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Corrado Venturini currently works at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences BiGeA, University of Bologna. Corrado does research in Geology. Its current project is 'Dissemination of geological knowledge to the broad public'.
Publications (77)
Questo contributo prende in esame i caratteri geologici e soprattutto geomorfologici del settore alpino ubicato a NE di Tolmezzo (UD), comprendente i Monti Strabut, Amariana e Palavierte p.p., nelle Alpi Carniche centrali.
L’indagine inizia prendendo in esame la stratigrafia del substrato e valutando l’influenza della tettonica (e neotettonica) sul...
Un fiume riunisce in sé la forza e l'anima dei suoi affluenti che, come tributo, riversano incessantemente nel suo alveo non solo acque, ma anche una varia e infinita quantità di frammenti rocciosi scalzati e prelevati dai rilievi montani. Esiste un fiume, nel Nord-Est d'Italia (Fig. 1), i cui sassi raccontano storie antiche di quasi mezzo miliardo...
The purpose of the present work is to integrate previous research focused on the Abuli Samsari Volcanic Ridge, situated in the Javakheti Highland, Georgia. Through a synergic approach, consisting in the collection and analysis of field and satellite data, combined with the results of previously published research, we have been able to define the ov...
Detailed geological map of the Carnic Alps (E-Sheet: from M. Cordin - M. Tersadia - Lovea to M. Sagran - Ugovizza) 1:25.000 scale: 300 km2
Detailed geological map of the Carnic Alps (W-Sheet: from Sappada - Sauris to M. Dimon - Ligosullo - Rivalpo) 1:25.000 scale: 660 km2
PENNSYLVANIAN- LOWER PERMIAN: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Syn-sedimentary tectonics, detailed Stratigraphic columns.
ALPINE OROGENY: Tectonics, detailed Geological maps.
The geological evolution of the Carnic Alps (Paleozoic-Quaternary) summarized through the evidence present in the But Valley (NE Italy).
The geological evolution of the Carnic Alps (Late Ordovician - Late Permian) and their fossil record. Catalog of the exhibition "The Carnic Paleozoic: rocks, fossils, environments" (1982-1983; 52.000 visitors).
The central sector of the Carnic Alps spans the border between Austria and Italy and consists of a succession ranging from the Upper Ordovician to the lowermost part of the upper Carboniferous that has been recently revised in order to formalize the stratigraphic units. Although this area was mapped both on the Austrian and Italian side, the presen...
In the Carnic Alps there are four sections exposing rocks across the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary: the Grüne Schneid and the Kronhofgraben sections in Austria, the Plan di Zermula A and the Sentiero per Cresta Verde sections in Italy. All of them are mainly composed of limestone and span from the late Famennian through the Tournaisian. In the Kr...
Iceland is one of the most recognizable and iconic places on Earth, offering an unparalleled chance to admire the most powerful natural phenomena related to the combination of geodynamic, tectonic and magmatic forces, such as active rifting, volcanic eruptions and subvolcanic intrusions. We have identified and selected 25 geosites from the Snaefell...
Iceland is one of the most recognizable and iconic places on Earth, offering an unparalleled chance to admire the most powerful natural phenomena related to the combination of geodynamic, tectonic and magmatic forces, such as active rifting, volcanic eruptions and subvolcanic intrusions. We have identified and selected 25 geosites from the Snæfells...
The tradition of “geological relief maps” in Italy dates back to the first decades of the 20th century, when both the R. Ufficio Geologico and the Istituto Geografico Militare created some geological relief maps of specific areas of the Italian territory, for educational purposes or for museum exhibitions. This tradition, which has led to the creat...
The present work is aimed at reviewing the state of the art of the studies centered on the pre-collisional and collisional, Variscan evolution of the eastern Southern Alps. The main focus is on the Carnic Alps, a geologically spectacular and extremely complex area, which has been a major subject of study for structural geologists, stratigraphers, a...
