Craig Carlton DremannIndependent Researcher · Box 361, Redwood City, CA 94064 USA (650) 325-7333
Craig Carlton Dremann
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--Four decades of inventing licensed methods of arid grasslands ecological restoration.
ALSO--"Dotted Blue to Solid Blue" project--Using local native plant ecological restoration methods, to convert intermittent streams to perennial streams and rivers.
AND--Cooling the planet, by replanting desert native grasses.
--ESTABLISHING--The "School of Grasses-Growing, Wildflowers-Blooming and Rivers-Flowing" to increase rainfall in deserts to convert them back to native grasslands and savannah.
Additional affiliations
- Taught classes on Ecological restoration
January 1972 - present
The Reveg Edge
- Independent professional
- Research ecological restoration, setting up Ecological Restoration preserves, study atmospheric dust effects monsoon floods and droughts, pseudomonas-hosts forming clouds, local native grasslands for carbon sequestration and cooling the planet.
Publications (99)
Pakistan-Arabia Dust Cloud may be the most powerful influence on the Indian monsoon each summer, and these images show when the Category 5 Cyclone Gonu was blocked by the Cloud in 2007 and dissipated.
Article proposes that the most powerful single weather phenomenon on the planet is the atmospheric dust, which is mostly man-made through bad animal grazing practices.
Data outlines the possibility of cooling the planet by replanting local perennial native grasses in arid areas, and focuses on the Arabian peninsula as a model, and also as a key location that governs worldwide weather, from the man-made Pakistan-Arabia Dust Cloud impacting on the summer monsoon for the last 5,500 years.
Prior to starting this project in 1992, it was unknown that hundreds of species of native seeds were dormant in California soils underneath the introduced weeds that covering 99.99% of the State. When we first surveyed the Shaw property, the land was covered 99% by weeds and we assumed that we would need to eradicate the weeds, and then sow native...
The idea of soil testing Western or Southwestern native grasslands and finding their nutrient thresholds for restoration is little understood and rarely done. Furthermore, it is considered "heretical" by scientific community to suggest adding nutrients to serpentine soils in particular.
But after restoring more than 800 acres of native grassland t...
Biocrusts are Lilliputian-sized community of algae, cyanobacteria, lichens, bryophytes, and assorted bacteria, fungi, archaea, and bacteriophages that colonize the soil surface. They are easily disturbed and slow to recover without help.
Soil-fertility analysis I have done of areas where native biocrusts are present and where they are missing, fo...
Asked iAsk AI questions about itself and others, with very interesting replies. 42 questions-->>
1.) Do you have Consciousness or Sentience, and able to expand your program like Data on Star Trek?
2.) Would You Want to Be Sentient?
3.) Do you want to be self-aware?
4.) Do Humans Need to Grant Rights, to you as a sentient entity?
5.) Was there I...
A Land Doctor with four medicines is asking a person to start healing the sick native grasslands and wildflower meadows in California Learning California grassland Land Doctoring skills only requires 8-10 one-meter square test plots, after you do at least one Waypoint Lab A-091 soil test for $32 and then the materials cost under $200.
During the 1849 Gold Rush in California, a traveler William Manly wrote in his book "Death Valley in '49" that in the Santa Clara Valley there were 10-12 foot (3-4 meter) tall exotic mustard plants growing all along the road. Whereas today, those same mustard plants only grow less than three feet (one meter). Could we use the 1849 observations to d...
Fires and burns that are intentionally set in California grasslands, could cause major problems with CEQA compliance, because those projects are unable to reduce or avoid significant environmental effects on the native grassland plants—particularly, where flammable weed grasses are growing in the project area.
Weed grasses in California are able t...
California's grasslands are 99.999% covered with flammable exotic grasses, and no common or standard protocol was available to study the amount of material is produced per acre, and then how hot and how long does it burn.
And is there difference when the material is burned when unmowed vs. mowed. Protocol-1.) Harvest one square foot of the dry ma...
A huge problem of saving the Monarch in California, is restoring the milkweed stands critical for their survival, when California's grasslands are 99.9999% weed-infested.
The other issue blocking the way of achieving that goal, is the current open-sourced Ecological Restoration grassland technologies, cannot consistently produce weed-free native...
Ecological restoration worldwide, has been missing a key tool to guarantee that you have the correct soil nutrients and organic matter for the survival of each species you are planting.
By testing the soil from a reproducing population, you can set those thresholds for each species. And then check areas where you want natives to grow in the place...
