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Cornelia E. Nauen

Cornelia E. Nauen
Independent Researcher



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Currently working on participatory methods to empower women and men in small-scale fisheries through the SSF Academy. Mundus maris is looking for collaboration to extend the field testing beyond Senegal to promote the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Ensuring Sustainable SSF and the SDGs. Working concomitantly on the global challenges, incl. phasing out harmful subsidies, stopping transshipment, protecting biodiversity and bottom-up empowerment helps implementation gap reduction.
Additional affiliations
February 2017 - February 2024
Quantitative Aquatics Inc.
  • Chair of the Board of Trustees
September 1969 - January 1979
Kiel University
Field of study
  • Fisheries / Marine Ecology


Publications (81)
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According to EuroStat data, the recorded landings of fisheries products from European waters were estimated at about 6 million tons in 2001, down to 3.2 million tons in 2022. This gradual decline slowed after the entering into force of the reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) at the end of 2013, but was followed by a steeper decline...
According to EuroStat data recorded landings of fisheries products from European waters were estimated at about 6 million tons in 2001, down to 3.2 million tons in 2022. Gradual decline slowed after the entering into force of the reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) end 2013, but was followed by a steeper decline after 2018 (1). Thi...
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This short policy paper critically examines the persistent challenges and the implementation gap in international agreements concerning marine protection and sustainable use. Despite the global recognition of the need to safeguard marine ecosystems and ensure sustainable fisheries, this study underscores the existing disparities between agreement o...
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FishBase (www.fishbase.org) is a global, open access information system about fishes that contains published scientific data on topics such as physiology and behaviour, life-history characteristics, and species distributions. Since its creation in the late 1980s, FishBase has evolved into a highly dynamic and versatile tool for scientists and the p...
FishBase is a comprehensive free online repository of scientifically validated information about marine and freshwater fish species. It has had ~1.2 million monthly visits from ~350,000 unique visitors in recent years. It contains large datasets for a wide range of potential applications and provides biological data and analytical routines for use...
Conference Paper
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The unprecedented acceleration of human extractions of living and mineral resources particularly after WWII and their wasteful transformation in an expanding technosphere is now estimated to exceed living matter[1]. This fossil fuel driven acceleration has led to exceeding planetary boundaries in several dimensions [2], including the on-going mass...
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This Frontiers Research Topic (RT) “Fishing Effort and the Evolving Nature of its Efficiency” explores the evolution of fishing effort, notably in coastal artisanal fisheries presenting time series analyses of fishing effort and their impact on coastal habitats or on the functioning of those ecosystems. Overall, 10 articles were authored by 54 rese...
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a serious offence often occurring in conjunction with large-scale fraud, corruption and human rights and labour abuses as among cost-cutting mechanisms in a globalised market of fisheries products. These constitute threats to maritime security as they tend to threaten human communities and displa...
We build on a basic understanding that change towards Blue Justice and responsive governance requires the evolution of perceptions and attitudes of small-scale fisheries and empowerment for collective action of the men and women in small-scale fisheries themselves. We briefly point to sources of evidence that show the role of small-scale fisheries...
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The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) have been adopted by FAO’s Committee of Fisheries in 2014. In this short research report, we present action research with self-selected men and women in small-scale fisheries in Senegal, a country with a l...
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The presentation is the visual underpinning of the monthly thematic webinar of the V2V research partnership, October 2021. It is focused on inclusive and active adult education approaches tested and practiced as part of developing the Small-Scale Fisheries Academy to provide operational support to implementing the SSF Guidelines. Approaches are peo...
Issues of justice and living within the planetary boundaries have recently come to the fore need to institutionalise human rights and transdisciplinary approaches that create and sustain broader knowledge ecologies. These work best if they are systematically enabled through new learning and educational pathways and policies that support innovation...
Conference Paper
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Geoethics have been developed as global ethics to face grand challenges for humanity by Peppoloni and Di Capua in 2020. Complementary to the UN Declaration of Human Rights the proposal of a responsible human development charter formulates universal duties to demonstrate ecological humanism. Commensurate with the need to operationalise such ambition...
