Christina PapadakiHellenic Centre for Marine Research | hcmr · Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters
Christina Papadaki
Agricultural Engineer PhD
Postdoctoral fellow
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Dr. Christina Papadaki is a postdoc fellow at the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, specializing in E Flows and EcoHydrology. She holds a BSc from the Agricultural University of Athens in 2008, an MSc from the National Technical University of Athens in 2010, and a Ph.D. from AUA in 2019. Dr. Papadaki is actively involved in multiple research projects, leads an H.F.R.I.-supported project, and has authored over 20 research papers. She is also an environmental documentary presenter on ERT3.
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October 2010 - March 2011
Publications (43)
For this brief communication, we analyzed the crop area and number of livestock exposed to flooding from the historic precipitation caused by Storm Daniel in central Greece on 3–8 September 2023. We derived from the near-real-time RAdar Produced Inundation Diary (RAPID) system an inundated area totaling 1150 km2, located mainly in the Thessalian pl...
Ο πακτικός αυτός Οδηγός επιχειρεί να ανάδειξη τη σημασία της ορθολογικής διαχείρισης των υδατικών πόρων στο νησιωτικό χώρο και να συμβάλλει στη δημιουργία μιας σύγχρονης υδατικής συνείδησης και κουλτούρας νερού που δίνει έμφαση στις τοπικές λύσεις, την εξοικονόμηση και τη συμμετοχή πληροφορημένων πολιτών σε αποφάσεις συλλογικού ενδιαφέροντος.
This handbook is a practical guide aiming to highlight the importance of sound water resources management in our country's islands, as well as to create and foster a new water consciousness and water culture emphasizing on local solutions, conservation and informed citizen engagement in decision-making on collective interest.
This report provides an evidence-based opinion on the environmental impact and problems associated with the large-scale anti-flood river engineering works at the Rafina Megalo Rema stream in Eastern Attika. The report outlines specific examples of deficiencies in the 2016 Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Regulation and Delimitation of...
For this communication, we analyzed the crop area and numbers of livestock exposed to flooding from the historic precipitation caused by storm Daniel in central Greece on September 3–8, 2023. We derived from the near-real-time RAdar-Produced Inundation Diary (RAPID) system an inundated area totaling 1,150 km2, located mainly in the Thessalian plain...
Recreational use of urban rivers is becoming popular since rivers may act as amenity corridors with the potential for exhibition, recreation, leisure, relaxation and retreat. However, several point and non-point pollution sources contribute to the degradation of urban rivers’ water quality, thereby impeding their beneficial uses and amenities. The...
Climate change has influenced the discharge regime of rivers during the past decades. This study aims to reveal climate-induced interannual trends of average annual discharge and discharge maxima in a Mediterranean river from 1981 to 2017. To this aim, the Pinios river basin was selected as the study area because it is one of the most productive ag...
Following the implementation of the WFD in Greece, three biological quality elements (BQEs) (diatoms, macro-invertebrates, fish), which are used to assess river biological quality for the Hellenic National Water Monitoring Programme, were compared among different river types. Furthermore, the environmental and geographic parameters that affect the...
We present a review of our research on Samothraki, one of the last minimally disturbed islands in the Mediterranean, carried out during the past some 20 years focusing on aquatic (hydrology, hydro-morphology, hydro-geochemistry and ecology) and terrestrial ecosystems (vegetation cover and soil erosion). Compared to other Aegean islands, Samothraki...
We modelled hydrological, hydraulic and habitat suitability changes in a Mediterranean catchment after a wildfire. Gauged pre/post-fire hourly discharges were used to assess actual pre/post-fire hydrological conditions. To remove the weather variability effect, daily pre/post-fire discharges were simulated under the same weather conditions. An eco-...
Fires are common in forested Mediterranean-climate watersheds. Forest fires cause abrupt land use/cover (LULC) changes affecting soil properties and hydrological processes within and across watersheds. A major forest fire in Attica, Greece, that affected the Lykorrema stream experimental watershed provided the opportunity for an in-depth study of t...
River flow alterations, caused by climate variability/change and intense anthropogenic uses (e.g., flow regulation by dams) are considered among the main global challenges of which hydrologists should be dealing with. For the purpose of this study, environmental flow and potential hydrological alterations are made for the extended Drin river basin,...
Sustainable use of mountain water resources is important for both humans and global mountain biodiversity in the economic and social context of human progress. Particular attention should be given in the water resources coming from the mountain areas. Sustainability has been previously used as a term to describe a concern related to preservation of...
Fishway research has long focused on post-establishment assessments to optimize fish passage efficiency. Model-based optimization with the use of hydrodynamic-habitat models (HHMs) has rarely been employed to investigate passage suitability based on key hydraulic variables. In this study, a vertical slot fishway was designed, the hydraulic properti...
Hydrological variability is of great importance for water resources management. Regardless of how rivers are individually managed, numerous research studies have concluded that aquatic organisms are highly dependent on flow regime variability. Nevertheless, natural streamflow regimes are being altered due to human-induced pressures and climate chan...
River restoration with the use of in-stream structures has been widely implemented to maintain/improve physical habitats. However, the response of aquatic biota has often been too weak to justify the high costs of restoration projects. The ecological effectiveness of river restoration has thus been much debated over claims that large-scale environm...
