Crisalejandra Rivera PérezCentro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C. | CIBNOR · Department of Fisheries Ecology
Crisalejandra Rivera Pérez
Research Fellow
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We are working on three major projects:
1)Biomineralization in Mollusk.
The aim of this reserach is to understand the mechanism of biomineral formation to discover fundamental principles of biomineral morphogenesis using mollusk as model of study.
2)Isolation and characterization of bioactive peptides from marine organism with potential biotechnological applications.
3)Valorization of fishery products through the use and/or transformation of marine resources or fishing waste.
Additional affiliations
August 2007 - August 2010
August 2005 - August 2007
January 2003 - January 2005
Publications (85)
Endocrine networks are the foundation of estrous cycles in most vertebrates. However, hormones regulating reproduction in invertebrates often are examined in isolation rather than as part of an emergent endocrine context. Here we show that a highly conserved endocrine network consisting of ecdysone, ecdysis triggering hormone, and juve...
During shrimp larval development, changes occur in molecular components. Enzyme activity and mRNA expression of proteinases were assayed in Penaeus vannamei during larval development, which consists of 5 nauplius stages, 3 protozoeal stages, 3 mysis stages, and 12 postlarval stages. Trypsin activity reached a maximum at the beginning of postlarval...
Juvenile hormone (JH) regulates development and reproductive maturation in insects. The corpora allata (CA) from female adult mosquitoes synthesize fluctuating levels of JH, which have been linked to the ovarian development and are influenced by nutritional signals. The rate of JH biosynthesis is controlled by the rate of flux of isoprenoids in the...
Bioactive peptides have been studied in several sources due to their valuable potential in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Abalone viscera, which are normally discarded as byproducts, are a rich source of protein. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore the potential bioactivity of peptides derived from abalone viscera ( Haliotis fulgens...
Calcium carbonate is present in many biological structures
such as bivalve shells, which is composed mainly of two
CaCO3 polymorphs: calcite and aragonite. However, other
forms of calcium carbonate exist like vaterite and amorphous
calcium carbonate (ACC) that are not commonly reported.
Polymorph selection is influenced by salt concentration, cofac...
Los péptidos antimicrobianos (AMPs) son moléculas pequeñas producidas naturalmente por muchos organismos, incluidos los moluscos marinos, para defenderse contra las bacterias y otros patógenos. Estos péptidos son de gran interés debido a sus propiedades antimicrobianas, que los convierten en posibles alternativas a los antibióticos tradicionales. L...
Biomineralization leads to the hardening of mineralized materials, such as the shell of Mollusk, to fulfill a wide range of functions, such as (but not limited to) skeletal support, protection of the soft tissues, navigation, etc. The study of the proteins responsible for this process, shell matrix proteins (SMPs), allows addressing questions relat...
El brote de COVID-19 por el coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 no ha cesado a casi dos años de su aparición. Las medidas que se han implementado en el mundo han ido desde el distanciamiento social, el uso de mascarillas y caretas, hasta el cierre de todas las instituciones educativas. De acuerdo con la Unicef, 131 millones de alumnos de 11 países han perdido t...
Green chemistry, as a work philosophy, has contributed to the design and application of safer and green processes and products. However, there are still challenges to achieve sustainability. In this regard, it is necessary to adopt a circular model, where the wastes and by-products can be used. Therefore the merging between green chemistry and bior...
The jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata is native to Australia and has been widely regarded as a successful invader. In the Mexican Pacific, this species has been recorded in the Gulf of California, specifically in La Paz Bay and the coast of the Baja California peninsula, but the origin of its introduction to the Mexican Pacific is unknown. There is a...
The jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata is native to Australia and has been widely
regarded as a successful invader. In the Mexican Pacific, this species has been
recorded in the Gulf of California, specifically in La Paz Bay and the coast of the
Baja California peninsula, but the origin of its introduction to the Mexican Pacific
is unknown. There is a...