English below: Die handwerkliche Fischerei beschäftigt zu etwa gleichen Teilen die überwiegende Zahl der etwa 40 Millionen Frauen und Männer in den weltweiten Wertschöpfungsketten. Sie produzieren etwa ein Viertel aller Fischereiprodukte für die menschliche Ernährung. Ihre Einkommensmöglichkeiten leiden zunehmend unter der Überausbeutung der Resso...
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Abstract Raising awareness about opportunities for transdisciplinary work and ethical grounding to meet the global challenges to the professions is paramount. Issues of justice and living within the planetary boundaries become also more prominent in the life, social sciences and humanities questioning disciplinary silos. Institutionalising alternat...
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Sound governance arrangement in socio-ecological systems (human niche) combines different means of sense-making. The sustainability of human niche-building depends on the governability of the social-ecological systems (SES) forming the niche. Experiences from small-scale marine fisheries and seabed mining illustrate how ethical frameworks, civic pa...
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The first public mini-symposium of Quantitative Aquatics on campus at IRRI showcased a wide range of research topics building on the global biodiversity databases Q-quatics curates and showed the potential for increasing the value of these databases further through innovative interfaces with a wide range of topics of great importance for implementi...
Conference Paper
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Sound governance arrangement in socio-ecological systems (human niche) use ethical frameworks, civic participation and formalized guidance. To explore this hypothesis, experiences from marine small-scale fisheries and seabed mining drive the research question ’what is the function of ethics for governability?’ Subsequently, this essay discusses gen...
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Large-scale analyses and the policy advice flowing from it tend to be the domain of technical experts in their respective disciplines or large burocracies operating in "silos". Further down to ground level when referring e.g. to "fisheries" people need to balance many different dimensions beyond fish food production, so that their approaches tend t...
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The concept and basic ideas of the Small-Scale Fisheries Academy in Senegal is borne out of the need to find ways of bringing different perspectives together - both the deep empirical knowledge of fishers, fish processing and marketing women and traders and the more academically underpinned knowledge of managers, researchers, civil society organisa...
Conference Paper
How to practice critically engaged science – a case of applying ethical principles in Senegal The initial concept of Geoethics, that is ethical enacting professional research in the geosciences, can be enriched towards the incorporation of public understanding of science, public engagement and leading to citizen science, most frequently practised...
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Oceana and the Sea Around Us Project convened a conference with participants from many Filippino government agencies, civil society organisations, researchers and media people to hear latest research results from leading fisheries scientists and discuss how law enforcement and science could help to restore badly overfished resources in the country....
Conference Paper
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The marine renewable resources in much of West Africa are fully fished or overfished. Public policies in Senegal to slow or reverse the trend towards overfishing were supported previously e.g. by the International Development Association (IDA, World Bank) as part of the West African Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP). It allocated 84% of the fundin...
The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) provide a generally accepted framework that emerged from 3 years of intense bottom-up consultations and that were finally endorsed by the FAO’s Fisheries Committee (COFI) in 2014. Chapter 11 emphasizes the...
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Living and non-living marine resources have multi-faceted interactions influencing ocean productivity, oxygen production, the climate and more. Enforcing sustainable use of natural resources is a challenging task, particularly for developing countries, although modern earth observation technologies can help. The extent of illegal, unreported and un...
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Marine Biodiversität, die Vielfalt des Lebens im Ozean, ist die am wenigsten bekannte aller Lebensräume der Erde. Das Wissen um die einzelnen Arten von Meeresorganismen ist immer noch besonders bruchstückhaft und auf kommerziell genutzte Arten konzentriert. Diese genutzten Arten wurden oft isoliert untersucht, zB bei klassischen Bestandsuntersuchun...
Conference Paper
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For decades, fishing was considered an area warranting public support policies, particularly its industrial segment. The sector continues to enjoy the support of international donors in addition to significant private overinvestment. Globally, catches of artisanal fisheries continue to grow while industrial fisheries decline since the mid 1990s. Th...
