolution. Economic cycles have a large impact on society in general, at great cost insocial and in productive organization in general. For this reason it has attracted the interest ofacademia, the public sector and the private sector. M...
Conference Paper
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One of the main objectives of EU COST Action TU0901 is to propose a set of harmonised descriptors for airborne and impact sound insulation. The purpose of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis of different existing descriptors among EU building acoustics regulations. This comprehensive study was based on the data processing of over 4,500...
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Rating indices are single number quantities used to characterize the acoustic behavior of a constructive solution and are commonly used by administrations and governments to establish the requirements for acoustic insulation. These single numbers try to "summarize" information which is frequency dependent into one single figure, and by doing so in...
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This document shows a synthesis of 22 acoustic insulation models for different wall configurations, which exist in the specialized literature, to predict the airborne sound insulation that an enclosure separator element can provide. From the literature review it was possible to determine 7 models for single walls, 11 models for double walls and 4 m...
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The following thesis deals with the subject of vibration analysis, in the field of predictive maintenance, focused on the problem of premature and incipient bearing failures, particularly defects located in single row deep groove ball bearings. The following analysis techniques were used: time analysis, frequency domain analysis, the envelope metho...


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