"Chi di voi è privo di patente di guida?" Immagino nessuno. "E chi di voi ha mai pensato che per saper guidare come si deve, con perizia e sicurezza, sarebbe bastato apprendere l’uso del cambio, dei freni e della frizione, aggiungendovi qualche mirata lezione di guida?" Anche in questo caso, presumo con certezza, nessuno. Così come non sarà suffici...
„Wer von Ihnen hat keinen Führerschein?“ Ich nehme an niemand. „Und wer von Ihnen hat jemals gedacht, dass es für ein sicheres und aufmerksames Autofahren ausreichen würde, den Gebrauch der Gangschaltung, Bremsen und Kupplung zu erlernen und vielleicht noch ein paar Fahrstunden zu nehmen?“ Auch in diesem Fall nehme ich mit größter Wahrscheinlichkei...
The volume (only in Italian) is printed in 2006, however the contents are still current. They deal with stratigraphy (mainly Ordovician - Triassic and scattered Miocene-Pliocene units) and tectonic evolution (Hercynian and Alpine orogeny) of the north-eastern sector of Italy. Moreover the types of Quaternary deposits and their evolution are rapidly...
The volume (in Italian) has an educational approach. It analyzes the evolution of the continental Quaternary deposits (glacial and alluvial: Fluvial and lacustrine) concerning both the mountain area of NE Italy and the Friuli high plain. The abrupte changes (river catches) in the first order watershed between the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea drai...
Italy – Geology in 3D
Venturini C. (1), Pantaloni M. (2), Persico A. (3) & Polverari S. (3), Pederneschi M. (3)
(1) Dipartimento BiGeA, Università di Bologna
(2) Servizio Geologico d’Italia, ISPRA
(3) S.EL.CA, Firenze
Sessione: P55. Geosciences at school 2018: geoscience and society.
Keywords: Geological map of Italy, model, educational
The tra...
Keywords: Geological map of Italy, model, educational.
The tradition of “geological models” in Italy dates back to the early decades of the XX century, when both the Royal Geological Survey and the Military Geographical Institute created 3D geological models of specific areas of the Italian peninsula, for educational purposes or museum exhibitions...
Museum exhibitions can be regarded as a key tool for communicating geoheritage. However, in many countries including Italy, the viewers’ experience is often negatively affected by the old-time style of interpretive panels: In most cases, panels are unattractive, graphically poor, and made user-unfriendly by the disproportionate amount of text in re...
In 2014, there was virtually no summer in northern and central-southern Italy. Storm after storm battered the peninsula, triggering floods and landslides from Veneto to Puglia. We studied the coverage of “the year without a summer” in Italy by analyzing the content of 171 news articles from two influential online newspapers. Our software-based anal...
Gioco da tavolo che fa conoscere ai bambini delle elementari i più importanti geositi del territorio regionale (Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia).
Guide book of the geological and palaeontological multimedial permanent exhibition "When Pramollo was at the equator ", sponsored by the Comune of Pontebba (UD) through a European grant.
Earth Science literacy is a key prerequisite to enhancing public awareness of geoheritage at the local and global level. Museums can be a key to boosting science literacy: Therefore, improving their educational potential should be a major goal for the whole geoscience community. Our methodological discussion is specifically centered on the Earth Sc...
The Pramollo Basin (Italy-Austria) is one of the richest body and trace fossil sites of the Alps, and exhibits a well-preserved Permian- Carboniferous fluvio-deltaic to marginalmarine sedimentary succession. Despite the exceptionally abundant and well-preserved ichnological heritage, the trace fossils of the Pramollo Basin are not well studied, par...
Libro per bambini di 5a elementare che spiega in modo insolito e inusuale i fondamenti della geologia (Si Forma, Si Deforma, Si Modella) e illustra i significati dei più interessanti geositi della Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. Parallelamente è stato stampato il Grande Geo-gioco del Friuli Venezia Giulia, che contiene - sotto forma di gioco da tavo...
