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Claudio Pensieri

Claudio Pensieri
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico · Clinical Leadership Team



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Claudio Pensieri currently works at the Clinical Leadership Team, in the Hospital University Foundation Campus Bio-Medico. He does research in Pedagogy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Communications, Quality and clinical risk management. Adjunt professor in "Soft Skills & Communication" at LUMSA University and Adjunt Professor at Università Campus Bio-Medico of Rome.
Additional affiliations
December 2012 - present
Campus Bio-Medico University
  • Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Healthcare pedagogy, Clinical Risk management communication, Adult education, Patient education, Quality Culture
September 2008 - September 2010
Young at Work Communication - Rome
  • NLP Trainer and Researcher
January 2007 - January 2008
Italian Society of Medical Pedagogy (SIPEM)
  • Researcher: Section for the young - Utility of film arts tool of training for students of sanitary professions
September 2000 - December 2005
Maria SS. Assunta University of Rome
Field of study
  • Communication


Publications (83)
Gli studenti devono venire motivati a lezione o deve essere il professore a motivare gli studenti? Per rispondere a questa domanda è necessario capire come funziona la "motivazione" nel campo dell'educazione e della formazione innovativa. In questo libro troverai informazioni importanti sul funzionamento della psiche e sulla comunicazione efficace...
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The Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico's educational project in collaboration with the Università Campus Bio-Medico is an orientation path intended for 1st year residents. The project, started in 2015 with the mere distribution of printed information materials, has developed into the current version. Data show that students decl...
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A good understanding and mastery of the science of nutrition and diet is a fundamental component required of nutrition professionals. However, this knowledge alone will not enable effective practice unless it is combined with highly developed communication skills. In order to achieve dietary outcomes and nutrition education, it is critical not only...
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The COVID-19 disease has dramatically changed lives worldwide, including education. This is a challenge for traditional learning. In fact, the European Higher Education Area poses the challenge of boosting the quality of teaching through active methodologies supported by digital pedagogy. Gamification is one of these tools and it has considerable a...
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The UCBM’s nurses and doctors have produced patients information material under the form of brochures that we delivered to patients in order to help them better understand their pathology, therapeutic path and procedure to which they will have to undergo. With the Covid-19, doctors necessarily spend less time with patients. This means that patients...
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The COVID-19 emergency has led many health facilities to reorganize themselves in a very short time to meet the urgent needs for intensive, semi-intensive or ordinary care of SARS-CoV-2 patients. In this pandemic, characterized by speed of transmission and severity of respiratory symptoms, care has been affected by the increase in volume and clinic...
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A great number of Medicine and Surgery’s new graduates who begin the Residency Program is an event that can significantly affect the quality and safety of hospital’s care. The new national competition for access to Postgraduate Training has brought many students from other universities to our hospital; this led us to create an informative and intro...
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Pensieri C. (2021) Social Media e Scienza: quale educazione nella “Vaccine Hesitancy”?; Arco di Giano, 109: 69-92 – ISSN 1721-0178.
Se sei un dirigente, un responsabile, un manager o un presidente (o ti appresti ad esserlo) in questo libro non troverai informazioni cliniche o procedurali, ma importanti informazioni che trasformeranno e arricchiranno il tuo modo di pensare e che ti porteranno a ottenere dei risultati migliori in modi nuovi. è un libro dedicato a tutti coloro che...
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A seguito della riforma dell'accesso alle Scuole di Specializzazione mediche, dal 2015 affluiscono negli ospedali universitari gruppi numerosi di medici in formazione, in buona parte provenienti da altri atenei e perciò non orientati, sia negli ambienti ospedalieri (dove si trova il centro prelievi, il centro trasfusionale, etc.) sia nei confronti...
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La prima fase della pandemia COVID-19, con il conse-guente lockdown ha avuto un profondo impatto sulla società italiana. In quel periodo è stato molto importante "educare" la popolazione e il personale sanitario a una corretta risposta emergenziale in termini di cambiamenti di comportamenti e abitudini. In breve tempo, ci si è dovuti cimentare con...
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L'11 marzo 2020 l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) ha dichiarato che il focolaio internazionale di infezione da nuovo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 poteva essere considerato una pandemia. Con l'innalzamento del livello di guardia, la popolazione mondiale ha dovuto (in brevissimo tempo), capire come difendersi dal nuovo virus. Le strategie di edu...
