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Conrad P.D.T. Gillett

Conrad P.D.T. Gillett
Finnish Museum of Natural History (LUOMUS)



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Publications (70)
Cover Page
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Cet ouvrage n’est pas un guide d’identification, mais une introduction aux Coléoptères peuplant la région du bassin genevois. Les espèces présentées ont été sélectionnées pour leur intérêt patrimonial, pour la diversité de leurs formes et de leurs mœurs ou encore de celles des milieux où elles vivent. On y trouve ainsi des espèces dites « communes...
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Cost, time, and expertise constraints limit traditional observation-based comprehensive biodiversity assessment. Therefore, surrogate focal taxa representative of wider biodiversity are commonly used as an imperfect ‘proxy’. Contemporary biodiversity assessments are also increasingly benefiting from the combination of high-throughput sequencing and...
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The New World scarab beetle tribe Phanaeini contains coprophagous, necrophagous, mycetophagous and suspected myrmecophilous species. We analyse the largest tribal molecular dataset assembled, incorporating, for the first time, the enigmatic monobasic genus Megatharsis, the thalassinus group of the subgenus Coprophanaeus (Metallophanaeus), and the s...
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Complete mitochondrial genomes have been shown to be reliable markers for phylogeny reconstruction among diverse animal groups. However, the relative difficulty and high cost associated with obtaining de novo full mitogenomes has frequently led to conspicuously low taxon sampling in ensuing studies. Here we report the successful use of an economica...
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Although several methods exist for extracting and sequencing historical DNA originating from dry-preserved insect specimens deposited in natural history museums, no consensus exists as to what is the optimal approach. We demonstrate that a customized, low-cost archival DNA extraction protocol (∼€10 per sample), in combination with Ultraconserved El...
Unexpected addition to the Sicilian saproxilic fauna of a threatened species new to Italy: Limoniscus violaceus (Coleoptera Elateridae Denticollinae). We report the endangered western Palaearctic violet click-beetle Limoniscus violaceus (P.W.J. Müller, 1821) (Coleoptera Elateridae Denticollinae) for the first time from Italy, recording it from Sici...
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Although several methods exist for extracting and sequencing historical DNA originating from drypreserved insect specimens deposited in natural history museums, no consensus exists as to what is the optimal approach. We demonstrate that a customized, low-cost archival DNA extraction protocol (∼ €10 per sample), in combination with Ultraconserved El...
• The dramatic worldwide decline in insect biodiversity has highlighted the need for insect conservation. However, management is hindered by incomplete knowledge of what drives species mortality. Even when drivers are identified, it can be difficult to quantify their effects. • Using data from six naturally occurring cohorts observed over 2 years,...
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Phymastichus coffea LaSalle (Hymenoptera:Eulophidae) is an adult endoparasitoid of the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera:Curculionidae:Scolytinae), which has been introduced in many coffee producing countries as a biological control agent. To determine the effectiveness of P. coffea against H. hampei and environmental sa...
Some invasive plants are used by native wildlife but may be subject to control measures. We investigated oviposition preferences of an endangered moth dependent upon an invasive weed for survival. By identifying preferred characteristics of invasive host plants, land managers may minimize resource loss for imperiled species dependent upon them. Som...
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Advances in phylogenomics contribute towards resolving long-standing evolutionary questions. Notwithstanding, genetic diversity contained within more than a billion biological specimens deposited in natural history museums remains recalcitrant to analysis owing to challenges posed by its intrinsically degraded nature. Yet that tantalizing resource...
A survey for scolytine bark and ambrosia beetles undertaken on the entomologically understudied and ecologically devastated Hawaiian island of Lāna‘i, revealed the remarkable presence there of Xyleborus mauiensis Perkins, 1900, an endemic Hawaiian ambrosia beetle in the tribe Xyleborini not previously recorded from the island. Its presence on Lāna‘...
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The cryptic species that make up the Euwallacea fornicatus species complex can be readily distinguished via their DNA sequences. Until recently, it was believed that the Hawaiian Islands had been invaded by only one of these cryptic species, E. perbrevis (tea shot hole borer; TSHB). However, following the 2016 deposition of a DNA sequence in the pu...
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We describe Bulasconotus scaccarius sp. nov., a new species of cylindrical bark beetle (Zopheridae: Colydiinae: Synchitini), elevating the number of described species in its genus to two. Despite discovering this species in Hawaii, we suspect, based on collections and survey data, that it is endemic to the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu and h...
We describe Dinacoma sanfelipe sp. nov. from southern California, the first new species belonging to the melolonthine scarab beetle genus Dinacoma Casey, 1889 (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae: Melolonthini) to be described in 90 years, based upon examination of 141 specimens of that genus. Diagnostic comments, a dichotomous key, photographs of all spec...
A sampling survey for scolytine bark beetles undertaken in Pēpē‘ōpae Bog, part of The Nature Conservancy's Kamakou Preserve on the Hawaiian island of Moloka‘i, revealed the presence there of two native species of the xyleborine genus Xyleborus Eichhoff not previously known from the island: X. obliquus Sharp, 1885, and X. vulcanus Perkins, 1900. We...
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Cheirodendron trigynum (Gaudich.) Heller (Araliaceae) is documented as the first reported host plant for the endemic Hawaiian ambrosia beetle species Xyleborus pleiades Samuelson, 1981, based upon our rearing of an adult beetle from host plant wood collected in the island of Molokai. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 52: 5–7
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Le Coléoptère Dynastide Enema pan (F., 1775) appartenant à la tribu des Oryctini (Scarabaeidae) est formellement signalé ici pour la première fois de l’Uruguay, ce qui représente la présence la plus méridionale connue pour cette espèce néotropicale. Bothynus striatellus (Fairmaire, 1878) appartenant à la tribu des Pentodontini est répertorié pour l...
