Claudio Luis Correa

Claudio Luis Correa
University of Concepción · Departamento de Zoología


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Publications (74)
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ABSTRACT Computed microtomography is an important tool for understanding the natural history of species using biological collections. Here we report the first dietary data of Alsodes cantillanensis Charrier, Correa, Castro & Méndez, 2015. Using this technique, we found remains of Diplopoda and Coleoptera in the digestive tract of a male from the ty...
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El clado Leiosaurinae está compuesto por especies de lagartos poco conocidas y endémicas de la región austral de Sudamérica. Su morfología altamente conservada ha limitado el conocimiento taxonómico y la comprensión de la diversidad e historia evolutiva de este linaje. Pristidactylus es el género con mayor número de especies dentro de la subfamilia...
In this work, we update and increase knowledge on the severity and extent of threats affecting 57 populations of 46 amphibian species from Chile and Argentina in southern South America. We analyzed the intrinsic conservation problems that directly impact these populations. We shared a questionnaire among specialists on threats affecting target amph...
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Climate change is projected to be the most extensive human-induced disturbance to occur on natural ecosystems, inducing changes in different biodiversity features including the evolutionary history of a region through the decline and loss of its phylogenetic diversity. Amphibians, given their ectothermic life cycle and critical conservation status,...
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Lizards of the genus Pristidactylus distribute in southern South America (Chile and Argentina). In Chile, there are four endemic species (P. alvaroi, P. torquatus, P. valeriae and P. volcanensis) that distribute in the central-south zone of the country. We performed a Bayesian analysis with the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b to assess the phylogen...
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The presence of a species of the genus Alsodes is confirmed on the Isla Grande de Chiloé, southern Chile, with morphological and phylogenetic evidence. The species was identified as Alsodes valdiviensis, registered in the vicinity of the city of Castro, which extends its geographical distribution by 157 km to the south of the southernmost populatio...
RESUMEN Se reporta por primera vez la depredación de un adulto de rana chilena (Calyptocephalella gayi) por la garza cuca (Ardea cocoi), evento que se registró en video. La observación se realizó en el verano de 2021 en una laguna ubicada en una zona perturbada por la ganadería. Este registro se añade a la escasa información acerca la depredació...
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Eupsophus insularis inhabits a small island in the southeast Pacific, and its natural history is unknown. The species is listed as Critically Endangered based on its restricted distribution, i.e., an island under ongoing habitat deterioration. We assessed the distribution, habitat requirements, density, diet, and threats of the species with the aim...
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Telmatobius halli was the first representative of its genus to be described exclusively for Chile, yet for 85 years no new individuals could be located due to the vagueness with which its type locality was described. The type series was collected by one of the members of the International High Altitude Expedition to Chile (IHAEC) of 1935. Recently,...
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We report for the first time the predation of an adult Chilean frog (Calyptocephalella gayi) by the Cocoi heron (Ardea cocoi), an event that was recorded in video. The observation was made in the summer of 2021 in a pond located in an area disturbed by livestock farming. This record adds to the scarce information about predation on Chilean frog, pa...
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For 80 years, there were no sightings of the Andean frog, Telmatobius halli , due to the ambiguity with which its type locality was described (“warm spring near Ollagüe”, northern Chile). The type specimens were collected during the International High Altitude Expedition to Chile (IHAEC) in 1935 and were subsequently described in 1938. In 2018 and...
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Background The causes of geographic variation of body size in ectotherms have generally been attributed to environmental variables. Research in amphibians has favored mechanisms that involve water availability as an explanation for the geographic variation of body size. However, there are few studies at intraspecific level on amphibians that inhabi...
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Telmatobius halli Noble, 1938 was the first representative of its genus to be described for Chile, but for 80 years no new individuals could be located due to the vagueness with which its type locality was described. The type series was collected by one of the members of the International High Altitude Expedition to Chile (IHAEC) that took place in...
