Clarisse DidelonParis 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University | UNiVPARIS1 · Département de Géographie (UFR08)
Clarisse Didelon
PhD and HDR : Full Professor
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September 2016 - present
September 2006 - August 2016
Publications (79)
À partir d’une présentation des résultats préliminaires de l’enquête GlocalMap (2017), cette communication vise à analyser les perceptions de la gouvernance multiniveau qui s’est construite en France dans le sillage de la construction européenne et de la décentralisation. Il s’agit en particulier de mesurer la diversité sociale des représentations...
To celebrate 30 years of publication, Mappemonde has thoroughly analysed both its paper and electronic archives in order to constitute a database referencing and describing all the images published since 1986. This analysis traces the review’s formal transformation as it became institutionalized, summarizes how the role of images has evolved in geo...
This article presents the quantitative synthesis of mental maps that identify different types of world regions. It is the result of a large-scale survey conducted in 18 countries, based on a sketch map approach. The number, shape, and extension of these vernacular world regions vary according to countries, cultures, and the personal styles of respo...
Les cartes à l’échelle mondiale contribuent à la construction de nos représentations mentales du Monde. Si le rôle des projections a souvent été étudié, le choix plus ou moins contraint de la maille étatique ne contribue pas moins à construire une vision particulière du monde marquée par l’existence de discontinuités au niveau des frontières nation...
Cette communication rend compte de l’ensemble des mobilités d’étudiants inscrits (en 2014-2015) dans des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur publics de la région Haute-Normandie (France) à travers la mobilisation de trois axes de réflexion : l’analyse des origines sociales et géographiques des étudiants relativement au choix des formations s...
The idea that V. Putin’s action is guided by the neo-eurasist ideology is well shared even if it is a subject of debates. The question of the adhesion of Russian population to this project is also at stake, especially in the context of the Ukrainian conflict. Our paper is based on the concept of “low geopolitic” and on analysis methods of mental re...
European Union regional policy includes both competiveness and cohesion objectives that have contradictory consequences for the European territory. In a global perspective, one of EU’s challenges is to maintain or improve its economic and geopolitical rank. This leads the EU to compare itself to other world regions. But the EU is quite an exception...
The EuroBroadMap project1 was designed to elaborate non-Eurocentric visions of Europe in the world. For some, this ambitious research agenda was based on an initial paradox: when one wants to elaborate a non-Eurocentric vision of Europe in the world, they are obliged to define the geographical limits of an object called ‘Europe’ in order to be able...
Concepts of “hard” and “soft” continents
In his book, “l’Invention des continents”, C. Grataloup (2009), proposes the concepts of “hard” (durs) and “soft” (mous) continents that are differentiated by the way they are perceived. In the first ones, one has no hesitation about which world region it is (in Africa, in Europe). In the second ones numerou...
European Union is characterized by a particular ongoing process: its own enlargement. Since 1957 and the foundation of the European Economic Community by six member States (France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), 21 countries entered the Union. The last enlargement occurs in 2007 with the adhesion of Romania and Bulgaria. These d...
Studying representations of the entity called Europe or of the object European Union is a key
issue in political geography. If the diversity of methodological approaches and surveyed public
can appear as an obstacle to any tentative of generalization, the articles in this special issue
of the journal L'Espace politique dedicated to Europe seen from...
This paper aims to describe the overall pattern of flows of international students and to determine the factors that can explain the variation of countries' attractiveness. In a second step, it assesses the position of the European Union as a whole in these flows at the global level. Is the EU strong enough in the global competition to attract the...
The objective of this working paper is to present the solutions explored to build world regionalization in order to compare the position of Europe in the world with the position of other world regions. The main constraint of the exercise is to produce comparable entity or comparable groups of countries in order to describe the resemblances and diff...
The EuroBroadMap project : visions of Europe in the world
Funded by the European commission in the FP7, the EuroBroadMap project aims to determine how the representation of Europe varies around the world, mainly thanks to the analysis to mental maps made by thousands of students in 18 world countries.
Resumo A União Européia parece ser um ator que não pode ser ignorado no processo de mundialização. Se ela aparece como um pólo da tríade, os países que a compõe não podem ser considerados como atores principais quando considerados isoladamente. Além disso seus pesos relativos no mundo em termos de riqueza e de população não cessam de decrescer face...
