Christoph BuckTechnical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg
Christoph Buck
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Publications (113)
Within hospice and palliative care, professionals from various disciplines collaborate to deliver comprehensive care to terminal patients and their relatives. Regional hospice and palliative care networks exist in various countries, aimed at facilitating cooperation among health care providers at a local level. To date, little is known a...
Mithilfe eines Reifegradmodells werden der Entwicklungsstand regionaler Hospiz- und Palliativnetzwerke in Deutschland ermittelt und stufenspezifische Empfehlungen für die Weiterentwicklung der Netzwerke erarbeitet.
As healthcare demands exceed outpatient physicians’ capacities, telemedicine holds far-reaching potential for both physicians and patients. It is crucial to holistically analyze physicians’ acceptance of telemedical applications, such as online consultations. This study seeks to identify supporting and constraining factors that influence outpatient...
Hospital Information Systems (HIS) aim to support users in their time-critical routines on hospital wards with accurate and timely information. However, if these systems create blockages to workflows, nurses and physicians develop workarounds to provide care to the patients, nonetheless. Workarounds are both considered negatively, when a...
As healthcare demands exceed outpatient physicians’ capacities, telemedicine holds far-reaching potential for both physicians and patients. It is crucial to holistically analyze physicians’ acceptance of telemedical applications, such as online consultation. This study seeks to identify supporting and constraining factors that influence outpatient...
Multi-professional cooperation between healthcare providers is a key quality criterion of hospice and palliative care. While hospice and palliative care networks can support cooperation on a local level, opportunities for wider cooperation through the establishment and development of regional hospice and palliative care networks in Germa...
The food industry is facing major challenges due to complex, international supply chains, a societal relevant supply mandate with simultaneously perishable products, and increasing demands by end consumers for sustainability. Digitalization exacerbates these problems, as it creates new dependencies and further increases the expectations of end cons...
Traditionelle Business-to-Business-Fertigungsunternehmen sehen sich einem wachsenden Bedarf an digitalen Services konfrontiert, die ihre physischen Produkte ergänzen. Da die meisten digitalen Services große Datenmengen generieren, bieten sie nicht nur wertvolles Potenzial für Kunden zur Unterstützung bei der Nutzung der digitalen Se...
Die rasante Entwicklung digitaler Technologien hat in den letzten Jahren zu einem ebenso starken Wandel in Geschäftsmodellen vieler Unternehmen geführt. Insbesondere das Konzept digitaler Plattform-Ökosysteme hat das Bewusstsein für neue Modelle der Wertschöpfung und Werterfassung geschärft. Während heute noch lineare Wertschöpfung der vorherrschen...
Kritische Infrastrukturen – wie diejenigen der Sektoren Wasser, Energie und Ernährung – bilden die Grundlage einer funktionierenden, modernen Gesellschaft. Eine Kompromittierung dieser Infrastrukturen kann zu weitreichenden Störungen und Gefahren für Leib und Leben führen. Der Schutz sowie die Sicherstellung des Betriebs kritischer...
Beim Aufbau von Innovationskompetenzen in Innovationsökosystemen stellen Hochschulen einen zentralen Erfolgsfaktor dar. Durch den Aufbau und die Durchführung von Entrepreneurship Education entwickeln Studierende die für Innovationen fundamentalen Innovationskompetenzen. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand des Fallbeispiels der Universität Bayreuth die Kernele...
Innovationen werden nicht nur für etablierte Unternehmen und Start-ups immer wichtiger, sondern sie spielen auch bei der Lösung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen eine immer wichtige Rolle. Diese werden immer seltener von AkteurInnen alleine entwickelt werden, sondern im kooperativen Austausch untereinander. Daraus entstehen ganze Ökosysteme, die...
Essensbestellungen, die ein Kühlschrank automatisiert vornimmt oder Kochrezepte, die ein Kühlschrank basierend auf dem Kühlschrankinhalt vorschlägt – das sind Beispiele für Smart Services. Diese Art Services sind an den Kunden angepasste, digitalisierte Lösungen, welche innovative Wertangebote und digitale Geschäftsmodelle ermöglich...
