Christof Nägele

Christof Nägele
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts | FHNW · School of Teacher Education



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Publications (23)
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The International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal for VET-related research. All articles published in 2021 are included in this book. IJRVET is the official journal of VETNET (founded in 1996), the European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training (umbrella or...
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Context: The research field at the boundary between learning and working is multidimensional, fuzzy, dynamic, and characterized by high growth. A study that comprehensively maps and aggregates this research field is missing. Approach: Using tools of bibliometric analysis (bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis and co-occurrence analysis), we...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this discussion panel is to discuss the role of the vocational education and training (VET) system within the framework of Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in different EU countries. Each member of the panel will present a regional experience showing whether and how these strategies integrate VET. The main question is: How are...
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The International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal for VET-related research. This journal provides full open electronic access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the science community and the public supports a greater global exchange of k...
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Context: Vocational education and training enables young people to quickly and effectively enter the labour market. To advance their careers and to develop their professional expertise even more, they must then further their education through higher vocational or higher academic education. In this study, we looked at young people at work: What moti...
Experiment Findings
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This is the final report on the VETNET network project that was carried out in the ECER 2018 conference in Bolzano/Bozen. The project was supported by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). The aim of the project was to pilot test the use of ePosters powered by the Learning Toolbox (LTB) as means to present educational research in a...
Context: Enthusiasm has been noted to increase productivity and quality at work. In teachers' work, this has a connection to student learning and motivation, as well as teaching quality. In the context of Finnish vocational education and training (VET), research on enthusiasm appears especially topical and relevant because of the ongoing wide refor...
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Expertinnen und Experten zeigen in Originalbeiträgen, wie an verschiedenen Stellen von der Grundschule bis zur Wahl einer weiteren Ausbildung nach der Grundausbildung Bildungsverläufe beeinflusst werden, beispielsweise durch die Förderung von verhaltensauffälligen Kindern in der Grundstufe, durch die Gestaltung von Selektionsverfahren in die Sekund...
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In diesem Kapitel wird ein Arbeitsmodell zum Übergang von der obligatorischen Schule in die Berufsbildung vorgestellt. Das Modell erlaubt eine Systematisierung und Integration bestehender Phasen- und Strukturmodelle der Wahl einer nachobligatorischen Ausbildung, des Übergangs und des Ausbildungsbeginns. Das Modell strukturiert den Übergang anhand v...
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Eine hohe Passung zum Beruf wird als ein wesentlicher Faktor für eine hohe Zufriedenheit und Verbundenheit mit dem Beruf angesehen. Eine sich verändernde Passung sollte deshalb auch Laufbahnentscheidungen erklären. Dabei kann die Planung einer Aus- oder Weiterbildung dazu genutzt werden, die (veränderte) Passung zum Beruf zu erhöhen. Deshalb kann a...
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Transferable skills are skills that are relevant and helpful across different situations and areas of life. Such skills are often seen as a crucial factor adding to the employability of individuals. It is often assumed that transferable skills can be reused after transition to a new situation. In this chapter, these assumptions are being discussed....
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Background Social integration is an important outcome of organizational socialization. It helps adolescents after transition to their first job to adapt rapidly to the new work and organizational situation. Positive social integration, especially a positive apprentice–trainer relationship and work group integration, helps the apprentices not only t...
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Zusammenfassung Beim Übergang von der Schule in die beruliche Grundbildung müssen sich die Jugendlichen einer sich verändernden sozialen Situation anpassen. Dies gelingt ihnen besser, wenn sie einen Lehrberuf gewählt haben, den sie als pas-send zu ihren Interessen und Fähigkeiten wahrnehmen. Die wahrgenommene Passung ist ein Ergebnis des Berufswahl...
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In transition from school to initial vocational education and training (iVET) adolescents’ need to adapt to a changing social situation. This transition will be smoother if the adolescents have chosen an occupation that they perceive as well fitting to their personal interests and abilities. The perceived person-iVET fit is a result of the vocation...
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The study investigates peer acceptance and victimization of immigrant and Swiss children in kindergarten classes. Our first aim is to compare peer acceptance and victimization of Swiss and immigrant children. Secondly, we explore the role of their local language competences (LLCs). The sample was drawn from kindergartens in communities in the Germa...
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This study examines the effect of guided reflection on team processes and performance, based on West’s (1996, 2000) concept of reflexivity. Communicating via e-mail, 49 hierarchically structured teams (one commander and two specialists) performed seven 15 min shifts of a simulated team-based military air-surveillance task (TAST) in two meetings, a...
To examine gender-specific socio-educational correlations of overweight in adolescents enrolled in post-mandatory education. Data were drawn from the Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health, a cross-sectional study conducted on a representative sample of 3439 females and 4109 males aged 16 to 20 and enrolled in either vocational education (ap...
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The relationship of task adaptive behavior (TAB) to performance was studied in 31 computer supported groups using a simulated air traffic control task. Each person could access information on specific plane parameters. Based on messages from two specialists, the commanders assigned threat levels to planes that moved in the airspace. Groups worked o...
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Teams have the potential to perform much better than many individual does. However, often teams do not reach their full potential. It is often reported that teams use inefficient strategies to accomplish a task. It is also reported that teams are often very resistant to the (spontaneous) development of new and better strategies. It is important to...


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