Resumo O artigo trata da política regional europeia, que emergiu lentamente desde o início da construção europeia em 1957, e que é constituída de diferentes princípios (coesão, equidade territorial, etc.), fundamentados nos ideais de solidariedade entre os territórios e as regiões dos Estados-membros da União Europeia. Apesar dos alargamentos recen...
A questão das fronteiras no interior da União Européia é uma questão ao mesmo tempo sensível e problemática. Sensível porque ela está ligada a escolhas políticas importantes relacionas à sociedade (livre comércio, livre circulação ou fechamento das fronteiras à migração). Problemática porque duas tendências principais e contraditórias perpassam a p...
O artigo aborda a questão das fronteiras no interior da União Europeia reconhecendo que se trata de uma questão ao mesmo tempo sensível e problemática: sensível porque ela está ligada a escolhas políticas importantes relacionadas à sociedade (livre comércio, livre circulação ou fechamento das fronteiras à migração); problemática porque duas tendênc...
Comment l'idée d'Europe émerge-t-elle en même temps que s'affirment les identités nationales et malgré les lignes de fracture d'un territoire européen mal défini ? Quels sont les processus à l'oeuvre dans la construction du territoire européen ? L'aire fonctionnelle de l'Europe ne dessine-t-elle pas un espace plus vaste que l'Europe elle-même ? Cet...
This EuroBroadMap working paper provides a coherent and synthetic vi-sion of the analysis conducted in nearly all the work packages of the Euro-BroadMap project from the social variation in the representation of Europe perspective. It also tries to benet an interdisciplinary approach by having recourse to both sociology and disciplinary elds and bo...
This EuroBroadMap working paper tries to answer the following questions: Which divisions of the world can be drawn based on subjective, objective and normative visions? Do these divisions fit together? Is the EU always involved in the same region of the world? If yes, which neighbouring places belong to the same region as the EU?
This paper proposes a methodology based on fuzzy logic to analyse specific mental maps at world scale. Mental maps at all scales and especially at world scale raise specific issues related to the imprecision of the drawing and uncertainty linked to the object drawn. Here, the sample studied was asked to divide the world in regions. The interpretati...
This eurobroadmap working paper, split in 5 different volumes, presents the synthesis of a large survey launched in 2009 on 9000 undergraduate students from 18 different countries. The volume 1 includes the executive summary, plus elements regarding the five different volumes (references, list of figures, etc). The second one presents the aims and...
Cet article propose une méthodologie basée sur la théorie des sous-ensembles flous afin d'analyser des cartes mentales d'un type particulier et réalisées à l'échelle mondiale. À toutes les échelles, et en particulier à l'échelle mondiale, les cartes mentales soulèvent des problèmes particuliers dans leur analyse du fait de l'imprécision des tracés...
Diplomatic relations between States are a valuable indicator of interactions within the world system. Based on a new and comprehensive database, this article highlights the global hierarchy on the sending and reception of embassies. The role of distance in the choice of diplomatic emissions is highlighted using a logistic model.
This paper proposes a methodology based on fuzzy logic to analyze specific mental maps at world scale. Mental maps at all scales and especially at world scale raise specific issues related to the imprecision of the drawing and uncertainty linked to the object drawn. Here, the sample studied was asked to divide the world in regions. The interpretati...
This eurobroadmap working paper, split in 5 different volumes, presents the synthesis of a large survey launched in 2009 on 9000 undergraduate students from 18 different countries. The volume 1 includes the executive summary, plus elements regarding the five different volumes (references, list of figures, etc). The second one presents the aims and...
La construction de gratte-ciel a des ressorts aussi bien fonctionnels que symboliques. Les gratte-ciel trouvent sens à l’échelle locale, nationale mais aussi à l’échelle mondiale. L’analyse de la diffusion spatio-temporelle de la construction de gratte-ciel met en évidence leurs liens forts avec les contextes économiques et idéologiques et souligne...
The European Union's enlargement process raises the problem of the definition of Europe and its limits, but even more so that of its representations. This paper presents the method and main results of a survey on the representation of Europe by researchers and political representatives involved in European spatial planning in the ESPON programme. I...
vol. 50 / 1-2 | 2010 Firmes, géopolitique et territoires-vol. 1 Quand les firmes divisent le monde-Représentations du territoire-monde sur les sites internet des firmes transnationales When the firms divide the world: Representations of the world territory on the websites of transnational firms Wenn die Firmen die Welt unterteilen ; Darstellung des...