In this chapter, we argue that greater focus on people—and meaningful conversations about what matters to the parties—the potential to reduce conflict and take advantage of the wide range of expertise and experience that not only exists in different departments of government but across many sub-sovereign, professional, civic organisations and indiv...
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Sarah Keene Meltzoff, 2013. Listening to Sea Lions. Currents of Change From Galapagos to Patagonia. Altamira Press, 271 p. By any account, this is an unusual book, not easily stuck into a single category or discipline. Sarah Keene Meltzoff has woven some two decades of field research along the Latino Pacific coast into the six stories she tells f...
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Daniel Pauly, 2010. 5 Easy Pieces. The Impact of Fisheries on Marine Ecosystems. Washington, Covelo, London, Island Press, 193 p. This book narrates the stories behind five lighthouse publications by Daniel Pauly and his many collaborators, which epitomise his vast research and writings on the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems. In doing so t...
The chapter traces developments in fisheries science with particular emphasis on the need to build capacity in developing countries through international scientific partnerships in the face of major threats to sustainability through overfishing, among others. The chapter argues in favour of critically engaged ways of conducting research and investi...
As someone with an ecological background, it is perhaps not common to venture into the realm of cognition and emotions and even less so to write a chapter in a book that counts leading scientists and practitioners of this field of study among its contributors. The justification, if any, is to approach the argument from the perspective of someone wh...
Conference Paper
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ICES-the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea-was founded more than a century ago out of concern for overfishing. However, today's global marine ecosystems are for the most part in a degraded state, many alarmingly so. Why is the science used so little to make decisions compatible with long-term sustainability of fisheries? The pape...
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This book describes the approach and main result obtained in the Sustainable options for People, Catchment and Aquatic Resources (SPEAR) Project, together with complementary case studies focusing on realted work in China and in the United States. Each chapter in this book is designed to be readable by itself and contains enough information for the...
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The paper examines preliminary experiences with international scientific cooperation in fisheries, aquaculture and coastal zone issues through 90 projects in successive European Research Framework Programmes (FP4–FP6: 1994–2006). FPs had increasingly ambitious objectives in response to international commitments, such as the Convention on Biological...
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The book is very well-researched. It provides an excellent balance between quantitative summary data and an immensely readable narrative without unnecessary jargon. One of the best aspect of the book is that it resists the temptation to delve too much into sectoral specialisations. This is how we tend to approach most challenges and often unwitting...
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This catalogue is a compilation of information sheets on 91 collaborative research and research support projects on fisheries, aquaculture, coastal zone and wetland issues, which were supported by successive INCO Programmes since 1994. The projects responded to calls for proposals in the 4th, 5th and 6th Research Framework Programmes (FPs, respecti...
Access to information about past states of the environment and social systems is fundamental to understand, and cope with, the challenges of climate change and over-exploitation of natural resources at the onset of the 21st century. The loss of (old) data is a major threat to understanding better and mitigating long-term effects of human activities...
Among the relatively few decisions taken by heads of States and government at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in September 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, was the time-bound objective to restore degraded stocks to productive levels in its Plan of Implementation. The paper examines the evidence leading to this decision and the...
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ICES – the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea – was founded more than a century ago out of concern for overfishing. However, today’s global marine ecosystems are for the most part in a degraded state, many alarmingly so. Why is the science used so little to make decisions compatible with long-term sustainability of fisheries? The...
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The context of massive aquatic ecosystem degradation, engendered largely by the fisheries sector with associated socio-economic challenges, and mixed signals from aquaculture, which shows high growth rates, but has some unsustainable segments, raises the question on how women in fisheries and aquaculture can contribute to the transition towards sus...
Conference Paper
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De la fin des années 1980 à nos jours, l'approche s'orientant vers la compilation, l'organisation, la validation, l'analyse et le partage de connaissances dispersées sur quelque 30.000 espèces de poisson connues dans le monde a pu croître sous la forme d'archives électroniques publiques (www.fishbase.org) qui attirent actuellement plusieurs centain...
