Christiane Delongueville

Christiane Delongueville
Institute of Natural Sciences · Invertebrates

Master of Science


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I'm interested in the distribution of European Marine molluscs.


Publications (81)
Buccinum palssoni sp. nov. is described from deep-water southwest of the central axis of the Reykjanes Ridge and near the northwest margin of the Icelandic shelf in the Denmark Strait. The unique characteristics of this new species are discussed and compared to species that have been considered to belong to the Pacific genus Bathybuccinum Golikov &...
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Over a period of 10 years (October 2013 – March 2022) sampling effort was operated by the Fisheries and Benthic scientists of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) to keep molluscs specimens collected as by-catch when trawling during fish stock assessment around Iceland. These trawls were primarily made during deep-sea surveys (autumn...
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This work reports on 60 marine alien mollusks from nine countries across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Marmara collected by two Belgian citizen scientists. Some of their published observations concerning collection dates are compared with the year of first publication for these alien mollusks reported in the literature, which enable us to ba...
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This work reports 60 marine alien molluscs, collected by two Belgian citizen scientists, from nine countries across the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Marmara. Some of their published observations concerning the collecting dates are compared with the year of first publication for these alien molluscs reported in the literature, which enabled to b...
Philine angulata Jeffreys, 1867 was found in the digestive tracts of haddocks caught between 69 and 79 m for the first time in NW Iceland, thus adding an additional species to the marine benthic Icelandic fauna. This newly identified presence of the species in Iceland bridges the gap in its distribution between northeast America and the Faroes.
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Among molluscs collected at Liman Kalesi (Turkey, Levantine Basin) in 1993 and 2002 and kept in collection, the determination of shells attributed to Lioberus agglutinans (Cantraine, 1835) (Mytilidae) was reviewed. Based on recent bibliographic data these specimens are now reassigned to L. ligneus (Reeve, 1858), an alien species that entered the Me...
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Following the description of a new Megastomia Monterosato, 1884 (Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae) from the eastern Mediterranean, we revised the determination of some of our shells kept in collection and attributed them to M. crovatoi Nofroni, Renda & Vannozzi, 2022. Four specimens from Bozcaada (Turkey) were collected alive in shallow water with their...
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Despite intensive collections of intertidal material carried out along all coasts of Iceland during the last century, Rissoa parva (da Costa, 1778) failed to be reported in this country. To our knowledge, since then no information concerning the distribution of the species in this part of the world has been published either. Recent samplings showed...
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First mention of two Choristella leptalea Bush, 1897 specimens reported alive, side by side, in an empty egg case of elasmobranch (Rajella fyllae Lütken, 1887) in Southwest Iceland at 848 meters depth. These two specimens and eight (among ten) previously collected by BIOICE (kept at the SMNH) are discussed and illustrated. Choristella leptalea is t...
Conference Paper
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Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) (Gastropoda, Muricidae, Rapaninae) (WoRMS consultation 2022.02.22) is a gonochoric marine burrowing mollusc, tolerant of brackish waters, predator of bivalves, native to the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea, today becoming invasive in different regions of Europe and the Americas. The story of this great journey...
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A specimen of Placiphorella atlantica (Verrill & S.I. Smith, 1882) was collected in the Denmark Strait also called Greenland Strait at a latitude of 64°43'N, the most northerly position reported to date for this Polyplacophora in the Atlantic Ocean.
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Dizoniopsis coppolae (Aradas, 1870) is illustrated from the Bay of Biscay. Ancient reports of Cerithiopsidae in that area and confusion of names for that species are discussed.
Technical Report
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In June 2010, a collaboration between scientists of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Iceland) and Belgian mollusc specialists was initiated. This collaboration has led to the most extensive registration and sampling of Mollusca around Iceland since the Benthic Invertebrates in Icelandic waters (BIOICE) project (1991-2004). This report...
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The Atlantic species assigned to the genus Anomalisipho Dautzenberg & H. Fischer, 1912 are discussed. The status of the genus and the conchological similarities with species assigned to Helicofusus Dall, 1916 and the differences with Plicifusus Dall, 1902 are discussed. Anomalisipho virgata (Friele, 1879) is confirmed as distinct from A. verkruezen...
