Cornelia Victoria Anghel DrugarinBabeș-Bolyai University | UBB · Department of Computer Science
Cornelia Victoria Anghel Drugarin
PhD Automatic Control/Computers Science Technology
Python, C++ Programming, Numerical Computational Algorithms.
Vice-President Multidisciplinary Research Assoc. Vest Regio
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Since june1993 I obtained the License of Engineering Degree in Computer Science domain, at Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, România.Since 2001, I am PhD Engineer in Automatic Control domain at Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara. Since 1994 I am Lecturer PhD Engineer at "Eftimie Murgu" University of Resita, and from 2020 until now, in Babes-Bolyai University, Resita University Center, Romania.I am unic author of 3 books, and co-author of 20 books in IT domain. I publish over 200 articles.
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October 1997 - May 2003
- Head of Department
October 1988 - June 1993
Publications (154)
This study examines the changing role of teachers in virtual education and highlights the profound changes that require physical interactions and dependence on technology-mediated resources. The originality of the research lies in the theoretical investigation of new roles and responsibilities assumed by teachers in the online learning environment....
The COVID-19 epidemic had a major impact on education and forced people to move to online learning. This study examines teachers' perceptions of online education between 2020 and 2024 in Romania and Europe and focusses on its benefits and challenges. According to data from the Romanian survey, 42% of respondents considered technology to be an obsta...
The paper presents Romania to illustrate how more production capacities from renewable energy sources can be integrated as part of the environmental protection and geostrategic policies, in an accelerated energy transition process. Increasing electricity production, especially for the widespread development of wind turbines and rooftop solar PV sys...
Creativity, innovation, and adaptation to constant society changes are crucial aspects of human development. This article explores the importance of integrating STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) into the educational system in the context of societal evolution. Throughout history, human society has gone through indus...
This article compares the impact of technology and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic and teacher strikes. Both relied on technology for remote communication and organization. Online platforms, video conferencing, and messaging apps facilitated teaching and participation during the pandemic and helped coordination during strikes. The media...
The impact of technology and communication during the COVID-19 pandemic and teacher strikes. Both relied on technology for remote communication and organization. Online platforms, video conferencing, and messaging apps facilitated teaching and participation during the pandemic and helped coordination during strikes
The ultimate purpose of the relativistic heavy-ion physics is to study strongly interacting matter under the extreme conditions of high temperature and energy density respectively, where the quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions within the Standard Model, predicts a transition to a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon pla...
The paper presents possibilities to determine the factors that influence the availability of hydro aggregates. The case study presented in the paper is focused on the hydro–energy units from the Remeți and Munteni hydroelectric power plants belonging to Bihor Power System. The analyzed performance indicators refer to the specific activities of elec...
In such a surge of ongoing pandemic in geographical areas across the state of Uttar Pradesh and India, the onus of protecting citizens lies entirely on the corona warriors This paper has aligned itself to protection that we can offer to these corona warriors by means of offering them-contactless hand sanitizer cum drinking water dispenser-at their...
The purpose of this study is to identify how satisfied users of the Google Classroom platform are, how effective it is to use it in the school learning process, and whether it can be used even after the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Efficiency is treated from the point of view of the recipient of the message, the content, the means...
An attempt has been made for the analysis on Circuit breakers (CBs) this paper. First, the types and arcing phenomenon of Oil and SF6 Circuit breakers were briefly discussed. However, various CBs were analyzed in terms of certain outage frequencies and reliability indices to ascertain the most reliable CB. This was possible using data collected fro...
The principle of a three phase solid state Var compensation (SSVC) system that uses a three-phase pulse width-modulated (PWM) Voltage-Source Inverter (VSI) is presented and analyzed. The proposed SSVC system can compensate for leading and lagging displacement power factor and the PWM is used as a means of reducing the size of reactive components. T...
This study attempted to investigate some features of non-thermal phase transitions during the relativistic heavy ion collisions. The collisions that occurred were a beam of 28 Si (projectile) hits the heterogeneous mixture of nuclear emulsion (fixed target) @ energy 14.6A GeV and we recorded 951 events of relativistic nuclear collisions. Thereafter...
A modest attempt has been made for the high-tech simulations to understand the reaction mechanism of relativistic heavy ion collisions. The structure of produced events in the heavy ion collisions at ultrahigh energies is very complex and not predictable from first principles. The simulations so called event generators (like as; Monte Carlo generat...
