Claude Bouchard

Claude Bouchard
Pennington Biomedical Research Center · Human Genomics Laboratory



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My research focuses on the genetics of obesity and its comorbidities, as well as on the genetics of adaptation to regular exercise in terms of cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors.
May 1977
University of Texas at Austin
Field of study
  • Population genetics
May 1963
University of Oregon
Field of study
  • Exercise physiology
May 1962
Université Laval
Field of study
  • Physical education


Publications (1,732)
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Macronutrient intake, the proportion of calories consumed from carbohydrate, fat, and protein, is an important risk factor for metabolic diseases with significant familial aggregation. Previous studies have identified two genetic loci for macronutrient intake, but incomplete coverage of genetic variation and modest sample sizes have hindered the di...
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The concentrations of high- and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides are influenced by smoking, but it is unknown whether genetic associations with lipids may be modified by smoking. We conducted a multi-ancestry genome-wide gene–smoking interaction study in 133,805 individuals with follow-up in an additional 253,467 individuals. C...
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There is evidence from human twin and family studies as well as mouse and rat selection experiments that there are considerable interindividual differences in the response of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and other cardiometabolic traits to a given exercise programme dose. We developed this consensus statement on exercise response variability fol...
Both short and long sleep are associated with an adverse lipid profile, likely through different biological pathways. To provide new insights in the biology of sleep-associated adverse lipid profile, we conducted multi-ancestry genome-wide sleep-SNP interaction analyses on three lipid traits (HDL-c, LDL-c and triglycerides). In the total study samp...
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Background Recent studies have begun to identify the molecular determinants of inter-individual variability of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in response to exercise training programs. However, we still have an incomplete picture of the molecular mechanisms underlying trainability in response to exercise training. Objective We investigated baseli...
Reproducibility of serum metabolite concentrations from assays obtained from two samples drawn 15-min apart in TIMES (n = 11). SD: Standard Deviation; TE: Technical Error defined by the within-subject standard deviation calculated from repeated measurements; CV: Coefficient of variation derived from the technical error and the measurement mean, exp...
Baseline skeletal muscle metabolites levels for each of the three groups in TIMES. Data are mean ± standard deviation (SD) and skewness. ET: Continuous endurance training; HIIT: High-intensity interval training; CO: Control. There were no significant differences between arms. P-values from ANOVA one-way were adjusted by false discovery rate (Benjam...
Summary of serum and skeletal muscle metabolites supported by all 3 levels of evidence and related pathways associated to MPO gains in response to ET and HIIT in TIMES. MPO: Maximal power output; ET: Continuous endurance training; HIIT: High-intensity interval training. (DOCX)
Mean ± standard deviation of the workloads performed during all exercise sessions for both training programs in TIMES. A) Continuous endurance training, (n = 30; B) High-intensity interval training (n = 30). * Difference from 10 min in A or set 1 in B (P < 0.01). (TIF)
Baseline characteristics of participants stratified by the 1st and 3nd tertiles of MPO (W) gains in response to ET and HIIT in TIMES. Data are mean ± standard deviation (SD) and skewness. ET: Continuous endurance training; HIIT: High-intensity interval training; MPO: Maximal power output; HRMAX: Maximal heart rate; ∆: Change Pre to Post interventio...
Heterogeneity of maximal power output (MPO) gains (absolute and relative) in response to continuous endurance training (ET) and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in TIMES. (TIF)
Baseline serum metabolites levels for each of the three groups in TIMES. Data are mean ± standard deviation (SD) and skewness. ET: Continuous endurance training; HIIT: High-intensity interval training; CO: Control. There were no significant differences between groups. P-values from ANOVA one-way were adjusted by false discovery rate [50]. LTData lo...
Intrinsic cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is defined as the level of CRF in the sedentary state. There are large individual differences in intrinsic CRF among sedentary adults. The physiology of variability in CRF has received much attention, but little is known about the genetic and molecular mechanisms that impact intrinsic CRF. These issues were...
Background and aims: High concentrations of low density lipoprotein (LDL) triglycerides have been associated with prevalent angiographic coronary artery disease. The present analysis was designed to investigate the association of LDL triglycerides with cardiovascular mortality and to explore possible mechanisms that may link LDL triglycerides to c...