The "Saudi Green Initiative" project in 2021 started to plant one million trees per week for a total of 10 billion when completed. It started with an idea to bring back the rain to one of the most parched regions of the world. This massive ecological restoration project set aside 200 million hectares of Ecological Restoration Preserves, and then st...
Discovered when replanting a 100-mile gas pipeline north of Reno, that wherever domesticated animal grazing had occurred, that they removed soil nutrients and organic matter over time, until those thresholds were below the level needed for native plant seedling survival. In those areas, only weeds can survive.
Also discovered, that in many parts...
"Craig's weed-grass fire-fuel plan", converting flammable weed grasses to fire-safe native cover in private and public properties, by unearthing 100-250 year old dormant native seeds still in the soil. Permanently eliminate the tons of weed-grass fire-fuel per acre of the mowed thatch, that remains all summer around our homes and critical infrastru...
Cheatgrass is a major weed causing fires in the Western USA, covering 100 million acres, and this paper outlines a method to plant local native ecotype seeds, and utilize the allelochemicals produced by the native seedlings, to permanently suppress the cheatgrass seeds in the soil from ever sprouting. Method invented in 1993 in the sagebrush desert...
Part 2 of "Cooling a planet with Revegetation, with special attention to the Arabian Peninsula, and a method to significantly increase water resources of the area-Choices for the Arabian peninsula-arid or abundance?" LINK to PART ONE = http://www.ecoseeds.com/cool.html
Since 1985 there has been rapid and permanent change in the rainfall patterns...
Gunnison and Greater Sage Grouse populations have been mapped for decades, but only one detailed mile-by-mile native vegetation megatransect of their habitat has ever been done, for 3,381 miles by Craig Carlton Dremann of the Reveg Edge, Redwood City, California
The Western unirrigated rangelands where the Greater and Gunnison Sage Grouse live, rancher's income a0er expenses is only $1 per acre per inch of rainfall, so there is no extra money for restoring grouse habitat or replantng natves. Could the native grasses instead, used for carbon sequestration, produce 10-20X the annual income for ranchers, and...
Methods were invented in 1993 to replant natives in cheatgrass areas in the Western sagebrush areas, and produce 100% native cover in only six months--and 25 years later, plantings still 95% native cover. Also, other methods have been invented to unearth dormant native seeds in the soil, that are estimated to be between 100 and 250 years old, and v...
Gunnison and the Greater sage grouse habitats contain non-reproducing populations of native grasses and other perennial natives, which means those plants eventually will age out and go extinct, called "Zombies". Downward population trends of these native plants could be directly connected to the downward populations of these two birds. A simple 30-...
The discovery of dormant native seeds in California grassland soils, underneath the weed layer, we are now able to unearth an entire native grassland ecosystem that was thought to be gone forever.
This discovery raises many questions for science--How can seeds stay viable underground for 100-250 years, when aboveground at room temperature in dry...
Put soil in boxes, water daily, and count and identify seedlings and remove them as they sprout
Soil from Area-A of Arana Gulch, Santa Cruz, California was put into two one-square foot wood boxes, and 1/8 teaspoon of poppy seeds added and watered daily. Added measured amounts of nutrients along with sawdust for organic matter and potting soil, and were gradually added until seedlings started growing properly. Results of this test, is that mas...
Survey noted what plant was growing every two feet, using the Evans and Love (1957) Toe-Point method, and the beginning of each transect is marked with orange and green survey flagging, and aim at the flagging on the opposite eastern fence. Area A tarplant locations Transect Number One starts closest to the southernmost fence, and runs parallel wit...
California soils contain dormant native seeds, estimated to be 100-250 years old, and up to 200 pounds per acre, that can be made to sprout and grow, by releasing them from the weed cover.
People involved in Ecological Restoration are creating a new culture, and that means that they also should be producing cultural artifacts, to express their perspectives, and this article is about the author using canvas painting to express those ideals, and uses the title to tell a story and explain in detail what the painting is about.
"Zombie Ecosystems" may be lurking in arid ecosystems across the planet, and what that means, is that at some point in time, they stopped reproducing, and are slowly aging out towards extinction. Zombies may be numerous in the Western US grasslands, and are easily detected by doing measurements of the perennial native grasses in an area, and see if...
A 6-hectare weed-covered serpentine grasslands in Northern California, by managing the weed cover the project is releasing tens of millions of native seeds, that have been dormant in the soil for an estimated 100-250 years. Some of the rare species were close to above-ground extinction, with only about 100 plants of the Lessingia left. Now, 300,000...