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The family Gymnophthalmidae is one of the most speciose lineages of lizards in the Neotropical region. Despite recent phylogenetic studies, the species diversity of this family is unknown and thus, its phylogenetic relationships remain unclear and its taxonomy unstable. We analyzed four mitochondrial (12S, 16S, Cytb, ND4) and one nuclear (c-mos) DN...
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Darwin's frogs Rhinoderma darwinii and Rhinoderma rufum are the only known species of amphibians in which males brood their offspring in their vocal sacs. We propose these frogs as flagship species for the conservation of the Austral temperate forests of Chile and Argentina. This recommendation forms part of the vision of the Binational Conservatio...
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The genus Alsodes is the most diverse amphibian taxon of southern Andes, where a series of endemic species occur from north to south (∼33° to 48°30′S), mainly on the western slopes (Chile), with little overlap of geographic ranges. In this study, we describe a new population of Alsodes from the western slopes of the Andes (Fundo El Rosario, 36°52′S...
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Binational Conservation Strategy fro Darwin's frogs
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The genus Eupsophus (ground frogs) inhabits exclusively the temperate forests of southern South America (Chile and Argentina). The current delimitation of the genus was reached in the late 1970s, when only two species were recognized, but since then the number of described species steadily increased, reaching a maximum of 11 by 2012. Subsequent stu...
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La manipulación con fines científicos de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales chilenas se debe realizar previa autorización del SAG y de Comités de Bioética institucionales. Obtener dichas autorizaciones es cada vez más complejo; los trámites no se adecúan al quehacer científi co ni al conocimiento sobre el efecto de la manipulación en l...
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RESUMEN La manipulación con fi nes científi cos de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales chilenas se debe realizar previa autorización del SAG y de Comités de Bioética institucionales. Obtener dichas autorizaciones es cada vez más complejo; los trámites no se adecúan al quehacer científi co ni al conocimiento sobre el efecto de la manipul...
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High Andean environments of central Chile (32°–38°S) are inhabited by several endemic species of the genus Alsodes . Two of them, A.pehuenche and A.hugoi , have geographic distributions restricted to their type locality and surroundings. The Chilean government classifies A.pehuenche as Critically Endangered (like the IUCN) and A.hugoi as Vulnerable...
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Liolaemus audituvelatus (Núñez Yáñez 1983) and L. manueli (Núñez, Navarro, Garín, Pincheira-Donoso Meriggio 2003) are endemic species of the Atacama Desert of northern Chile that belong to the montanus group. Both species are considered cryptic from each other and can only be distinguished by their distribution ranges and karyotypes. Originally, th...
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Zootaxa 4438 (2): 283-298 Abstract Liolaemus audituvelatus (Núñez & Yáñez 1983) and L. manueli (Núñez, Navarro, Garín, Pincheira-Donoso & Meriggio 2003) are endemic species of the Atacama Desert of northern Chile that belong to the montanus group. Both species are considered cryptic from each other and can only be distinguished by their distributio...
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Este libro es un resultado de un proyecto de Fondo de Protección Ambiental del Ministerio del Medio ambiente, que fue realizado entre el 2014-2017. Se describe el monitoreo de dos especies de anfibios altoandinos: Alsodes montanus y A. tumultuosus que habitan en la zona central de Chile.
Phylogenomic approaches offer a wealth of data, but a bewildering diversity of methodological choices. These choices can strongly affect the resulting topologies. Here, we explore two controversial approaches (binning genes into "supergenes" and inclusion of only rapidly evolving sites), using new data from hyloid frogs. Hyloid frogs encompass ∼53%...
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One of the most characteristic and abundant amphibian taxa of South American temperate forests is Eupsophus. The ten currently recognized species of the genus have been divided in two species groups, roseus and vertebralis, but most of them, eight, belong to the roseus group. Recent phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies have suggested that speci...