We investigated the associations between steroid hormones and resting and exercise blood pressure in the sedentary state and in response to an exercise program controlling for sex, body mass, ethnicity, age, oral contraceptives, hormone therapy, smoking and alcohol intake in subjects from the HERITAGE Family Study. In the sedentary state, 267 men (...
Background: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified several genes associated with obesity. The mechanisms through which these genes affect body weight are not fully characterized. Recent studies suggest that eating behavior (EB) traits could be involved, but only a few EB traits were investigated. Objective:This study aimed to inves...
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Background/objectives: Plasma steroid hormone levels vary between men and women, but their associations with BMI and adiposity are controversial. Furthermore, little is known about the role of exercise programs on the relationship between steroid hormones and adiposity. This report evaluates these relationships for plasma levels of adrenal, gonada...
Background and aims: GlycA is a relatively new biomarker for inflammation as well as cardiometabolic disease risk. However, the effect of exercise on GlycA is largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of regular exercise on the inflammatory marker GlycA across seven studies and 14 exercise interventions. Met...
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Heavy alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for hypertension; the mechanism by which alcohol consumption impact blood pressure (BP) regulation remains unknown. We hypothesized that a genome-wide association study accounting for gene-alcohol consumption interaction for BP might identify additional BP loci and contribute to the understand...
Summary of biological description for novel BP loci. Information summary of the nearest genes for blood pressure novel loci. (DOCX)
Study design of SNV x alcohol interactions for BP. Schematic study design of the joint model of SNV main effect and SNV-alcohol consumption interaction; Blood pressure (BP) traits: systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and pulse pressure (PP); Alcohol consumption was defined by two categories: (I) as current drinking...
Description of participating studies. Study descriptions of discovery cohorts (Stage 1) and replication cohorts (Stage 2). (DOCX)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for SBP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in European ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for SBP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in African ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for DBP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in African ancestry. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for SBP (A) and DBP (B) in current drinkers in Asian ancestry. (TIF)
Protein-protein interactions network. In the figure, ellipses in black represent all novel genes; ellipses in red represent novel from EA; squares in blue represent potential novel findings from African ancestry; and triangles in black from correlated-meta. Labeled with A and B free-hand circles are proteins that have two connections, while labeled...
Protein-protein interactions between tankyrase and beta-catenin. Tankyrase (from TNKS gene) and β-catenin (from CTNNB1 gene). (TIF)
Wnt signaling KEGG pathway. TNKS interacts with CTNNB1. (TIF)
Descriptive analyses for discovery data (Stage 1) in current drinkers. Characteristics of blood pressure (BP) in current drinkers (yes or no), within sub-sample of individuals with or without anti-hypertensive (BP Lowering) medications, and in combined samples; SBP, systolic BP; DBP, diastolic BP; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; N,...
Descriptive analyses for blood pressure (BP) stratified by alcohol consumption for discovery data (Stage 1). Characteristics of systolic BP and diastolic BP, after correcting for BP lowering medication and winsorizing observations. (XLSX)
Descriptive analyses for replication data (Stage 2) in current drinkers. Characteristics of blood pressure (BP) within current drinkers (CURD: yes or no), and in alcohol combined samples; SBP, systolic BP; DBP, diastolic BP; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; N, number of individuals; mean, mean levels; SD, standard deviation of mean;...
Demographic statistics for replication data (Stage 2). N, Number of subjects; % Hypertensive, defined whether participants presented: (i) SBP ≥ 140 mm Hg, (ii) DBP ≥ 90 mm Hg, and/or (iii) taking anti-hypertensive medication; Mean, age mean; SD, standard deviation of mean; Min, minimum age; Max, maximum age. (XLSX)
SNVs/genes associated with BP traits in European ancestry. Variants previously reported for blood pressure (BP) in genome-wide association studies. The most significant associated SNVs are shown per gene for each Blood Pressure (BP) trait and alcohol status. Abbreviations: Nb, order number based on genes; SNV, single nucleotide variant; Chr, chromo...
