Christof Parnreiter

Christof Parnreiter
Hamburg University | UHH · Geography


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Publications (72)
Für die Phase, in der die ersten wegweisenden Arbeiten von Immanuel Wallerstein erschienen sind, weist die Disziplingeschichte der Geographie, besonders die der sozialwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten Anthropogeographie, einen tiefgreifenden Umbruch auf. In internationaler Perspektive war es besonders die englischsprachige ,,human geography“, die zu...
The term urban primacy means, in its most general understanding, that a country's largest city has more than twice the population of the second largest city. In its original sense, a close and universal relationship between size and grandeur of a city was postulated. With developmentalism, modernization theory, overpopulation alarmism, and the quan...
This paper discusses Donald Trump’s presidency and his motto “America First!” against the backdrop of the notion of a declining U.S. hegemony. For that purpose, conceptualizations of hegemony by word-system scholars, namely Immanuel Wallerstein and Giovanni Arrighi, are being contrasted with John Agnew’s account in political geography. The main dif...
The central argument of this article is that global cities are, due to their clustering of producer service firms, critical governance nodes in global production networks. More in particular, the article scrutinises the role of producer service firms in uneven development and, especially, in the geographical transfer of value (Hadjimichalis, 1984)....
Zusammenfassung Das Ziel dieses Textes ist es, die in der Global City Forschung bislang wenig untersuchten Steuerungsfunktionen von unternehmensorientierten Dienstleistungsfirmen in den Mittelpunkt zu rücken. Dazu werden Global Cities als Governance-Knoten von Wertschöpfungsketten konzeptualisiert. Auf der empirischen Ebene wird am Beispiel der kla...
In economics, not enough attention is being paid to space and geography. In this document I claim that the idea of the division of labor is well suited to overcome this shortcoming and to re-insert geographical thinking in economic analysis. Each division of labor takes place in and is developed through spatial juxtapositions of economic activities...
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En la ciencia económica no se presta la atención suficiente al espacio y a la geografía. En este documento se plantea que la idea de la división del trabajo es adecuada para superar esta omisión y para re-insertar el pensamiento geográfico en el análisis económico. Cada división del trabajo se desarrolla en y mediante una yuxtaposición espacial de...
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This paper analyses the relation between global city formation, the real estate boom and shifts in urban planning in Mexico City. It shows that the massive influx of (foreign) capital to the real estate sector nourished a construction boom, while the growth of the producer service sector has spurred demand for office spaces. The production of these...
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In this paper I analyze the position of Latin America in the world economy and how it has change during the crisis of 2008/9. Going beyond the usual rankings of the GDP, the paper emphasizes the geography of economic centrality. Economic centers are conceptualized as cities which concentrate economic activities which are relatively monopolized. One...
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En este artículo se analiza la posición de América Latina en la economía mundial y como ha cambiado en el transcurso del crisis de 2008/2009. Yendo más allá de los rankings habituales del pib, se hará énfasis en la geografía de la centralidad económica. Se conceptualiza centros económicos como ciudades que concen- tran las actividades económicas re...
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Taking Mexico City as a case study, this paper deals with the production of new economic centralities caused by global city formation. After sketching out the emergence of delimitable global city zones as the new downtown in Mexico City, the role the massive influx of foreign direct investment into the real estate economy and the growth of Mexico C...
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This paper is motivated by the observation that our understanding of global cities in Germany and beyond is limited because the practices through which producer service firms (PSFs) are involved in managing and governing their clients' global commodity chains (GCCs) have barely been studied. Based on interviews with representatives of PSFs in the s...
The paper begins with an introduction into the interlocking network model (INM) initially specified by Peter Taylor in the context of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) research network. For that purpose, the intellectual background, purpose, key principles and subsequent applications of the INM are presented. Since the overall purpose of th...
The paper discusses in a personal appreciation of the literature whether the ‘interlocking world city network model’ (IWCNM) has contributed to overcoming the evidential crisis of world or global city research. After a brief summary of the main arguments made by John Friedmann and Saskia Sassen, the paper deduces methodological implications that fo...
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20 years of NAFTA: Mexico‘s failed upgrading in global commodity chains. The paper analyses Mexico�s performance under NAFTA, showing that despite a strong increase in foreign direct investment and exports the expectations raised 20 years ago could not be fulfilled. Mexico did not get closer to the levels of economic and social development of its N...
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Global city research links the expansion of advanced producer services in major cities to the internationalisation of real estate markets as well as to the spread of (mainly) high-rise office complexes. This research, however, has based its findings mainly on cases of the Global North. This paper examines, based on Grant and Nijman’s (2002) sugge...