Las respuestas fisiológicas de los organismos marinos son influenciadas por variaciones ambientales, particularmente en hábitats dinámicos. Éstas pueden ser a escala diurna o estacional y requieren respuestas que, a nivel molecular, son facilitadas por inducción de expresión génica. Los ritmos circadianos permiten ajustar cambios ambientales recurr...
Mammals experience some degree of hypoxia during their lifetime. In response to hypoxic challenge, mammalian cells orchestrate specific responses at transcriptional and posttranslational level which lead to changes in the purine metabolites in order to cope with threatening conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the enzym...
Shell matrix proteins (SMPs) are key components for the Mollusk shell biomineralization. SMPs function has been hypothesized in several proteins by bioinformatics analysis, and through in vitro crystallization assays. However, studies of the post-translational modifications (PTMs) of SMPs, which contribute to the structure and the function of the S...
Oogenesis is closely linked with reproductive maturation and mating status in females. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster , vitellogenesis (yolk accumulation) is an important control point for oogenesis. Vitellogenesis begins upon eclosion and continues through the process of sexual maturation. Upon reaching sexual maturity, vitellogenesis is...
El posgrado, por definición, son los estudios realizados de manera posterior a una carrera universitaria, mismos que facilitan el desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas en diferentes disciplinas, con una consecuente mayor cualificación para el desempeño laboral. El Sistema Nacional de Educación Superior ofrece distintas modalidades de formación acad...
Los compuestos bioactivos son compuestos que pueden tener un efecto positivo en los organismos. Las propiedades benéficas que presentan han permitido el desarrollo de la industria alimentaria, cosmetológica, farmacológica, y para el desarrollo de nuevos materiales. Los organismos marinos son una fuente promisoria de compuestos bioactivos, ya que se...
La contingencia sanitaria provocada por el nuevo coronavirus SARSCoV-2 causante de la enfermedad COVID-19 ha afectado al sector de la investigación y por ende a los académicos que están a su cargo. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no existe evidencia que indique el tipo de problemática que enfrentan los investigadores ante la contingencia y las medidas imp...
Crisalejandra Rivera-Pérez/CIBNOR/DICYT Los estudiantes de posgrado en México son una mínima fracción de la población en México. En el país, actualmente, se encuentran cursando posgrado 237 mil 617 alumnos totales. Sin embargo, solo una fracción concluye el posgrado por diferentes factores, tanto individuales, sociológicos como académicos, y en est...
Abstract Nacre is the main component of the pearl oyster shells and it is synthesized by specialized soluble and insoluble shell matrix proteins. Insoluble proteins from the decalcification of the shell are the less studied proteins due to the technical problems to isolate them from the organic matrix. In this study, an insoluble shell matrix prote...
Ocean organisms live in competitive environments that demand the production of poisons and toxins. In some cases, these substances have been used in the pharmaceutical industry for human disease treatments. Most fish poisons generally have potent cytolytic activity, probably through cardiovascular and neuromuscular effects. In the case of marine st...
Massive accumulations of pelagic species of Sargassum have generated recent social, economic and ecological problems along Caribbean shores. In the Mexican Caribbean, these events have prompted the study of diverse biological and ecological aspects of these macroalgae. However, studies on their associated biota, including Hydrozoa, remain scarce. T...
Fatty acid desaturases are key enzymes involved in unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis, which insert double bonds at specific positions of fatty acids, playing a pivotal role in unsaturated fatty acid synthesis required for membrane lipid fluidity. The ∆5 and ∆6 desaturases are responsible for producing long chain-polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PU...
Mollusk shell is composed of two CaCO3 polymorphs (calcite and aragonite) and an organic matrix that consists of acetic acid- or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-soluble and insoluble proteins and other biomolecules (polysaccharides, β-chitin). However, the shell matrix proteins involved in nacre formation are not fully known. Thus, the aim o...