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This Letter to the Editor has been uploaded in full by Pierre Fréon: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238374193_Suitability_of_the_large_marine_ecosystem_concept
Most fisheries management schemes in industrialised and developing countries have not delivered sustainability, the goal usually pursued by them. This short communication takes a look at some ways in which collaborative research and the mobilisation of a wider range of societal actors, such as promoted under the ACP-EU Fisheries Research Initiative...
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The present report contains the account of a two-day interdisciplinary workshop entitled ‘New concepts and indicators in fisheries and aquaculture’ convened in Brussels, 3-4 December 2001, by the International S&T Cooperation Programme (INCO) of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research. The participants identified market and insti...
Development aid to countries in Africa, Asla, Latin Amerlca and Oceanla after World War II was lnsplred essentially by perceptlons of the vastness of resources whlch provlded scope for expanslon In fisherles and, lnltlally to a lesser degree, in aquaculture on the one hand, and the transfer of an lndustrlal approach to exploltatlon from already in...
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The contribution to the ACP-EU Dialogue Meeting summarises existing mechanisms at EU level to engage in research partnerships between ACP and EU countries, including the possible structure and functioning of a secretariat to support the budding ACP-EU Fisheries Research Initiative.
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The ACP-EU Fisheries Research Initiative is a response to a 1993 Resolution of the ACP-EU Joint Assembly, a parliamentary body. It recognised that the global nature of the resource, its prevailing open access nature matched against the demand put on the resource in the light of demography and the internationalisation of trade in fish and aquatic pr...
Three major sources of water quality degradation in African inland and coastal marine waters are identified. These pertain to (1) urbanization processes strengthened by high birth rates, (2) industrial development including mining and petroleum extraction, refining and transport, and (3) pesticide application in cash crop agriculture and vector con...
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The objective of this paper is to present the Schlei Fjord in the context of growing interest in small-scale fisheries and to assess the present state of the fishery against the background of high eutrophication of the ecosystem. The hydrography and basic parameters of the fjord are briefly outlined , and a short historical account of the artisanal...
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Literature on the impact of ambient oxygen content and temperature and of animal size on respiration of echinoderms, particularly starfish of the genus Asterias, is reviewed. Various series of data are unified and recalculated to allow reinterpretation of some of the authors' conclusions. It is demonstrated that different size of the test animals,...
Conference Paper
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A pilot enquiry was carried out in three Italian coastal sites to assess the mercury intake in populations with an above-average seafood consumption, seafood being the major source of mercury. The panel comprised 638 subjects in the age range of between 0 and 85 years of both sexes. They pertained to 162 families, about half of which were fishermen...
The skeletal dry weight of the 4.4 ± 0.2 cm size class of Asterias rubens L. from Kiel Bay in the western Baltic is 0.34 ± 0.08 g. The sum of calcium and magnesium carbonates in the skeleton amounts to 94.0 ± 1.3% while the individual concentrations are 86.9 ± 1.3% CaCO3 and 7.1 ± 0.7% MgCO3. The MgCO3 is 4% lower than expected for a magnesium calc...
The determination of the age of individual sea stars (Asterias rubens) by means of length measurements or identification of growth rings in the calcareous skeleton presents great difficulties. Age-determinations are, however, the prior condition to growth calculations. For the determination of growth parameters L00, K and t0 of the VON BERTALANFFY...
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From the late 1980s to today, the approach towards compiling, organising, validating, analysing and sharing scattered knowledge about the approximately 30,000 known species of fish in the world has grown into a public electronic archive (www.fishbase.org) which currently attracts several hundred thousand user sessions each month. Setting out as an...
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The present report contains the proceedings of the INCO-DEV International Workshop on Information Systems for Policy and Technical Support in Fisheries and Aquaculture, convened in Los Banos, Philippines, 5-7 June 2000. It was convened to address issues associated with the difficult transition from abundance to scarcity in aquatic resources. Reliab...


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