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Claudia Maturana

Claudia Maturana
Millenium Institute of Antarctica and Subantarctic Ecosystem

PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Postdoc researcher at BASE Millenium Institute and Cape Horn International Centre


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I am an evolutionary biologist interested in biogeography, evolutionary history and ecology of high latitudes organisms, in particular freshwater and marine invertebrates. I have a PhD focused on understanding the macro and micro-evolutionary processes that underlie the current distribution of freshwater biota in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. I am also working in the release of biodiversity occurrence information through digital platforms.
Additional affiliations
August 2020 - August 2020
Genomic Antarctic Biodiversity (GAB)
  • Researcher
  • Determine rhythms and trends in the diversification of genetic lineages of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic freshwater invertebrates. To evaluate past population dynamics during Quaternary glacial cycles using molecular data and identify potential refuge areas.
September 2019 - present
IEB Chile - Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity
  • Research Assistant
  • Research in Ecology and Evolution of freshwater biota from high latitudes. Laboratory manager of Molecular Ecology Laboratory (Dr. Elie Poulin).
March 2015 - July 2020
University of Chile
  • PhD Student
  • Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in Science Faculty from Universidad de Chile under the direction of Dr. Elie Poulin (UChile) and Dr. Peter Convey (BAS) and Dra. Jennifer Jackson (BAS).
March 2015 - July 2020
University of Chile
Field of study
  • Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
March 2008 - November 2011
University of Chile
Field of study
  • Biological Sciences


