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Publications (56)
The input-output tables for 1983, 1997 and 2004 indicate that the Balearic Islands is a service oriented economy, highly specialized in the production of services for tourists. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment of the weight of tourism in the Balearic economy using input-output techniques to uncover indirect and induced eff...
En los últimos siete años la economía española ha tratado de reducir el ratio de déficit público-PIB de 11.1% en 2009 a 3%. Este valor es un compromiso registrado en el Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento firmado por todos los países miembros de la Unión Europea (UE), que desde 2010 ha determinado las políticas económicas implementadas...
A recursive dynamic disaggregated computable general equilibrium model of the Spanish economy is used to compare the model predictions of endogenous variables with their observed values over the period 1991–1997. It includes 12 producers, 12 households, government and 2 external sectors. There are four types of labour and real wages that depend on...
The main goal of the paper is to assess the effects of several permanent tax rate hikes implemented by the Spanish Government in 2009 and 2010 to counteract the rapid increase of the public deficit and debt registered in 2009-10. It uses a numerical general equilibrium model calibrated to a social accounting matrix elaborated by the authors for the...
The aim of this paper is to quantify the impact of the reduction on social security contributions (SSCs) of employers recently claimed by the Spanish enterprisers’ organizations on the main macroeconomic variables. The effects of this tax reform are evaluated with a Computable General Equilibrium model with the neoclassical closure rule. The model...
The aim of this paper is to provide researchers in applied economics with a new
approximation to an accurate and disaggregated Social Accounting Matrix for
Spain in 2000 (SAMES-00). The SAMES-00 is consistent with Input-Output
tables and National Accounts. It includes unpublished information kindly provided
by the Spanish National Statistics office...
After many years of growth, the Spanish economy plunged into the most severe and prolonged recession recorded since reliable national accounts data have been available. The main goal of this paper is to quantify the effects of the external and domestic shocks that hit the Spanish economy in 2008–2009 by employing a disaggregated general equilibrium...
The aim of this article is to calculate energy intensity and carbon dioxide (CO) emissions in Andalusia, the largest and most populated region of Spain. Energy intensities for five energy commodities used in production activities are calculated using a social accounting matrix (SAM) model with three alternative scenarios, each utilizing differing c...
En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos al aumentar algunas de las pensiones más bajas que perciben los hogares mayores de 65 años en España. Las simulaciones se han realizado con un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado y los resultados obtenidos indican que el aumento del déficit público ocasionado por el incremento de las pensione...
The input-output tables for 1983, 1997 and 2004 indicate that the Balearic Islands is a service oriented economy, highly specialized in the production of services for tourists. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment of the weight of tourism in the Balearic economy using input-output techniques to uncover indirect and induced eff...
El objetivo central de este trabajo es el de presentar una Matriz de Contabilidad Social (MCS) de la economía mexicana para 1996, detallando la metodología que seguimos para construirla. Ilustramos aquí su utilidad llevando a cabo un análisis estructural básico para estudiar algunos impactos exógenos y aplicando una extensión del modelo de Leontief...
El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar sectores clave de la economía andaluza a partir de la Matriz de Contabilidad Social (SAM) regional para el año 2000 (SAMAND00). Para ello, se construye y presenta aquí la SAMAND00 a precios de adquisición. Las SAM son un reflejo de las relaciones existentes entre los agentes económicos y describen...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the energy sector in Andalusia, a Spanish region, and its importance from the viewpoint of final energy consumption, trying to determine which demands are the most costly to satisfy in terms of emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere. To do this, we apply an additive multiplier decomposition methodology to the...
The main goal of the paper is to provide an assessment of the importance of tourism in the Balearic Islands (BI) and to estimate the impact on its economy of a fall in tourism flows in line with that observed in the last decade.1 The BI, a rather backward region that received just a handful of curious travellers in 1950, has become a major tourism...
The main goal of this paper is to analyze the consequences of two alternative ways of raising funds to finance poverty alleviation programs in Mexico: A Value Added Tax (VAT) reform and a personal income tax reform (IT). The impact of the reforms is analyzed with an applied general equilibrium model of the Mexican economy, calibrated using a 1996 S...
Many mature tourist destinations are considering replacing low category hotel beds with high category beds. This study estimates the potential effects that these proposals will have on employment, assuming that labour is homogeneous. The methodology used is based on the input–output model and the social accounting matrix, which allow direct, indire...
According to the official Institute of Tourist Studies, the Balearic Islands, a Spanish region with just over one million inhabitants, received 9.6 million international arrivals in 2005 out of 55.8 million for the entire country. Although a rather impressive figure, it is 8.2% below the 10.5 million recorded in 1999, which might partially explain...
A look at the 1997 input-output table shows the Balearic Islands as a service-oriented econ-omy, highly specialized in the production of services for tourists. The main goal of this article is to evaluate with alternative multisectoral models the impact on the Balearic Islands econ-omy of a 10 percent permanent fall in tourism demand. First, we est...
RESUMEN: En este artÃculo se estiman las intensidades energéticas y emisiones de CO2 para la economÃa andaluza en el año 2000. Las intensidades energéticas de las ramas productivas se calculan en varios escenarios empleando un modelo SAM especificado con la matriz de contabilidad social elaborada por los autores. Las emisiones se estiman con e...
La pobreza extrema y la crisis agrícola en México son dos de las cuestiones quemás atención han recibido por parte de laopinión pública y de la política económicaen los últimos años. Considerando que lalimitación presupuestaria conduce a laelección de políticas alternativas, en estetrabajo analizamos dos posibles políticasy sus efectos: a) una inye...