La educación a distancia se ha encauzado en la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas para favorecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la democratización, mediante un sistema tecnológico de comunicación bidireccional (multidireccional). Esta nueva alternativa se ha apoyado en el uso de diferentes Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), p...
We substituted 10% of fishmeal with scallop (Argopecten ventricosus) or squid (Dosidiscus gigas) by-product meal in a feed for shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) growth assay that lasted 60 days and then shrimps were submitted to handling stress. Shrimp fed the control diet had smaller weight gain and lower recovery after stress. Prostaglandins in gills...
The skeleton plays a vital role in the survival of aquatic invertebrates by separating and protecting them from a changing environment. In most of these organisms, calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) is the principal constituent of the skeleton, while in others, only a part of the skeleton is calcified, or CaCO 3 is integrated into an organic skeleton struc...
Resumen La biomineralización es un fenómeno biológico mediante el cual los organismos forman de manera controlada compuestos inorgánicos. Las conchas de moluscos están construi-das mayormente con un material frágil como el carbonato de calcio, sin embargo, algunos de sus polimorfos alcanzan tensiones de fractura de más de un orden de magnitud supe-...
Ecdysis triggering hormone receptors (ETHR) regulate the behavioral sequence necessary for cuticle shedding. Recent reports have documented functions for ETHR signaling in adult Drosophila melanogaster. In this study, we report that ETHR silencing in local interneurons of the antennal lobes and fruitless neurons leads to sharply increased rates of...
Mollusk shell mineralization is a tightly controlled process made by shell matrix proteins (SMPs). However, the study of SMPs has been limited to a few model species. In this study, the N66 mRNA of the pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica was cloned and functionally characterized. The full sequence of the N66 mRNA comprises 1,766 base pairs, and encod...
Mollusk biomineralization is a process controlled by a complex interplay of proteins, ions and external regulators. In spite of several studies, there is a lack of knowledge of who (molecules involved), how (mechanism) and why (evolution and adaptation) mollusk are designed as we know them. In this study, a shell matrix protein, N66, has been purif...
The juvenile hormones (JHs) are a family of insect acyclic sesquiterpenoids produced by the corpora allata (CA), a pair of endocrine glands connected to the brain. They are involved in the regulation of development, reproduction, behavior, caste determination, diapause, stress response, and numerous polyphenisms. In the post-genomics era, comprehen...
Juvenile hormone (JH) is a major hormonal regulator in insects. In Aedes aegypti females, JH signals the completion of the ecdysis to the adult stage and initiates reproductive processes. Although the regulation of JH synthesis and titer in Ae. aegypti females has been extensively studied, relatively little is known about changes of JH synthesis an...
Formation and expression of memories are critical for context-dependent decision making. In Drosophila, a courting male rejected by a mated female subsequently courts less avidly when paired with a virgin female, a behavioral modification attributed to “courtship memory.” Here we show the critical role of hormonal state for maintenance of courtship...
Micronutrients or non-energetic nutrients (NEN) are needed in reduced amounts, but are essential for many mosquito physiological processes that influence biological traits from vector competence to reproductive capacity. The NEN include amino acids (AA), vitamins, salts, metals and sterols. Free AA play critical roles controlling most physiological...
During shrimp larval development, changes occur in molecular components. Enzyme activity and mRNA expression of proteinases were assayed in Penaeus vannamei during larval development, which consists of 5 nauplius stages, 3 protozoeal stages, 3 mysis stages, and 12 postlarval stages. Trypsin activity reached a maximum at the beginning of postlarval...
Partial dependence plots for GAMs for MVAP metabolites production.
Left panel: X axis is the substrate and Y axis the metabolite synthesized (product of reaction). Right panel: X axis is the enzymatic activity and Y axis the metabolite synthesized. All data are on fmol concentrations. Gray area indicates a 95% confidence interval for the smoothed l...
Experimental data on enzymatic activities and CA metabolite concentrations, used for model building.
