Ciara Rachel WighamUniversity of Clermont Auvergne | Univ BPC · Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l’Éducation Clermont Auvergne
Ciara Rachel Wigham
PhD, Université Clermont II
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September 2013 - September 2016
September 2010 - November 2012
September 2004 - July 2007
September 2000 - July 2004
Publications (65)
Multimodal (inter)action analysis offers a powerful and robust methodology for the study of action and interaction between social actors, their environment, and the objects and tools within. Yet its implementation in the analysis of synchronous multimodal online data sets, e.g. (inter)actions via videoconferencing, is limited. Drawing on our resear...
The 2021 EUROCALL conference engaged just under 250 speakers from 40 different countries. Cnam Paris and Sorbonne Université joined forces to host and organise the event despite the challenging context due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally programmed to be held on site in the heart of Paris, France, the EUROCALL organising team and executive com...
Online language teaching is gaining momentum worldwide and an expanding body of research analyses online pedagogical interactions. However, few studies have explored experienced online teachers' practices in videoconferencing particularly while giving instructions, which are key to success in task-based language teaching (Markee, 2015). Adopting mu...
E +VE-SFI (Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange-Spain, France, Ireland) is a higher-education VE between students from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA), and the University of Limerick (UL). Its primary aim is to develop the speaking skills of undergraduates enrolled in foreign language programmes. Running over a six-wee...
Multimodal synchronous online language teaching is an area of growing interest for research and practice. Emerging research investigates online language teachers' semio-pedagogical skills and competencies, which includes giving instructions to inform learners how to complete the task. However, the few studies that exist have explored trainee teache...
Although there is a move toward open data, with research funding bodies more frequently requiring data management plans and dissemination strategies, the data management challenges inherently linked to virtual exchange research are understudied. Data collection is often reported upon in papers addressing interaction analysis or language development...
This study on online L2 interactions compares lexical word search between an audioconferencing and a videoconferencing condition. Nine upper-intermediate learners of English describe a previously unseen photograph in either the videoconferencing or the audioconferencing condition. A semantic feature analysis is adopted to compare their interactions...
Interactions for language learning in and around virtual worlds - Volume 30 Special Issue - Ciara R. Wigham, Luisa Panichi, Susanna Nocchi, Randall Sadler
This paper focuses on instruction-giving practices, a crucial but under-researched aspect of online language tutorials. The context for this qualitative study is a telecollaborative exchange focussing on French as a foreign language. We investigate trainee teachers’ instructions for a role-play rehearsal task during webconferencing-supported langua...
Higher education institutions are increasingly interested in offering more flexible teaching and learning delivery methods that are often independent of place. Where foreign language learning is concerned, telecollaboration is gaining ground. This paper focuses on synchronous webconferencing-supported teaching and examines how different semiotic re...
This book focuses on learner-computer interactions (LCI) in second language learning environments drawing largely on sociocultural theories of language development. It brings together a rich and varied range of theoretical discussions and applications in order to illustrate the way in which LCI can enrich our comprehension of technology-mediated co...
In webconferencing-supported teaching, the webcam mediates and organizes the pedagogical interaction. Previous research has provided a mixed picture of the use of the webcam: while it is seen as a useful medium to contribute to the personalization of the interlocutors’ relationship, help regulate interaction and facilitate learner comprehension and...
CoMeRe (acronym which in French stands for network mediated communication) is a national project involving researchers from 8 different research units to develop a repos-itory of CMC all modeled within the same extension of the TEI (Chanier et al. 2014). The project was carried out from 2013 to 2015 with the support of Corpus-Ecrits (http://corpuse...
Within the computer-assisted language learning (CALL) field, multimodal research endeavours to consider the simultaneous presence and interaction between verbal communication modes (audio, text chat) present in foreign language learning situations with co-verbal and non-verbal modes (gestures, gaze, posture, other kinesic aspects). This paper explo...
L'intérêt d'utiliser des mondes synthétiques pour l'apprentissage des langues-cultures et plus spécifiquement du point de vue de la collaboration se développe (Molka-Danielson & Deutschmann, 2009). Cet intérêt a conduit à un projet de télécollaboration « Second Life Interculturel » (SLIC). Des apprenants de FLE d’une université américaine et des ét...
This study investigates whether, by using a virtual world, it is possible to integrate architectural design and language learning in a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach and increase student motivation vis-à-vis L2 learning. We discuss the advantages and limitations of virtual worlds with reference to the two disciplines and d...
Final version to Special Issue of JLCL (Journal of Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL, BUILDING AND ANNOTATING CORPORA OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED DISCOURSE: Issues and Challenges at the Interface of Corpus and Computational Linguistics (ed. by Michael Beißwenger, Nelleke Oostdijk, Angelika Storrer & Henk van den He...
One methodological challenge faced by CALL research is how to reuse data and analyses in ways that bridge the researcher-teacher gap (Colpaert, 2013). Building on LEarning and TEaching Corpora (LETEC) methodology for structuring data from online learning situations (Reffay et al., 2012; Wigham & Chanier, 2013), this paper presents the notion of ped...
This presentation will focus on the production of gestures by teacher trainees when they are interacting online with distant language learners during a desktop videoconferencing interaction. Previous research has provided a mixed picture of the use of the webcam in pedagogical situations: while it is seen as a useful medium to provide complementary...
There is a strong case to be made for using telecollaboration in foreign language education: learners are engaged in regular, semi-authentic interaction; can develop strategies for learner independence (O’Rourke, 2007); be exposed to opportunities for negotiation of meaning (Kötter, 2003) and become aware of cultural differences in communicative pr...
This paper reports on a study of the interactions between text chat and audio modalities in L2 interaction in a synthetic (virtual) world and observes whether the text chat modality was used for corrective feedback and the characteristics of the latter. This is examined within the context of a hybrid Content and Language Integrated Learning design...