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order to engage audiences and inject a bit of fun into mundane activities as well as to generate motivational and cognitive benefits2. Many fields such as Business, Marketing and e-Learning have already taken advantage of the potential of gamification. Likewise, the digital healthcare domain has also started to exploit this emerging trend. It is re...
Insegnare a livello universitario richiede competenze che includono (oltre la conoscenza della disciplina) la padronanza di tecniche specifiche. È utile per i docenti avere una breve guida e un sostegno formativo per affinare le proprie capacità di insegnamento. Il problema che accusano spesso gli studenti universitari delle facoltà sanitarie è ch...
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The Fifth Discipline (FD) is an advanced leadership and management system ideated in 1990’s, it is a widely used system in the management of business companies and it is ob- ject of continuous improvement. The literature about FD is manifold, but in the educa- tion field it is very poor. This paper aims to provide an overview and to report data of...
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La pedagogia medica è stata oggetto di studio sempre crescente soprattutto dagli anni '90. Il numero di pubblicazioni è passato da una media di 255 annue (tra il 1943-1962) ad una media di più di 6.110 pubblicazioni (2010-2017). Abbiamo focalizzato l'attenzione sul tema della formazione tramite la simulazione, abbiamo svolto un breve excursus stori...
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In the last six years Virtual Reality (VR) and Virtual Environment (VE) became more technologically advanced and accessible being cheaper. In Healthcare, VR is mainly used for students training, professionals training (simulators); rehabilitation/therapy; treatment/diagnosis and pain management. In this review we analyzed 2,252 articles published b...
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Per spiegare cosa è la didattica occorre innanzitutto far riferimento ai suoi elementi fondanti: la relazione e la comunicazione. La didattica è la “scienza e l’arte” dell’insegnamento e comprende tutte le attività che vengono attuate dall’insegnante, o insieme agli alunni, per l’apprendimento. «La didattica, infatti, è la scienza che studia la rel...
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The Fake News’ topic is interesting because it is new and it is old at the same time. If we want to define “fake news” we cannot give it a unique meaning. Someone frames fake news only in the social media area, some others extend the meaning to newspapers, someone else to any kind of mass media (TV, Books, Radio, etc.). But it is sure that our stud...
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Objective doctor-patient relationship is a very important variable in the oncological clinical consultation. Methods we have analyzed 100 outpatients oncological visits (first visits and follow up visits). We conducted an observational study of the extra verbal communication (non-verbal and para–verbal) with a structured observation grid. We have...
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Premise: Italy has recently faced the problem of vaccine decline. Target for mandatory vaccines is maintained above the 95% (2002-2013) and then decrease to around 93%. Description: The vaccine coverage for measles, mumps and rubella (MPR) increased from 2000 to 2010, reaching 91%, and then drastically reduced to 85%. Coverage for varicella vaccina...
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The fake news topic is interesting because it is new and old at the same time. It is new because the term reached public notoriety only after US President Trump spoke about it during his election campaign. It is old because the dissemination of fake information (whether it is propaganda, misinformation or mystification) has always been used by huma...
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The key-term “fake news” is a word that does not yet have a univocal definition. This article examines the existing different definitions, the criteria that distinguish them and the reasons why people produce them. Objective: to provide a (non-exhaustive) definition of fake-news; criteria; description of countermeasures (European and American); edu...
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Le aziende sanitarie, gli ospedali e le cliniche private sono diventate nell’ultimo ventennio aziende alla continua ricerca di un pareggio dei conti e in alcuni casi di profitto. Per raggiungere questi obiettivi di pareggio di bilancio o di profitto è stato necessario lavorare sul Management. I livelli dirigenziali hanno dovuto modellarsi sulle azi...
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La U.O. Riabilitazione Sportiva e Tecniche innovative della Asl RmA, IV dipartimento, in collaborazione con la Polisportiva "Il Gabbiano di Roma 1993", permette agli utenti di accedere gratuitamente a servizi sportivi quali il calcio, la pallavolo, la piscina e il Kung Fu al fine di agevolare la risocializzazione dei propri utenti oltre che miglior...
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Il Gioco d'Azzardo è un'attività umana profondamente radicata tanto che ricerche archeologiche e antropologiche ne hanno testimoniato l'ubiquità in ogni epoca, stato sociale e cultura. Negli ultimi anni però, in tutto il mondo, il gioco d'azzardo è diventato un'attività di enorme rilevanza economica e di notevoli proporzioni sociali, e anche in Ita...