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For an opening chapter of a book titled Global City Challenges, it seems to be appropriate to begin with a terminological clarification. Today, many authors use the terms ‘global’ and ‘world city’ either interchangeably or, if they opt for one of the two terms, do not provide a rationale for their choice. Both implys that no significant conceptual...
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Global city research links the expansion of advanced producer services in major cities to the internationalisation of real estate markets as well as to the spread of (mainly) high-rise office complexes. This research, however, has based its findings mainly on cases of the Global North. This paper examines, based on Grant and Nijman’s (2002) suggest...
The paper analyses Mexico's performance under NAFTA, showing that despite a strong increase in foreign direct investment and exports the expectations raised 20 years ago could not be fulfilled. Mexico did not get closer to the levels of economic and social development of its NAFTA partners, and it lost as compared to other Latin American countries....
Ein Beitrag, der die Stadtgeografie für ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch vorstellen soll, braucht eine Klärung dessen, was das eigene Fach auszeichnet. Dafür ist es zweckmäßig, zentrale Begriffe zu bestimmen: Geografie, Raum, Stadt, Stadtgeografie. »Geografie« bedeutet wörtlich Erdbeschreibung, was das lange dominierende Fachverständnis präzise wied...
A key aspect of how globalization and planning are tied together is that the traveling of planning ideas across nation-states has sped up and gained intensity. Such transnationality echoes similar conceptualization in economic geography, migration studies, and in the literature on “transnational urbanism.” Using the example of the transnational flo...
Cycles of accumulation and hegemony. A critical discussion of Giovanni Arrighi’s arguments on the relocation of centre and periphery of the world economy. Based on data on GDP and on stock market capitalization, the paper takes issue with Giovanni Arrighi’s notion of the “terminal crisis” of the US hegemony and the related relocation of the center...
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Desde los años 1990, el mercado de oficinas en la Ciudad de México se ha transformado fundamentalmente. La superficie de oficinas se duplicó a 6.9 mill. m² desde 1997, con el 80% de la actividad constructora recayendo en el segmento de mercado de alta calidad. Además, la geografía del mercado cambió, ya que se crearon nuevos polos de desarrollo inm...
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Since the 1990s, the office market in Mexico City has been fundamentally transformed. The available office space doubled since 1997 to 6.9 mill.m(2), with the first class segment capturing 80% of the construction activity. In addition, the geography of the office market has been altered, because new centers of property development have been created...
Based on data on GDP and on stock market capitalization, the paper takes issue with Giovanni Arrighi s notion of the "terminal crisis" of the US hegemony and the related relocation of the center of the world economy to China. While some indicators support Arrighi's argument (e.g. the shift of the accumulation dynamic from the material to the financ...
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Analysis of contemporary globalisation processes has generated two major strands of literatures that focus on the spatial organization of the world economy. In the global commodity chains literature (see, for example, Gereffi and Korzeniewicz 1994; Dicken et al. 2001; Gereffi et al. 2005) attention is paid (a) to the creation and distribution of va...
There are two literatures that explicitly describe spaces of flows that constitute contemporary globalization: world city network analysis and global commodity chain analysis. We explore the possibilities of their integration by returning to their common origins in world-systems analysis. Each model is described and critiqued and it is argued that...
In this article I assert that global cities are critical nodes in Global Commodity Chains because it is from them that producer services are provided. I explore forward linkages of producer service firms in Mexico City, showing that there are important service flows to companies responsible for the globalization of the 'Mexican' economy. Based on t...
Global-City-formation and the making of a new “corporate geography“: The case of Mexico City. The paper argues that global-city-formation is a key driving force in the transformation of urban landscapes and in the globalization of real estate markets. Taking Mexico City as a case study it is shown that the growing presence of a) foreign companies a...
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The goal of this article is to reflect on the position of megacities in poorer countries in the world economy. For that purpose, I explore the geographies of a) stock markets, b) of the headquarters of the 'Fortune 500', and c) of the networks of producer service firms. The analysis reveals that both the capitalisation of stock markets and the loca...
The paper argues that global-city-formation is a key driving force in the transformation of urban landscapes and in the globalization of real estate markets. Taking Mexico City as a case study it is shown that the growing presence of a) foreign companies and b) advanced producer sector firms increases demand for office space, in particular in the h...
Since the 1960s, immigration to the United States has been characterized by four features: A sharp increase in absolute number of immigrants, a changing geography of both sending countries and receiving areas, and a rapidly growing share of undocumented immigrants. The corresponding trends of "Mexicanization" and illegalization of immigration led t...
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Since the 1980s, the economies of Mexico and Chile have passed through a profound process of globalisation. The result has been a nodalisation of the cities' economies, documented by their high concentration of command and control functions essential for economic globalization. In order to specify the relationship between global city formation and...