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A late identification of a specimen of Monophorus amicitiae Romani, 2015 collected in March 2000 in the Gulf of Lion (France) allows the extension of the distribution area of this species. It extends from the southern part of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Central Mediterranean Sea via the Tuscan Archipelago.
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In 2014, the presence of Aplus assimilis (Reeve, 1846), Pisaniidae from West Africa, was established for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. Last year, the discovery of samples from the Tunis Channel (Tunisia) in a private collection revealed that the species was already present in the Mediterranean Sea since at least the 1970s. Such data comi...
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Nine species of Raphitomidae belonging to the fauna of Brittany (France) are illustrated and their provenances documented: Cyrillia aequalis (Jeffreys, 1867), C. linearis (Montagu, 1803), Leufroyia concinna (Scacchi, 1836), Raphitoma contigua (Monterosato, 1884), R. cf. echinata (Brocchi, 1814), R. formosa (Jeffreys, 1867), R. oblonga (Jeffreys, 18...
Conference Paper
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The Barents Sea, history, geographical situation currents,... Description of the coastal malacological fauna of Finnmark and of Svalbard.
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A live specimen of Calliostoma caroli Dautzenberg, 1927 was found at the depth of 1150 meters west of Iceland. This constitutes the first record for Icelandic waters. Together with the holotype described from the Azores (-1250 m) and the two records reported from the Reykjanes Ridge (-1125 m and-1170 m), this notification establishes for this Calli...
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A specimen of Psammechinus microtuberculatus (Blainville, 1825) (Parechinidae) parasitized by two specimens of the genus Pelseneeria Koehler & Vaney, 1908 (Eulimidae) was collected in Sesimbra, Península de Setúbal. This northernmost discovery to date on the coast of Portugal reopens the discussion about a population of Pelseneeria established in t...
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A cetacean vertebra was collected during a campaign of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (Reykjavik - Iceland) in southwest Iceland. It was colonised by five specimens of the genus Idas Jeffreys, 1876 which have strong similarities with the species described as Idas cylindricus Pelorce & Poutiers, 2009. Illustrations and discussions abou...
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Aujourd'hui, nous désirons développer un des aspects des récoltes malacologiques que nous pratiquons : la collecte de coquilles occupées par des pagures (Decapoda) et couvertes d'anémones (Actinaria).
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The analysis of shell grit samples taken between 0 and 50 m from Faial, Pico and São Miguel revealed the presence of seven not yet reported marine species of molluscs from the Azores Archipelago, four gastropods species [Caecum swinneni Nofroni, Pizzini & Oliverio, 1997 (Caecidae), Granulina cf. canariensis Boyer, 2001 (Marginellidae), Mitromorpha...
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The fossils of the Cap Creus submarine deposit (Catalogna-Spain) are linked to the corresponding current species of northern Europe
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This is the first recent record of Xyloredo ingolfia in Icelandic waters, north of the island since its discovery in a sunken driftwood collected by the "Ingolf" expedition, in NorthEast Atlantic at 61°30'N-22°30'W in 1896. A comparison is made with the paratypes of that species and with specimens of Xylophaga species collected off East Greenland d...
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An empty specimen of Manzonia vigoensis (Rolán, 1983) was collected on the north beach of Peniche (Portugal - Costa de Prata) among shell grit during a considerable low tide. This finding in the central part of the Portuguese coastline, together with previous reports of the presence of the species in Galicia and in Algarve allows the establishment...
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Five shells of Aporrhais pespelecani occupied by the sipunculan Phascolion strombus collected in Nazaré, Costa de Prata-Portugal were broken. The dissection revealed that they contained, in addition to the siponculan, five specimens of the bivalve Phascoliophila phascolionis. In addition to the bivalve one of the shells contained one specimen of th...
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Curveulima dautzenbergi (Gastropoda: Eulimidae) was observed living in association with Antedon bifida (Crinoidea: Antedonidae) during a low tide of great amplitude under rocks of the dike closing the fishing harbour of Tarifa (southern extremity of the Iberian Peninsula - Strait of Gibraltar).
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The presence of Curveulima devians (Family Eulimidae - echinoderm parasite of an unknown host) is well-documented in the Mediterranean Sea. The scarce reports of the presence in the Atlantic date back to the 19th century as coming from material collected in the Canary Islands, Madeira and along the Moroccan coastlines. The species is also quoted in...