Nel lavoro vengono proposte e descritte alcune innovative chiavi di lettura dei fenomeni geologici. Tali chiavi di lettura rivestiranno il ruolo di paradigma concettuale e divulgativo per la realizzazione di testi più fruibili di quelli oggi presenti nelle sale di molti nostri musei. Questo modo di procedere è applicabile ad altri ambiti di interve...
Nel lavoro vengono proposte e descritte alcune innovative chiavi di lettura dei fenomeni geologici. Tali chiavi di lettura rivestiranno il ruolo di paradigma concettuale e divulgativo per la realizzazione di testi più fruibili di quelli oggi presenti nelle sale di molti nostri musei. Questo modo di procedere è applicabile ad altri ambiti di interve...
The work deals with the Quaternary evolution of the middle part of the Val di Vizze (Bolzano), located in the NE of Italy. The investigated area is 12 km long and is confined in the bottom of the valley. The goal has been achieved comparing several field data (mainly geomorphologic and subordinately sedimentologic ones) with the digital terrain mod...
Scanning ichnological specimens is becoming more and more common, although only few papers have been concerned with recording invertebrate traces, using only laser scanning technologies. We used this as a starting point for a comparison between 3D data acquisition methodologies for traces: laserscanning and photogrammetry. Our comparisons are made...
Scanning ichnological specimens is becoming more and more common, although only few papers have been concerned with recording invertebrate traces, using only laser scanning technologies. We used this as a starting point for a comparison between 3D data acquisition methodologies for traces: laserscanning and photogrammetry. Our comparisons are made...
Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare i dati stratigrafici, sedimentologici e composizionali di un’unità prevalentemente ruditica, denominata Conglomerato di Osoppo, la cui età, sulla base delle evidenze paleontologiche desunte dalla recente letteratura, è riferibile al Miocene sommitale - ?Pliocene inf. Il litosoma affiora lungo il fronte prealpi...
Questo contributo è la cronaca dettagliata di una concreta applicazione dell' IBSE (Inquiry-Based Science Education) sviluppata con una classe liceale durante un'escursione geologica. L'obiettivo è stato quello di valutare la complessa evoluzione quaternaria di un settore alpino di fondovalle (Alpi Carniche, NE Italia) attraverso la raccolta guidat...
Thermal evolution of the Palaeozoic–Triassic sequences of the Carnic Alps has been characterized by b cell dimension and Kübler Index (illite “crystallinity”) of K-white micas (KI), Árkai Index (AI) of chlorites, clay mineral
assemblages and conodont Colour Alteration Index (CAI). Data indicate at least two metamorphic events, Variscan and Alpine....
The Southalpine basement in the Eastern Alps consists of thick metamorphic mainly phyllitic sequences which formed within greenschist fades conditions, and unmetamorphosed to very-low grade Paleozoic sequences in its easternmost part (Palaeocarnic Chain). Many authors tried to localize the boundary between the metamorphic and non-metamorphic domain...
The Southalpine basement in the Eastern Alps consists of thick metamorphic mainly phyllitic sequences which formed within greenschist facies conditions, and unmetamorphosed to very-low grade Paleozoic sequences in its easternmost part (Palaeocarnic Chain). Many authors tried to localize the boundary between the metamorphic and non-metamorphic domai...
The central Friuli upper plain provides a good evidence of how a coupled analysis of field survey data and surface digital representations (DEM derived maps) allows a more careful interpretation of landforms and related forming processes. During Pleistocene and Holocene, climate fluctuations, active tectonics, erosional and depositional processes a...
The principal axes of stress and strain are inferred for the seismotectonic zones of the Friuli–Venezia Giulia region, which forms the eastern part of the European Southern Alps. This region corresponds to a polyphase deformational belt formed during the Meso-and Neoalpine compressions (from the Eocene to Plio-Quaternary). Several distinct seismote...
