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I am currently conducting research on the determinants of eating behaviour in older adults. I have contributed to the development of various strategies, ranging from improving food supply to meal environment to tackle undernutrition in the older population (at home and in nursing home).
I also chair the European Sensory Network (ESN) since 2016.
Publications (147)
“Do it yourself” (DIY) food-based fortification involves adding fortificants into everyday foods. It is a flexible solution that allows older people with reduced appetite to meet their nutritional needs.
The aims of the systematic review are (a) to describe DIY fortified recipes, (b) to evaluate their acceptability, and (c) t...
Dans un plaidoyer pour améliorer le statut nutritionnel des seniors, Dorothée Volkert en 2013 insistait sur la nécessité de former les professionnels médico-sociaux. Dans la lignée de ces recommandations, notre objectif est d’inventorier et d’analyser les formations proposées en France sur l’alimentation des personnes âgées à destination des...
Older people with excess body weight are not spared from undernutrition. They may face appetite decline which may lead to insufficient nutrient intake. They also have a higher risk of developing chronic diseases which may have a negative impact on protein-anabolic pathways. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of undernutrition in ov...
Introduction et but de l’étude
En France, 80 000 personnes bénéficient d’un service de livraison de repas à domicile. Proposé par des collectivités dans le cadre de l’action sociale ou des structures privées, ce service permet aux seniors qui rencontrent des difficultés à cuisiner ou à faire les courses, de rester à domicile. Ce secteur connaît act...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Le vieillissement peut s’accompagner d’une perte d’appétit qui prédispose la personne âgée à une baisse de la prise alimentaire et à la survenue de la dénutrition. Des travaux menés dans notre laboratoire ont montré que 70 à 80 % des personnes âgées dépendantes pour leur alimentation ne couvraient pas leurs besoins nu...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Chez la personne âgée, « bien manger » est largement considéré comme un facteur clef pour préserver son capital santé et prévenir la survenue de maladies liées au vieillissement. Pour autant, il arrive que le vieillissement s’accompagne d’une baisse d’appétit qui prédispose la personne âgée à une baisse de la prise al...
The term ‘culinary dependence’ denotes a situation in which someone delegates all or part of their daily meal-related activities to a third party. The present study aimed to explore nutritional risk among older people (≥65 years) with culinary dependence.
The first survey included 559 people either living at home without help, wit...
Cet article propose de comprendre quelles sont les représentations et pratiques des professionnels exerçant en Établissement d’hébergement pour personne âgée dépendante (EHPAD) afin de mettre en place des actions qui engagent le résident dans l’acte alimentaire. La démarche d’engagement dans l’acte alimentaire n’est pas seulement souhaitée p...
Objective. In this study, we focus on elderly people (≥70 years old) benefiting from a home delivery meal service as part of a social welfare program. We aimed to: (i) assess the gap between the recommended and actual nutritional intake in this population and (ii) study the relationship between the intake of nutrients and the variables characterizi...
Introduction et but de l’étude
De nombreuses recommandations et politiques de santé publiques visent à lutter contre la dénutrition du sujet âgé. Force est de constater que les chiffres restent encore importants et élevés avec plus de 70 % de la population dépendantes à domicile ou en établissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées Dépendantes (EH...
Background: Setting up a home-delivered meal service often allows older people suffering from physical and/or cognitive disabilities to stay at home. However, older people who delegate their food activities (food purchasing, cooking…) have been reported to have a worse nutritional status than people who take care of their food activities. In this c...
The aging process is associated with physiological, sensory, psychological, and sociological changes likely to have an impact on food intake and the nutritional status. The present study aimed to explore the heterogeneity of the French older population (>65 years old) using a multidisciplinary approach. More specifically, the study aimed to highlig...
La survenue d’incapacités physiques ou cognitives peut conduire une personne âgée à déléguer certaines tâches de la vie courante à un aidant. Si la mise en place d’aides permet le maintien à domicile et est fortement plébiscitée par les seniors, la perte d’autonomie constitue néanmoins un élément de rupture dans sa vie d’une pe...