An attempt has been made to find some valuable information for particle detection with the help of Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors (SSNTDs). The detector is characterized by a critical value of the energy-loss rate by the charged particle. Only those charged particles which give up energy exceeding the critical value alone can produce teachable...
In the present work, an analytical research approach studied the mechanical properties of the natural fibre, doping with nano-graphite particles. The structure, physic-chemical properties and morphology of prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The analysis reveals that the coir...
Image processing is one of the methods of analyzing and obtaining new information. Image processing methods can be applied to any image. Image processing is used in various fields of research. Among the stages of image processing, the stage of image pre-processing is important. This stage allows increasing the efficiency of the analysis of the orig...
Plastic has a special place in the manufacture of various products. Production
of plastic products consists of several stages. Each stage has its
own time characteristics. Thus, the duration of the production of plastic
parts depends on the individual stages. A comparative analysis of the
time aspects of the formation of various plastic products sh...
În lucrarea de faţă prezentăm realizarea unui sistem de monitorizare şi achiziţie la distanţă umidităţii, a presiuni, şi temperaturii dintr-o incintă utilizând un microcontroler de tip PIC16F877. Elementele care creează un avantaj faţă de sistemele clasice de monitorizare sunt: modularizare până la nivel de funcţie (software autonome şi module hard...
Cuvinte cheie: inteligenţa artificială, Internet, sănătate. Rezumat : Inteligenta artificială este implicată tot mai adesea în domeniul sănătăţii şi introduce noi reguli în planificarea tratamentului pacienţilor, cu gestionarea medicamentelor sau crearea celor mai bune tratamente. De la algoritmi puternici de diagnosticare, la roboţi chirurgicali b...
Proiectul propune să dezvolte un detector de respiraţie folosind senzorul de gaz MQ-3, un microcontroler Arduino şi un ecran cu cristale lichide Pentru fiecare concentraţie senzorul de alcool determină o valoare afişată pe portul serial Arduino cu un interval de la 0 la 1023 aceasta corespunde variaţia tensiunii de ieşire variind de la 0 la 5 volţi...
It is well know that the bremsstrahlung photon facility where photon beam can be created via bremsstrahlung processes has been installed in various worldwide accelerator experiments. The produced real photons in the linear accelerators (i.e. SEPER KEKB) are important tools for nuclear structures and variety nuclear astrophysics and medical physics...
The environmental ever demanding improvement along with the increasing demand of electricity attracted researchers in designing efficient, accurate and robust models. Such models are used mainly to predict the energy output of combined steam and gas turbine mechanisms. The applicability of these systems depends on their sustainability. It is inevit...
The paper presents research results into getting a virtual model of shoe last and anthropometric parameters change. The most important change occurs in the fingers region. Alternatives CAD-CAM technology for next generation is based on DELCAM software for the CAM procedure and simulation of MATLAB software. This research has led to the virtual chan...
The paper presents the interconnection possibility of LabVIEW with his different opportunities and Scilab, one of the successful free MatLAB clones. The interconnection between those was made possible through the LabVIEW to Scilab gateway. This tool can be applied in virtual as well as in real laboratories, representing a true assistance for self-l...
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) assumes to use dedicated software
for controlling machine tools and similar devices in the process of
workpieces manufacturing. CAM is, in fact, an application technology
that uses computer software and machinery to simplify and automate
manufacturing processes. CAM is the inheritor of computer-aided engineering
It’s well known that trends worldwide are towards automation. We look
for having automatic, or worst case semi-automatic, processes, systems,
machines, with the purpose to produce a finished good in the
shortest time. Consider we have a semi-automatic system used to obtain
air separation. The entire system is ‘supervised’ by a so called DCS
The dynamic behavior during operation of the high-voltage induction
motor electric drive has been studied by means of mathematical model
developed. The purpose is to draw out more clearly picture of
operation of high-voltage induction motor drives. The system of
differential equations has been transformed and solved using suitable
software. As a re...
Team Viewer software is used to remote control our PC. We can use
this remote control technology to desktop sharing, online conferences
and for file transfer between computers. Basically, using this software,
you can ask for help a friend, or professional software to solve problems
from a distance, without it having to be physically go to each clie...
This presentation debates over the similarities and differences between artificial neural networks (ANN) versus natural ones. The animal brain's substructures were the initial models for the synthetic neural nets, but during last decades neuropsychologists also learn an important knowledge from the ANN. Currently, engineers perform research to dive...