Dans la pédagogie de l’Enseignement d’une Matière par l’Intégration d’une Langue Étrangère (Emile), la correction apportée par les enseignants porte généralement sur la matière abordée plutôt que sur la langue (Dalton-Puffer 2008), malgré la nécessité d’une prise en compte des compétences tant disciplinaires que linguistiques (Coyle, Hood & Marsh 2...
A travers une étude de cas, cette contribution examine l'intérêt de l'utilisation d'un monde synthétique en vue d’intégrer apprentissage de l'architecture et apprentissage d'une langue étrangère. Nous présentons une formation pour laquelle les affordances de l'environnement du Web 2.0 ont été fortement prises en compte dans la conceptualisation du...
The number of online environments language teachers can employ is constantly growing, offering increased potential for L2 interaction analysis. However, research cannot necessarily keep up with technology innovation. One danger is that CALL research will reinvent the wheel each time a new technology emerges. To better understand L2 interaction acro...
When learning a L2 (foreign language), vocabulary difficulties can concern a variety of different characteristics of a lexical unit (LU), which we name PVPs (Problematic Vocabulary Points). Our study focuses on the possibilities a synthetic world (Second Life) may offer in supporting learners with PVPs. We analyse the potentials of this environment...
Three-dimensional synthetic worlds introduce possibilities for nonverbal communication in computer-mediated language learning. This paper presents an original methodological framework for the study of multimodal communication in such worlds. It offers a classification of verbal and nonverbal communication acts in the synthetic world Second Life and...
Troisièmes journées scientifiques JS-PUN 2013 Atelier : Langue, langage et pédagogie numérique
The synthetic (virtual) world Second Life (SL) can be defined as a social networking (SN) environment: it allows users to network informally by initiating relationships with other users, often strangers, with whom they share no previous offline connections. Users can also connect with people with whom they have previously established offline relati...
In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), corrections provided by teachers focus generally on the nonlinguistic discipline rather than the foreign language (DaltonPuffer 2008), despite the need to consider both linguistic and contentlearning skills (Coyle, Hood & Marsh 2010). In this article, we study the extent to which the learning desi...
This research focuses on multimodal pedagogical communication in synthetic (virtual) worlds. The study investigates the interplay between verbal and nonverbal interaction which supports verbal participation and production in a foreign language. This is analysed from a socio-semiotic perspective of multimodality within the context of a course held i...
1. Introduction Décrire la conversation en ligne : le face à face distanciel (2011) met à contribution dix spécialistes de l'analyse des conversations et de la communication médiée par ordinateur. L'idée est inspirée de Décrire la conversation (1987). Cet ouvrage, qui s'inscrivait dans le mouvement interactionniste, s'attachait à décrire de manière...
Our research focuses on multimodal, collaborative interactions during foreign language learning situations in synthetic (virtual) worlds. This article describes the benefits of building LEarning and TEaching Corpora (LETEC) in the framework of our doctoral studies and the methodology employed to do so. A LEarning and TEaching Corpus is defined as a...
Dans l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère, les problèmes en vocabulaire rencontrés par les apprenants peuvent concerner diverses caractéristiques d'une unité lexicale (UL), que nous désignons comme des Points de Vocabulaire Problématiques (PVP). Ainsi, la signification, la charge culturelle, le registre, ou encore les liens thématiques entre les...
This case study sets out to investigate the impact of the introduction of a computer-assisted language learning tool into an English-as-a-foreign-language course for Chinese students on a one-year university diploma programme at Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France. VoiceForum, an asynchronous platform for oral interaction, is current...
L'intérêt d'utiliser des mondes synthétiques pour l'apprentissage des langues (Cooke-Plagwitz, 2008; Molka-Danielson & Deutschmann, 2009) et pour l'apprentissage de l'architecture se développe (Gu. et al., 2009; Garner et al, 2011). Cet intérêt, ainsi que le besoin croissant des architectes de développer leurs compétences en langue seconde (L2) afi...
Ce manuel explique la transcription pour des données recueillies dans l'environnement Second Life utilisant le logiciel ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic ANnotator) .Ce manuel a été élaboré dans le cadre du projet européen ARCHI21* par des chercheurs du Laboratoire de Recherche sur le Langage, Université Blaise Pascal. La méthodologie employée pour la transc...
Showcased in the courseware exhibition, at the EuroCALL 2011 conference, VoiceForum is a web-based software platform for asynchronous learner interaction in threaded discussions using voice and text. A dedicated space is provided for the tutor who can give feedback on a posted message and dialogue with the participants at a separate level from the...
This study focuses on a French-as-a-foreign-language course for architecture students. The course uses the virtual world Second Life for collaborative building tasks in the foreign language and adopts a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The study investigates participant exchanges and, more specifically, how verbal and gestu...
VoiceForum is a pedagogical project created as a response to learners' needs in the spoken language observed mainly at the Hypermedia Language Centre of Blaise Pascal University, France. It comprises a web-based forum approach for posting interactive audio and text with a dedicated unintrusive space for teacher feedback. The software platform (free...
Les environnements 3D facilitent l'apprentissage collaboratif selon Dalgarno et Lee (2010), ainsi que Henderson et al (2009). Nous présentons ici une formation en langues étrangères destinée à des étudiants d'architecture et se déroulant dans le monde virtuel Second Life, en français ou en anglais selon la langue maternelle des étudiants. Elle repo...
There is a strong case to be made for using a CLIL approach in the learning of foreign languages: learners are exposed to authentic tasks and authentic samples of language whilst their language needs and interests in their specific fields of study are catered for in a very real way. This would result in learners being given optimum conditions for f...