Data are from female pupae and adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and were obtained as previously reported [Rivera-Perez C, Nouzova M, Lamboglia I, Noriega FG. Metabolic analysis reveals changes in the mevalonate and juvenile hormone synthesis pathways...
Experimental data on enzymatic activities and CA metabolite concentrations, used for validation analyses.
Data are from female pupae and adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, and were obtained as previously reported [Rivera-Perez C, Nouzova M, Lamboglia I, Noriega FG. Metabolic analysis reveals changes in the mevalonate and juvenile hormone synthesis pat...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005038.].
Juvenile hormones (JH) regulate development and reproductive maturation in insects. JHs are synthesized through the mevalonate pathway (MVAP), an ancient metabolic pathway present in the three domains of life. Mevalonate kinase (MVK) is a key enzyme in the MVAP. MVK catalyzes the synthesis of phosphomevalonate (PM) by transferring the...
Lipases are key enzymes involved in lipid digestion, storage and mobilization of reserves during fasting or heightened metabolic demand. This is a highly conserved process, essential for survival. The genomes of five marine invertebrate species with distinctive digestive system were screened for the six major lipase families. The two most common fa...
Corpus allatum (CA) ablation results in juvenile hormone (JH) deficiency and pupal lethality in Drosophila. The fly CA produces and releases three sesquiterpenoid hormones: JH III bisepoxide (JHB3), JH III, and methyl farnesoate (MF). In the whole body extracts, MF is the most abundant sesquiterpenoid, followed by JHB3 and JH III. Knockout of JH ac...
Literature on the question whether the juvenile stage of vertebrates is hormonally regulated is scarce. It seems to be intuitively assumed that this stage of development is automated, and does not require any specific hormone(s). Such reasoning mimics the state of affairs in insects until it was shown that surgical removal of a tiny pair of glands...
The adult female mosquito Aedes aegypti is an excellent model to study JH biosynthesis. The genome is sequenced, molecular tools such as RNAi are available, and its JH-dependent reproductive physiology is well understood. All the genes encoding biosynthetic enzymes have been identified, comprehensive transcriptional studies have been completed, and...
Juvenile hormone (JH) is an insect-specific sesquiterpenoid that regulates development and reproduction. In the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, JH III is synthesized by a pair of endocrine glands with neural connections to the brain called the corpora allata (CA). JH titers are largely determined by the rate of biosynthetic activity of the CA...
Background: The interactions between the insulin signaling pathway (ISP) and juvenile hormone (JH) controlling reproductive trade-offs are well documented in insects. JH and insulin regulate reproductive output in mosquitoes; both hormones are involved in a complex regulatory network, in which they influence each other and in which the mosquito's n...
The interactions between the insulin signaling pathway (ISP) and juvenile hormone (JH) controlling reproductive trade-offs are well documented in insects. JH and insulin regulate reproductive output in mosquitoes; both hormones are involved in a complex regulatory network, in which they influence each other and in which the mosquito's nutritional s...
Juvenile hormone (JH) regulates reproductive maturation in insects; therefore interruption of JH biosynthesis has been considered as a strategy for the development of target-specific insecticides. The corpora allata (CA) from mosquitoes is highly specialized to supply variable levels of JH, which are linked to ovarian developmental stages and influ...
The biosynthesis of juvenile hormone (JH) and its neuroendocrine regulation are attractive targets for chemical control of mosquitoes. JH is synthesized and secreted by a pair of small endocrine glands, the corpora allata (CA). JH plays important roles in insect development, metamorphosis and reproduction. In the JH synthetic pathway, farnesyl pyro...
Juvenile hormone (JH) is a major hormonal regulator in insects. JH titer is determined by the rate at which the corpora allata (CA) synthesizes JH. The rate of CA activity is regulated by allatostatic (inhibitory) or allatotropic (stimulatory) factors. Ecdysis triggering hormone (ETH) is known for its critical role in orchestrating ecdysis, but its...