This paper aims to create and test a data transmission channel coder for binary channels with no interferences or with insignificant disturbances. These are the simplest types of data channels known in the theory of information transmission and encoding. We intend to test the encoder using the Electronic Workbench 5.12 software with simple graphica...
This paper aims to present the synthesis of a data channel decoder for data transmission channels without interference or with insignificant disturbances and the study of its operation using a software specialized in the study and testing of the digital electronic circuits, Electronic Workbench. This paper also represents a follow-up of a previous...
This article aims to design and simulate, using a dedicated software, Sunny Design Web, an open source application provided by SMA SOLAR TECHNOLOGY, an off-grid photovoltaic system meant to ensure an independent, smart and comfortable energy supply with solar power for private households. Using this application, the designing process of PV systems...
Apoptosis is an imperative constituent of various processes including proper progression and functioning of the immune system, embryonic development as well as chemical-induced cell death. Improper apoptosis is a reason in numerous human/animal’s conditions involving ischemic damage, neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders and various type...
The paper presents a study on alloy steel ultrasonic horns. Such an ultrasonic horn that will be analyzed by simulation, can be used as a component of an experimental cavitation test equipment for cavitation erosion research. So, through the simulation in SolidWorks software, for this ultrasonic horn it will be determine the natural frequencies of...
Using mathematical models in economic matters, it is ideal when seeking to obtain optimal solutions. Nonlinear Programming determines an absolute optimum, maximizing economic efficiency objective function determining system solutions. This article describes such an absolute optimal resolution of economic problems.
In the cutting process, vibration is inevitable appearance, and in situations where the amplitude exceeds the limits of precision dimensional and shape of the surfaces generated vibrator phenomenon is detrimental.Field vibration is an issue of increasingly developed, so the futures will a better understanding of them and their use even in other sec...
In the cutting process, vibration is inevitable appearance, and in
situations where the amplitude exceeds the limits of precision
dimensional and shape of the surfaces generated vibrator phenomenon
is detrimental.Field vibration is an issue of increasingly developed, so
the futures will a better understanding of them and their use even in
other sec...
Cloud computing an adoptable technology is the upshot evolution of on demand service in the computing epitome of immense scale distributed computing. With the raising asks and welfares of cloud computing infrastructure, society can take leverage of intensive computing capability services and scalable, virtualized vicinity of cloud computing to carr...
The paper proposes to render the mathematic relations between the mathematic ideal of a generating polynomial from GF (2), the generating matrix of the type 4 x 7 associated to this ideal and the generating polynomial g(x), as well as the relations between the generating matrix H of the type 3 x 7, associated to a second mathematic ideal and to a s...
The paper focuses on the stator flux control strategies for the asynchronous machine, implemented in the Scilab / Xcos environment. The necessary steps that have to be covered to implement the mathematical model of the asynchronous machine (ASM) and the chosen control strategy, as well as the necessary adaptations for the used modelling and simulat...
The aim of this article is to present a design algorithm for a new modern and high mechanical efficiency cycloid swing link speed reducer. Estimate that the new cycloid swing link speed reducer has and others advantages in comparison with the existing push road reducer such as: strong capacity of anti impact and over load, accessible process techno...
The aim of this article is to present the general notions and algorithm about power (Rayleigh) method. The solutions for a numerical example are given and the C++ program illustrated the facility of this method. We can concluded, that the small number of iterations resulted to determined the equation solutions, indicated us, that the chosen of powe...
The paper presents an algorithm for going through a path type labyrinth by an autonomous vehicle. The detection of the path and the maintaining of the motion direction have been addressed as well as going through the labyrinth on road segments and the categories of crossings in the said labyrinth. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ and valid...
The paper presents an algorithm for going through a path type labyrinth by an autonomous vehicle. The detection of the path and the maintaining of the motion direction have been addressed as well as going through the labyrinth on road segments and the categories of crossings in the said labyrinth. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ and valid...
The paper presents an algorithm for going through a path type labyrinth by an autonomous vehicle. The detection of the path and the maintaining of the motion direction have been addressed as well as going through the labyrinth on road segments and the categories of crossings in the said labyrinth. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ and valid...