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Euspira notabilis was found in the stomach of the seastar Astropecten aranciacus in Algarve
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A specimen of Pseudosimnia juanjosensii, a species of Ovulidae, described as coming from the North-East Atlantic (Canary Islands and Morocco) and recently reported as coming from the Strait of Messina (Mediterranean Sea) was collected alive off the Egadian Archipelago (extreme Southern Tyrrhenian Sea), which confirms a large distribution of the spe...
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For the first time, the bivalve Halicardia flexuosa (Family Verticordiidae) was found alive SouthWest of Iceland at 1300 m depth. RESUME. Pour la première fois, le bivalve Halicardia flexuosa (Famille Verticordiidae) a été récolté vivant au sud-ouest de l'Islande par 1300 m de fond.
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Egg capsules containing juvenile gastropod specimens were collected in Andalusia in shell grit in the surroundings of Tarifa (Spain). Close examination reveals that these egg capsules belong to Mitrella bruggeni (Columbellidae) as confirmed by the juveniles they contain. The capsules are described in detail for the first time. This was also the opp...
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A specimen of Monophorus amicitiae, a Mediterranean species of Triphoridae, recently described as coming from the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea, was found off the Egadian Archipelago, which extends its distribution to the south, in north-west Sicily.
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Pleurobranchus membranaceus was found alive in the Bay of Quiberon (Brittany - France) during the spring tide in March 2015.
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Opalia crenata (Linnaeus, 1758) was found attached to the external wall of Actinia equina (Linnaeus, 1758) at low tide in a rock-pool on the shore of Torre de la Peña, observation made during a survey along the Atlantic Andalusian coast of Spain. Today the scarce information available on the biology of this gastropod established an association link...
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The finding of an empty egg case of small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) in the Spanish waters off Motril containing a live specimen of the gastropod Addisonia excentrica was the occasion to comment and illustrate this peculiar type of parasitism of a gastropod on shark egg cases.
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A specimen of Holothuria poli Delle Chiaje, 1824 (Aspidochirotida - Holothuriidae) was collected in Ayana Koyu (Bozcaada, Turkey) at a depth of 1.5 meter in sandy and rocky surroundings. The holothurian had on the surface of its tegument a living specimen of a parasitic gastropod (Eulimidae): Melanella levantina (Oliverio, Buzzurro & Villa, 1994)....
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The content analysis of the bolus of a specimen of Scaphander lignarius (Linnaeus, 1758)-benthic opisthobranch-from Iceland led to the collection of an operculated specimen of a relatively uncommon deep water species of Eulimidae : Haliella stenostoma (Jeffreys, 1858).
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Numerous specimens of Hexaplex saharicus saharicus (Locard, 1897) were collected at Asilah on the Northern Moroccan Atlantic coast. The distribution of the species is discussed and the intra-specific variations are illustrated.
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The gut content of an irregular sea urchin Spatangus purpureus, collected off the Egadi Islands in Sicily was taken for analysis. This was limited to an inventory of the molluscs present in the sediment ingested by the echinoderm. The analysis showed the presence of 23 species of gastropods, 21 species of bivalves and 1 species of polyplacophoran f...
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The presence of two live specimens of Rissoa parva (da Costa, 1778) in a sample of gastropods collected off Cala Iris (Mediterranean coast of Morocco) attests that the species considered by some as exclusively Atlantic is present in the Mediterranean (Alboran Sea).
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Note concerning the presence of Monetaria annulus in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia): historical information, reminder of the catch of live molluscs made in the spring of 2006 off the Kerkennah archipelago and off Tripoli by a team from «l’Institut National Agronomique de Tunis et de la faculté des Sciences de Tripoli » and report of the find of an emp...
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On large specimens of Rapana venosa (Muricidae) - collected in the Marmara Sea - covered with algae, calcareous concretions and worms, one can identify a large number of epibiontic molluscs like Mytilaster lineatus (Gmelin, 1791) (Mytilidae). Acanthochitona fascicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) and Chiton olivaceus Spengler, 1797 (Polyplacophora) are occas...
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Curveulima dautzenbergi (Eulimidae) was collected alive together with Antedon bifida (Crinoidea - Antedonidae) in Brittany (Morbihan - Conguel Point), France. On the crinoid, it was found together with Crinophtheiros collinsi (Eulimidae). This represents the first record of Curveulima dautzenbergi along the Atlantic coast of Europe.