Publications (45)
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Despite increasing awareness of the threats they pose, exotic species continue to arrive in Antarctica with anthropogenic assistance, some of which inevitably have the potential to become aggressively invasive. Here, we provide the first report of the globally cosmopolitan species Psychoda albipennis (Diptera, Psychodidae; commonly known as moth fl...
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Metazoans comprise multiple physical niches (“microenvironments”), each colonized by unique microbiomes that contribute to their hosts’ evolutionary dynamics, influencing their health, physiology, and adaptation to changing environments. Most wildlife microbiome studies focus on higher metazoans and multiple host microenvironments, while studies of...
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The terrestrial fauna of Antarctica consists of a limited number of species, notably insects, small crustaceans and other micro-invertebrates. Over long periods of evolutionary isolation, these organisms have developed varying degrees of tolerance to multifaceted environmental stresses. Recent molecular biogeographical research highlights the endur...
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How the near-shore marine benthic communities survived Quaternary glaciations in Antarctica is a major question for Southern Ocean biogeographers. Several hypotheses that consider life-history traits, such as bathymetric ranges and developmental modes, have been proposed. Near-shore species with high dispersive potential are expected to show star-l...
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We report the first record of the microlepidopteran Plodia interpunctella beyond the South Shetland Islands at the Chilean Yelcho scientific station (64°52′33.1428″ S; 63°35′1.9572″ W), Doumer Island, close to the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is notable that P. interpunctella , a globally distributed stored product pest species, exhibi...
During the 2022/2023 austral winter, large swarms of Trichocera (Saltrichocera) maculipennis Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Trichoceridae), were observed around house roofs in Puerto Williams (Navarino Island, southern Chile, 54° S). In January 2023, the presence of this species was also confirmed in Punta Arenas (53° S), with specimens collected within th...
The marine gastropod genus Laevilitorina is exclusive to the Southern Hemisphere, with 21 species from southern South America, Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, and sub-Antarctic Islands. We present a comprehensive revision of Laevilitorina, using molecular and morphological analyses, to address formally the interspecific divergences within the n...
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The present dataset is a compilation of georeferenced occurrences of the littorinid genus Laevilacunaria Powell, 1951 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Southern Ocean. Occurrence data were obtained from field expeditions (Antarctic and sub-Antarctic sampling) between 2015 and 2022, together with a review of published literature including records from 1...
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El archipiélago Diego Ramírez se encuentra en el Mar de Hoces (Paso de Drake), al suroeste del Cabo de Hornos. Es considerado el punto más austral de la Provincia Magallánica y se caracteriza por su influencia oceánica y exposición al oleaje. Recientemente se estableció el Parque Marino Diego Ramírez-Paso de Drake para proteger la biodiversidad y l...
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Antarctica, its outlying archipelagoes and the Magellanic Subantarctic (MSA) ecoregion are amongst the last true wilderness areas remaining on the planet. Therefore, the publication, citation and peer review of their biodiversity data are essential. The new Millennium Institute Biodiversity of Antarctic and Subantarctic Ecosystems (BASE), a Chilean...
This database compiles occurrences of different taxa of marine and freshwater invertebrate species recorded from 2008 to 2023 in the Subantarctic regions, including the Magellanic region, the Cape Horn Reserve Biosphere, the sub-Antarctic islands of South Georgia and Kerguelen, the west and east coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Shetland...
Se presenta un conjunto de registros de moluscos intermareales (hasta aproximadamente 1 m de profundidad), colectados en campañas primaverales en Isla Gonzalo (Archipiélago Diego Ramírez). El juego de datos corresponde a 53 morfoespecies de las clases Polyplacophora, Gastropoda y Bivalvia.
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Quaternary glaciations severely altered landscape/seascape at high latitudes and had major consequences on species geographical ranges, population sizes, genetic differentiation and speciation rates. The Magellan province in southern South America, constitutes an interesting area to evaluate the effect of glaciations over near-shore marine benthic...
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Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the contemporary distribution of Antarctic terrestrial biota. We assess whether the current distribution of maritime Antarctic populations of the freshwater copepod Boeckella poppei is the result of (1) a post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization, or whether (2) the species survived in regional g...
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Littorinid snails are present in most coastal areas globally, playing a significant role in the ecology of intertidal communities. Laevilitorina is a marine gastropod genus distributed exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, with 21 species reported from South America, the sub-Antarctic islands, Antarctica, New Zealand, Australia and Tasmania. Here...
Aim The Antarctic Circumpolar Current imparts significant structure to the Southern Ocean biota. The Antarctic Polar Front is a major barrier to dispersal, with separate species (or sometimes intraspecific clades) normally occurring either side of this feature. We examined the biogeographic structure of an apparent exception to this rule in a wides...
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Aim We investigated evolutionary relationships and biogeographical patterns within the genus Boeckella to evaluate (1) whether its current widespread distribution in the Southern Hemisphere is due to recent long-distance dispersal or long-term diversification; and (2) the age and origin of sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Boeckella species, with particu...
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Two species of scallop, Austrochlamys natans (“ Ostión del Sur ”) and Zygochlamys patagonica (“ Ostión patagonico ”) are presently exploited in the southern part of the Magallanes Province (MP). The lack of clarity in taxonomic identification and ecological aspects is generating both erroneous extraction statistics and an unperceived harvesting pre...
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Members of the trochoidean genus Margarella (Calliostomatidae) are broadly distributed across Antarctic and sub-Antarctic ecosystems. Here we used novel mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences to clarify species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships among seven nominal species distributed on either side of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). Mole...
This data is in the framework of the following entitled paper: "Unveiling the unknown phylogenetic position of the scallop Austrochlamys natans and its implications for marine stewardship in the Magallanes Province"
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El cambio climático global afecta a todas las regiones del planeta, pero hay zonas geográficas que son especialmente vulnerables en el corto plazo. Entre estas regiones, Magallanes sobresale, especialmente la ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes (47° S-56° S) 1. Esta ecorregión presenta singularidades ecosistémicas y ecológicas tales como sus gran...
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Environmental conditions were particularly severe during the Last Glacial Maximum, altering the distribution of the Southern Hemisphere biota, particularly at higher latitudes. The copepod Boeckella poppei is the only macroscopic continental invertebrate species known to be distributed today across the three main biogeographic regions in Antarctica...
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An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems contribute a tiny proportion of the area of the continent and host an impoverished and often cryptic biota. In recent years it has been realized that much of this biota is unique to the continent, carrying signals of its evolutionary radiation on multi-million-year timescales, some even pre-dating the final breakup...
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Biological connection between sub-Antarctic and Antarctic regions through two crustaceans: Boeckella poppei and Halicarcinus planatus
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Copepods are present in numerous aquatic environments, playing key roles in food webs, and are thought to be useful indicators of environmental change. Boeckella is a calanoid copepod genus distributed mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, with 14 species reported at higher southern latitudes in South America and Antarctica. We present an updated data...
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Antarctic and Subantarctic lakes are unique ecosystems with relatively simple food webs, which are likely to be strongly affected by climate warming. While Antarctic freshwater invertebrates are adapted to extreme environmental conditions, little is known about the factors determining their current distribution and to what extent this is explained...
La separación de la fauna antártica y subantártica es profunda, antigua y afectó a la mayoría de los organismos acuáticos. Existe un aislamiento de varios millones de años entre poblaciones de especies de algas e invertebrados marinos codistribuidas en ambos lados del paso Drake. Sin embargo, aún existen vestigios de esa antigua conexión. En los úl...
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The Quaternary brought numerous cycles of ice sheet extension and contraction across the Antarctic continent, resulting in major disruption of terrestrial habitats and the extinction of diverse taxa. Currently there are two main hypotheses to explain the present-day occurrence of freshwater biota in Antarctica: 1) recent colonization from lower lat...
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One of the most relevant characteristics of the extant Southern Ocean fauna is its resiliency to survive glacial processes of the Quaternary. These climatic events produced catastrophic habitat reductions and forced some marine benthic species to move, adapt or go extinct. The marine benthic species inhabiting the Antarctic upper continental shelf...
Number of private alleles by locus for locality. (DOCX)
Bayesian analysis results of Sterechinus neumayeri from structure. A) Boxplot for the assignment of individual genotypes for K = 1 to K = 5; B) Graph that shows the variation of the mean Ln probability of data. (TIF)
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Broadcasting is the predominant spawning behavior among benthic marine invertebrates, mainly associated with planktotrophic and planktonic lecitotrophic development. Broadcasting allows genetic mixing that should contribute to increase the genetic diversity of a female clutch. Conversely, in brooding species characterized by protected development,...
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The purpose of PROTEKER** is to create a coastal ecological and genetic observatory. In the current context of climate changes, variations of sea level and marine biodiversity (extinction, shifts, replacements, invading species) will concern the Southern Islands, especially the coastal benthic communities. Kerguelen Islands, situated at the norther...
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Restricted geographic distribution and low genetic diversity of the brooding sea urchin Abatus agassizii (Spatangoidea: Schizasteridae) in the South Shetland Islands: A bridgehead population before the spread to the northern Antarctic Peninsula? Distribución geográfi ca restringida y baja diversidad genética en el erizo incubante Abatus agassizii (...
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Restricted geographic distribution and low genetic diversity of the brooding sea urchin Abatus agassizii (Spatangoidea: Schizasteridae) in the South Shetland Islands: A bridgehead population before the spread to the northern Antarctic Peninsula? Distribución geográfi ca restringida y baja diversidad genética en el erizo incubante Abatus agassizii (...
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Accurate species identification remains a basic first step in any study of biodiversity, particularly for global changes and their consequences. Thus, there is a pressing need for taxonomic expertise in a broad range of taxa. DNA barcoding has proved to be a powerful alternative method to traditional morphological approaches, allowing to complement...


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