RESUMEN El propósito de este artículo es analizar comparativamente el papel de los sectores turísticos en la economía balear empleando un mode-lo input-output estándar y un modelo SAM. Desde la perspectiva me-ramente estadística, el artículo presenta una aportación interesante en si misma, a saber, la primera matriz de contabilidad regional de la e...
According to the official Institute of Tourist Studies the Balearic Islands, a Spanish region with just over one million inhabitants, received 9.6 million international arrivals in 2005 out of 55.8 million for the entire country. Although a rather impressive figure, it is 4.8% below the 10.1 million recorded in 1999 which might explain partially th...
The Kyoto Protocol was accepted by the European Commission in April 2002, laying down a distribution system of emission reduction efforts among the member countries in order to reach the objective of 8% for the entire EU. Among the measures adopted by the EU for the fulfilment of the Protocol, there is a Directive (2003/87/CE) establishing a scheme...
This study wants to show the medium and short run consequences of diminishing Public Deficit in the Spanish Economy. Precisely, we show the effects from diminishing by one percent the Public Deficit over the Spanish national income, on the production levels of 16 economic sectors, the welfare level of 12 families and macroeconomic variables as unem...
El propósito de este artículo es mostrar cuáles son las consecuencias a corto y medio plazo de reducir el déficit público en la economía española. En concreto, presentamos los resultados que origina reducir 1 punto el porcentaje del déficit público sobre el PIB en España sobre los niveles de producción de 16 ramas productivas, el nivel de bienestar...
El propósito de este artículo es analizar algunos aspectos de la economía de la Comunidad Autónoma da las Islas Baleares (CAIB) empleando la correspondiente tabla input-output da 1997 (TlOlB-97), elaborada por la Consalleria d'Economia i Hisanda. En primar lugar, se examinan las interdependencias productivas entre las diferentes ramas da la TIOIB-9...
In this paper we show a new social accounting matrix for the Spanish economy in 1990 (SAM-90). Our starting point is a detailed evaluation of MCS-90, the social accounting matrix published in 1997 by the INE, and elaborated by a research group of the IVIE. SAM-90 put remedies to the inconsistencies detected, disaggregates foreign sector activities...
En los últimos años, se han publicado varios estudios que estiman el impacto del capital público sobre la productividad privada para la economía española. Las elevadas elasticidades estimadas, sobre todo al emplear series de infraestructuras públicas, suscitan dudas sobre la robustez de los valores estimados y sobre la solidez de sus implicaciones...
During the last decade, various studies that estimate the impact of public capital on private sector productivity in Spain have been published. Specially when the studies include infrastructure series, have estimated a higher elasticity for public capital which have generated doubts on the robustness of the values estimated and the implications of...
We empirically evaluate the aggregate welfare effects and structural adjustment for the Spanish economy that would follow from trade liberalization with the European Economic Community. Recent theory suggests that the classical gains form more liberal trade relations could be amplified substantially if EEC liberalization permits Spanish industries...
In 1985-86 the authors were members of a team that constructed a static applied general equilibrium model that was used to analyze the impact on the Spanish economy of the 1986 fiscal reform, which accompanied Spain's entry into the European Community. This paper compares the results obtained to recently published data for 1985-87; we find that the...
Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are widely used as an advanced tool to evaluate alternative economic strategies and policy measures. These models are well rooted in solid economic theory, yet a crucial question is hardly asked: how well do these models perform? We address this question by comparing the economic performance of the Spanis...
Este artículo examina la evolución del empleo en la economía española entre 1976 y 1992, cubriendo aproximadamente un ciclo completo de contracción y expansión del empleo. Aunque el propósito del artículo es simplemente presentar los desarrollos más sobresalientes acaecidos al empleo, tanto agregado como sectorial, el texto incluye algunas propuest...
Spain's recent entry into the European Economic Community (EEC) provides a good opportunity to study the impact of economic integration on a relatively small country. The EEC goal to become a single market by the end of 1992 requires, on the one hand, the elimination of all barriers to the movement of goods, services, labor, and capital within the...
The aim of this paper is to analyze energy intensities and CO 2 emissions in the Andalusian economy. A 1995 social accounting matrix (SAM) of the region is used to numerically specify a linear SAM model and calculate an aggregate energy intensity index for production sectors. Then, the model is used to estimate CO 2 emissions in production and cons...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the energetic needs and CO 2 emissions for Andalusia economy as for the year 2000. The method of analysis uses multipliers derived from Social Accounting Matrices (SAM). For the calculus of energetic intensities, a SAM for the region is developed and used in different endogenety scenarios starting from the Leonti...
After many years of growth, the Spanish economy is suffering the most severe and prolonged recession since there is reliable national accounts records. 2009 ended up with an unemployment rate over 18 % and a public deficit GDP ratio above 11 %. The main goal of this paper is to simulate the effects of external (fall in exports and tourism flows) an...
The goal of this paper is to analyze two alternative ways of financing poverty alleviation in Mexico: 1) A Value Added Tax (IVA) reform, or 2) A Personal Income Tax (ISR) reform. Using an Applied General Equilibrium Model (AGEM) we evaluate reforms' impact through the money measure in welfare change given by Hicks' Equivalent Variation (EV). Result...
Galicia y la Región Norte de Portugal (RNP) son dos áreas contiguas pertenecientes a dos estados que ingresaron en la Comunidad Económica Europea (C.E.E., hoy U.E.), en 1986. A pesar de la proximidad geográfica y la similar situación en la U.E., los mercados laborales de Galicia y la RNP difieren en aspectos muy significativos, como también ocurre,...
The central goal of this paper is to present a Social Accounting Matrix of the Mexican economy for the year 1996, detailing the methodology we follow in building it. And, as a second goal, to illustrate its usefulness we carry out a basic structural analysis to study the impact of some exogenous shocks, applying an extension of Leontief�s model. Sp...