As part of ongoing surveys for native bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) across the Hawaiian Islands, we undertook targeted sampling at Pu’u Wa’awa’a Experimental Forest Unit, North Kona, on the northwestern part of Hawai‘i Island during February to April of 2018 and 2019. This is one of the few areas containing remaining native d...
During the course of a targeted bark beetle survey of the Hawaiian Islands, insect sampling undertaken in native forest biotopes on Moloka‘i island revealed the presence of one native and three exotic species of xyleborine bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini) hitherto not recorded from the island. We present detailed new...
Le Staphylin bourdon, Emus hirtus (L., 1758), est signalé pour la première fois en Grèce. Des notes sur son comportement et sa distribution sont présentées. The bumble bee rove beetle, Emus hirtus (L., 1758), is recorded for the first time from Greece. Notes on its behaviour and distribution are presented.
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Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) rely on a symbiosis with fungi for their nutrition. Symbiotic fungi are preserved and transported in specialized storage structures called mycangia. Although pivotal in the symbiosis, mycangia have been notoriously difficult to study, given their minute size and membranous st...
As a result of recent entomological fieldwork undertaken in southern Africa, detailed new country records are reported for 10 species of scarabaeine dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Six species in five genera (Copris Geoffroy, Catharsius De Geer, Heliocopris Hope, Hamonthophagus Roggero, Dierkens, Barbero, and Palestrini, and...
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A phylogenetic tree at the species level is still far off for highly diverse insect orders, including the Coleoptera, but the taxonomic breadth of public sequence databases is growing. In addition, new types of data may contribute to increasing taxon coverage, such as metagenomic shotgun sequencing for assembly of mitogenomes from bulk specimen sam...
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Establishing well-supported monophyletic groups is a key requirement for producing a natural classification that reflects evolutionary descent. In a phylogenetic framework this is best achieved through dense taxon sampling and the analysis of a robust character dataset, combined with statistical testing of topological hypotheses. This study assesse...
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The subfamily Carabinae is a diverse clade distributed across all biogeographical regions except Antarctica. In a seminal work, René Jeannel hypothesized a Gondwanan origin for this group, but this has hitherto remained untested with molecular data. We test this hypothesis by using a supermatrix approach. We also infer the most comprehensive phylog...
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The subfamily Carabinae is a diverse clade distributed across all biogeographical regions except Antarctica. In a seminal work, René Jeannel hypothesized a Gondwanan origin for this group, but this has hitherto remained untested with molecular data. We test this hypothesis by using a supermatrix approach. We also infer the most comprehensive phylog...
Conference Paper
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INTRODUCTION  Female and Male gametes represent good examples of common sexual traits under divergent selection and optima 1,2,3,4.  Using a poikilothermic insect model, I examine how gamete sizes develop following controlled variation in the thermal environment.  Resulting plasticity could inform on 1) adaptive significance of gamete size, and...
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Metriorhynchids were a widely distributed group of marine crocodylomorphs that thrived during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. Within this group there is a subclade, Geosaurini, that evolved craniodential characteristics indicative of macrophagy (feeding on large-bodied prey items). When this subclade evolved and began to diversify into the my...
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Metriorhynchids were a widely distributed group of marine crocodylomorphs that thrived during the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. Within this group there is a subclade, Geosaurini, that evolved craniodential characteristics indicative of macrophagy (feeding on large-bodied prey items). When this subclade evolved and began to diversify into the my...
The fauna of Dynastinae (Scarabaeidae) on the island of Saba, Dutch Caribbean, was investigated through fieldwork during 2006 to 2015. Three species, belonging to the three tribes Cyclocephalini, Pentodontini and Phileurini, are newly recorded from Saba and are discussed, with summaries of all relevant information from the West Indies. Detailed loc...
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Insecta Mundi is a journal primarily devoted to insect systematics, but articles can be published on any non-marine arthropod taxon. Manuscripts considered for publication include, but are not limited to, systematic or taxonomic studies, revisions, nomenclatural changes, faunal studies, book reviews, phylo-genetic analyses, biological or behavioral...
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The fauna of Phanaeini of the northeast of Brazil was investigated through fieldwork in the States of Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí, and through study of preserved material from other states. Seven species of Phanaeini are newly recorded from these three states. Of these, two species are also new records for the northeast region: Phanaeus melibaeus Bla...
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The rare dynastine, Ceratophileurus lemoulti Ohaus, 1911, previously known only from French Guiana, is here reported for the first time from Suriname. All biological, distributional and temporal data available for the species in both territories are presented and discussed.
Chrysina diversa (Ohaus, 1912) is recorded for the first time from Belize. Detailed information on its capture in that country is presented. Chrysina diversa (Ohaus, 1912) est signalée pour la première fois de Belize. Des informations détaillées sur sa capture dans cette pays sont présentées ici.
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Megatharsis buckleyi Waterhouse, 1891 is newly recorded from Brazil, extending its distributional range beyond Ecuador and Peru. A further new provincial record from Ecuador is presented in detail, and the species’ distribution and habitat is discussed. Color variation within the species, with a possible geographic correlation, is reported here for...
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Dichotomius maya Peraza and Deloya, 2006 is reported for the first time from Belize. New biological and distributional data are presented and the species is illustrated for the first time. Résumé. Dichotomius maya Peraza and Deloya, 2006 est signalé pour la première fois de Bélize. Nouvelles données sur sa biologie et repartition sont présentés et...
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The picture guide for identificatin British Onthophagus species


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