SNVs/genes associated with BP traits in multi-ancestry meta-analysis in combined Stage 1 and Stage 2. Variants previously reported for blood pressure (BP) in genome-wide association studies. The most significant associated SNVs are shown per gene for each Blood Pressure (BP) trait and alcohol status. Abbreviations: Nb, order number based on genes;...
Novel SNVs/genes associated with BP traits for eSNV/eQTL using GTEx. Target genes (Tissues and P-Values). Association findings from European Ancestry (novel) and correlated meta-analysis (novel variants). The annotation of variants was sourced from NCBI dbSNP build 138 (hg19) during the analyses and updated to dbSNP build 150 (hg38) for reporting r...
Data analysis tools and databases. (DOCX)
QQ plots for BP traits for light/heavy drinkers. Meta-analysis distributions of–log10 P-values of observed versus–log10 P-values expected (QQ plots) for light/heavy drinkers (1–7 drinks/week or ≥8 drinks/week) in European ancestry (A) and in African ancestry (B). (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for DBP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in European ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for PP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in European ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Descriptive analyses for replication data (Stage 2) in light/heavy drinkers. Characteristics of blood pressure (BP) within light/heavy drinkers (LHD: 1–7 drinks/week or ≥8 drinks/week), and in alcohol combined samples; SBP, systolic BP; DBP, diastolic BP; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PP, pulse pressure; N, number of individuals; mean, mean levels;...
Characteristics of each study and their genotype data for replication data (Stage 2). Study design, population-based or cohort-unrelated; Principal components used; Other covariates entered in the model; Genotyping platforms; Genotyping calling algorithm; Imputation reference panel; NCBI dbSNP build; Analysis software; Robust or model-based statist...
Novel SNVs/ genes associated with BP traits in multi-ancestry and specific-ancestry meta-combined results. Top significant associated SNVs are shown per gene for each trait and alcohol exposure. (XLSX)
SNVs/genes associated with BP traits in African ancestry. Variants previously reported for blood pressure (BP) in genome-wide association studies. The most significant associated SNVs are shown per gene for each Blood Pressure (BP) trait and alcohol status. Abbreviations: Nb, order number based on genes; SNV, single nucleotide variant; Chr, chromos...
Regional association plots on 16q12. SNV x current drinker interaction for SBP (A), DBP (B), MAP (C) and PP (D) in European Ancestry. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for MAP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in European ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for PP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in African ancestry. Novel loci are highlighted in blue. (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for MAP (A) and PP (B) in current drinkers in Asian ancestry. (TIF)
Descriptive analyses for discovery data (Stage 1) in light/heavy drinkers. Characteristics of blood pressure (BP) in light/heavy drinkers (1–7 drinks/week or ≥8 drinks/week), within sub-sample of individuals with or without anti-hypertensive (BP Lowering) medications, and in combined samples; SBP, systolic BP; DBP, diastolic BP; MAP, mean arterial...
SNVs/genes associated with BP traits for regulatory features using HaploReg and RegulomeDB. Association findings from European Ancestry (novel), African Ancestry (potential) and correlated meta-analysis (novel variants). The annotation of variants was sourced from NCBI dbSNP build 138 (hg19) during the analyses and updated to dbSNP build 150 (hg38)...
QQ plots for BP traits for current drinkers. Meta-analysis distributions of–log10 P-values of observed versus–log10 P-values expected (QQ plots) for current drinkers (yes/no) European ancestry (A) and in African ancestry (B). (TIF)
Regional association plots on 8p23. SNV x current drinker interaction for SBP (A), DBP (B), MAP (C) and PP (D) in European Ancestry; four linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks (see also Fig 1). (TIF)
Manhattan plots of combined Stage 1 and Stage 2 meta-analysis for MAP in current drinkers (A) and in light/heavy drinkers (B) in African ancestry. (TIF)
Characteristics of each study and their genotype data for discovery data (Stage 1). Study design, population-based or cohort-unrelated; Principal components used; Other covariates entered in the model; Genotyping platforms; Genotyping calling algorithm; Quality Control Filters; Imputation reference panel; Number of SNVs (single nucleotide variants)...
