Claudia HövenerRobert Koch Institut | RKI · Unit 28: Social Determinants of Health
Claudia Hövener
Dr. PH, MSc
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February 2010 - present
Publications (210)
Zu den Aufgaben des öffentlichen Gesundheitsdiensts (ÖGD) gehört neben dem Gesundheitsschutz der gesamten Bevölkerung die Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention insbesondere für sozial benachteiligte Gruppen mit besonderen Unterstützungsbedarfen, um gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit zu fördern. In diesem Artikel gehen wir der Frage nac...
Background. Obesity’s negative impact on young people’s health has long been known. The family and its socioeconomic position (SEP) are key determinants in adolescent obesity. However, understanding which familial determinants explain the association remains limited. Method. The analyses are based on data from the “German Health Interview and Exami...
Combining the frameworks of fundamental causes theory and diffusion of innovation, scholars had anticipated a delayed COVID-19 vaccination uptake for people in lower socioeconomic position depending on the socioeconomic context. We qualify these propositions and analyze educational differences in COVID-19 vaccination status over the first ten month...
Germany is the second most common country of immigration after the US. However, people with own or familial history of migration are not represented proportionately to the population within public health monitoring and reporting. To bridge this data gap and enable differentiated analyses on migration and health, we conducted the health i...
Einleitung: Analysen der langfristigen Entwicklung der Suizidmortalität setzen konsistente Zeitreihen voraus. Ob externe Faktoren wie der Wechsel der ICD-Versionen oder die Überführung des Statistiksystems der DDR in das der BRD 1990/91 zu methodisch bedingten Zeitreihenbrüchen geführt haben könnten, ist bislang unbekannt. Dies würde Analysen der z...
Hintergrund: Gesundheitliche Chancengerechtigkeit (Health Equity) ist ein erklärtes Ziel von Public Health. Zur Verbesserung von gesundheitlicher Chancengerechtigkeit ist ein institutionalisiertes System zur Beobachtung und Berichterstattung gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit (Health Equity Monitoring, HEM) essentiell. Ziel eines HEM ist es 1) gesundhei...
Mental health is essential for overall health and is influenced by different social determinants. The aim of this paper was to examine which determinants are associated with mental health inequalities among people with selected citizenships in Germany.
Data were derived from the multilingual interview survey “German Health Updat...
In der COVID-19-Pandemie waren Alleinerziehende und ihre Kinder durch die Eindämmungsmaßnahmen und aufgrund oftmals geringer Ressourcen in besonderem Maße Belastungen ausgesetzt. Es wird analysiert, inwieweit sich zum Ende der Pandemie Unterschiede in der sozialen und gesundheitlichen Lage von Kindern und Jugendlichen in...
Background: The living situation of single parents is often characterised by sole responsibility for family and household, problems in reconciling work and family life, and a high risk of poverty. In a comparative perspective with parents in partner households, the health of single mothers and fathers was analysed, considering differences in their...
Combining the frameworks of fundamental causes theory and diffusion of innovation, scholars had anticipated a delayed COVID-19 vaccination uptake for people in lower socioeconomic position depending on the socioeconomic context. We qualify these propositions and analyze educational differences in COVID-19 vaccination status over the first ten month...
In der Frühphase der COVID-19-Pandemie im Jahr 2020 war der Alltag durch die Eindämmungsmaßnahmen des ersten Lockdowns vergleichsweise stark eingeschränkt, während die SARS-CoV-2-Inzidenzen noch gering ausfielen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert soziodemografische und sozioökonomische Gruppen im Hinblick auf die Beein...
Die im Aufbau befindliche Panelinfrastruktur Gesundheit in Deutschland ist auf die Bedarfe der Public- Health-Forschung in Deutschland ausgerichtet. Das Panel wird sich aus umfangreichen probabilistischen sowie nicht-probabilistischen Stichproben zusammensetzen. Mittels dieser Infrastruktur sollen Befragungsdaten, Messdaten und Labord...
