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Publications (136)
All over the world, efforts are being made to preserve landscapes facing fundamental change as a consequence of widespread agricultural intensification, land abandonment and urbanization. The 'cultural landscape' and 'resilience' approaches have, until now, largely been viewed as distinct methods for understanding the effects of these dynamics and...
Improving the dynamic relationship between nature and human well-being is a pressing issue of our time. Landscapes embody this tight interconnectedness and serve as unique sustainability learning hubs, showcased by the global rise of place-based and holistic landscape stewardship initiatives. Incorporating these exciting developments, this book exp...
Values are considered an essential but ill-defined element in sustainability transformations. This perspective article explores: What kinds of values guide thinking and action in the context of caring for nature and engaging for landscape sustainability? How do these different values relate to each other? To frame our study, we discuss three basic...
Commonly used pastures have provided great socio-cultural, economic and ecological values across European mountain ranges. Since the last century, under-use is threatening these socio-ecological systems. Preserving common pastures as an integral part of cultural landscapes is the principal objective of the recently established Black Forest Biospher...
Relationships and interactions between humans and their environment play an important role in sustainability transformations. However, their conceptualization remains a big challenge in current social‐ecological research. We propose resonance theory by the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa as a fruitful framework to advance social‐ecological thinking...
What is the role of sustainability science in transforming regional agrifood systems? How can ethical reflection contribute to transformative change, and how can we deal with normativity in this kind of research? This paper reflects on a research project that used creative methods to stimulate ethically informed debates about the future of agricult...
This study explores the understudied role of privately financed ecosystem service provision in biodiversity conservation, focusing on the example of wildflower strips in Germany. Using qualitative methods, it investigates the diversity of private financing schemes, stakeholder involvement, scheme implementation and farmers motivations to engage in...
The urgent need for a fundamental change within agri-food systems, driven by the critical challenge of surpassing planetary boundaries, necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the actors and their roles in transition processes. This study addresses a significant knowledge gap by exploring the dynamics of actor interactions and the multifacete...
Dieses Handbuch für die Praxis ist ein Produkt des Forschungsprojekts Öko-Valuation (oekovaluation.de), in dem es um die Rolle von Werten und Normen für die Transformation des Agrar- und Ernährungssystems ging. Die Veröffentlichung enthält drei Teile. Im ersten Teil werden begriffliche Grundlagen einer Verständigung über Werte gelegt. Im zweiten Te...
Welche Rolle spielen Werte und Normen für die Transformation des Agrar-und Ernährungssystems? Diese Frage wurde im Projekt Öko-Valuation mit Hilfe von Visualisierungsmethoden, Reflexion und Diskussion bearbeitet. Dadurch gelang es, in den beteiligten Bio-Musterregionen ein Gespräch über Werte in Gang zu bringen, bei dem nicht nur instrumentelle, in...
Hybrid intelligence - arising from the sensible, targeted fusion of human minds and cutting-edge computational systems-holds great potential for enhancing the sustainability of agriculture. Leveraging the combined strengths of both collective human and artificial intelligence helps identify and stress-test pathways towards the reconciliation of bio...
Balancing societal demands on forests is a major challenge in current forest management. Small-scale private forest owners are an important ownership group that is rarely addressed directly in this discussion. Our study aims to identify and differentiate between private forest owner groups. Based on this, we take a systemic approach and determine l...
Photovoice is a participatory research method based on participant-led photography and dialogue. It is particularly suited to engaging vulnerable groups to visually document a specific issue that affects their personal lives. Because photovoice is based on images and language alike, it encourages participants to reflect on the issue and elevates ma...
The application of pesticides has been linked with environmental and health hazards. The reduction of pesticides in agriculture constitutes a major policy issue in Europe. The implementation of pesticide free farming systems can make an important contribution to this issue and to the protection of sensitive natural resources. However, under existin...
Social aspects of miscanthus cultivation have been investigated in a limited way in the scientific literature. Adopting existing frameworks for social life‐cycle assessment enables assessments to include numerous social aspects; however, the relevance of these aspects depends on the local context. This study aims to identify the most relevant socia...
