Cihan Dizdaroglu

Cihan Dizdaroglu
Başkent University · Department of Political Sciences and International Relations



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Publications (45)
Starting from its relations with Greece and the EU, as this chapter demonstrates, Turkey’s relationships with several other countries have been affected by the continuation of the Cyprus problem. As Turkey’s EU membership process is inseparably linked with the Cyprus problem, which is still prevalent at the time of writing, this has caused a waning...
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The persistent conflicts and tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean are among the most complex issues in international relations. Achieving peace and stability in this region is not only of regional but of global importance. This special issue titled “Track II Diplomacy: The Way Out in the Eastern Mediterranean?” deeply explores the current situatio...
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2020 yılının ilk aylarında aniden hayatımıza girip, günlük yaşantımızı alt üst eden COVID-19 pandemisi, sadece insan sağlığını etkilemedi, aynı zamanda küresel ve ulusal düzeyde yaygın ekonomik, siyasi, sosyal, kültürel, çevresel ve sair etkileri oldu, oluyor. Yaşananların farklı boyutlarını ve uzun dönemli etkilerini daha iyi anlayabilmek ve anlam...
This contribution compares the perception of peace of Cypriot youth, who live on the island and in the United Kingdom, and is based on interviews with them. Even though Cyprus has a large diaspora community compared to its population, diaspora studies have been unable to garner attention to the role of the Cypriot diaspora in peacebuilding in their...
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Bu makale Çin’in Doğu Akdeniz bölgesindeki varlığını inceleyerek, Çin dış politikasında yaşanan değişime paralel olarak artan bu etkinin Çin-ABD mücadelesine etkilerini sorgulamaktadır. Çin, dış politikasında her ne kadar farklı bölgeleri önceliklendirmiş olsa da son on yıldır artan şekilde Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde de varlık göstermektedir. Enerji,...
Youth views and their engagement within practices of everyday peace(building) are paramount to fostering peace, despite the deadlocks at the elite level negotiations. This article provides a bottom-up approach that recognizes the agency and potency of youth in ‘everyday peace’ by providing a voice to marginalized Cypriot youth. The semi-structured...
The world has witnessed a proliferation of new modes of conflict in the wake of the Cold War: intrastate civil and ethnic conflicts rather than traditional interstate wars. While the nature and causes of armed conflicts have changed significantly, their devastating impact on people has remained without change. This chapter aims to investigate the r...
Theory of securitisation examines how normal issues are constructed as security issues. Speech-acts of political elites play a crucial role in this construction. With these speech-acts, political elites convince the audience that an issue is an existential security threat and legitimises extraordinary measures against it. On the other hand, desecur...
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Since the start of Turkey’s accession process, Turkey has been perceived as a challenge by the European Union (EU) and its member states, in terms of security. The prevailing atmosphere of economic, social, and political crises in European states over the last few years have contributed to existing distrust with Turkey, as Ankara has also been slow...
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Since the start of Turkey’s accession process, Turkey has been perceived as a challenge by the European Union (EU) and its member states, in terms of security. The prevailing atmosphere of economic, social, and political crises in European states over the last few years have contributed to existing distrust with Turkey, as Ankara has also been slow...
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COVID-19 pandemisi tüm ülkeleri sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik, sağlık, güvenlik vb. alanlarda farklı düzeylerde ancak çoğunlukla olumsuz olarak etkiledi. COVID-19 pandemisinin farklı boyutlardaki etkileri son dönemin en popüler konuları arasındaki yerini korurken, bu çalışma pandeminin siyaset, medya ve gerçeklik ötesi topluma etkilerini konu edinmekte...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all countries at different levels, but mostly negatively, in areas such as in realms social, political, and economic, as well as in terms of health and security. While the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in different dimensions remain among the most popularly discussed topics of the recent period, this study focu...