Background: Over 200 individual molecular lipid species have been found to reside on high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The effects of exercise on the HDL lipidome profile is unknown. Methods: We examined changes in the HDL lipidome after regular exercise in 20 individuals who completed a 20-week endurance exercise program as part of the HERITAGE Fam...
Genome-wide association analysis advanced understanding of blood pressure (BP), a major risk factor for vascular conditions such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Accounting for smoking behavior may help identify BP loci and extend our knowledge of its genetic architecture. We performed genome-wide association meta-analyses of systolic and dias...
Genome-wide association analysis advanced understanding of blood pressure (BP), a major risk factor for vascular conditions such as coronary heart disease and stroke. Accounting for smoking behavior may help identify BP loci and extend our knowledge of its genetic architecture. We performed genome-wide association meta-analyses of systolic and dias...
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Objective Identify determinants of plasma adropin concentrations, a secreted peptide translated from the Energy Homeostasis Associated (ENHO) gene linked to metabolic control and vascular function. Methods Associations between plasma adropin concentrations, demographics (sex, age, BMI) and circulating biomarkers of lipid and glucose metabolism wer...
Table S7. Differentially Expressed Proteins in the Eif6 Mitochondrial Proteome, Related to Figure 4
Document S1. Supplemental Experimental Procedures, Figures S1–S6, and Tables S1–S6
Table S8. Statistical Analysis of Eif6 Polysomal Microarray Data Compared to WT, Related to Figure 4
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Regular endurance training improves muscle oxidative capacity and reduces the risk of age-related disorders. Understanding the molecular networks underlying this phenomenon is crucial. Here, by exploiting the power of computational modeling, we show that endurance training induces profound changes in gene regulatory networks linking signaling and s...
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Purpose: Physical activity unquestionably maintains and improves health; however, physical activity levels globally are low and not rising despite all the resources devoted to this goal. Attention in both the research literature and the public policy domain has focused on social-behavioral factors; however, a growing body of literature suggests th...
Multiple biological, behavioural and genetic determinants or correlates of obesity have been identified to date. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have contributed to the identification of more than 100 obesity-associated genetic variants, but their roles in causal processes leading to obesity remain largely unknown. Most variants are likely t...
All SNPs that met significance for waist circumference adjusted for BMI in the European only analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for BMI in the European only analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI in the all ancestry analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI in the European only analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for BMI in the all ancestry analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for waist circumference adjusted for BMI in the all ancestry analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: Interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)
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Physical activity (PA) may modify the genetic effects that give rise to increased risk of obesity. To identify adiposity loci whose effects are modified by PA, we performed genome-wide interaction meta-analyses of BMI and BMI-adjusted waist circumference and waist-hip ratio from up to 200,452 adults of European (n = 180,423) or other ancestry (n =...
Methods used for measuring physical activity and definitions of inactive for studies participating in the meta-analyses. (XLSX)
Interaction between the CDH12 locus and physical activity on BMI in the discovery genome-wide meta-analysis (n = 134,767), in the independent replication sample (n = 31,097), and in the discovery and replication samples combined. (DOCX)
Quantile-Quantile and Manhattan plots for the genome-wide meta-analysis results of the SNP main effect adjusting for physical activity (SNPadjPA), interaction between SNP and physical activity, and the joint effect of SNP main effect and SNP×PA interaction (Joint2df) in men and women of European-ancestry combined. (DOCX)
Regional association plots for novel BMI, WCadjBMI or WHRadjBMI loci showing either a genome-wide significant SNP main effect when adjusting for physical activity as a covariate, or a genome-wide significant joint effect of physical activity-adjusted SNP main effect and SNP × physical activity interaction. (DOCX)
Heatmap of P values for the physical activity-adjusted SNP main effect model (PadjPA), the joint model (Pjoint), and the SNPxPA interaction model (Pint). (DOCX)
Genotyping and imputation platforms of the participating studies. (XLSX)
All SNPs that met significance for waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI in the European only analyses for at least one of the approaches tested: interaction, adjusted for physical activity, or jointly accounting for the main and interaction effects. (XLSX)