Très peu d’études se sont intéressées aux typologies de consommation alimentaire au cours de vieillissement. Nous synthétisons ici 3 analyses transversales réalisées chez les seniors inscrits à la cohorte NutriNet-Santé. Ces analyses confirment la diversité des habitudes alimentaires chez les seniors en France. L’analyse du comportement alim...
The knowledge of factors determining dietary intake is important to develop targeted strategies to prevent malnutrition and age-related diseases.
: The aim of the present systematic review was to analyze the state of the art regarding the role of social status, cultural aspects and psychological distress on dietary intake in community-dw...
The present study aimed at assessing the feasibility and the effectiveness of a personalized dietary intervention in a meals-on-wheels service through a randomized controlled pilot trial.
Sixty recipients of home-delivered meals (75% of women; 70-97 years old) were recruited and randomly assigned to a control and an experiment...
Chez l’homme, la mise en bouche d’un aliment est l’étape ultime de la chaîne alimentaire et le début du processus de dégradation et de digestion. Avec l’âge, la santé orale évolue et peut parfois rendre l’acte alimentaire difficile. Dans le cadre du projet AlimaSSenS, 107 personnes âgées ont participé à des études qualitatives (groupes de di...
Le vieillissement s’accompagne fréquemment d’une baisse d’appétit et de la prise alimentaire, ce qui prédispose la personne âgée à une perte de poids et augmente le risque de dénutrition. Une des raisons physiologiques expliquant cette baisse de prise alimentaire est la forte dégradation de l’état buccodentaire du sujet âgé rendant l’acte al...
Maintaining eating pleasure as long as possible is one of the determinants that contributes to and encourages good nutrition in the ageing population. Our study aimed to translate, adapt to the context of food and validate the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (which distinguishes anticipatory and consummatory experiences of pleasure)...
A decline in appetite and consequently in food intake is often observed with ageing, particularly in older adults living in nursing homes. Several strategies have been tested in nursing homes to counter this phenomenon. However, the approaches have rarely focused on food improvement, and most studies have assessed the impact of flavor enhancement o...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Bien que l’efficacité des Compléments Nutritionnels Oraux (CNO) ait été prouvée dans de nombreuses situations cliniques, leur utilisation en milieu hospitalier se heurte à des problématiques de prescription, de distribution et d’observance. L’objectif de l’étude était de faire un état des lieux des informations donnée...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Des pesées alimentaires ont montré que 83 % des personnes âgées vivant en Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes (EHPAD) ne mangent pas suffisamment pour couvrir leurs besoins nutritionnels. Ce résultat va de pair avec une prévalence élevée de la dénutrition en EHPAD – 20 à 68 % selon des études...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Parmi les personnes âgées vivant à domicile dépendantes pour leur alimentation, une personne sur deux est dénutrie ou à risque de dénutrition. Les aidants familiaux ou professionnels, qui les accompagnent au quotidien, sont souvent démunis. Dans le cadre de l’étude RENESSENS, l’objectif était de proposer un accompagne...
Le vieillissement est associé à de nombreux changements physiologiques, sensoriels, psychologiques et sociologiques susceptibles d’avoir un impact délétère sur la prise alimentaire et le statut nutritionnel de la personne âgée. La situation est particulièrement préoccupante en institution où une large majorité de personnes âgées ne satisfait...
Background & aims:
Malnutrition in older adults results in significant personal, social, and economic burden. To combat this complex, multifactorial issue, evidence-based knowledge is needed on the modifiable determinants of malnutrition. Systematic reviews of prospective studies are lacking in this area; therefore, the aim of this systematic revi...
The aim of the present research was to explore consumers’ conceptualization of feeling good in relation to food and beverages from a cross-cultural perspective. Participants from 14 countries across 5 continents and covering 10 languages (N = 8325) responded to an online survey including word association and free listing tasks related to feeling go...
Background & aims:
Malnutrition is widespread among older people and related to poor outcome. Reported prevalences vary widely, also because of different diagnostic criteria used. This study aimed to describe prevalences in several populations of older persons in different settings using harmonized definitions.
Available studies within...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Chez l’homme, la mise en bouche d’un aliment est le début du processus de dégradation et de digestion. Avec l’âge, la santé orale évolue. Un aliment difficile à mâcher, à humidifier ou avaler rend l’acte alimentaire difficile. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer le rôle des différents facteurs de santé orale (...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Le vieillissement peut s’accompagner de changements dans la sphère orale tels que la diminution de l’efficacité masticatoire ou encore la dégradation quantitative et qualitative de la salive. Ces changements, peuvent avoir un impact sur la capacité des personnes âgées à dégrader l’aliment, conduisant éventuellement à...
