Claudiu TufisUniversity of Bucharest | Unibuc · Department of Political Studies, International Relations and Security Studies
Claudiu Tufis
Ph. D. in Political Science
Associate Professor
Department Head
Comparative Governance and European Studies Department
Faculty of Political Science
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October 2012 - September 2016
May 1998 - September 2012
August 2001 - December 2007
September 2000 - June 2001
October 1994 - February 1999
Publications (96)
This paper considers the case of the international migrants’ confidence in political institutions, from a social embeddedness perspective on political trust. We use country-level aggregates of confidence in institutions as indicators of specific cultures of trust, and by employing data from the European Values Study, we test two competing hypothese...
In this chapter we investigate the way in which religion influences social participation in postcommunist societies. Previous studies have shown that religion has a positive effect on civic engagement, both beliefs and behaviors increasing the level of social participation (Verba et al. 1995; Curtis et al. 2001). The relationship between religion,...
Analysis of support for market economy across Europe, using data from World Values Survey (WVS) and European Values Study (EVS) collected between 1990 and 2007. The chapter distinguishes between two models of market economy (free market versus state interventionism) and shows (using multilevel regression models) that the two models create a single...
This article shows that highly correlated measures can produce different results. We iden-tify a democratization model from the literature and test it in more than 120 countries from 1951 to 1992. Then, we check whether the results are robust regarding measures of democracy, time periods, and levels of development. The findings show that measures d...
Changes in support for democracy and market economy in Romania between 1990 and 2006
This study describes and analyses the attitudes and behaviour of young people living in Romania, providing insights into various youth-related matters, including their perspectives on society and politics. The analysis of this heterogeneous and dynamic group also offers a deeper understanding of Romanian society and its potential for change.
The re...
The Global State of Democracy is a report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices, in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around the world. This d...
The Global State of Democracy is a report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices, in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around the world. This d...
The Global State of Democracy is a report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices), in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around the world...
In this article, we examine a decade of parliamentary debates related to the topic of family to understand the reasons and the rhetorical strategies that drive the support of the Romanian MPs for the traditional family. Starting from four themes identified in the literature as relevant for the topic of family—national identity, religion, heteronorm...
The Global State of Democracy Indices: Codebook, v7, 2023 provides details for all of the variables included in the data set. This document is an essential guide for the use of the data.
Cercetarea noastră este prima anchetă națională care analizează stereotipurile, percepțiile și atitudinile legate de violențele împotriva femeilor (și nu violența domestică), în sensul Convenției de la Istanbul. Mai mult, este prima cercetare care analizează violența împotriva femeilor din perspectiva inegalităților structurale de gen, care sublini...
This article analyses and explains the rapid electoral success of an emergent populist radical right party in Romania—the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR). AUR’s definition of ‘a transnational people’ relates to a multi-layered community—native Romanians within Romania, co-ethnic communities in neighbouring countries, and Romanians living...
Outlines the technical steps taken in constructing the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) indices. It is written for readers who want a better understanding of the indices or for researchers who wish to use and build on the data contained within them. This guide builds upon the GSoD Indices Methodology.
Provides details for all of the variables included in the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices data set. This document is an essential guide for the use of the data.
Analizele din acest studiu sunt structurate de trei categorii de teme:
(1) Reprezentări ale statului: rolul statului în asigurarea protecției sociale și rolul statului în societatea comunistă și în prezent. Capitolul 1 cuprinde evaluarea modului în care statul este perceput de către adulții din România.
(2) Valori și atitudini privind impozitarea...
Results from a phone survey on progressive attitudes in Romania, 2022. The questionnaire included a common part, applied to the whole sample (N=3666), and three different sections, each applied to a third of the sample. Data were collected by CCSAS Romania and financed by the Romanian branch of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Society for Romanian Studies, Working Group ”Postwar Politics, History & Culture;” Workshop ”The Age of Uncertainty: Welfare Chauvinism and New Social Movements in Europe;” Speakers: Claudiu Tufiş & Sergiu Delcea; Moderator: Dragoș Petrescu. Thursday, 3 November 2022, 17:30–19:30 EET, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest.
The Global State of Democracy is a biennial report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices), in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around...
The Global State of Democracy is a biennial report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy (GSoD) Indices, in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around the worl...
In the post-1989 era, the political representation of women has been one of the indicators of the quality of democracy at which Romania has consistently been among the last places at European level. Women in Romania face difficulties even standing for office in elections, not to mention the even greater difficulty of actually occupying eligible pos...
While populism is one of the most analysed aspects of contemporary politics, we know little about its interaction with religion and about motivations leading political parties to oppose or support a secular appropriation of religious themes and symbols beyond any spiritual or doctrinal dimension. This paper aims to disentangle the intersection of r...
The Global State of Democracy is a biennial report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices), in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around...
The Global State of Democracy is a biennial report that aims to provide policymakers with an evidence-based analysis of the state of global democracy, supported by the Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices), in order to inform policy interventions and identify problem-solving approaches to trends affecting the quality of democracy around...
Solidarity is core to Europe's societal organisation and was intensively addressed in recent research. Using data collected before and during the lockdown in spring 2020, we examine whether value orientations towards solidarity changed in three countries (Spain, Hungary, and Romania). Before the pandemic, people in Spain expressed higher solidarity...