The paper presents an algorithm for going
through a path type labyrinth by an autonomous vehicle. The
detection of the path and the maintaining of the motion direction
have been addressed as well as going through the labyrinth on
road segments and the categories of crossings in the said
labyrinth. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ and
An attempt has been made for a systematic study of discrete data transmission in various electronic devices. The present investigations are based on the theory of conditional probability. Finally, some valuable features of a noise matrix so called crossing matrix have been discussed to obtain the perfect data transmission channel. This study is an...
For future engineers is important to know how to make the transfer of information, data and tasks between different systems and thus we can say that the problem of communication is as important as the determination of the amount of information. Elements of information theory and communications are useful to all students of the electrical engineerin...
The present paper aims to present the synthesis of a data channel decoder for data transmission channels without interference or with insignificant disturbances and the study of its operation using a software specialized in the study and testing of the digital electronic circuits, Electronic Workbench. This paper represents a follow-up of a previou...
The paper aims to create and test a data transmission channel coder for binary channels with no interferences or with insignificant disturbances. These are the simplest types of data channels known in the theory of information transmission and encoding. We intend to test the encoder using the Electronic Workbench 5.12, software with simple graphica...
This document presents a comparative study regarding most important discrete data transmission channels that can be found in digital electronics. Study is based solely on theory of conditional probability, which interfere in these types of channels and on their representation in a matrix-like structure named crossing matrix (also known as noise mat...
Present paper describes a research regarding driving industrial robots by using programmable applications for PIC microcontroller 16F877. Programs for PIC 16F877 microcontroller are written using assembler language, where code numbers are replaced by mnemonic codes. We intend to design a smart interface PIC type, ''Peripheral Interface Controller",...
The article proposes the design, testing and simulations of a synchronous counter directly Moebius modulo 6. We use JK flip-flop circuits because they are of order 2 and no state of indetermination.
The circuit diagram drawing is very simple, resulting from mathematical calculations and logical function minimization condition.
Testing and simulat...
The article proposes the design, testing and simulations of asynchronous counter directly Moebius modulo 6. We use JK flip-flop circuits because they are of order 2 and no state of indetermination. The circuit diagram drawing is very simple, resulting from mathematical calculations and logical function minimization condition. Testing and simulation...
The article presents the general notions and algorithm about the Gauss-Jordan
method. An eloquent example is given and the Turbo C program illustrated this
method. We conclude that we can obtain by this method the determinant, by
simple calculations and reducing the rounding errors
The paper presents a new study method of mechanic vibrations with the help of
the data acquisition systems. The study of vibrations with the help of data
acquisition systems allows the solving of some engineering problems connected
to the measurement of some parameters which are difficult to measure having in
view the improvement of the technical p...
Computer aided design of lighting systems made new installations of lighting
dimensioning and verification of existing lighting systems for both indoor and
outdoor lighting systems.The design of the building light system was in a
dedicated software, named DiaLux, version 4.11.
The article made the design and study of the amplifier stage phase shifter using Electronic Workbench software. This program is a Computer Aided Design, is a more upgraded P-Spice software package. It is very useful in the study of electronic circuits, both analog and digital, with rich libraries and allowing a wide range of circuit simulations. St...
This paper aims to present the methods of achieving an optimal encoding in
the data communication channels. After a short description of the
communication channel and of the data communication channel types, follow
briefly a few notions of the data channel enthropy, information,
transinformation, with their properties, definitions and mathematical...
This paper aims to present the efficiency of the Electronic Workbench software (part of the EWB programming environment) in the design and testing of digital electronic circuits. It is not a coincidence that we chose as an example the synchro-counter modulo 6/ MOD-6 synchro-counter, because the calculation and design method is more complex, as we c...
The article presents the general notions and algorithm about the Gauss-Jordan method. An eloquent example is given and the Turbo C program illustrated this method. We conclude that we can obtain by this method the determinant, by simple calculations and reducing the rounding errors
Evaluation of the greater accuracy of natural phenomena has an important role in the program of work operating, installation or maintenance of the power system. By detecting changes in local field can appreciate air-electric distance to the epicenter of events orgies knowledge of forms and storms is a real form of risk mitigation measures that cont...
The theme proposed is a method implementation in LabView numerical method implemented on PC bisecţiei C programming language (Tclite academic license).
Bisection numerical method is a method sometimes called dichotomy or half interval method is the simplest method of solving algebraic and transcendental equations.
The great advantage of using this...
This article presents the description of a C++ Object Oriented
Application functional in an industrial Company. Changes of the existing
application were made on three levels, the result being very
advantageous for employees and management of the company.