Introduction et but de l’étude
Bien vieillir suppose que soit maintenue le plus longtemps possible une prise alimentaire qui réponde aux besoins nutritionnels du corps vieillissant sans pour autant oublier les besoins hédoniques des personnes. L’avancée en âge amène les personnes à déléguer tout ou une partie des activités culinaires à un tiers. Ce...
Introduction et but de l’étude
S’il existe un certain nombre d’études ayant décrit les consommations alimentaires au sein de la population française dans différentes classes d’âge (eg. étude INCA3, 2017, pour la plus récente), très peu se sont intéressées aux raisons de non-consommation de tel ou tel type d’aliment, et notamment à l’évoluti...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is often associated with feeding difficulties and changes in eating behavior with may lead to malnutrition. In French nursing homes, AD patients may live in special care units that better meet dementia residents' needs. However, meals are often delivered to AD patients by using meal trays coming from central kitchens. This...
Several studies demonstrated that oral health impairment, such as tooth loss or a decrease in salivary flow might lead elderly people to reduce their meat intake. The present study assessed the impact of culinary processes liable to improve meat texture and smooth down meat oral processing, in order to fulfil the oral capacities of elderly people....
We aimed to assess the association between oral health, in terms of its impact on quality of life, and diet quality expressed as adherence to dietary guidelines. We analyzed cross-sectional data from the French NutriNet-Santé general population-based e-cohort (N = 18,263 adults; mean age = 56.5 ± 13.8 years). The main independent variable, oral hea...
The identification of determinants of dietary intake is an important prerequisite for the development of interventions to improve diet. The present systematic literature review aimed to compile the current knowledge on individual functional determinants of dietary intake in community-dwelling older adults.
A systematic search was...
Sensory perception begins before birth and enables us to interpret the biological relevance of stimuli in our near environment. In early life, the senses play a crucial role in informing acceptance and rejection of foods and beverages. Food preferences develop with experience based on associations formed between a foods flavour and the consequence...
Within the context of an aging population, developing products that meet the specific needs of seniors while satisfying their sensory and hedonic expectations becomes a major challenge for the food industry as well as for society. In this chapter, we will describe a methodology following the reverse engineering principle that we have used to improv...
Le vieillissement s’accompagne fréquemment d’une baisse de l’appétit et de la prise alimentaire, ce quiprédispose la personne âgée à une perte de poids et augmente le risque de dénutrition. Des travauxrécents ont montré que moins de 10% des personnes âgées en maison de retraite satisfont à leursbesoins caloriques et protéiques, tandis que 37% conso...
Atteindre un âge canonique de 100 ans avec toutes les fonctions cognitives et physiques de l'âge adulte est le souhait de chacun. Pour autant, avec le vieillissement, l'héritage génétique, les conditions de vie durant la vie adulte et certains accidents de la vie peuvent faire basculer des personnes âgées plus rapidement que d'autres vers la dépend...
Within the context of an aging population, developing products which meet the specific needs of seniors while satisfying their sensory and hedonic expectations becomes a major challenge for the food industry as well as for society. In the present chapter, we will describe a methodology following the reverse engineering principle that we have used t...
Food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. Ageing is often accompanied by oral impairments. Those impairments may impact food perception by changing texture perception and the release of flavor components, which have a significant impact on food acceptab...
In the elderly population, ageing frequently impacts on the different aspects of oral physiology that play a key role in eating behavior. In the context of an aging population, it is crucial to develop a food supply tailored for the elderly people in order to prevent the onset of malnutrition. To meet this challenge, we looked for the concept of "o...
Infancy and old age are two crucial periods in the human life span. During infancy, early exposure to a large variety of flavor and texture plays a key role in shaping food acceptability and later eating habits. In elderly people, food history is one of the major determinants of food choice. In both populations, sensory and oral motor skills are im...
This systematic literature review aims to summarize the existing scientific evidence about the association between a reduced salivary function and food consumption in elderly people.