The human relationship with nature is a topic that has been explored throughout human history. More recently, the idea of connection to nature has merged as an important transdisciplinary field of study. Despite increased scholarly attention to connection to nature, the notion of disconnection from nature remains undertheorized and understudied.
In this study, we bring together participatory mapping and analysis of geolocated social media content from the Flickr platform in an assessment of similarities and differences in their utility for landscape value elicitation. We do so in a Pan-European context comparing types of landscape values and their spatial patterns across 19 case sites in 1...
Participatory mapping is a useful approach to engage the general public and stakeholders to communicate place-based values, behaviour, preferences and observations. The approach informs social-ecological research and land-use planning. In land-use planning, PPGIS is applicable, for example, in initial phases or for assessing project outcomes. This...
Interview mit Claudia Bieling, durchgeführt von Alban Knecht und Anita Roitner
Adaptive capacity indicates the capacity to cope with and adapt to a disturbance in a complex social-ecological system. Cultural landscapes can be understood as such systems that are confronted with land abandonment and agricultural intensification as key disturbances. However, responses to such cultural landscape loss have not been systematically...
Forest conversion for farming remains an issue of scientific and societal concern due to its growing impacts on biodiversity and climate change. Therefore, scientists and policymakers emphasise the urgent need to find a balance between forest conservation and agriculture. Meanwhile, across tropical Africa, subsistence farmers account for nearly two...
Studying landscape change has taken on increased importance, for instance, in the context of enhancing the sustainable intensification of agricultural production. As sustainability-oriented landscape research necessitates inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, the influence that researchers exert through constructing and applying conceptual bases...
Am Beispiel des Forschungsprojekts ‚Öko-Valuation‘ stellen wir zwei Dilemmata transformativer Nachhaltigkeitsforschung vor: Ein forschungsethisches, das sich aus dem Anspruch des Co-Designs ergibt, und ein praktisches, das aus divergierenden Zielvorstellungen resultiert.
In unserem Forschungsprojekt geht es darum, welche Rolle Werte und Normen für...
Landschaften erfüllen viele Funktionen wie die Natur-/Landschaftserlebnis- und Erholungsfunktion. Für beide ist das Landschaftsbild maßgeblich. Um erhebliche Beeinträchtigungen zu vermeiden bzw. zu kompensieren, wurde die Eingriffsregelung geschaffen. Im Rahmen der Eingriffsregelung wird oftmals eine multifunktionale Wirkung von Kompensationsmaßnah...
This perspective paper synthesises the special issue ‘Human-nature connectedness as a leverage point for sustainability transformation’. Based on the articles in this special issue, we aim to foster the operationalisation of the leverage points perspective to shape human-nature relations to enable sustainability transformations. Specifically, we dr...
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Understanding Food-Related Well-Being in a Diaspora Situation: The Psychological and Social Dimensions
Lubana Al-Sayed, Claudia Bieling
Journal of Refugee Studies, feab069, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrs/feab069
Published: 21 April 2021 Article history
Food and related practices have a substantial im...
Abstract Biodiversity conservation in protected areas requires strict legal limitations to land use. In the Civilian Control Zone (CCZ) of the Republic of Korea (ROK), military control has created an accidental sanctuary for the world's rarest crane species: the white‐naped crane (Antigone vipio) and the red‐crowned crane (Grus japonensis). Yet var...
Migration to a new country generally entails a variety of social and economic adversities, often reflected in food practices. This paper aims to explore the hedonic dimension of well-being in a food context among a diasporic Syrian community in Stuttgart, Germany. A conceptual framework that integrates the three aspects of well-being (hedonic, psyc...
Die virtuelle Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie sondierte Vorteile und Nachteile digitaler Technologien für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Im zweiten Teil des Tagungsberichts nehmen wir hier Landwirtschaft und Ernährung in den Blick.
Policies aimed at sustainable landscape management recognise the importance of multiple cultural viewpoints, but the notion of landscape itself is implicitly assumed to be homogeneous across speech communities. We tested this assumption by collecting data about the concept of “landscape” from speakers of seven languages of European origin. Speakers...
Erschienen in: Soziologie heute, 11. Jg., Oktober, S. 14-17
Rigorous sustainability science includes addressing pressing real-world problems, weaving multiple knowledge systems, and striving for transformative change. However, these key attributes of sustainability science often conflict with university structures and established academic work practices, for instance with regard to frequent long-distance tr...