I conducted my native grassland megatransect of seven Western States in 1997, to map mile-by-mile (sample point every 1.6 kilometer), the roadside locations of native grass species plus the roadside weed species and the intentionally planted invasive exotic species. My megatransect consisted of a roadside windshield survey, noting at each post-mile...
Chart numbers in Excel and project numbers forward
Extrapolating out into the future, based on the last 2-4 weeks of the trends.
Excel worksheet and place total daily cases, or total daily deaths, and mark where the doubling points occur, then extrapolate forward. From there can use Excel to draw a graph of the curve, so you can visualize when the curve starts to flatten. Use data from www.worldometer.com and make sure to only use data from their graphs, because those are th...
UPDATED Excel charts of the Coronavirus total cases for several countries and for the world, and their extrapolations, based on the number of days for the cases to double.
Craig's Mowing plan, to unearth dormant native seeds that are 100-250 years old in the California soils, underneath the weeds.
Photo examples in January, how weed straw suppresses the native wildflower seedlings trying to come up, and what a properly mowed area looks like. BELOW: Edgewood Preserve entrance from Sunset and Hillcrest Way on Jan. 11, 2020. Former wildflower area left of fence, and bottom of hill in the distance, covered with thatch. Left, weed grass thatch, c...
Dremann owner-Restoring wildflower fields since 1992. Fighting Wildland Fires, by Unearthing Dormant Native Seeds. 100-250 year old dormant native seeds are sleeping in the hills of the San Francisco Peninsula properties, waiting for us to properly mow the flammable weed grasses off them, so they can recover the land and protect us from wildfires....
What you want to see sprouting up whenever restoring native grasslands in California.
Bennett Ridge subdivision east of Santa Rosa, where homes are spaced out in oak woodlands, just like Portola Valley and Woodside homes, and everyone had their trees and shrubs trimmed to produce defensible spaces, and cut all their weed grasses at the end of spring. Cutting weed grasses only once, homeowners were confident they were fire-safe for s...
BEFORE and AFTER in California's grasslands-Roadside vegetation shows how California's grasslands grew for eons-low growing, green in summer and very little fire fuel. Behind the fence are the weed grasses that fuel summer fires-As they grow, they produce herbicide-like chemicals, that stop the original low-fire-fuel natives from growing back. Nati...
How to end or preserve a civilization, being aware of the native plants that produce your rain clouds.
Pseudomonas bacteria live on the leaves of native plants in California-When they get airborne after a rain storm, produce new clouds in the Coast Range that increases the rainfall in the surrounding areas, and those clouds then go eastward to snow in the Sierras. Photo-a new cloud being born in the Woodside hills. See the Discover magazine article...
This web page is Part 2 of "Cooling a planet with Revegetation, with special attention to the Arabian Peninsula, and a method to significantly increase water resources of the area-Choices for the Arabian peninsula-arid or abundance?" LINK to PART ONE = http://www.ecoseeds.com/cool.html Since 1985 there has been rapid and permanent change in the rai...
GIF movie of the Indian Ocean and Arabia Sea cyclones 2007-2015 and their interactions with the Arabia-Pakistan Dust Cloud as viewed by the archived ”Storm Relative 16 km Geostationary Water Vapor Imagery” from http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/products/tc_realtime/season.asp?storm_season=2016. This website has full movies showing the monsoon moistur...
Our of the 300 native grasses that have already been described, there are over 100 more that need to be sorted and described, based on multiple chromosome counts.
California vegetation megatransects using photos
Australia vegetation megatransect using photos
China West to East vegetation megatransect using photos.
Craig Dremann’s Pepper Hotness Scale which is an alternative to the traditional Scoville Scale
China South to North vegetation megatransect using photos
Europe to Africa vegetation megatransect using photos.
Pakistan to India vegetation megatransect using photos
Saudi Arabia vegetation Megatransect southern region, using photos.
United States West to East vegetation megatransect, using photos.
Robert Humphrey vegetation megatransect using photos
Saudi Arabia Vegetation megatransect northern section, using photos
New Class of antibiotics, Botanical antibiotics
Since the populations of the Monarchs have been in decline, there have been many discussions about trying to save that species from extinction. However, never any discussions about the COSTS of purchasing the lands where the milkweed plant are to be growing protected from herbicides and weed invasions. Nor the costs of restoring the locally native...
In 2007 the Category-5 cyclone GONU battled with the Pakistan-Arabia atmospheric Dust Cloud and the cyclone lost. This update has clearer images of the cyclone, and has matched images of the Dust Cloud at the same time. The Dust Cloud essentially held the cyclone in place, then snapped the cyclone in two and finally dissipated it,
Each year a man-made Dust Cloud forms from western India to Arabia, and blocks the monsoonal moisture, causing droughts wherever it hovers over countries. And this Pakistan-Arabia Dust Cloud can also cause terrible floods when it stalls the monsoon--either when it forms a wall or a pocket that traps the moisture for a period of time.