A validated search strategy in two databases (PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge) was carried out and retrieved papers together with their referen...
Several authors argued that ageing is accompanied by an impairment of olfactory abilities, i.e., the ability to perceive an odour or a taste. However, beyond this overall effect of age on chemosensory abilities, ageing is accompanied by variability in olfactory performance: the decline of odour perception with age is not uniform across odorants nei...
Innovation is widely accepted as one of the keys to being successful. However, companies can innovate and still fail if markets fail to accept the innovation. In most cases, the acceptance of an innovation depends on the innovation itself and also on the product to which it is applied. In this chapter acceptance of different innovations in traditio...
Out-of-home catering services frequently offer consumers the opportunity to choose their foods from among different proposals and/or provide consumers with a variety of food. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of choice and/or variety on food liking and food intake. Fifty-nine normal-weight adults were recruited under the conditi...
Olfaction, olfactory mucosa, enzyme, odorant metabolism, rat, biochemistry
This cross-sectional analysis provides up-to-date information about dietary patterns (DP) and their sociodemographic correlates in European elderly individuals. We studied 6686 enrollees aged 65+ (55% women) in the ongoing French population-based NutriNet-Santé e-cohort. Diet was assessed via three 24 h records. The sex-specific correlates of facto...
In humans, oral food consumption is by far the most important point where food's organoleptic properties can be perceived and can elicit sensory pleasure. It is also the ultimate stage of the food supply chain and the beginning of the food disintegration and digestion process. However, in regard to the influence of ageing on food oral processing, t...
RevueComptes-rendus de congrès "Journée annuelle Benjamin-Delessert, 5 février 2016"
“Bien manger” est un facteur clé du “bien vieillir”. Cependant, “bien manger”, ce n'est pas seulement satisfaire les besoins nutritionnels d'une personne, c'est aussi maintenir le plaisir de manger, une composante essentielle de la régulation de la prise alimentaire. En cela, la personne âgée doit être considérée comme un consommateur à part entièr...
Abstract Very few studies today validate the use of various sensory tools among elderly subjects, although the population is ageing rapidly. This chapter deals with applied sensory assessment in the food sector. It first presents heterogeneity factors in this population: physical and psychological health and dependency, decrease of chemosensory cap...
Several authors showed that providing choice may increase food liking and food intake. However, the impact of choice may be modulated by assortment's characteristics, such as the number of alternatives or their dissimilarity. The present study compared the impact of choice on food liking and intake under the two following conditions: (1) when choos...
The present experiment aimed to explore the interindividual variability in chemosensory abilities among the elderly population. The chemosensory abilities of 559 subjects, aged from 65 to 99 years, were evaluated. Various categories of the elderly, including people who were living at home either without or with assistance, and people who were livin...
In France, in most nursing homes, the composition of menus, the time and the place at which meals are served, the choice of one's place at the table are imposed on residents. Yet, the act of eating cannot be restricted to nutritional and sensory aspects alone. It also includes a psycho-affective dimension, which relates to the context in which the...
Among factors contributing to malnutrition in the elderly, the present study aimed at assessing the impact of food selectivity (also referred as food “pickiness”) on the nutritional status of the elderly. A survey with 559 French people over 65 years old was conducted to collect data on food selectivity, dependency and nutritional status. Food sele...
Current research in psychology suggests that unconscious processes influence a significant proportion of choices and decisions. To study the impact of a non-attentively perceived odour on food choices, we used a priming paradigm. We had previously shown that non-attentively perceived fruity odours could impact food choice intentions (on a menu card...
Présentation orale (résumé de 2 p.)
Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/
Dans le contexte d’une population vieillissante,la dénutrition chez les personnes âgées est devenue une préoccupation majeure de santé publique, en France comme dans la plupart des pays occidentaux (PNNS, 2011). La dénutrition correspond à un déficit des apports nutritionnels, en termes de calories et/ou de nutriments et micronutriments. Sans prise...
Memory plays a central role in food choice and consumption. Most recent studies focusing on food memory and its role in everyday eating and drinking behaviour used a paradigm developed by Mojet and Köster (2002), based on incidental learning of target foods, and an unexpected mem-ory test, demanding recognition of the target. The present work was a...