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The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 02-04 May 2018 (AMSTERDAM). Despite efforts to identify high risk of falls' patients and intensify surveillance falls are not a rare event in our hospital. Many patients get out of their bed during the night without calling nurses and some of them fall in their bedroom or in the bathroom....
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The world's population is slowly pursuing the path of obesity. In the industrialized countries, the hasty life and the massive impact of food advertising contributes to young people and adults' wrong food education. In this paper; we examine the subtle references that food advertising presents in the television forms and we analyze some case histor...
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With this article we wants to provide an innovative viewpoint on the euthanasia theme. After a 2017 Event in which an Italian DJ gone to die in Switzerland. We analyzed how power of mass media influenced the public’s possible story perception. Aims: we analyzed Italian Newspapers articles and key words used in the Google Searches engine. We evaluat...
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Backgorund: Patients with Multiple Myeloma who undergo autologous stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are often hospitalized in protective isolation in a single room.They cannot leave it and just one visitor can visit them for a short time.This situation might negatively affect their QoL.It was hypothesised that the use of a tablet during their hospit...
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Background: Patients with haematological malignancies are often hospitalized in protective isolation until full neutrophil recovery in order to prevent infections. This descriptive pilot study evaluate the level of isolation-related distress and the use of free time in a sample of Italian onco-haematological patients who were hospitalized in protec...
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L'Unità Operativa Riabilitazione Sportiva e Tecniche innovative della ASL RMA, IV dipartimento, in collaborazione con la Polisportiva "Il Gabbiano di Roma 1993" permette agli utenti di accedere gratuitamente a servizi sportivi quali il calcio, la pallavolo, la piscina e il Kung Fu al fine di agevolare la risocializzazione dei propri utenti oltre ch...
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Il Gioco d'Azzardo è un'attività umana profondamente radicata tanto che ricerche archeologiche e antropologiche ne hanno testimoniato l'ubiquità in ogni epoca, stato sociale e cultura. Negli ultimi anni però, in tutto il mondo, il gioco d'azzardo è diventato un'attività di enorme rilevanza economica e di notevoli proporzioni sociali, e anche in Ita...
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La crescente complessità dei disegni sperimentali e delle procedure operative correlate alla realizzazione degli studi rendono indispensabile una adeguata formazione e un costante aggiornamento di chi è coinvolto nella ricerca clinica. La giornata di studio realizzata presso il Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio–Medico dalla quale è derivato ques...
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Molte grandi aziende consolidate, per stare al passo con i cambiamenti dell’ambiente esterno, cercano di continuo dei modi per incoraggiare il cambiamento e l’innovazione. Oggi il problema è comprendere in che modo le organizzazioni sanitarie siano in grado di apprendere, cioè di cambiare sé stesse. Educare alla riflessività e al pensiero riflessiv...
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AIM: We carried out an audit to verify compliance to Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC), as we have become aware that compliance across different teams and by individual surgeons has not been optimal. MATERIAL OF STUDY: 100 SSC records from October-December 2014 and 100 from March-June 2015 were inspected to verify correct . 44 surgeons and 34 scrub...
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Il manuale tratta l'applicazione pratica del Metamodello della Programmazione Neuro Linguistica al campo della Medicina. Il manuale è costituito da una prima parte teorica e una seconda parte pratica. Il libro contiene 73 esercizi pratica per guidare il medico, l'infermiere e il personale sanitario ad apprendere in modo semplice, veloce e diverte...
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Dalla sua fondazione negli anni ’70, con Van Rensselaer Potter, la Bioetica ha avuto un sempre più importante ruolo nella società moderna. Specialmente nel campo della ricerca biologica e medica, la velocità e la crescita impressionante del numero delle informazioni tecniche-scientifiche trasmesse al grande pubblico è diventata sorprendentemente nu...
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"Motor activity" indicates movement in a \\i.der sense.., such as going up and down the stairs, taking the bus, and lifting and canying Joads. A "sport," meanwhile, can be defined as a specific type of organized motor activity. Being in motion every day produces positive effects on both psycbological and psychical personal health. On the other band...
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“Motor activity” indicates movement in a wider sense, such as going up and down the stairs, taking the bus, and lifting and carrying loads. A “sport," meanwhile, can be defined as a specific type of organized motor activity. Being in motion every day produces positive effects on both psychological and psychical personal health. On the other hand, i...