Public agencies have a strong interest in artificial intelligence (AI) systems. However, many public agencies lack tools and frameworks to articulate a viable business model and evaluate public value as they consider investing in AI systems. The business model canvas used extensively in the private sector offers us a foundation for designing a publ...
As coopetition often characterizes relationships in ecosystems, social factors are particularly important to ensure resilient and reliable relationships, therefore efficient collaboration, and a corresponding outcome. Social factors have so far only been considered as peripheral factors in the ecosystem literature. Thus, this study aims to...
In der hausärztlichen Versorgung kommt es häufiger zu Fehldiagnosen, was erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Patientensicherheit hat. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verspricht mithilfe schnellerer und genauerer Diagnosen Fehler zu reduzieren und eine verbesserte Patientenversorgung zu ermöglichen. Bislang gibt es jedoch keine weitverbreitete Anwendung der...
Die Radiologie gilt als einer der vielversprechendsten Bereiche zur Anwendung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI). Trotz zahlreicher Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich wird die Sichtweise der Anwender auf die neuen Technologien in der Forschung kaum betrachtet. Ein Verständnis über die Nutzungsbereitschaft potenzieller Anwender von KI ist für eine erfolg...
Exogenous shocks, such as COVID-19, significantly change fundamental premises on which economies and individual organizations operate. The light-asset nature of digital technologies provides the potential to not only facilitate an immediate crisis response, but also to catalyze novel innovation types to address the societal and economic changes cau...
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) spielt in der Digitalisierung von Unternehmen eine zentrale Rolle. Um das Verständnis dieser Tech-nologie zu fördern, wird in diesem Artikel der Unterschied zwischen KI-Systemen und KI-Applikationen erläutert. Anschließend dient ein deutscher Energiekonzern als Fallbeispiel für den konzeptionellen Einsatz von KI. Es werd...
In der hausärztlichen Versorgung kommt es häufiger zu Fehldiagnosen, was erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Patientensicherheit hat. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verspricht mithilfe schnellerer und genauerer Diagnosen Fehler zu reduzieren und eine verbesserte Patientenversorgung zu ermöglichen. Bislang gibt es jedoch keine weitverbreitete Anwendung der...
Imagine that you are a product manager at a software company. When users disclose some information to your product, they can use all the great features you and your team have integrated into the software. Utilizing these features is essential for the success of your product: it makes users satisfied and encourages others to use the software as well...
General practitioners (GPs) care for a large number of patients with various diseases in very short timeframes under high uncertainty. Thus, systems enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are promising and time-saving solutions that may increase the quality of care.
This study aims to understand GPs’ attitudes toward AI-enabl...
Research question
We identify the key components of the business models (BMs) of professional European football clubs, introducing a structured business model approach to sport management and presenting a BM taxonomy.
Research methods
To derive a picture of European football clubs’ BMs, we develop a BM taxonomy in three iterations. In the first st...
Various resource constraints of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) highlight the strategy of cooperation for innovation as it enhances organizations’ options and breadth of knowledge sources. Nevertheless, research lacks guidance on why, with whom, and how to co-operate and has so far not provided a comprehensive overview of the characterist...
Background: General practitioners (GPs) take care of a large number of patients with various diseases in very short timeframes under high uncertainty. Thus, systems enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are promising and time-saving solutions that may increase the quality of care. Objective: This study seeks to understand GPs’ attitudes towards A...
In the unique context of an ongoing pandemic, this study aims to investigate the acceptance of mobile contact tracing applications (CTA) provided by the German government. Herein, the study develops and validates a research model based on established acceptance, privacy-, and health-related theories, which explains 80% of the variance of the intent...
Background: General practitioners (GPs) take care of a large number of patients with various diseases in very short timeframes under high uncertainty. Thus, systems enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are promising and time-saving solutions that may increase the quality of care.
Objective: This study seeks to understand GPs’ attitudes towards...