The youth leadership in those organizations and political actions was essential to galvanizing the youth to step up against apartheid policies. Before examining the youth leadership in conflict response, it is important to define the highly controversial concept of 'youth'. Thus it is important to focus on youth leadership in the country's past, pr...
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This policy report, prepared through the Istanbul Political Research Institute (IstanPol), examines Turkish foreign policy by focusing on ongoing conflicts in which Turkey is involved. This report focuses specifically on conflicts relating to Libya, Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan-Armenia, Ukraine, Greece, and Cyprus, since these have recently become more...
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Tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVID-19 ülkelerin sağlık sistemleri başta olmak üzere, ulusal, bölgesel ve uluslararası boyutta ekonomik, sosyal ve güvenlik sorunlarını da beraberinde getirdi. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerin tamamının tüm bu sorunları ilk elden deneyimlemesi sorunun daha görünür hale gelmesini sağladı. Gelişmiş ülkelerin tamamı bu sor...
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COVID-19 has initiated a cascade of economic, social, and security problems at the national, regional, and international levels. Most urgently, it has overwhelmed the health systems of many countries. Since developed and developing countries alike have experienced these problems, they are globally visible. While developed countries have been focusi...
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Youth is the generation that builds social trust and social cohesion in their respective communities through their activities, dialogue and engagement in their daily lives. In order to understand youth demands, the periodic investigation of youth attitudes and trends is critical to observe any shifts in hopes for the future, perceptions towards the...
Technical Report
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This briefing draws on the main findings of the ‘Moving Beyond Soliloquy: Youth Perceptions on Politics, Peace and Inter-Communal Contacts’ policy report, which was jointly published by the PRIO Cyprus Centre and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Both the report and this briefing detail the findings of telephone surveys conducted simultaneously in Cyprus b...
Technical Report
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Bu politika notu PRIO Kıbrıs Merkezi ve Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) tarafından ortaklaşa yayımlanan ‘Kendi Kendine Konuşmanın Ötesine Geçmek: Siyaset, Barış ve Toplumlararası İletişim Üzerine Gençlerin Algıları’ başlıklı politika raporunun temel bulgularına dayanmaktadır. Hem rapor hem de bu politika notu, Kıbrıs’ta her iki toplumun ana dillerin...
Technical Report
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Αυτό το ενημερωτικό έγγραφο βασίζεται στα κύρια ευρήματα της έκθεσης πολιτικής «Moving Beyond Soliloquy: Youth Perceptions on Politics, Peace and Inter-Communal Contacts» (Πέρα από τον μονόλογο: Οι αντιλήψεις των νέων για την πολιτική, την ειρήνη και τις διακοινοτικές επαφές), η οποία δημοσιεύθηκε από κοινού από το Κυπριακό Κέντρο του Διεθνούς Ερευ...
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The goal of this paper is not to predict who will win the presidential election in the North but, rather, to discuss the extent to which the election affects the prospects for a solution in Cyprus. Accordingly, the paper begins by offering a brief outline of the current state of negotiations, followed by a discussion of the top candidates’ politica...
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Across the world, youth have faced marginalization or exclusion by adults, causing young people to frequently feel devalued or ignored. There is a constant hesitancy to include the wider public—including youth and women—in peace processes. The Cypriot youth have also endured, and they continue to face challenges in voicing their opinions during dec...
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Dünya genelinde Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplinine yönelik çalışmalara paralel olarak Türkiye’de de disiplinin geçirdiği dönüşüm ve Türkiye’nin bilgi üretimine katkılarına yönelik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Özellikle bu konulardaki çalışmalara veri sağlamak amacıyla 2007 ve 2009’da doğrudan Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi (UİK) tarafından, 2011,...
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Çatışma çözümü, çatışmaların yapıcı şekilde ele alınması ve şiddete dönüşmeden çözülmesi veya şiddete dönüşmüşse barışçıl yöntemlerle kontrol altına alınıp sonlandırılmasını ifade etmektedir. Bu açıdan çatışmaya neden olan sosyal, ekonomik, politik ve psikolojik unsurların tespit edilip, bunların ortadan kaldırılması yoluyla çatışan tarafları tatmi...