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Aim: We carried out an audit to verify compliance to Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC), as we have become aware that compliance across different teams and by individual surgeons has not been optimal. Material of study: 100 SSC records from October-December 2014 and 100 from March-June 2015 were inspected to verify correct . 44 surgeons and 34 scru...
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In recent years, new technologies, like robotics, laparoscopic instruments, 3D, virtual reality, virtual environments etc., generated both excitement and confusion in medicine. The first healthcare applications of VR started in the early ’90s with to the need of medical staff to visualize complex medical data, particularly during surgery and for su...
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Pop-Philosophy can broadcast lots of important messages, because of its popular way to communicate with people. We can say that one of the most important media used from pop philosophy to achieve its objectives is Cinema. In 2011, 818 films were produced. In 2012, cinema admissions in the USA were 1,360 million while in Europe they were 1,190 milli...
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“Tra le varie criticità che affliggono la sanità italiana, la soddisfazione e la qualità di vita dei pazienti sono un aspetto secondario” Chi ritiene vera l'affermazione precedente potrebbe cadere nel dualismo “organizzazione vs comunicazione”, chi invece non è in accordo con quanto detto probabilmente è colui che si rende perfettamente conto di c...
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L'Unione Nazionale Consumatori ha pubblicato nel 2009 un'indagine sul rapporto tra consumatori e pubblicità. Per molti consumatori intervistati la pubblicità è risultata utile soprattutto per gli acquisti nel settore alimentare e inoltre riesce a informare di più quando si tratta di prodotti alimentari, anche se poi, nei fatti, induce a consumare p...
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Nel corso al Collège de France [1] Foucault definì la biopolitica come il “termine col quale intendo il modo con cui si è cercato, dal secolo XVIII, di razionalizzare i problemi posti alla pratica governamentale dai fenomeni propri di un insieme di esseri viventi costituiti in popolazione, salute, igiene, natalità, longevità, razze” [2]. La vita de...
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Pop-Philosophy can broadcast lots of important messages, because of its popular way to communicate with people. We can say that one of the most important media used from pop philosophy to achieve its objectives is Cinema. In 2011, 818 films were produced. In 2012, cinema admissions in the USA were 1,360 million while in Europe they were 1,190 milli...
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Background: Virtual Reality (VR) was defined as a collection of technological devices: “a computer capable of interactive 3D visualization, a head-mounted display and data gloves equipped with one or more position trackers”. Today, lots of scientists define VR as a simulation of the real world based on computer graphics, a three dimensional world i...
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We have done a systematic review of articles and reviews published about the theme: “Virtual Reality in Medicine”. We used the search query string: “Virtual Reality”, “Metaverse”, “Second Life”, “Virtual World”, “Virtual Life” in order to find out how many articles were written about these themes. For the “Meta-review” we used only “Virtual Reality...
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Culture of “now”, of “hurry”, with the fact that companies, including healthcare organizations, turned from complicated to complex, makes it difficult to manage the unintended consequences and to give meaning to a new situation and economic organization. The Fifth Discipline of the MIT Sloan School of Management is a road traveled for years in the...
Conference Paper
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Background / Purpose: The ethical evaluation of an euthanasia case in Italy as reported by the media. Main conclusion: From the point of view of mass media, the illustration of the story of this no longer young woman, but always represented in the press and on television stations with a photo taken in a young age and before the accident, conti...
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Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) was created in the 70s in California. It studies in particular three components of mental and behavioral production of human experience: neurology, language and programming. Objective of the article is a review of international literature, exclusively in the field of health related to NLP. Method: we search the fo...
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Giocare è cosa buona e l'uomo che gioca si riconcilia attraverso il gioco con le proprie radici infantili; esce dal pressing sociale della produttività economica e dal bisogno di dover dimostrare continuamente di essere all'altezza della situazione, per poter ottenere consenso e stima. Il gioco è lo spazio della creatività che sperimenta solu-zioni...
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Superare una grave fobia. Aiutare la riabilitazione del corpo. Alleviare il dolore post-operatorio. Potrebbero sembrare scenari molto lontani dal videogioco, ma da lungo tempo non è più così. Oggi, guarire con un mondo artificiale non è più fantascienza. Ogni giorno, nuove sperimentazioni in campo medico dimostrano gli straordinari effetti benefici...
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During the conference "Teaching methodologies compared in the training of health professionals: the use of audio-visual" at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome professionals from different angles and experiences metto discuss an d developed a debate full of solicitations. The lack of synergy between science education and liberai arts education doe...