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One intact specimen and 4 valves of Bornia aartseni (Bivalvia - Kelliidae) were found on the beach of Monte Gordo, Algarve (Portugal). The distribution range of Bornia aartseni, previously limited to the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia now extends to the Atlantic coast of the Southern Iberian Peninsula.
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In April 2012, after a South-SouthWest storm along the Atlantic coasts of Morocco and the South of the Iberian Peninsula, a mass stranding of Janthina pallida was observed on the beaches of the Strait of Gibraltar. These pelagic gastropods (family Janthinidae) were accompanied by their prey Velella velella and are illustrated here.
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Talochlamys pusio is a bivalve presenting two different morphotypes: juvenile and adult. The first one is regularly oval in outline and not fixed. The second one, clearly distorted, is cemented to the substrate. In adult life, the bivalve binds to the most diverse solid substrates. Some examples are illustrated here. Distorted specimens of the rela...
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Buccinum cyaneum from different North-East Atlantic localities are illustrated. Live specimens are also presented.
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Beaucoup de gastéropodes marins de la superfamille des Pyramidelloidea (Hétérobranches) sont des prédateurs ou des parasites externes d'autres espèces animales marines benthiques. La récolte dans les eaux de Sicile d'un spécimen de Mimachlamys varia (Pectinidae) portant deux spécimens de Clathrella clathrata (Amathinidae) est rapportée. Cette assoc...
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Crinophtheiros collinsi (Eulimidae) was collected alive together with Antedon bifida (Crinoidea-Antedonidae) in Brittany (Morbihan-Conguel Point), France.
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In Europe, the genus Pelseneeria Koehler & Vaney, 1908 includes five species, all ectoparasites of regular sea urchins. Three are living in deep waters (Azores) and two are living in more shallow waters. Information in the literature concerning Pelseneeria stylifera (Turton, 1825) from the North Atlantic area and Pelseneeria minor Koehler & Vaney,...
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Empty shells of Cardium indicum Lamarck, 1819 (Cardiidae) were found in Mahdia harbour (Tunisia). The presence of the species in Tunisia is discussed.
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At Estepona (Spain), an empty shell of Ocenebra erinaceus that had been colonized by Phascolion strombi was found in an octopus trap. The sipunculid had left the shell and consequently a dead specimen of its commensal Montacuta phascolionis was trapped in one of the openings of the shelter of this peanut worm.
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Nassarius sesarmus (Marrat, 1877), gastropod of West African origin, was found alive for the first time in the Algarve - South Portugal. This represents an extension of its distribution towards the North-East Atlantic and the first record in European waters.
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Escapade in Gorishoek (Zeeland) - Netherlands
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Ersilia mediterranea (Monterosato, 1869) (Eulimidae) is mostly found in the occidental part of the Mediterranean Sea. One specimen of this species was collected in June 2009 in shell-grit from Cape Koruçam (extreme western part of North Cyprus). This first mention in the area completes the scarce records of this species in the oriental part of the...
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The presence of Atys macandrewii Smith E.A., 1872, amphiatlantic species belonging to the Haminoeidae family was reported in 2007 for the first time in the Mediterranean. In June 2009, two fresh dead specimens of Atys macandrewii were collected in a shell-grit from Cape Koruçam (extreme western part of North Cyprus). This first record from North Cy...
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Different localities along the coast of North Cyprus have been sampled in search for marine molluscs. In these Mediterranean waters, sixteen immigrant species have been found including Chama aspersa Reeve, 1846. After having been reported from the coasts of Israel, Turkey and Greece, Chama aspersa is now recorded for the first time from the Eastern...
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An important population of Siphonaria crenata de Blainville, 1827 (Siphonariidae - Marine pulmonate gastropods) was localized along the rocky shore of Yumurtalik (West of Iskenderun bay - Turkey). Another invasive species from the same family was previously mentioned from this area (Siphonaria belcheri Hanley, 1858). A close examination of the Siph...
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Illustration of the relations between two pelagic opisthobranchs mostly living in the Arctic area: Clione limacina and Limacina helicina. The two species are closely linked by the relation « predator - prey »: Limacina helicina being part of the alimentary regimen of Clione limacina.