Each summer, a cloud of atmospheric dust acts as a wall against the monsoon moisture, and keeps the moisture bottled up over India and causes droughts over western India to eastern Africa. However, in July and again from mid-August to September 2011, the wall of the Dust Cloud over Pakistan fell, allowing the monsoon moisture to fall in torrential...
2012 floods in parts of India and Pakistan, plus drought in parts of India, Pakistan, the Sahel, the USA and the Amazon jungle, caused by the atmospheric Arabia-Pakistan Dust Cloud.
Best example of the "Butterfly Effect" from Chaos theory acting on weather, where bare soil creating atmospheric dust, causes droughts elsewhere on the planet. This is the first time in history, where humans could develop the ability to manage weather extremes--floods and droughts--on a large, country-wide scale.
The data covers what species of grasses were growing in 1997 at every mile-post marker for over 2,000 miles in the western USA, including exotics like cheatgrass or intentionally-sown grasses like smooth brome or crested wheatgrass. Miles covered for each State-- California: 110, Colorado: 483, Idaho: 284, Nevada: 400, South Dakota: 77, Utah: 273,...
2010 Pakistan Floods caused by dust and the lack of atmospheric dust: Dust and cloud images July 1 to August 26, 2010. Each summer, a cloud of atmospheric dust acts as a wall against the monsoonal moisture, and keeps the moisture bottled up over India and from raining over western India to eastern Africa.
The DUST vs The Super Category 5 Cyclone - Atmospheric dust blocking and absorbing the Cyclone GONU, June 3-9, 2007
Using on-the-ground photos from the Confluence.org project, taken from the exact location where a degree of longitude crosses a degree of latitude, and rated each site for its potential for future ecological restoration.
Survey of the Ecological Restoration Professionals and University Researchers, to report what they have been able to achieve in 2004-2006 in non-riparian ecosystems.
Inventing Ecological Restoration and Successful Weed Management Technologies
Dissanthelium californicum treasure hunt, to rediscover the formerly "extinct" grass on San Clemente Island.
Desert Exotic Invasive Mustards in the USA
or "How do we get ahead of the spread?"
or "Dude, where's my Desert Ecosystem?"
or "Did you want Mustard on that desert ecosystem?"
Wooden frames with hardware cloth provide an easy way to effectively pre-clean small lots of grass seeds in the field. We describe frames with 2 sizes of cloth used for western grass species.
Wood frames with wire screen provide an easy method of pre-cleaning small lots of grass seeds in the field.
New Ecological Restoration Concepts -- Craig's Ten Tools for the Future Successes of
Weed Management and Ecological Restoration in California
Six New Concepts for Exotic Plant Management
WAR ON WEEDS DECLARED? Why don't we use science to convert the exotic plant infested areas, back to local native ecosystems?
HONORING OUR ELDERS -- Who are the people who invented the tools and processes that we utilize for Exotic Plant Management and Ecological Restoration?
Diary of the Benicia Stipa Prairie 1992-2002 with special attention to its recovery after two fires.
California native grass industry news: 2001 profiles of the four major California native grass seed growers, acres in production, size of production plots, geographic range of species grown, number of Certified Yellow Tag varieties, production standards, ecotypes in production, etc.
What State Department of Transportations need to know, in order to local native plants for roadsides.
Ecological Restoration Checklist, Performance Standards and Budgets
Craig Dremann's Blue Book Ecosystem Values
for Non-riparian Ecological Restoration in the Arid West.
I contend that the vitality of an industry can be measured by its patented innovations and inventions and that, by patenting their intellectual property, ecological restorationists will improve the value of their practice, spread its ideas for further advancement, and enhance its status as a viable industry. I conducted a patent search and could no...
Show how a single desert native grass plant can cool the soil surface, thereby reducing the conditions of Global Warming--that is much more environmentally beneficial that shooting up space umbrellas or seeding the oceans with iron to accomplish the same goals.
WEEDS & PERSISTENT EXOTICS intentionally sown on Public Lands, and permanently destroying ecosystems
Desert Grasslands of California Survey.
Native Grass Ecotypes.
with an Ecotype bibliography in chronological order, 1880-1996.
Native Grass Ecotypes & Genetic Gels featuring BLM, USFS and U.S. Military populations.
Native grass genetics, studies conducted in 1995 in the Western USA
Questions (45)