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Il dolore è un segnale d'allarme con cui il nostro organismo si segnala che qualcosa non va. Ciascuno di noi vive il dolore in modo diverso. Il significato che le persone attribuiscono al dolore e alle situazioni che lo provocano dipende dalla cultura e dalle conoscenze possedute, ma anche dalle credenze personali. Questa interpretazione influenza...
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Premessa: una stessa dignità in un contesto relazionale asimmetrico per sua stessa natura Davanti ai costanti progressi della scienza e della tecnica non possiamo perdere di vista che la prima cosa che il paziente desidera è avere una buona relazione con il suo medico. Sapere di poter parlare con grande libertà non solo dei suoi sintomi, ma anche...
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The fifth discipline and the learning organizations in healthcare management. Culture of “now”, of “hurry”, with the fact that companies, including healthcare organizations, turned from complicated to complex, makes it difficult to manage the unintended consequences and to give meaning to a new situation and economic organization. The Fifth Discipl...
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Background: Communication field is very much studied by Companies but not so much from the Italian NHS. We aim to study the suffering communication that patients, relatives and customers feel when they approach a hospital. The research was carried out in an Italian region: Lazio. The Objective was to take a picture of the current state of Regional...
Conference Paper
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Background / Purpose: What idea of neuroscience do readers of Italian newspapers share, and how does the Italian press write of neuroscience, if we take into account the ethical role of mass media? Main conclusion: From our survey of 82 neuroscience news articles from four major newspapers over a six-month period (covering almost a quarter of...
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In 2007, over 560,000 genetic tests were performed in Italy. However, only 70,154 genetic counseling sessions were conducted. Some say that non-directive counseling is necessary so that the patient understands the test results and the different options available and that the physician should not influence the patient's free choice. We need to clari...
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Il seguente articolo ha lo scopo di fornire una visione alternativa alla classica concezione di comunicazione e di consulenza genetica. Infatti, il rapido incremento delle nuove possibilita di conoscenza apre importanti prospettive sul piano diagnostico, preventivo e terapeutico-assistenziale. In primo luogo, noi abbiamo cercato di comprendere il c...
Conference Paper
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The Campus We-Com (Wireless Educational Communities) project was carried out at Campus Bio-Medico University in 2007 and proved the usefulness of wireless networks in University environment to enhance students' learning and to support teachers' work. The ubiquitous availability of wireless network coverage has encouraged communication and informati...
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It’s not usual hearing the word “good-healthcare” in Italy. According to the index of consumer Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI), edition 2008, Italy (with 640 points out of 1,000) ranks the 16th place out of 31 countries. Netherlands is in the ranking with 839 points, followed by Denmark (which won the Diabetes Index 2008), Austria (which had won...
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Premessa: Il cinema può rappresentare un valido strumento di formazione, riflessione e approfondimento. Lo spettatore può immergersi in modo diretto nel cuore di situazioni ed eventi complessi aprendosi a prospettive inedite nella descrizione della realtà; queste caratteristiche ben rispondono alle esigenze di coloro che si confrontano con la malat...
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Il progetto "Campus We-Com" (Wireless Educational Communities), svolto all'Università Campus Bio-Medico nel 2007, ha dimostrato l'utilità delle reti 'senza fili' in ambito universitario per fornire percorsi di apprendimento innovativi agli studenti e strumenti di supporto alla didattica per i docenti. La disponibilità di una copertura 'wireless' in...
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Introduzione I test genetici consistono nell'"analisi dei cromosomi o di altro materiale ereditario, compresi i geni, i loro prodotti o la loro funzio-ne, rivolta ad individuare o ad escludere una modificazione che può associarsi ad una malattia genetica". 1 Questa definizione compren-de anche le indagini volte a stabilire la diagnosi e la prognosi...


Questions (2)
We have made lots of Brochures with health information for our hospital patients but we don't know if they are well written.
We would like to know if our patients like and understand what we have written.
So I'm looking for a validated test to submit to our hospital patients.
DO you know?
I’m the Editor of our University Journal's next volume “MEDIC”: http://www.medicjournalcampus.it/ about FAKE NEWS in Healthcare.
I’m looking for 2 authors that want to write a short paper (from 5 to 10 pages) about fake news in healthcare.
For this volume of our journal there are NO FEE of publication.
The deadline is 15th of May 2018.
If you need further information you can write me: c.pensieri@unicampus.it
Thank you very much and have a nice day
Claudio Pensieri


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