This contribution is a synthesis of knowledge about the Permian of South Europe, which mainly consists of continental, terrigenous and igneous deposits. Marine sediments crop out in a few Italian areas (eastern Southern Alps, central-southern sectors of the peninsula and Sicily), as well as spread from the ex-Yugoslavia to the present Mediterranean...
This study advances stratigraphic and tectonic observations on the Permian (and Upper Carboniferous successions of some representative Italian areas. It was proposed
by Prof. Yin Hongfu, leader or IGCP project n 359 ("Correlation of Tethyan, Circum-Pacific and marginal Gondwanan Permo-Triassic"), with the aim of producing a set of charts suitable f...
Stress orientations are determined for the Friuli area from focal mechanisms using the inversion technique of Gephart and Forsyth (1984). The data consist of 244 fault plane solutions selected for the period 1988–1995. Where the data coverage was poor, this period was extended to 1978–1996. Local magnitude ranges from 2.0 to 4.3 and the depths exte...
In the Cantabrian region, northwest of Picos de Europa, field investigations have been carried out in the last two years on the upper Moscovian-Kasimovian succession of the Gamonedo-Areñas de Cabrales area which corresponds to the western part of the Eastern Asturian Basin. Aim of this paper is to focus on the new evidence about stratigraphy and pa...
The interval between the Carboniferous and Jurassic is marked by major changes in the structure and character of the Earth, associated with massive earthquakes, volcanic activity, and large scale changes of life at the Permian-Triassic and the Triassic-Jurassic boundaries. In this volume, an international assemblage of geologists reveals a wide ran...
The Southalpine basement of the Eastern Alps consistents of unmetamorphosed Paleozoic sequences in its eastern-most part (Paleocarnic Chain) and greenschist facies metamorphic rocks elsewhere. Many authors tried to localize the boundary between the metamorphic and non-metamorphic domains. Recent studies demonstrated, by means of illite "crystallini...
The work describes the first clear evidence of Limuloid tracks discovered in Italy. The trails are impressed in a Kasimovian terrigenous sequence (Upper Carboniferous) of the Carnic Alps (Meledis Fm., Auernig Group) consisting of fine siliciclastic beds stored up in a shallow marine environment representing an outer delta front.
Detailed geological investigations dealing with the central and eastern Carnic Alps.
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, sin-sedimentary Tectonics, Hercynian and Alpine tectonics
Guidebook related to a field workshop Sept. 2-8, 1990) on the Carboniferous to Permian sequence which outcrops in the PRAMOLLO-NASSFELD Basin (Carnic Alps; Italy and Austria)
The investigated area is located along the Italian-Austrian border in the eastern-most Southern Alps. It is part of the Palaeocarnic Chain and includes both the Hercynian strongly deformed basement and the Carboniferous to Triassic cover. A detailed analysis has been carried out on this peculiar geological core, about 150 kmq wide, which exposes th...
Limulid tracks (Lower Kasimovian)
Limestones of Stephanian age belonging to the Carboniferous-Permian sedimentary sequence of the Auernig Group at Passo Pramollo (Carnic Alps) were investigated by a paleomagnetic study. These limestones represent the late-tectonic molassic stage of the Hercynian orogeny in the Paleozoic chain of the Carnic Alps. After a preliminary sampling at twen...
Aim of this work is to debate the southernmost extension of the Wurm glacier in the Friuli area (Northeastern Italy). Field data and stratigraphical well records testify the presence of buried morainic arcs in the upper alluvial plain of the Tagliamento River. They line up out of the outcropping complex moraine system well known in literature. The...
The Friuli-Venezia Giulia region forms the eastern part of the Southern Alps. It corresponds to a polyphase deformed belt mainly due to the Meso-and Neoalpine compressions (from Eocene to Plio-Quaternary). The spatial distribution of seismicity, the seismic activity and the focal mechanisms reflect the complexity of the structural pattern. The regi...