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Since the 1980s, the economies of Mexico and Chile have passed through a profound process of globalisation. The result has been a nodalisation of the cities' economies, documented by their high concentration of command and control functions essential for economic globalization. In order to specify the relationship between global city formation and...
This present article builds upon the debate on the social production of space. In particular, we focus on the question whether socially produced spaces can, as Edward SOJA puts it, "rebound back to shape social relations". The study is based on a research of the "Gemeindebau" (housing project) of Vienna in June 2006. Our starting point was the hypo...
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Das vorliegende Heft bietet eine Würdigung des Werkes von Andre Gunder Frank. Der 2005 verstorbene Ökonom und Entwicklungssoziologe hat die Entwicklungsforschung nachhaltig geprägt. Mit seinen frühen Arbeiten wurde Frank zu einem der Begründer der Dependenzschule, einer in Lateinamerika entstandenen kritischen Entwicklungstheorie. Frank, der bis zu...
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In this article, researches on the impacts of globalization processes on the development of Latin American metropolises are presented. Firstly, as to the increase or reduction of urban primacy, no consistent trend can be observed, obviously urban primacy may rise or fall depending on the specific conditions of globalization. Secondly, research show...
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In this article, researches on the impacts of globalization processes on the development of Latin American metropolises are presented. Firstly, as to the increase or reduction of urban primacy, no consistent trend can be observed, obviously urban primacy may rise or fall depending on the specific conditions of globalization. Secondly, research show...
In this article, researches on the impacts of globalization processes on the development of Latin American metropolises are presented. Firstly, as to the increase or reduction of urban primacy no consistent trend can be observed, obviously urban primacy may rise or fall depending on the specific conditions of globalization. Secondly research shows...
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Global City Research keeps being accused of lacking an empirical basis and having an imprecise theoretical foundation. This article tries to counter this criticism on various levels. In conceptualizing the connection between two strands of theorizing - Global City and Global Commodity Research - an attempt is made to grasp the relationship between...
Basado en los conceptos de la segregación residencial se analizan los principales cambios en Santiago de Chile y en la Ciudad de México en las últimas décadas. Analíticamente se trata de destacar el rol de las políticas para la producción de formas específicas de la segregación. En este contexto se analiza la relación entre la transformación socioe...
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Trends in the development of Latin American metropolises in an era of globalization In this article I present research on the impacts of globalization processes on the development of the Latin American metropolises. Firstly, as to the increase or reduction of urban primacy, no consistent trend can be observed, obviously urban primacy may rise or fa...
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Im ersten Teil dieses Artikels wird auf der Basis einer Aufarbeitung der Literatur zum Thema argumentiert, dass sich in den Städten Lateinamerikas in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten neue Formen sozialräumlicher Segregation herausgebildet haben. Die lange angenommene klare räumliche Differenzierung der Wohngebiete unterschiedlicher sozialer Gruppen ent...
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En este artículo se analiza Ciudad de México en su camino hacia una ciudad global. Se explora que ¾ debido a la globalización y como parte de sus procesos¾ la capital mexicana se está transformando de una metrópolis nacional hacia una "bisagra" entre la economía mexicana y la economía global. Como tal, es un lugar importante para la producción y ge...
This article analyzes Ciudad de México in its way to a global city. It is explored that -due to globalization, and as part of its process-, Mexican capital city it is changing from a national metropolis to a "hinge" between Mexican economy and global economy. Accordingly, it is an important place for the production and management of globalization i...
This article analyzes Ciudad de Mexico in its way to a global city. It is explored that -due to globalization, and as part of its process-, Mexican capital city it is changing from a national metropolis to a "hinge" between Mexican economy and global economy. Accordingly, it is an important place for the production and managment of globalization in...
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En un artículo publicado en el Anuario de Espacios Urbanos, 1998 conceptual icé la ciudad de México como parte de un sistema urbano global (Parnreiter, 1998). Por un lado, cuestioné ¿cuáles han sido los impactos de la globalización en la ciudad de México? y, por el otro, ¿cuál es el papel que Juega esta ciudad en la economía mundial? Los resultados...
Mexico City is becoming a world city. The Mexican capital has taken on such functions as the control, management and servicing of globalization processes affecting the country. Data on networks of producer services firms, information flows, and air travel confirm that Mexico City is well embedded in the cross-border network of global cities. For ur...
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This article analyzes the economic, social and demographic development in Mexico City in the 1980s and the 1990s. The central question is whether the globalisation of the Mexican economy strengthens the position of the country's main metropolis, what is suggested by the global city-debates, or whether free trade, export-orientation and neoliberal m...
This article summarizes some of the main points of the ongoing debate on Global Cities. However, the central question of this text is whether the theoretical approaches of the Global City research are helpful in analyzing the mega-cities of the peripheries. This article argues in favor of an integration of the peripherical metropolis in the global...


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