Die Eigennatur der Corona-Pandemie hat Medizin und Politik herausgefordert ‐ nun heißt es, das Wissensmanagement zu analysieren. Wichtig erscheint uns dabei, die Bedeutung des subjektiven Erlebens der Krise zu berücksichtigen. Aus humanökologischer Sicht besteht Verbesserungsbedarf in der inter- und transdisziplinären Wissensproduktion und -kommuni...
Current sustainability challenges demand approaches that acknowledge a plurality of human–nature interactions and worldviews, for which biocultural approaches are considered appropriate and timely.
This systematic review analyses the application of biocultural approaches to sustainability in scientific journal articles published between 1990 and 20...
Präsentation des Vorhabens beim Kick-off-Treffen des Förderprogramms Ökolandbauforschung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, am 10.5.2020
Landscapes are changing, with rural areas becoming increasingly urbanized. Children and adolescents are underrepresented in the sense-of-place literature. Our study aimed to understand how adolescent residents of a rural–urban transition area perceive and value their urbanizing landscape by examining sense of place and perceptions of landscape chan...
Multifunctional landscapes provide critical benefits and are essential for human well‐being. The relationship between multifunctional landscapes and well‐being has mostly been studied using ecosystem services as a linkage. However, there is a challenge of concretizing what human well‐being exactly is and how it can be measured, particularly in rela...
Die aktuellen politischen Debatten sind geprägt von der Sorge um den Klimawandel (und damit: nachhaltige Entwicklung) und der Hoffnung auf die Digitalisierung. Es liegt daher nahe zu kombinieren: Kann eine ,,digitalisierte Nachhaltigkeit“ oder ,,nachhaltige Digitalisierung“ weiterhelfen?
When integrating power-to-gas (PtG) in the biogas sector (BGS), it is essential to consider how risk is perceived and handled since it influences technology uptake, acceptance, and legitimacy. In this study, we aimed to identify factors that determine how risks are managed in the BGS grounded on stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental...
Agricultural landscapes play an important role in providing different ecosystem services. However, the current trend of land use intensification in Central Europe involves the risk of trade-offs between them. Since cultural ecosystem services (CES) are less tangible, they are often underrepresented in landscape management decisions. To highlight th...
Landscape change and its drivers have been the focus of a growing body of literature in the past years. Our objective is to present different approaches to studying and understanding landscape change. We sketch the way in which different approaches and existing conceptual models are related to spatial scales and epistemological aims, and discuss co...
Improved perceptions towards landscape stewardship, at the local level, could help achieve more sustainable futures. However, little research has been done on the dimensions of landscape stewardship underlying such perceptions. Here we look at the perception of landscape values, place attachment, awareness of the adverse consequences human action m...
Many Japanese and European landscapes harbor biocultural diversity that has been shaped by human agency over centuries. However, these landscapes are threatened by widespread land abandonment, land-use changes, and urbanization. The aim of this study is to use a “solution scanning” method to identify place-based food networks in Europe and Japan th...
For landscape research to function in a democratic landscape governance, it must achieve two things. One, it must integrate stakeholder perspectives at multiple steps of the research process, and two, it must effectively communicate its knowledge and insights. Citizen science can be described as the involvement of the public in the scientific proce...
Cultural landscapes evolve over time. However, the rate and direction of change might not be in line with societal needs and more information on the forces driving these changes are therefore needed.
Filling the gap between single case studies and meta-analyses, we present a comparative study of landscape changes and their drivin...
The design of effective responses to safeguard cultural landscape values in Europe needs collaborative action among the stakeholders involved. Despite considerable progress triggered by the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and other initiatives to link landscape science, policy and practice, a joint research–action agenda is still lackin...
Context Human–nature interactions are reflected in the values people assign to landscapes. These values shape our understanding and actions as landscape cocreators, and need to be taken into account to achieve
an integrated management of the landscape that involves civil society.
Objectives The aim of this research was to increase the current knowl...
Improving the dynamic relationship between nature and human well-being is a pressing issue of our time. Landscapes embody this tight interconnectedness and serve as unique sustainability learning hubs, showcased by the global rise of place-based and holistic landscape stewardship initiatives. Incorporating these exciting developments, this book exp...