Compilation of localities of the genus Eupsophus (including Fig A). (DOCX)
Examples of intrapopulation variation of diagnostic characters frequently used in the taxonomy of the Eupsophus roseus group. (DOCX)
Graphical results of the analysis ABGD. (DOCX)
Kimura two-parameter distances among the seven candidate species (CSs) obtained with mPTP and relaxed ABGD analyses. (DOCX)
Bioacoustic studies (including Table B). (DOCX)
Geographic distribution overview of the Eupsophus roseus group. (DOCX)
Additional examples of phenotypic external variation in two new populations of Eupsophus roseus. (DOCX)
Biological material used to obtain DNA sequences in this study and GenBank accession numbers. (DOCX)
Taxonomic overview (including Table A). (DOCX)
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The taxonomy and systematics of Andean frogs of the genus Telmatobius have been considered complex, due mainly to the high levels of inter and intraspecific variation in morphological characters. Recently, Cuevas (2013) revalidated the species T. laevis Philippi 1902, which was originally described from two syntypes (one currently lost) collected i...
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La tasa de declinación de anfibios a nivel global se ha incrementado notablemente en los últimos cuarenta años. Las principales causas de esta declinación son la introducción de especies invasoras, destrucción de hábitat, enfermedades emergentes y el cambio climático. Nuevas aproximaciones tales como la genética de la conservación han permitido foc...
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Ten years have elapsed since the last general synthesis of the state of knowledge of amphibians of Chile was published. During this period there have been numerous contributions to the knowledge of these organisms and implemented actions aimed at their conservation. The aim of this paper is to describe the progress in different scientific areas and...
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Este trabajo resume algunos objetivos y resultados de dos proyectos de conservación de anfibios altoandinos que se llevaron a cabo en la Región Metropolitana y Región de O´Higgins. Se presentan antecedentes de la historia natural de dos especies: Alsodes tumultuosus y A. montanus.
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Based on morphological and molecular evidence (mitochondrial and nuclear sequences) we describe a new species of spiny-chest frog, Alsodes cantillanensis, from central Chile (around 34 degrees S). The type locality, Quebrada Infiernillo, is located in the Coastal Range at approximately 65 km from Santiago (Metropolitan Region), the capital of Chile...
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The amphibian genus Telmatobius is a diverse group of species that inhabits the Andes. This study analysed the phylogenetic relationships of 19 species described from the central Andes of Chile and Bolivia, and 12 undescribed populations of Chile. A molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA 16S and cytochrome b shows that the Chilean species b...
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The amphibian genus Telmatobius is a diverse group of species that inhabits the Andes. This study analysed the phylogenetic relationships of 19 species described from the central Andes of Chile and Bolivia, and 12 undescribed populations of Chile. A molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial DNA 16S and cytochrome b shows that the Chilean species b...
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The Mediterranean zone of central Chile (30° to 38°S) is one of the 25 diversity hotspots in the world. However, there are few phylogeographic studies which identify the factors that have influenced population diversification in the fauna of this area. In this study, we investigated the phylogeographic structure of Rhinella arunco, an anuran endemi...
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Delimiting the spatial extension of a hybrid zone is essential to understand its historical origin and to identify the geographical and/or environmental factors which delimit it. Rhinella atacamensis and R. arunco are two sister species which together inhabit Chile between 25° and 38° S. Their distribution limits coincide at about 32° S, where rece...
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Rhinella atacamensis and Rhinella arunco are sister species which, together, are distributed from 25°S to 38°S in Chile. Until recently they were considered to be allopatric, with the dividing line around 32°S, but in 2007 a possible zone of secondary contact was found in the Estero Pupío (32°S). We investigated the species status of adult individu...
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The presence of Alsodes pehuenche in Chile was reported in the year 2010, based on the observation of larvae near the Chilean-Argentinean border, about 3 km east of the northeast corner of the Laguna del Maule (Region del Maule, Chile). The taxonomic history of this species dates from 1965, with the re-discovery of Telmatobius montanus (which was l...