Digitalization is an omnipresent megatrend and affects every aspect of life, with
football being no exception. However, the enormous potential of Digital Technologies
(DT) in football is neither explored nor exploited yet. Likewise, research so far has
not sufficiently investigated which and how DTs appear on and off the field. By
conducting a stru...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) receives prominent attention within the innovation context. It is the most promising technological invention in information technology. Nevertheless, Innovation and Technology Management (ITM) so far could not structure the AI field, which offers a disruptive innovative potential. Thus, this paper reviews and analyzes t...
Situation faced: medi, a leading provider of medical aids, is a German-based manufacturer, making it its mission to help people feel better. medi’s product portfolio includes compression, orthoses, and other medical products as well as sports and fashion products. With its impressive success and rapid growth, medi has faced the challenge of transfo...
Driven by digitalization, the business environment is changing at an increasing pace. To be able to react to this, organizations must gain competitive advantages through Digital Innovation (DI). This special form of innovation requires a reorganization and further development of the resource and capability base of an organization. The existing lite...
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are particularly promising in the field of medical imaging. Especially in radiology, research presents various AI uses cases, highlighting AI applications' potential to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare. Further, despite numerous research projects of AI applications, an investigation from the...
Companies in every industry and of every size are increasingly confronted with the potential for change that digitisation offers. Although scientific research has started to examine the effects of digitisation on business models by conducting case study research, this relevant field faces numerous challenges. This paper aims to answer the question...
Companies in every industry and of every size are increasingly confronted with the potential for change that digitisation offers. Although scientific research has started to examine the effects of digitisation on business models by conducting case study research, this relevant field faces numerous challenges. This paper aims to answer the question...
Organizations across all sectors and industries are facing the need for structural change towards a digital future. Rapid developments in digital technologies and their easy accessibility are changing organizations’ competitive environment and require the design and implementation of a sustainable digital transformation. To master this organization...
In response to weaknesses of current network security solutions, the zero-trust model follows the idea that no network – whether internal or external – is trustworthy. The concept of zero-trust is enjoying increasing attention in both research and practice due to its promise to fulfil complex new network security requirements. Despite zero-trust's...
In the unique context of an ongoing pandemic, this study aims to investigate the acceptance of contact tracing applications (CTA) proposed by the German government before its release in June 2020. The study develops and validates a research model based on established acceptance, privacy-, and health-related theories. The results of the structural e...
The industrial paradigm of a Digital Twin (DT), a virtual representation of a physical object, promises an impactful opportunity to advance digital healthcare. Especially in telemedicine, the application of DTs could yield various benefits for patients, providers, and payers. However, the development of DTs for healthcare and specifically telemedic...
General practitioners (GPs) care for a large number of patients with various diseases in very short timeframes under high uncertainty. Thus, systems enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) are promising and time-saving solutions that may increase the quality of care.
This study aims to understand GPs’ attitudes toward AI-enabl...
The relevance of data-driven applications for leveraging knowledge embedded in data is growing. Thereby, an organization’s capability to create, disseminate, and exploit knowledge (i.e., absorptive capacity) is a decisive factor in gaining competitive advantages. In this paper, we address the lack of guidance on the development and application of d...
Connected fitness tracking devices enable various stakeholders to analyze sensitive personal information. Our investigation underlines the vital role of privacy concerns for the intention to use fitness trackers and support the integration into the nomological structure of UTAUT. The results show strong influences of privacy concerns, subjective no...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.2196/14062.].
Advances in information communication technology provide researchers with the opportunity to access and collect continuous and granular data from enrolled participants. However, recruiting study participants who are willing to disclose their health data has been challenging for researchers. These challenges can be related to socioecono...
Cars are developing into networked systems and digital entities. In order to improve service quality, enable new value propositions, and achieve a better driving experience, connected cars increasingly utilise the data and devices of their occupants. This situation is completely new for consumers, as cars have not been viewed as data collecting dev...
Smartphones have become ubiquitous devices that enable individuals to integrate digital resources in virtually all value co-creation processes, including visiting sport events. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand smartphone-enabled digital resource integration in the context of sport events from an individual intra-perspec...
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only had a significant and catastrophic effect on business and economies globally, but has identified the external and internal enablement of new venture creation. This paper aims to provide entrepreneurship insights, implementations and dynamics to demonstrate the role of entrepreneurship in times of such adversity wi...