A Vision of Europe.The drawing of Europe by researchers implied in ESPON
The European Union’s enlargement process raises the problem of the definition of Europe and its limits, but even more so that of its representations. This paper presents the method and main results of a survey on the representation of Europe by researchers and political repres...
During the last years, the image of India in the western media is becoming better with a focus on the Indian informatics engineers very well connected in the information society. However, the diffusion of information and communication technologies in India does not follow a specific model that would allow to the larger part of the population and mo...
Le passage à pizza. Un tourniquet partiellement grillagé, aménagé dans une grille qui bloque l’entrée d’un immeuble, suscite la curiosité. Nous ne sommes ni devant la herse d’un vieux château fort, ni devant l’entrée d’un bâtiment carcéral, et encore moins devant la cage d’un animal. Il s’agit en réalité d’un passage à pizza. Lorsque les résidents...
epuis les années 1990 et l'ouverture de son économie sur le monde l'Inde a changé d'image sur la scène internationale. Auparavant le pays évoquait des foules misérables tributaires de la mousson, image à laquelle se surimpose celle d'une « révolution » dans le secteur de l'informatique et des télécommunications qui ferait d'elle le « bureau du mond...
L’alimentation est affaire de milieu naturel, mais aussi de culture. Dans une perspective mondiale, la cartographie de la production de denrées alimentaires (céréales, viandes, produits tropicaux, boissons alcoolisées) et de leur consommation permet de mettre en évidence certains phénomènes à l’œuvre dans la mondialisation, tels que la tension entr...
p>« Europe, méditerranée et tourisme : une place originale et une relation privilégiée », Pierre Beckouche et Philippe Duhamel, in Didelon C., Grasland Cl. Et Richard Y. (dirs.), Atlas de l’Europe dans le Monde, Paris, La Documentation française.</p
p>« Les marges, zones de récréation», Pierre Beckouche et Philippe Duhamel, in Didelon C., Grasland Cl. Et Richard Y. (dirs.), Atlas de l’Europe dans le Monde, Paris, La Documentation française.</p
Si la mondialisation et l'Union européenne ont l'une et l'autre fait l'objet de multiples études, en revanche, la place et le rôle de l'Union européenne dans la mondialisation restent méconnues. Cet atlas, réalisé par une équipe de chercheurs et d'universitaires, permet de les évaluer et d'en saisir les fondements. Il permet aussi de reconsidérer l...
The diffusion of information and telecommunication technologies in developing countries is often considered as a way to reach development and to be integrated within the global market. The distribution of telecommunication infrastructures like Internet connexion shows strong spatial disparities in India strongly similar to the spatial organization...
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Shanghai, 24 août 2005, sous le pilier dort un dragon. Sous quatre niveaux de doubles ou triples voies enchevêtrées, et de quelques passages pour les rares piétons qui oseraient traverser, il dort. Quel chaos s'il se réveillait. Le béton volerait en éclat et les élégantes rangées de jardinières blanches s'éparpilleraient aux quatre vents comme les...
Dans les discours des institutions internationales et nationales les technologies d'information et de communication sont souvent présentées comme un outil pratiquement infaillible pour réduire l'hétérogénéité spatiale et en particulier pour servir de pilier à la croissance des pays en voie de développement. Toutefois, l'observation de la distributi...
Bangalore est devenue la Silicon Valley de l’Inde. Une partie de ses habitants y vit à l’occidentale mais le reste de la population souffre de la croissance spectaculaire de la ville. Face à l’insuffisance des infrastructures, Bangalore devient de moins en moins attractive pour les entreprises internationales.
Le réseau de chemin de fer indien est en pleine rénovation. Le but affiché de ces travaux est de favoriser l'intégration des régions «en retard» à l'espace national. L'étude des modifications du réseau dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Inde montre qu'ils pourraient aussi bien contribuer à améliorer les liens entre les deux régions de Delhi et de Bombay qu'à...
the distribution of telecommunication infrastructures like Internet connexion shows strong spatial disparities in India. But, more than infrastructures themselves, the diffusion of their use have to be studied. Through the example of silk export firms inscriptions on a directory website the spatial organisation of the use of the internet will be de...