Christopher Rentrop

Christopher Rentrop
HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences | HTWG · Department of Computer Science



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Additional affiliations
March 2007 - present
HTWG Konstanz - University of Applied Sciences
  • Professor
September 1993 - August 1998
University of Duisburg-Essen
Field of study
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaft


Publications (47)
Conference Paper
Information technology (IT) as a strategic asset urges organizations to establish strategic alignment between business and IT stakeholders to maximize the contribution of IT. Yet, they still struggle to effectively communicate the strategic perspective and the business value of IT. In three organizational settings, we conduct action design research...
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Zusammenfassung Low-Code Development Plattformen (LCDPs) fördern die digitale Transformation von Organisationen, indem sie die Applikationsentwicklung durch FachbereichsmitarbeiterInnen ohne tiefgreifende Programmierkenntnisse – sogenannte Citizen Developer – ermöglichen. Marktforschungsinstitute prognostizieren, dass in den nächsten Jahren mehr al...
Die digitale Transformation verstärkt den Einfluss der Informationstechnologie auf den Unternehmenserfolg erheblich. Damit erhöhen sich auch die Anforderungen an das Führungssystem der IT in den Unternehmen. Hier gilt die einfache Weisheit: Ein ungeeignetes Managementsystem bringt in der Regel schlechtere Entscheidungen mit sich. Wie Sie zielorient...
Conference Paper
Digitalization requires organizations to strategically invest in information technology (IT). As a result, the costs associated with IT in companies are rising and technological progress changes the setting for IT management. This poses challenges for IT managers to ensure spend-efficiency and manage IT costs transparently. However, no current lite...
Nowadays, information technology (IT) is a strategic asset for organizations. As a result, the IT costs are rising and there is a need for transparency about their root causes. Cost drivers as an instrument in IT cost management enable a better transparency and understanding of costs. However, there is a lack of IT cost driver research with a focus...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, information technology (IT) is a strategic asset for organizations. As a result, the IT costs are rising and there is a need for transparency about their root causes. Cost drivers as an instrument in IT cost management enable a better transparency and understanding of costs. However, there is a lack of IT cost driver research with a focus...
Conference Paper
Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDPs) enable non-information technology (IT) personnel to develop applications and workflows independently of the IT department. Consequently, these digital platforms help to overcome the growing need for software development. However, science and practice warn of several barriers that slow down or hinder the usage...
Conference Paper
Market research institutes forecast a growing relevance of Low-Code Development Platforms (LCDPs) for organizations. Moreover, the rising number of scientific publications in recent years shows the increasing interest of the academic community. However, an overview of current research focuses and fruitful future research topics is missing. This pap...
Conference Paper
Business units are increasingly able to introduce information technology (IT) into their business processes. Thereby, they implement Shadow IT (SIT) to create flexible and innovative IT solutions. However, the individual implementation of SIT leads to unwanted data and functional redundancies and as a result to inefficiencies and reduced automation...
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Zusammenfassung Durch die zunehmende Vernetzung und den Anstieg von eingesetzter Hard- und Software hat sich die Komplexität der Unternehmensarchitektur von Unternehmen über die Jahre stetig erhöht. Das Aufkommen nutzerfreundlicher Informationstechnologie (IT)-Lösungen befähigt außerdem Fachbereiche, IT innovativ einzusetzen. Dies erhöht die Hetero...
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Zusammenfassung Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) sind bekannt für ihre Innovationskraft und bilden das Rückgrat der deutschen Wirtschaft. Wie Studien zeigen sind sie in Bezug auf Compliance-Maßnahmen im Vergleich zu kapitalmarktorientierten Unternehmen jedoch im Rückstand. Eine gesonderte Betrachtung der IT-Compliance erfolgt dabei in...
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Business units are increasingly able to fuel the transformation that digitalization demands of organizations. Thereby, they can implement Shadow IT (SIT) without involving a central IT department to create flexible and innovative solutions. Self-reinforcing effects lead to an intertwinement of SIT with the organization. As a result, high complexiti...
[] Research on Shadow IT is facing a conceptual dilemma in cases where previously “covert” systems developed by business entities are integrated in the organizational IT management. These systems become visible,...
Conference Paper
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Research on Shadow IT is facing a conceptual dilemma in cases where previously "covert" systems developed by business entities (individual users, business workgroups, or business units) are integrated in the organizational IT management. These systems become visible, are therefore not "in the shadows" anymore, and subsequently do not fit to existin...
Conference Paper
Shadow information technology systems (SITS) coexist with formal enterprise systems in organisations. SITS pose risks but also increase flexibility of business units. Practice shows that SITS emerge, despite that Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) aims at controling all IT systems in an organization. Studies acknowledge this problem in genera...