In this study, a state-of-the-art approach in modelling fish habitats, using high-resolution
topographical data, obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), was applied. Habitat Suitability Indices
are used to predict how changes in discharge affect instream fish habitats. HSIs regarding depth and velocity for
two size classes (small sized fish 5...
For a proper water management policy, hydrological variability is one of the main issues that should be taken into account (Cartwright et al. 2017). Living organisms depend on the variability of the flow regime, a fact that has well been established by several researchers worldwide (Acreman 2016; Poff et al. 2006; Naiman et al. 2008). Nevertheless,...
Environmental flow assessments (EFAs) are widely researched and applied worldwide. However, model-based frameworks integrating the flow requirements of multiple ecosystem components have been primarily developed for perennial watercourses, being inherently inapplicable in intermittent rivers (IR), which are common worldwide and may dominate arid, s...
We propose the novel integrated modelling procedure 3H-EMC for the determination of the environmental flow in rivers and streams; 3H-EMC combines Hydrological, Hydrodynamic and Habitat modelling with the use of the Environmental Management Classes (EMCs) that are defined by the Global Environmental Flow Calculator. We apply 3H-EMC in the Sperchios...
The ecological integrity of rivers ultimately depends on flow regime. Flow degradation is especially prominent in Mediterranean systems and assessing environmental flows in modified rivers is difficult, especially in environments with poor hydrologic monitoring and data availability. In many Mediterranean countries, which are characterized by prono...
Fish sampling in a river waterbody that is proposed for small hydro-electric developments near the town of Mouzaki. Fish and other river parameter observations are recorded for the first time in this waterbody.
1. Identifying key factors in species' habitat requirements can be of use in defining critical habitats
for their conservation, as well as in assisting the prioritization of habitat restoration
actions. So far, most studies on habitat use by freshwater fishes have been focused on widespread
and economically important species (e.g. salmonids).
2. Th...
Habitat Suitability Curves (HSCs) were developed for two freshwater fish species, namely Salmo pelagonicus and Barbus balcanicus, using microhabitat data obtained at a mountainous stream, in upper Axios River, Greece, for habitat evaluation on the micro scale. Twelve riverine HSCs associating two size classes with three microhabitat parameters (wat...
Hydraulic-habitat models combine the dynamic behavior of river discharge with geomorphological and ecological responses. In this study, they are used for estimating environmental flow requirements. We applied a Pseudo-two-dimensional (2D) model based on the (one-dimensional) 1D HEC-RAS model and an in-house 2D (FLOW-R2D) hydrodynamic model to a sec...
The ecological integrity of freshwater lotic ecosystems depends on the flow regime which has a pronounced natural variability in the natural Mediterranean streams. The increasing human demands for water resources has led to the adoption of the environmental flow concept which focuses on an integrated management of water for long-term sustainability...
Esta investigación, enmarcada en el proyecto ECOFLOW (Grecia), está enfocada a la estimación de caudales ecológicos en ríos de Grecia. La alteración hidrológica y la degradación de los hábitats fluviales han sido escasamente estudiados en este país, y permanecen aún fuera de su legislación. En este trabajo se aplicó el enfoque de la simulación del...
The aim of this study is to describe and assess changes in physical attributes of mesohabitat types in response
to different flows in a Greek mountainous river. Hydraulic simulations were applied using two one-dimensional
hydraulic models, MIKE 11 and HEC-RAS. The differences between the two models were analyzed by comparing
their outputs against i...
Microhabitat use by two Greek endemic cyprinids was studied at two relatively undisturbed sites in Evrotas and Evinos River, by electrofishing and snorkelling respectively. The primary goal of this study was to test, for the first time for Greece, the applicability of these two methods in the study of habitat use and habitat availability for two Gr...
The effects of land use changes on the ecology and hydrology of natural watersheds have long been debated. However, less attention has been given to the hydrological effects of forest roads. Although less studied, several researchers have claimed that streamflow changes related to forest roads can cause a persistent and pervasive effect on hillslop...
The aim of this study is to apply a state-of-the-art methodology for the estimation of environmental flows by predicting how different in-stream flows affect fish microhabitats. A habitat modelling approach was adopted to simulate and assess the ecological effects of physical aquatic habitat changes in Greek upland rivers downstream of water abstra...
Climate change is expected to profoundly affect both temperature and net precipitation, with implications for lake water level. We describe the design of a harmonized, simultaneous, cross-European mesocosm experiment to elucidate the effects of climate change on community structure, functioning, and metabolism in shallow lakes at low and high nutri...
Climate change is expected to profoundly affect both temperature and net precipitation, with implications for lake water level. We describe the design of a harmonized, simultaneous, cross-European mesocosm experiment to elucidate the effects of climate change on community structure, functioning, and metabolism in shallow lakes at low and high nutri...
The aim of this study is to describe and assess changes in physical attributes of mesohabitat types in response to different flows in a Greek mountain river. Hydraulic simulations were applied using two one-dimensional hydraulic models, MIKE 11 and HEC-RAS. Habitat Simulation Curves of naturalized Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) from Western North Americ...