The panel infrastructure Health in Germany, which is currently being set up, is geared towards the needs of public health research in Germany. The panel will consist of extensive probability and non-probability samples. This infrastructure will be used to collect survey data, measurement data and laboratory data to describe the health si...
Research suggests that children of low-educated parents face greater health burdens during the passage from adolescence to young adulthood, as they are more likely to become low-educated themselves, establish behav-ioural and psychosocial disadvantages, or being exposed to unhealthy working conditions. However, studies examining the development and...
The utilisation of outpatient dental services is an important indicator for monitoring healthcare provision in Germany. In the general population, the 12-month prevalence of dental service utilization is 82.2 %. For refugees, this indicator has hardly been measured, although studies suggest an objectively high need for dental care.
Komplexe Gesundheitsherausforderungen erfordern agile Netzwerke. Das Konsortium ÖGD-FORTE zielt auf den Aufbau und die Etablierung neuer Strukturen und Prozesse zwischen Public-Health-Forschung und ÖGD-Praxis ab, um die nachhaltige Anwendung relevanter Forschungsmethoden zur Bearbeitung von Forschungsfragen zu ermöglichen und den Wi...
Health chances and risks of people with a history of migration vary according to a wide range of social, migration-related as well as structural factors. Aim of this contribution is to describe the health of people with selected citizenships living in Germany on the basis of various health indicators from the field of non-communicable di...
Few studies have investigated health inequalities among young workers. The objectives of this study are to assess the extent of health inequalities in a sample of job starters and to explore the contribution of job demands and organisational factors.
We analyze data from the BIBB/BAuA Youth Employment Survey 2012. The cross-secti...
Studien zur psychischen Gesundheit, vor allem mit Berücksichtigung von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte, sind oftmals nicht hinreichend. Innerhalb dieses Beitrags wurde daher untersucht, welche Determinanten mit der psychischen Gesundheit von Menschen mit ausgewählten Staatsangehörigkeiten assoziiert sind.
Die Analysen basie...
Einleitung: Die Gesundheit von Menschen mit (und ohne) Migrationsgeschichte variiert nach einer Vielzahl sozialer Determinanten. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die gesundheitliche Lage von Menschen mit ausgewählten Staatsangehörigkeiten (StaAng) unter Berücksichtigung relevanter Einflussfaktoren.
Methoden: Die Auswertungen basieren auf D...
The number of suicide deaths as well as suicide rates has been declining since about 1980, both in Eastern and Western Germany (but has stagnated since about 2007). At the same time, the mean age of suicide deaths has increased by about seven years. This raises the question of what role population aging plays in these trends.
Rassismus und Diskriminierung als soziale Determinanten der Gesundheit stehen auch in Deutschland zunehmend im Fokus der Public-Health-Forschung. Studien zeigen Zusammenhänge mit physischer und psychischer Gesundheit bis hin zu Veränderungen auf zellulärer Ebene auf. Neben den gesundheitsschädigenden Effekten interpersoneller und di...
Hintergrund. Gesundheitliche Chancen und Risiken werden durch eine Vielzahl
von Faktoren beeinflusst. Der Beitrag zielt darauf ab, die Gesundheit von Menschen
mit ausgewählten Staatsangehörigkeiten anhand nichtübertragbarer Erkrankungen
(chronische Krankheit oder lang andauerndes gesundheitliches Problem allgemein,
koronare Herzkrankheit, Diabetes...
Objective: To evaluate the socioeconomic patterns of SARS-CoV-2 antigen contacts through infection, vaccination or both ("hybrid immunity") after 1 year of vaccination campaign.
Methods: Data were derived from the German seroepidemiological Corona Monitoring Nationwide study (RKI-SOEP-2; n = 10,448; November 2021-February 2022). Combining serologi...
Einleitung Evidenz zu sozioökonomischer Ungleichheit im SARS-CoV-2-Serostatus in späteren Pandemiephasen ist rar, kann aber zur Identifizierung von sozial ungleich verteilten Risiken für schwere COVID-19-Verläufe und Ansatzpunkten für Prävention beitragen. Diese Analyse untersucht sozioökonomische Unterschiede in SARS-CoV-2-Antigenkontakten durch I...
