Claus-Peter KlasGESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany · Knowledge Technologies for the Social Sciences
Claus-Peter Klas
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April 2014 - present
GESIS - Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany
- Teamleader Architecture
October 1998 - December 2001
September 2008 - March 2014
Publications (72)
This paper discusses the data reuse principle from the end-user
standpoint, addressing the data citation hurdles, particularly in the Social Sciences. Referencing research data and their inherited
detailed entities by Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) supports FAIR data usage. However, in the Social Sciences, PIDs are only available on the study level,...
In this demo paper, we present ConSTR, a novel Contextual Search Term Recommender that utilises the user's interaction context for search term recommendation and literature retrieval. ConSTR integrates a two-layered recommendation interface: the first layer suggests terms with respect to a user's current search term, and the second layer suggests t...
This paper discusses the problem of lack of clear licensing and transparency of usage terms and conditions for research metadata. Making research data connected, discoverable and reusable are the key enablers of the new data revolution in research. We discuss how the lack of transparency hinders discovery of research data and make it disconnected f...
The social sciences are here in a very privileged position, as there is already an existing meta-data standard defined by the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) to document research data such as empirical surveys. But even so the DDI standard already exists since the year 2000, it is not widely used because there are almost no (open source) tools...
The current usage of DDI is heterogeneous. It varies over different versions of DDI, different grouping, and unequal interpretation of elements. Therefore, provider of services based on DDI implement complex database models for each developed application, resulting in high costs and application specific and non-reusable models. This paper shows a w...
User Studies for Digital Library Development - edited by Milena Dobreva June 2012
Cambridge Core - General - User Studies for Digital Library Development - edited by Milena Dobreva
This paper describes the open access graph dataset that shows the connections between Dryad, CERN, ANDS and other international data repositories to publications and grants across multiple research data infrastructures. The graph dataset was created using the Research Graph data model and the Research Data Switchboard (RD-Switchboard), a collaborat...
This paper describes a novel search index for social and economic research data, one that enables users to search up-to-date references for data holdings in these disciplines. The index can be used for comparative analysis of publication of datasets in different areas of social science. The core of the index is the da|ra registration agency’s datab...
In information retrieval research, models and systems traditionally assume that a single person is querying and reviewing the results. However, several empirical studies of professional practice identified collaboration during IR as everyday work patterns in order to solve a shared information need and to benefit from the diverse expertise and expe...
. gesisDataSearch is the BETA version of a discovery service based on up-to-date metadata that are harvested from social science research data collections worldwide. It allows users to:/find collections of social science data quickly and easily, irrespective of their origin/ get quick overviews of available data /search and browse through collectio...
This paper discusses the problem of lack of clear licensing and transparency of usage terms and conditions for research metadata. Making research data connected, discoverable and reusable are the key enablers of the new data revolution in research. We discuss how the lack of transparency hinders discovery of research data and make it disconnected f...
Many different recommender system (RS) frameworks have been developed by the research community. Most of these RS frameworks are designed only for research purposes and offline evaluation of different algorithms. A reuse of such frameworks in a productive environment is only possible with high effort.
In this paper, we present a concept of a generi...
Goals and corresponding tasks are both major drivers of information needs which are satisfied within information behaviours and lead to information tasks and finally information retrieval. Changing goals or a changing information need and task interruption during execution are the two most challenging barriers of people working on complex and longi...
Collaboration during information retrieval has been identified by many empirical studies as a common pattern of teams in everyday work, e.g. [5]. This collaboration is characterized by two or more individuals, who set out together to resolve a shared information need [4]. In this paper, we present an experimental evaluation of different search resu...
In various work domains, the collaborative performance of a work task by a team can lead to a shared information need required to fulfill this task. Many empirical studies identified collaborative information seeking and retrieval as everyday work patterns in order to solve a shared information need and to benefit from the diverse expertise and exp...
Most information seeking and retrieval systems are designed for individual use, and prototype collaborative systems are too limited to support use in heterogeneous environments. Easy Access to Digital Libraries (ezDL) attempts to bridge this gap by integrating familiar information sharing and management functions with communication tools into a fle...
In various work domains, the collaborative performance of a work-task by a team can lead to a shared information need required to fulfill this task. Many empirical studies identified collaborative information seeking and searching (IS&S) as everyday work patterns in order to solve a shared information need and to benefit from the diverse expertise...
The evaluation of visual user-interfaces (VUI) has to cope with various methodological challenges like choosing the right evaluation technique, using suitable task taxonomies, and avoiding "fishing for results". A general problem is the absence of validated orientation systems at an appropriate abstraction level. This paper describes an evaluation...
Digital libraries increasingly benefit from research on automated text categorization for improved access. Such research is typically carried out by means of standard test collections. In this article, we present a pilot experiment of replacing such ...
In this work we will discuss the optimization of aesthetic criteria for graph representation. Most existing algorithms for drawing graphs generate a specific layout and are usually specialized in optimizing certain aesthetic criteria. Generated representations visualize data for specific applications. After all, it could be important to have an ind...