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The use of nondestructive methods for obtaining DNA from amphibians (e.g. buccal swabs) allows genetic studies to be performed without affecting the survival of the studied individuals. In this study, we compared two methods of nondestructive DNA sampling, buccal swabs and interdigital membrane or toe-clipping, in several amphibian species of diffe...
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The genus Drimys is distributed in Chile from semi-arid zones to sub-Antarctic forests; there are three species of this tree, D. andina, D. confertifolia and D. winteri, the latter with varieties chilensis and winteri. Northern populations are found in small disjunct natural refuges, specifically mountain cloud forests and the bottom of ravines. Th...
Recent phylogenetic analyses of Vetigastropoda using DNA sequences suggest that the subfamilies Prisogasterinae and Turbininae form a monophyletic group within the recently redefined family Turbinidae. To verify this systematic arrangement, we describe the spermatozoon ultrastructure of Prisogaster niger, a reproductive anatomical component that ha...
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Protocolo para el control de la diseminación de patógenos que han sido asociados a la pérdida de anfibios a nivel global. El objetivo del manual, es proteger a los anfibios de enfermedades que puedan ser transmitidas involuntariamente por los seres humanos.
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We report a new locality for Telmatobufo bullocki, a critically endangered amphibian endemic of Chile. This newlocation, Los Queules National Reserve, has high relevance on the conservation of this species because is the only knownpopulation in a protected area north of the Bío Bío River, situated in a region deeply modified for forestry and agricu...
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The current study reports five new localities of the four-eyed frog Pleurodema thaul (Lesson, 1827) in the extreme north of its distribution (27° to 30° S) in the desertic and semidesertic ravines of Chile, including an increase in its altitudinal range up to 3125 m.
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The southern part of the Altiplano of the Andes Range is characterized by a complex hydrography, due to an intense geologic activity and the effects of the Pleistocene glaciations. This has produced a high degree of diversity at the species level in some aquatic taxa (e.g., fish and amphibians), which suggests that these same processes have produce...
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We record for the first time arboreal habits in amphibians from the temperate rainforests of southern South America. In April 2006 we collected an individual of Eupsophus calcaratus at 16 m height, in a large Eucryphia cordifolia tree of old-growth forest of Chiloé Island, southern Chile. This species was considered until now as a terrestrial speci...
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NOTA First record on an amphibian in the canopy of temperate rainforests of southern South America: Eupsophus calcaratus (Cycloramphidae) Primer registro de un anfibio en el dosel del bosque templado del sur de Sudamérica: Eupsophus calcaratus (Cycloramphidae) SUMMARY We record for the first time arboreal habits in amphibians from the temperate rai...
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Este es el primer registro de hábitos arbóreos en una especie de anfibio de los bosques templados del sur de Sudamérica. En abril de 2006 fue colectado un individuo de Eupsophus calcaratus a 16 m de altura, en un gran árbol de la especie Eucryphia cordifolia en bosques antiguos de la Isla de Chiloé. Hasta ahora, esta especie era considerada como un...
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The main objective of the present study was to define more precisely the distributional range of R. atacamensis by reviewing all its recorded localities cited in the literature, as well as adding the new discoveries from 2007. We also present photographic material to demonstrate how human activities have altered the habitat of the species, particul...
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Robinson Crusoe Island, located 670 km west of the coast of central Chile, is characterized by a high number of endemic and introduced species of plants and animals. This island lacks native amphibians or reptiles, but somewhat more than 30 years ago the toad Pleurodema thaul, native to continental Chile, was introduced. The coast of central Chile...
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Most Chilean amphibians belong to the subfamily Telmatobiinae (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Several phylogenetic studies of Leptodactylidae and Telmatobiinae, based principally on morphological characters, have implicitly suggested closer relationships of some species of the Telmatobiinae with members of other subfamilies of leptodactylids, including t...