Improving the dynamic relationship between nature and human well-being is a pressing issue of our time. Landscapes embody this tight interconnectedness and serve as unique sustainability learning hubs, showcased by the global rise of place-based and holistic landscape stewardship initiatives. Incorporating these exciting developments, this book exp...
The dearth of socio-perceptual information on urban green spaces is not only limiting for ecosystem service research, but also for effective planning and management of these spaces. Previous studies have assessed perceived CES at single urban parks or across wider spans in rural areas but citywide coverage is missing. This paper explores perception...
Cultural ecosystem services, such as aesthetic and recreational enjoyment, as well as sense of place and local identity, play an outstanding role in the contribution of landscapes to human well-being. Online data shared on social networks, particularly geo-tagged photos, are becoming an increasingly attractive source of information about cultural e...
Obwohl Transdisziplinarität inzwischen in der Forschungspraxis in aller Munde ist, bleibt häufig noch in vielerlei Hinsicht unklar, wie ein transdisziplinärer Anspruch tatsächlich eingelöst werden kann. Denn der Forschungsansatz verschließt sich einfachen Blaupausen und Patentrezepten und muss in jedem konkreten Fall immer wieder neu definiert und...
Over the past decades, landscapes worldwide have experienced changes (e.g., urbanization, agricultural intensification, expansion of renewable energy uses) at magnitudes that put their sustainability at risk. The understanding of the drivers of these landscape changes remains challenging, partly because landscape research is spread across many doma...
SUMMARY While multiple studies have identified land managers’ preferences for agri-environmental schemes (AES), few approaches exist for integrating different understandings of landscape stewardship into the design of these measures. We compared and contrasted rural land managers’ attitudes toward AES and their preferences for AES design beyond 202...
Taking into account the perceptions of locals as well as visitors to La Plana de l'Empordà, a region in Girona (Spain) undergoing an agricultural intensification process, this study attempts to explore the linkages between agricultural landscapes and human well-being by performing open, single-question interviews with 241 respondents. The results s...
Taking into account the perceptions of locals as well as visitors to La Plana de l’Empordà, a region in Girona (Spain) undergoing an agricultural intensification process, this study attempts to explore the linkages between agricultural landscapes and human well-being by performing open, single-question interviews with 241 respondents. The results s...
We develop a landscape stewardship classification which distinguishes between farmers’ understanding of landscape stewardship, their landscape values and land management actions. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with small-holder (< 5 acres), medium-holders (5-100 acres) and large-holders (> 100 acres) in South West Devon, UK. Themat...
We develop a landscape stewardship classification which distinguishes between farmers’ understanding of landscape stewardship, their landscape values, and land management actions. Forty semistructured interviews were conducted with small-holder (< 5 acres), medium-holders (5–100 acres), and largeholders (> 100 acres) in South-West Devon, UK. Themat...
The European Landscape Convention is based on an understanding of landscapes as the product of the interactions of nature and culture over time. It recognises their contribution to human wellbeing and states that the accelerating rate of change in landscapes is a particular challenge for landscape policy and management. Landscapes are both a measur...
Landscapes are closely linked to human well-being, but they are undergoing rapid and fundamental change. Understanding the societal transformation underlying these landscape changes, as well as the ecological and societal outcomes of landscape transformations across scales are prime areas for landscape research. We review and synthesize findings fr...
Nonmaterial benefits related to ecosystems, termed cultural ecosystem services (CES), are the least understood element of the now widely applied ecosystem services framework. Providing an inductive view on CES, this paper presents a hermeneutical in-depth analysis of 14 short stories in which local residents articulate their thoughts on life in the...
Classical conservation approaches focus on the man-made degradation of ecosystems and tend to neglect the social-ecological values that human land uses have imprinted on many environments. Throughout the world, ingenious land-use practices have generated unique cultural landscapes, but these are under pressure from agricultural intensification, lan...
Ecosystem Services Research Group: This short version of the policy paper is based on findings of the research project 'Market-Based Instruments for Ecosystem Services' (2009-2013) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (funding code: FKZ 01UU0904A-D). The project is managed jointly by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Scie...