In several organizations, business workgroups autonomously implement information technology (IT) outside the purview of the IT department. Shadow IT, evolving as a type of workaround from nontransparent and unapproved end-user computing (EUC), is a term used to refer to this phenomenon, which challenges norms relative to IT controllability. This re...
Das Thema Schatten-IT hat erst in den letzten Jahren in Wissenschaft und Praxis erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen.1 Unter dem Begriff Schatten-IT werden dabei Systeme verstanden, welche die Fachbereiche in Eigenregie beschaffen oder erstellen und die nicht in das IT-Servicemanagement des Unternehmens eingebunden sind.2 Das Thema Schatten-IT ist dabei...
Conference Paper
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The IT unit is not the only provider of information technology (IT) used in business processes. Aiming for increased performance, many business workgroups autonomously implement IT resources not covered by their organizational IT service management. This is called shadow IT. Risks and inefficiencies associated with this phenomenon challenge organiz...
Conference Paper
The IT unit is not the only provider of information technology (IT) used in business processes. Aiming for increased work performance, many business workgroups autonomously implement IT resources not covered by their organizational IT service management. This is called shadow IT. Associated risks and inefficiencies challenge organizations. This stu...
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ERP systems integrate a major part of all business processes and organizations include them in their IT service management. Besides these formal systems, there are additional systems that are rather stand-alone and not included in the IT management tasks. These so-called ‘shadow systems’ also support business processes but hinder a high enterprise...
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Der Begriff Schatten-IT beschreibt die autonome Beschaffung und Entwicklung sowie den eigenständigen Betrieb von Informationssystemen durch einzelne Mitarbeiter oder einen Fachbereich als Ganzes ohne die Einbindung der IT-Abteilung des Unternehmens.
In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, welche Einsatzszenarien Schatten-BI hat, welche Chancen und Risiken mit ihr verbunden sind und wie sie zielgerichtet gesteuert werden kann.
Conference Paper
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Der Begriff Schatten-IT beschreibt Systeme, die außerhalb des Verantwortungsbereiches der IT durch die Fachabteilung eigenständig entwickelt und betrieben werden. Obwohl dieses Phänomen weit verbreitet ist, blieb diese Schatten-IT in Wissenschaft und in Praxis lange unbeachtet. Seit einiger Zeit ist eine verstärkte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Phänom...
Conference Paper
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Information Technology (IT) used for business processes is not only provided by the organization's IT department. Business departments and users autonomously implement IT solutions outside of the organizational IT service management. This phenomenon is called Shadow IT. Opportunities for innovation and flexibility, and problems in security, complia...
Conference Paper
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Information Technology (IT) used for business processes is not only provided by the organization´s IT department. Business departments and users autonomously implement IT solutions, which are not embedded in the organizational IT service management. This increasingly occurring phenomenon is called Shadow IT. The various opportunities and risks of S...
Als »Schatten-IT« werden geschäftsprozessunterstützende IT-Lösungen bezeichnet, die Fachabteilungen eigenständig einsetzen und die nicht in das IT-Servicemanagement der Organisation eingebunden sind. Cloud Computing erleichtert diesen Einsatz durch eine ausgeprägte Prozessorientierung und den vereinfachten Zugang zu IT-Lösungen. Die dadurch potenzi...
Conference Paper
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Shadow IT describes the supplement of “official” IT by several, autonomous developed IT systems, processes and organizational units, which are located in the business departments. These systems are generally not known, supported and accepted by the official IT department. From a company's, IT governance and IT management's perspective it is necessa...
Conference Paper
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Shadow IT describes the supplement of “official” IT by several, autonomous developed IT systems, processes and organizational units, which are located in the business departments. These systems are generally not known, accepted and supported by the official IT department. From the perspective of IT management and control it is necessary to find out...
Projektarbeit durchdringt alle Unternehmensbereiche. Strategische Initiativen ziehen eine Vielzahl von Projekten nach sich. Die Anzahl von Projekten nimmt auch als Antwort auf eine zunehmende Umweltdynamik zu. Als Folge beansprucht Projektarbeit wesentliche finanzielle Ressourcen: Ein Projektkostenanteil von mehr als 10% der Gesamtkosten ist in zah...
Die Beurteilung der Wasserqualität nach ökonomischen Kriterien bedingt eine grundlegende Untersuchung des Produktionsprozesses der Trinkwasserherstellung. Die Wasseraufbereitung wird daher einer produktionswirtschaftlichen Analyse nach dem Konzept von Hahn und Laßmann unterzogen. Dabei wird unter anderem gezeigt, dass es sich bei der Wasseraufberei...


Question (1)
Global companies often have redundant functionality in their corporate sytems across the globe (e.g. multiple ERP Systems). Similar to post-merger situations companies have to decide on standardization / harmonization of their system landscape. Does anybody know literature beyond the post-merger scope?


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