Romanian politics and society have been traditionally Europhile and uncritical towards the process of European integration. From the mid-1990s onwards, all parties with ambitions of government converged on consensual pro-European stances. Since then, no relevant party built its agenda around a critical assessment of the EU. On this basis, this chap...
We analyse Roșia Montană environmental activism as a critical case that brings together an unusual combination of high levels of transactional activism and high levels of mass protests. We build on the assumptions of civil society in post-communist Europe and the literature on environmental mobilization to investigate the ways in which environmenta...
This paper is the first exploratory analysis of the ideological features of extra-parliamentary radical-right populist parties in Romania, which, despite lacking parliamentary power, confirm the latent fertility of Romanian politics for populism. Using qualitative content analysis of programs and statutes, we identify a decreased relevance of ethni...
Academic dishonesty in higher education is an increasingly visible problem throughout the world and in Romania in particular. A total of 1127 university students from six public Romanian universities were surveyed for their experiences and beliefs with 22 behaviors that might be considered academically dishonest. A five-factor solution to the frequ...
Ronald KING (San Diego State University) and Claudiu TUFIŞ (University of Bucharest) invite scholars from various disciplines to contribute to a special issue on Semi-presidentialism and post-communism (1/2016) at the Annals of the University of Bucharest - Political Science Series.
Placed within the framework of Easton's model of support for the political system, we analyze the relationship between individual perceptions of economic conditions and different dimensions of support for democracy (from specific, to middle-range, and to diffuse support). While this is an often-researched topic, we believe that the current economic...
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2008-2012.
Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 2008-2012 Parliament. For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 2008-2012 Parliament. Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2008-2012.
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2000-2004.
Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 2000-2004 Parliament.
For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 2000-2004 Parliament.
Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2000-2004.
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2000-2004.
Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 2000-2004 Parliament. For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 2000-2004 Parliament. Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 2000-2004.
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1996-2000. Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 1996-2000 Parliament. For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 1996-2000 Parliament. Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1996-2000.
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1992-1996. Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 1992-1996 Parliament. For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 1992-1996 Parliament. Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1992-1996.
Baza de date cu toti parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1990-1992.
Dataset with the Romanian MPs from the 1990-1992 Parliament. For more details see the attached codebook.
Codebook for the dataset containing all Romanian MPs from the 1990-1992 Parliament.
Manual pentru baza de date cu parlamentarii romani din Parlamentul 1990-1992.
Studiu de fundamentare pentru Strategia naţională privind incluziunea socială şi reducerea sărăciei
Placed within the framework of Easton's model of support for the political system, we analyze the relationship between individual perceptions of economic conditions and different dimensions of support for democracy (from specific, to middle-range, and to diffuse support). While this is an often-researched topic, we believe that the current economic...
This paper focuses on attitudes towards democracy, comparing European citizens’ reaction to the principles standing at the basis of their political system. Using data from the fourth wave of the European Values Study, the paper attempts to understand the mechanisms of support for democracy. The paper proposes an explanation of support based on reso...
This paper analyzes the insufficiently developed political participation in post-communist Romania, focusing on the prerequisites of political participation, and on how these are acting as inhibitors for political involvement from the citizens. The prevalence of intolerance, the lack of trust in other people and in the institutions of the state, th...
This volume analyzes the 2009 presidential elections in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Traian Rotariu, Florin Feșnic, Oana Armeanu, Bogdan Voicu, Cristina Stănuș, and the editors.
The first volume analyzing the 2009 elections for the European Parliament in Romania. The volume includes chapters by Cristina Stănuș, Florin Feșnic, Adrian Sebastian Popa and Paul Thomas Weith, Paul E.Sum, and the three editors.
The volume analyzes topics related to political participation among Romanian teenagers, using survey data collected from more than 5800 high-school students. It includes studies by Gabriel Bădescu, Mircea Comșa, Andrei Gheorghiță, Cristina Stănuș, and Claudiu Tufiș
Raportul de faţă îşi propune să discute despre absolvenţii recenţi de învăţământ superior din România. În centrul atenţiei stau traiectoriile pe care aceştia le au pe piaţa muncii, tipul de munci pe care le prestează, legătura dintre activitatea profesională și cele studiate în facultate, atât din punct de vedere al nivelului de calificare necesar,...
The volume tells the stories, from a sociological perspective, of four roma communities in Romania: Mimiu (a neighborhood in Ploiești), Bălțești (a village in Prahova), Geoagiu (in Hunedoara), and Verești (in Suceava). Each community story is also paired with a successful individual stories as examples of strategies available and used in the commun...
Analysis of institutional trust in Romania using the 2005 wave of the European Values Study, distinguishing among trust in traditional institutions (church and army), trust in state institutions (cabinet, parliament, courts, police, civil servants, city hall), trust in civil society institutions (charitable, environmental, and women NGOs, trade uni...
The volume analyzes the attitudes and opinions of Romanians with respect to working, jobs, and the job market based on survey data collected in 2008.
I analyze a series of techniques designed for replacing missing data. From the extensive literature on political values in postcommunist countries, I selected one of the most discussed models – the one proposed by Reisinger et al. (1994). In analyzing political values in Russia at the beginning of the transition, their model represents a significan...
The volume present an analysis of the Romanian university system from the perspective of its main actors: students and professors.
Abstract will be provided by author.