Claudia Pouls

Claudia Pouls
Openbaar Psychiatrisch Zorgcentrum Rekem | OPZCREKEM · Knowledge Centre Forensic Psychiatric Care



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KeFor is a forensic knowledge centre founded by the psychiatric hospital in Rekem (Belgium). KeFor conducts, initiates and coordinates scientific research within the various forensic projects in Flanders in close cooperation with experts and scholars in Belgium and abroad.
September 2005 - July 2009
KU Leuven
Field of study
  • Criminology


Publications (30)
Background: The ARMIDILO-S is advocated as a promising tool for assessing dynamic risk factors in sex offenders with intellectual disabilities (SOIDs). However, research remains scarce. The present study aimed to further validate this instrument in SOIDs. Method: The study prospectively followed 38 SOIDs for up to one year to test the accuracy of t...
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Forensic mental health experts play a crucial role in criminal responsibility evaluations. However, the quality of these assessments has at time come under scrutiny and has been heavily criticized. A literature review revealed significant differences between countries concerning legal frameworks and procedures for conducting these assessments. The...
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De federale overheid (FOD) Volksgezondheid heeft KeFor en CRDS de opdracht gegeven om onderzoek te doen naar de personen met een interneringsstatuut die moeilijkheden ondervinden om aangepaste zorg te vinden1 (vanaf hier hebben we het over ‘residuele geïnterneerden’) en formuleerde drie onderzoeksvragen: 1. Op welke manier verloopt de doorstroom va...
Purpose. Risk assessment studies involving recidivism in sex offenders with intellectual disabilities (SOIDs) continue to be scarce, limited and producing mixed results. The present study sought to test the ability of one such instrument (the Static-99R) to predict intramural sexual and violent incidents involving members of this group. Design/meth...
In this book edited by Benjamin Mine an overview is given concerning recidivism data in Belgium. This chapter specifically focuses on the group of NGRI offenders ("internees").
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De dienst Gedragswetenschappen van de Federale Politie werd begin oktober 2015 aangesteld in opdracht van toenmalig Staatssecretaris Mevrouw Elke Sleurs van Gelijke Kansen en van het Instituut voor de Gelijkheid van Vrouwen en Mannen (IGVM) om een rapport te maken over het gebruik van risicotaxatie-instrumenten in het kader van de preventie en best...
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Le service des Sciences comportementales de la Police fédérale a été chargé début octobre 2015 par Mme Elke Sleurs, alors Secrétaire d'État à l'Égalité des chances, et par l'Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes (IEFH) d'élaborer un rapport sur l'utilisation des instruments d'évaluation des risques dans le cadre de la prévention et de la...
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Luik 1 – residentieel categoraal: In samenspraak met een expertengroep werden door de overheid criteria geformuleerd om kwaliteitsvolle categorale residentiële forensische geestelijke gezondheids-zorg te waarborgen. Vanuit het Steunpunt Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Gezin werd gevraagd dit referentiekader te concretiseren op basis van input vanuit de...
Violence is a common phenomenon both in regular and forensic psychiatric settings, and has a profound impact on staff and other patients. Insight into the individual risk factors associated with violence in forensic psychiatric settings is rare and is therefore the subject of this research. A retrospective file study in three medium security units...
Sinds oktober 2016 is er een nieuwe interneringswet van kracht. Deze wet tracht de kwaliteit en eenvormigheid van het deskundigenonderzoek te garanderen via een verplicht te gebruiken format. Om de nodige uitvoeringsbesluiten te kunnen opstellen, werd door Minister van Volksgezondheid Maggie De Block aan het Kenniscentrum Forensisch Psychiatrische...
Under Belgian law, offenders not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI) are committed by the courts to forensic mental health treatment. The use of violence risk assessment tools has become routine in these settings. However, there are no national statistics regarding violence risk assessment in the Belgian forensic population. A study was undertaken...
Structured risk assessment has become part of routine practice in forensic settings. However, little attention has been paid to the clinical applicability of existing tools. The present research focused on the performance of the Historical Clinical Risk Management-20 (HCR-20) – one of the most commonly used tools for structured professional judgmen...
Patients with psychopathy need intensive care and supervision. There is however reluctance to treat them because of (supposedly) limted chances of success and risk of therapy-interfering behavior. This study focused on inpatient disruptive behavior in mentally disordered offenders during medium security treatment. Patients (N D 224) were assessed u...
Le Double Diagnostic est un concept clé pour la prise en charge des personnes déficientes intellectuelles. Cependant, ce concept a encore peu été investigué dans le champ médicolégal. Si ces patients présentant une déficience intellectuelle sont souvent considérés comme un groupe homogène, les résultats des études mettent en évidence une diversité...
Background: One of the most extensively tested risk assessment instruments in offenders with an intellectual disability (OIDs) is the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG). The purpose of this prospective study was to test the ability of this instrument to predict institutional aggression in OIDs. Method: VRAG scores were collected for 52 OIDs, a...
Le Double Diagnostic est un concept-clé pour la prise en charge des personnes déficientes intellectuelles. Cependant, ce concept a encore été peu investigué dans le champ médico-légal. Si ces patients présentant une déficience intellectuelle sont souvent considérés comme un groupe homogène, les résultats des études mettent en évidence une diversité...
BACKGROUND According to article 21 of the current Belgian law regarding the protection of society, the ministry of Justice can transfer a convicted prisoner to the Commission for the Protection of Society if that prisoner develops a severe mental illness in the course of a prison sentence. The proposed abolition of this article is raising concerns...
BACKGROUND According to article of the current 8elgian law regarding the protection of sooety. the ministry of Justice can transfer a convicted prisoner to the Commission for the Protection of Society if lhat prisoner develops a severe mental illness In the course of a prison sentence. The proposed abolition of this article is raising concerns in p...
Since the development of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG), one of the most widely used actuarial risk assessment instruments, numerous replication studies have shown its usefulness in predicting (violent) recidivism among various offender populations. It is not clear, however, whether these findings can be generalized to forensic psychiatri...
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Research on risk assessment and risk management in offenders with intellectual disabilities (OIDs), although far behind compared to the mainstream offender literature, is now expanding. The current review provides an overview of the predictive value of risk assessment and treatment outcome monitoring tools developed for both mainstream forensic pop...
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Recidivism rates for forensic medium security patients (‘internees’) in Flanders are lacking. The current article discusses recidivism rates in a medium security population under the authority of the Commission of the Protection of Society (CPS) Ghent. The research consisted of two studies. In the first study, recidivism was based on official convi...
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Psychopathy is one of the strongest predictors of future offending and is often included as an important item in structured risk assessment tools. Recent research recognizes the importance of psychopathy in offenders with intellectual disabilities (OIDs). This study presents data on the clinical utility of the Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (PCL–R)...
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A lot has been written about the prediction of recidivism within ‘mainstream’ forensic samples and there has been a general agreement concerning risk factors and valid risk assessment instruments. This interest has recently been extended to the field of offenders with intellectual disabilities (oid). In the current study, the Dutch version of the v...


Question (1)
In Belgium, we're working on standards in forensic mental health care (high/medium/low security, ambulatory services). To do this, we are checking the literature and best practices in other countries. More specifically, we are searching for (national) standards, which appears to be difficult to find (due to different terminology). Can someone help me with this?


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