In this paper we present first results for a new approach designing innovative user interfaces for information retrieval systems. The leading thought of this paper is based on the fact that a dialog between user and system during a search process establishes an information dialog context. We introduce a framework for information retrieval systems t...
Die Suche nach Informationen ist ein in hohem Maße dynamischer und interaktiver Prozess, der aus verschiedenen Phasen besteht. In jeder dieser Phasen befindet sich der Suchende in einer bestimmten Situation. Diese besteht aus unterschiedlichen Faktoren, die auf den kognitiven Raum des Suchenden wirken und dadurch sein Verhalten und vor allem sein B...
In this paper we present first results for a new approach of an innovative user interface for digital library and information
retrieval systems. The leading thought bases on the fact that only the dialog between user and system can establish a necessary
information context in order to satisfy an information need. We introduce a framework for inform...
Innovations are an essential factor of competition for manufacturing companies in technical industries. Patent information plays an important role for innovation-processes and innovators in the knowledge management. The combination of cross-organizational spread information and resources from patent databases and digital libraries is necessary in o...
The problem of digital preservation is one of the most challenging research problems today and is faced by different communities with different approaches. As software and hardware evolutes the problem receives growing interest by researchers and practitioners alike. Different approaches have been made to find either individual solutions for specif...
DAFFODIL is a user-oriented digital library system for accessing distributed libraries through a unique user interface. Beyond that, DAFFODIL also provides high-level functions to support proved search strategies which allow a system-wide search and navigation over the integrated digital libraries. The DAFFODIL system is based on distributed agents...
In the area of information retrieval the concept of relevance feedback is used to provide high relevant documents to the user. The process of gaining relevance data is usually based on ex-plicit Relevance Feedback. But it turned out, that users are usually not willing to provide such data. This paper describes a Relevance Feedback ap-proach that su...
Supporting access to archived scientific publications, supplementary data, and multimedia objects as a basis for various types of reuse in scientific work processes and in publication processes is still an open issue in many ways. Reuse comprises, for instance, the subsequent verification of the content or its exploitation with a novel purpose. Ret...
This demo will present the logging facilities to capture the user context within the Daodil framework during a live search in computer science data sources. We propose to use the Daodil system as an experimental framework for the evaluation and research of interactive IR. The system al- ready provides a rich set of working services and available in...
This position paper supports the idea of the information dialog between IR systems and users during an information search task. In order to satisfy the communication and interaction needs of humans, IR systems should explicitly support the cognitive abilities of the users. An information dialogue which does not only support an individual query but...
Kurze einführung zum Thema Bibliotheken und Web 2.0 sowie Vorstellung des Suchportals Daffodil, das eine verteilte Suche in heterogenen Datenbeständen in Kombination mit einer Suchunterstützung anbietet.
The SHAMAN project targets a framework integrating advances in the data grid, digital library, and persis- tent archives communities in order to archive a long- term preservation environment. Within the project we identified several challenges for digital preservation in the area of memory institutions, where already exist- ing systems start to str...
Digital libraries (DLs) are new and innovative information systems, under constant development and change, and therefore evaluation is of critical importance to ensure not only their correct evolution but also their acceptance by the user and application communities. The Evaluation activity of the DELOS Network of Excellence has performed a large-s...
Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness, quality and overall impact. In this paper we describe a qualitative evaluation of "The European Library" carried out by six highly qualified evaluators from the area of computer and library science. The findings -mainly usability issues-are presented along the ITF model and suggestions a...
Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness, quality and overall impact. In this paper we propose to use the Daffodil system as an experimental framework for the evaluation and research of interactive IR and digital libraries. The system already provides a rich set of working services and available information sources. These servic...
Research on information behaviour and information seeking has traditionally focused on the human as an individual as an information seeker and user of information. In this demonstration paper we present the Daffodil system as collaborative tool to reflect the social aspect on collaborative information retrieval. Research on information behaviour an...
DelosDLMS is a prototype of a next-generation Digital Library (DL) management system. It is realized by combining various specialized DL functionalities provided by partners of the DELOS network of excellence. Currently, DelosDLMS combines text and audio-visual searching, offers new information visualization and relevance feedback tools, provides n...
The interactive track of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX) aims at collecting empirical data about user in- teraction behaviour and to build methods and algorithms for supporting interactive retrieval in digital library systems containing structured doc- uments. In this paper we discuss and compare the usability aspects of t...
Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness, quality and overall impact. To facilitate the comparison of
different evaluations and to support the re-use of evaluation data, we are proposing a new logging schema. This schema will
allow for logging and sharing of a wide array of data about users, systems and their interactions. We di...
Evaluation of digital libraries assesses their effectiveness,
quality and overall impact. To facilitate the comparison of
different evaluations and for supporting the re-use of evaluation
data, we are proposing a new logging schema that will account for
all kinds of data about users, systems and the user-system
interactions. We present a novel, mul...
Daffodil is a front-end to federated, heterogeneous digital libraries targeting at strategic support of users during the information seeking process by offering a variety of functions for searching, exploring and managing digital library objects. In the process of searching for information, common strategies and tactics emerge that can be reused in...