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Un spécimen d'Ocnus planci (Brandt, 1835) (Dendrochirotida-Cucumariidae) a été collecté à Djerba (Tunisie), à marée basse, dans un environnement de sable et de pierres. L'holothurie portait en surface du tégument un spécimen vivant d'un gastéropode parasite (Eulimidae): Melanella boscii (Payraudeau, 1826). Cette observation étend le parasitisme de...
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A specimen of Paracentrotus lividus (Echinidae) had on its test, between spines and among pedicellariae, twenty one specimens of a parasitic gastropod, Vitreolina philippi (Eulimidae). The material was collected by a fisherman, at a depth of about ten meters, off Bogaz, little fishing harbour along the Eastern coast of North Cyprus.
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The genus Neopycnodonte (family Gryphaeidae) is, at the present time, represented along the Atlantic coasts of Europe by two species: Neopycnodonte cochlear (Poli, 1795) and Neopycnodonte zibrowii Gofas, Salas & Taviani in Wisshak et al., 2009, species recently described. In a previous publication (Delongueville & Scaillet 1999), we reported the pr...
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In the footsteps of Charles Darwin in the Galapagos Islands
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Typhinellus labiatus (from Cristofori & Jan, 1832) in the stomach of Astropecten arantiacus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Northern Cyprus
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Ergalatax sp. (ex Morula martensi Dall, 1923) was sporadically found in some places in the South of Cyprus Island. This note reports a sampling performed in May 2007 in the Karpas peninsula. It shows, at the present time, the presence of a strong settlement of this species in the North of Cyprus. The distribution area of this Ergalatax covers today...
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Iin the footsteps of Linnaeus in Uppsala
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The invasive molluscs species in the Mediterranean Sea. Different potential means of introduction of alien species of molluscs into the Mediterranean Sea are presented. They are illustrated by our personal data. Emphasis is put on the lessepsian species present in the Gulf of Iskenderun (Turkey) and adjacent areas (list of the species of the Easter...
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On a sample of submersed wood, found at Njardvik (harbour of South-West Iceland), three species of molluscs have been collected: Coccopigya spinigera (Jeffreys, 1883), Idas argentea Jeffreys, 1876 and Idas sp.
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Record of the lessepsian Cardiidae Afrocardium richardi (Audouin, 1826) alive between the lamellae of the upper valve of a Spondylus spinosus Schreibers, 1793 collected in front of Yumurtalik harbour (Gulf of Iskenderun, Eastern Mediterranean Sea).
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Gastrochaena cymbium is a superficially boring lessepsian bivalve embedded in a calcareous protection, itself cemented to other substrates. This note illustrates its presence on Hexaplex pecchiolianus in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Turkey.
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Montacuta substriata (Montagu, 1808) - bivalve - is very often associated with Spatangus purpureus (O. F. Müller, 1776) - Echinoïdea. This note reports the presence of two specimens of Montacuta substriata fixed on one sea urchin collected in the North of Sardinia.
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Some paxilloid asteroids like Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777) and Astropecten aranciacus (Linnaeus, 1758) live primarily on molluscs. The preys are swallowed and maintained in the stomach; soft tissues are digested before the starfish releases indigestible remains (shells) by the mouth. Inventory of stomach content of these Astropecten make...
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Some paxilloid asteroids like Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777) and Astropecten aranciacus (Linnaeus,1758) live primarily on molluscs. The preys are swallowed and maintained in the stomach; soft tissues are digested before the starfish releases indigestible remains (shells) by the mouth. Inventory of stomach content of these Astropecten makes...
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Notes and illustrations concerning some associations observed between crustaceans Decapoda Brachyura (Pinnotheridae - Genus Pinnotheres), crustaceans Decapoda Caridea (Palaemonidae - Genus Pontonia) and molluscs Bivalvia in the European waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.
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Empty shells of Euspira notabilis (Jeffreys, 1885), Naticidae already found along the coasts of West Sahara, Portugal and Mediterranean Morocco, have been collected in two different localities in the Bay of Biscay (Spain - Atlantic Ocean) in 1998 and 1999. Further discoveries of live specimens from the same area should definitely confirm the presen...
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Schilderia achatidea is reported from the Bay of Biscay. The general distribution in the European seas is discussed.


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