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Barış inşası, bir çatışmanın altında yatan nedenlerin giderilmesi ve kalıcı barışın tesis edilmesine yönelik kapsamlı süreci ifade eder. Literatüre ilk kez Johan Galtung’un çalışmasıyla 1970’lerde girdiyse de, Uluslararası İlişkiler ile Barış ve Çatışma Çalışmaları alanlarında Soğuk Savaş’ın sona ermesiyle birlikte ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Kavrama...
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Kamuoyunun Türk dış politikasına bakış açısını ortaya koymak ve dış politika ile ilgili konulara yaklaşımlarını saptamak amacıyla, 27 Mayıs –20 Haziran 2019 arasında Türkiye genelini temsilen IBBS-Düzey 2 kapsamında 26 ilde 18 yaş üzeri 1000 kişi ile %95 güven düzeyinde ±3,0 hata payına göre gerçekleştirilen yüz yüze görüşme sonuçları.
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Public opinion research on Turkish foreign policy, conducted between 27 May and 20 June 2019 with 1000 people (face to face interviews) in 26 cities across Turkey.
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The 2018 results of the “Social and Political Trends in Turkey” research, which measures the Turkish public opinion on political, social, economic, security and cultural issues, conducted every year since 2010 by an academic team with the coordination of Prof. Mustafa Aydin.
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The rapid developments of recent years have drastically altered the political and economic landscapes of most countries in the Levant. Faced with a myriad of challenges, the (re)construction of a regional order in the region remains a highly complex and difficult proposition, one with, according to many observers, slim chances for success. This boo...
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The rapid developments of recent years have drastically altered the political and economic landscapes of most countries in the Levant. Faced with a myriad of challenges, the (re)construction of a regional order in the region remains a highly complex and difficult proposition, one with, according to many observers, slim chances for success. This boo...
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Turkey’s perception of the Levant has been hazy in modern times and the country has not constructed a holistic approach towards the region until recently, despite the fact that Turkey has sought closer cooperation with the Levantine countries since the late 1990s. In addition to Turkey’s willingness to open up to the region, recent international de...
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The Center for Turkish Studies at Kadir Has University announced the 2018 results of its annual “Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy” survey. The survey, which was conducted using face-to-face interviews with a sample of a thousand adult participants representing Turkey’s population structure in 26 provinces, included questions about Tur...
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Son yıllarda dünyayı saran popülizm rüzgarı siyasetin belirleyici unsurlarından biri olarak literatürde de geniş bir yer bulmaya başladı. Latin Amerika’da, özellikle Arjantin, Bolivya, Brezilya ve Venezüella gibi ülkelerde sol partilerin birbiri ardına seçimleri kazanmasıyla, “müesses nizamı” savunan elitlere karşı geniş halk kitlelerini yanına ala...
The research focuses on three different topics. The first part of the questionnaire (Q 1-13) tries to discover how Turkish elites perceive Turkey's position in the world, and especially the country's power to influence regional developments or/and global politics. The second group of questions (Q 14-25) focuses on Greece, and particularly examines...
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The idea for this book is derived from the scantiness of academic references on the European Union’s policies towards the Black Sea, relative to this region’s officially stated significance for the EU. Even though the EU plays a vital role in Black Sea political agendas, the EU’s cooperation with the region is not extensively covered by academic di...
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The aim of this paper is to explain the flux in the European Union (EU) policies towards the Black Sea region with a particular comparative focus on the impact of the EU's operations in the South Caucasus and the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Moldova. This paper adopts the prospect and process of EU enlargement towards Central and Eastern...
NATO's supremacy in the security and defence structures of the Euro-Atlantic region during the Cold War era has prevented the development of a self-sustained European security mechanism. With the end of the Cold War, specifically with the St. Malo Summit in 1998 which was a breakthrough in the advancement of the Common Security and Defence Policy,...


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