Objective: To evaluate the socioeconomic patterns of SARS-CoV-2 antigen contacts through infection, vaccination or both ("hybrid immunity") after 1 year of vaccination campaign. Methods: Data were derived from the German seroepidemiological Corona Monitoring Nationwide study (RKI-SOEP-2; n = 10,448; November 2021-February 2022). Combining serologic...
It is not only the risks of SARS-CoV‑2 infection and severe to fatal courses of the disease that are socially unequally distributed, but also job and income losses as a result of the containment measures. People with a history of migration are at increased risk of being affected by such indirect socio-economic effects of the pandemic...
The COVID-19 vaccination is a key measure to contain the pandemic. It aims to restrict new infections and to reduce severe courses of the disease. This paper examines the influence of various social determinants on COVID-19 vaccination status.
The analyses are based on data from the study German Health Update (GEDA 2021), a...
The health situation of people with a history of migration is influenced by a variety of factors. This article provides an overview of the health of people with selected citizenships using various indicators.
The analyses are based on the survey 'German Health Update: Fokus (GEDA Fokus)', which was conducted from November 20...
According to the definition of the German Federal Statistical Office, about every fourth person living in Germany has a so-called migration background (MB), i.e., the person or at least one of their parents was born without German citizenship. However, MB has been defined differently in many studies. Also, the MB summarises people in d...
the COVID-19 vaccination offers protection against severe disease progression. Data show that people with a history of migration are less likely to be vaccinated against COVID-19 than people without a history of migration, but are at increased risk of infection.
Data were used from the GEDA Fokus interview survey (November 2...
Key messages
Summarizing categories, such as migration background or history of migration, do not reflect the diversity and heterogeneity of the population living in Germany and their health.
A differentiated description of the health situation of people with a history of migration should consider migration-related, social, and structural determina...
Children's overweight is strongly associated with family socioeconomic position (SEP) and family characteristics (FC). There is limited research on the extent to which FC account for a socioeconomic gradient in childhood overweight. This study examined whether FC explain SEP differences in the prevalence of overweight. The study used baseline data...
Research shows that there is an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in migrants and ethnic minorities. However, increasing evidence indicates that socio-economic factors, such as employment, education and income, contribute to the association between migrant status and SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study aimed to examine the associatio...
Germany has a long history of migration. In 2020, more than every fourth person had a statistically defined, so-called 'migration background' in Germany, meaning that the person or at least one of their parents was born with a citizenship other than German. People with a history of migration are not represented proportionately to the p...
Hintergrund: Regionale Deprivationsindizes erlauben, Zusammenhänge zwischen sozialer Benachteiligung und
Gesundheit mit Daten zu analysieren, die selbst keine Information über die sozioökonomische Position der Individuen
enthalten. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Revision des German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD) vor
und präsentiert b...
Regional deprivation indices enable researchers to analyse associations between socioeconomic disadvantages and health outcomes even if the health data of interest does not include information on the individuals' socioeconomic position. This article introduces the recent revision of the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD)...
In der Public-Health-Forschung ist Migration als eine Determinante von Gesundheit zunehmend in den Fokus gerückt. Verantwortungsvolle Forschung in diesem Bereich setzt eine antidiskriminierende Vorgehensweise in der Durchführung, Berichterstattung und Ergebnisdissemination voraus. Ein diskriminierungssensibler Sprachgeb...
Interpersonal discrimination (disc.) plays an important role for physical and mental health, througoutthe life-course and in particular during adolescence. People can experience disc., e.g. due to their physical appearance or language preferences independently of having a migration background (mb, official statistical category in Germany...
The association between perceived discrimination and mental health in adolescents has been widely documented. Aim of this contribution is to show how the relationship between mental health and perceived discrimination at school, work or job training differs depending on socio-economic or migration-related determinants.
The prese...
Although health inequalities in adolescence are well documented, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Few studies have examined the role of the family in explaining adolescents’ health inequalities. The study aimed to explore whether the association between socioeconomic position and self-rated health (SRH) was mediated by familial...