The juvenile hormones (JHs) are sesquiterpenoid compounds that play a central role in insect reproduction, development and behavior. The late steps of JH III biosynthesis in the mosquito Aedes aegypti involve the hydrolysis of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to farnesol (FOL), which is then successively oxidized to farnesal and farnesoic acid, methyla...
Primers used for RT-PCR, Q-RT-PCR, and production of dsRNA.
The juvenile hormones (JHs) play a central role in insect reproduction, development and behavior. Interrupting JH biosynthesis has long been considered a promising strategy for the development of target-specific insecticides. Using a combination of RNAi, in vivo and in vitro studies we characterized the last unknown biosynthetic enzyme of the JH pa...
Juvenile hormone (JH) levels must be modulated to permit the normal progress of development and reproductive maturation in mosquitoes. JH is part of a transduction system that assesses nutritional information and controls reproduction in mosquitoes. Adult female Aedes aegypti show nutritionally-dependent dynamic changes in corpora allata (CA) JH bi...
##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: DNA Baser v. 3.5.0 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END##
##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: DNA Baser v. 3.5.0 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END##
##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: DNA Baser v. 3.5.0 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END##
##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: DNA Baser v. 3.5.0 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END##
##Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: DNA Baser v. 3.5.0 Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END##
The juvenile hormones (JHs) are sesquiterpenoid compounds that play a central role in insect reproduction, development and behavior. The lipophilic nature of JHs and their precursors, in conjunction with their low concentration in tissues and susceptibility to degradation had made their quantification difficult. A variety of methods exist for JH qu...
Fluorescent tagging of JH III and FA.
Tagging JH III: Tagging of JH III required a two-step reaction. First step: Opening of the epoxide ring (blue) with sodium sulfide at 55°C to form a JH diol. Second step: Derivatizing with DBD-COCl to form a higher-molecular-weight fluorescent derivative (the fluorescent tag is shown in blue). Tagging FA: The c...
Tagging and detection of JHB3. JHB3 was a gift from Dr. Stephen Tobe and was synthesized from methyl farnesoate using m-chloroperbenzoic acid in dichloromethane (Bendena et al., 2011). Isolated JHB3: JHB3 was derivatized with AABD-SH. Two JHB3 fluorescent peaks with retention times of 50 and 60.3 were detected (arrows). Drosophila (whole body): JH...
JH pathway precursors derivatized with fluorescent tags. A variety of additional functional groups can be targeted to add fluorescent tags to the other JH III precursors. We labeled and detected the thiol group of acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA with DBD-H ( = 4-(N,N-Dimethylaminosulfonyl)-7-hydrazino-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole) at Exc/Em: 450/565 nm, the...
In vitro labeling JH III from biological samples. I) Extraction protocol: Insect tissues were processed by the method described by Bergot et al. (1981) that includes an acetonitrile/pentane extraction and a C18 solid-phase extraction cartridge purification. The recovered organic fraction was reduced to a volume of a 100 µl and the JH III epoxide ri...
Isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IPPI) is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of juvenile hormone (JH) in the corpora allata (CA) of insects. IPPI catalyzes the conversion of isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP); afterward IPP and DMAPP condense in a head-to-tail manner to produce geranyl diphosphate (GPP), this...
Digestive and intracellular lipases were studied in the digestive gland of whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei. A partial sequence of the intracellular lipase was obtained from the digestive gland cDNA. The digestive and intracellular lipase mRNAs were detected differentially in different body parts of shrimp; digestive lipase mRNA is exclusively foun...
An intracellular lipase present in the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei was detected in pleopods. The lipase from pleopods was purified and characterized by biochemical and kinetic parameters. Purified intracellular lipase has a molecular mass of 196kDa, the polypeptide is assembled by two monomers, 95.26 and 63.36kDa. The enzyme lacks glycosyl...