Die Identifizierung von wertstiftenden Anwendungsfällen der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) steht auf der Agenda vieler Unternehmen. Als Beweggründe gelten sowohl das Potenzial der KI, Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen, als auch die Angst, hinter die Konkurrenz zurückzufallen. So scheinen umfangreiche Rechenressourcen, die Verfügbarkeit von Daten, aber...
Die Identifizierung von wertstiftenden Anwendungsfällen der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) steht auf der Agenda vieler Unternehmen. Als Beweggründe gelten sowohl das Potenzial der KI, Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen, als auch die Angst, hinter die Konkurrenz zurückzufallen. So scheinen umfangreiche Rechenressourcen, die Verfügbarkeit von Daten aber a...
Addiction to opiates and synthetic opioids pose a major threat to public health worldwide, with pharmaceutical opioids prescribed to manage pain constituting the main problem. To counteract this threat, suitable pain management strategies should be implemented in healthcare. Monitoring pain management appears to be feasible telemedically...
Addiction to opiates and synthetic opioids poses a major threat to public health worldwide, with pharmaceutical opioids prescribed to manage pain constituting the main problem. To counteract this threat, suitable pain management strategies should be implemented in health care. Monitoring pain management seems to be feasible using telemed...
Driven by digitalization, the business environment is changing at an increasing pace. To be able to react to this, organizations must gain competitive advantages through Digital Innovation (DI). This special form of innovation re-quires a reorganization and further development of the resource and capability base of anorganization. The existing lite...
As a result of technological change and increasing digitalization, corporate and industry structures are changing. Due to a growing dynamic in the competitive environment, companies are forced to reinvent themselves. Digital and platform-based ecosystems represent a promising direction for rapid progress in competition and cooperation at the same t...
As a result of technological change and increasing digitalization,
corporate and industry structures are changing. Due to a growing dynamic in the competitive environment, companies are forced to reinvent themselves. Digital and platform-based ecosystems represent a promising direction for rapid progress in competition and cooperation at the same t...
Die Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland ist insgesamt nicht durch Unterversorgung bedroht. Vielmehr ist die Versorgung durch Disparitäten in der regional ungleichen Verteilung der Ressourcen geprägt. Im ambulanten Sektor kommt es daher aufgrund von Fachkräftemangel zur Unterversorgung ländlicher Gebiete bei einer gleichzeitigen Erhöhung des Versor...
Stationäre Einrichtungen stehen, bedingt durch die Asymmetrie zwischen erhöhtem Bedarf bei nur begrenzten Kapazitäten, einer Vielzahl an Herausforderungen entgegen. Zeitmangel, Überlastung und Prozessineffizienzen bedingen risikobehaftetes Verhalten der Leistungserbringer, was zulasten der Patientensicherheit gehen kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist...
Personal data is often collected, processed and utilized without the knowledge of the information system's user. With regard to the enormous value of personalized data for companies as well as consumers' tendency to unreflectively disclose their data, privacy concerns have been an essential topic for researchers since the mid-1990s. However, establ...
Das Aufkommen neuer digitaler Technologien beeinflusst traditionelle Branchenregeln und sorgt für einen Umbruch in zahlreichen Industrien. Dabei sind neue Wettbewerber mit digitalen Geschäftsmodellen für viele etablierte Unternehmen zur großen Herausforderung geworden. Das Konzept des Geschäftsmodells kann Unternehmen dabei helfen, den Einfluss der...
The rising need of mobility and convenience in payment processes has even forced traditional banking institutions to establish mobile payment (MP) applications in Germany. However, the breakthrough of this promising technology has not yet been realized. This raises the question about the negative effects of barriers, such as the companies' storage...
Die Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland steht durch die alternde Bevölkerung und sektorale Trennung der Leistungserbringer vor großen Herausforderungen. Um auch zukünftig den Bedarf an gesundheitlichen, medizinischen und pflegerischen Leistungen decken zu können, benötigt es neue Versorgungskonzepte. Ein Lösungsansatz dafür können Netzwerke als Or...