Social support as a psychosocial resource has a significant impact on health. However, data on the association between social support and subjective health among people with a migration history is scarce. The aim of this analysis was to examine this association among a sample of people with selected citizenships in consideration of socio...
International research shows increased risks for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe disease progression in people with migration history. In Germany, data on this topic is scarce. Aim of this contribution is to examine the association between migrant status and risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and discuss potential explanatory mechanisms.
People with migration history (PMH) are underrepresented within health monitoring at Robert Koch Institute (RKI). To better describe the health status of PHM, the RKI is currently conducting the health interview survey GEDA Fokus with different migrant groups. Aim of this contribution is to present which sub-groups in this sequential mix...
Children's overweight is associated with many factors, including their living situation, in particular their family's socioeconomic position (SEP) and family characteristics. Research on the extent to which family characteristics account for a social gradient in overweight in early life is scarce. This study evaluated whether family char...
The COVID-19 vaccination aims to prevent the transmission of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as to reduce severe courses of the disease and deaths. But various studies indicate social differences in willingness to be vaccinated. This study aims to examine the influence of different social determinants on COVID-19 vaccination i...
Germany has a long history of migration. In 2020, more than 1 person in every 4 people had a statistically defined, so-called migration background in Germany, meaning that the person or at least one of their parents was born with a citizenship other than German citizenship. People with a history of migration are not represented proportio...
Fragestellung Gab es über 15 Jahre nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung Unterschiede in den personalen Ressourcen bei den um 1989 geborenen Kindern und Jugendlichen zwischen Ost und West? Wie haben sich die Unterschiede dieser „Wendegeneration“ in der Folge entwickelt?
Methode Daten der KiGGS-Studie aus den Jahren 2003–2006 und 2014...
In 2020, there were about 9,200 deaths by suicide in Germany, which was just under 1% of all deaths. Significant regional differences in suicide mortality exist. In 1990, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia had the highest suicide rates; Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland the lowest. The study examines whether the...
Approximately every fourth person in Germany has a migration background. Health research on the use of primary and specialist health care in this group is still scarce. Few studies have suggested a difference in the use of primary and specialist health care among people with a migration background. Potential resources and barriers to hea...
Germany has become an important immigration country and health services need to adopt to meet the needs of an increasingly multicultural population. For public health planning, it is essential to understand the aetiology of health problems among migrant populations. The main objective was to systematically identify, evaluate and synthesi...
Although health inequalities in adolescence are well documented, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Few studies have examined the role of the family in explaining the association between the family’s socioeconomic position and adolescents’ self-rated health. The current study aimed to explore whether the association between socioec...
Evidence on the relationship between socioeconomic position (SEP) and infections with SARS-CoV-2 is still limited as most of the available studies are ecological in nature. This is the first German nationwide study to examine differences in the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infections according to SEP at the individual level.
The ‘CORONA...
Germany is a country of immigration; 27% of the population are people with a migration background (PMB). As other countries, Germany faces difficulties in adequately including hard-to-survey populations like PMB into national public health monitoring. The IMIRA project was initiated to develop strategies to adequately include PMB into public health...
Abstract Background In Germany, different health checks for adults are offered for primary and secondary prevention. Previous findings indicate that preventive care utilization varies according to social determinants, especially migration background. This study examined the extent to which migration background is associated with preventive care uti...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about great changes to the everyday lives of the population in Germany. Social distancing, working from home and other measures to contain the pandemic are essentially dominating everyday life. With data from the CORONA HEALTH App study we analysed the quality of life of the adult population in Germany during the C...
Evidence on socioeconomic inequalities in infections with the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is still limited as most of the available studies are ecological in nature and individual-level data is sparse. We therefore analysed individual-level data on socioeconomic differences in the prevalence and perceived dangerousness of SARS-CoV-2 in...
Eating disorder symptoms (EDs) have been discussed as a prominent problem among late adolescent girls with serious health risks and long-term consequences. However, there is a lack of population-based evidence on EDs comprising the age range from early adolescence to emerging adulthood as well as considering both females and males equall...