Daffodil is a front-end to federated, heterogeneous digital libraries targeting at strategic support of users during the information
seeking process. This is done by offering a variety of functions for searching, exploring and managing digital library objects.
However, the distributed search increases response time and the conceptual model of the u...
DAFFODIL ist ein System zur integrierten Suche in verteilten, heterogenen Digitalen Bibliotheken mit der Zielsetzung der strategischen Untersttzung des Benutzers. In diesem Artikel wird ein Ãberblick bezglich des aktuellen Standes der Funktionalität gegeben.
Der Workshop soll Forscher und Praktiker aus den Bereichen Informa- tionsportale, Semantische Technologien und Maschinelles Lernen zusammenbrin- gen, um neue Methoden und Technologien für Informationsportale vorzustellen. Der Workshop wird von Partnern der beiden bmb+f-geförderten Projekte Fachin- formationssystem Informatik (FIS-I) und Semantische...
DAFFODIL is a search system for digital libraries
aiming at "strategic support" during the
information search process. From a user point of view
this strategic support is mainly implemented by
high-level search functions, so-called stratagems,
which provide functionality beyond today's digital
libraries. Through the tight integration of stratagems...
The digital library system Daffodil is targeted at strategic support of users during the information search process. For searching, exploring and managing digital library objects it provides user-customisable information seeking patterns over a federation of heterogeneous digital libraries. In this paper evaluation results with respect to retrieval...
Daffodil is a digital library system targeted at strategic support of advanced users during the information search process. It pro- vides user-customizable "stratagems" for exploring and managing digital library objects with meta data annotations over a federation of hetero- geneous digital libraries. Bingo! is a focused crawler that learns how to...
Daffodil is a digital library system targeting at strategic support during the information search process. For the user, mainly high-level search functions, so-called stratagems, implement
this strategic support, which provide functionality beyond today’s digital libraries. Through the tight integration of stratagems
and with the federation of hete...
Durch eine agentenbasierte Vermittlungsschicht und ein integrierende, anwenderfreundliche Benutzerschnittstelle sollen im Projekt Daffodil Lösungen für Probleme bei der Integration verschiedener digitaler Bibliotheken und internetbasierter Informationsdienste gefunden werden. Der gesamte wissenschaftliche informationelle Prozess soll dabei unterstü...
this paper, we address the issue of semantic interoperability. We assume that we have a DL environment with a a large collection of services, for which a solution at the syntactic level has been chosen. For this setting, we present an approach for dealing with semantic interoperability that uses an agent-based architecture. Especially, we address t...
The Internet makes searching for literature in Digital Libraries (DLs) feasible. However, often a user has to contact several DLs to satisfy a given information need. This leads to usability problems due to the heterogeneity of the DLs. One aspect is that the information structures of the systems differ. In fact, relevant information may be spread...
Digital libraries have a rich information structure. In order to allow for different kinds of searches as well as for navigation along explicit and implicit links, a large variety of searching and browsing functions has to be provided. However, non-expert users will need additional help for performing effective searches. For this purpose, high-leve...
Categorization of Web documents poses a new challenge for automatic classification methods. In this paper, we present the megadocument approach for categorization. For each category, all corresponding document texts from the training sample are concatenated to a megadocument, which is indexed using standard methods. In order to classify a new docum...
The Internet makes searching for literature in Digital Libraries (DLs) feasible. However there are certain problems: In extensive searches the user needs to contact several DLs. For this users need to know about their respective access points. Furthermore each of the DLs provide their own functionality, of course presented by different user interfa...
Ontology based data extraction from multi-record Web documents works well [ECLS98, ECJ + 98, ECJ + 99, EJN99], but only if the ontology is suitable for the Web document. How do we know whether the ontology is suitable? To resolve this question, we present an approach based on three heuristics: density, schema, and grouping. We encode the first heur...
Contents 1 Introduction to Relevance Feedback 3 2 EUROGatherer Environment 3 3 Relevance Feedback in EUROGatherer 4 3.1 EUROGatherer Relevance Feedback Formula . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.2 Selection search terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.3 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.3.1 Asking the use...
Despite the fact that many digital libraries (DLs) are available on the Internet, users cannot effectively use them because of inadequate functionality, deficient visualisation and insufficient integration of different DLs. In the framework of this project we develop a user-oriented access system for DLs which overcomes these drawbacks. Based on ex...
Innovations are an essential factor of competition for manufacturing companies in technical industries. Patent information plays an important role within innovation-processes and for human innovators working on innovations. Innovation-processes support the combination of cross-organisational spread information and resources from patent databases an...
Sowohl die rechnergestützte Informationssuche in einer realen
Bibliothek als auch die in einer digitalen Bibliothek stellen heute
immer noch ein zeitaufwändiges und damit teures Unterfangen dar. Als
wesentliche Gründe können drei Problembereiche identifiziert werden.
Zum Ersten existieren zahlreiche Zugangspunkte mit jeweils
unterschiedlichen Form...