Christian Wehenkel

Christian Wehenkel
Christian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Christian verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Juarez University of the State of Durango · Instituto de Silvicultura e Industria de la Madera

Full-time professor in Forest Sciences


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My main line of research is focused on the analysis of forest ecosystems managed in different climates. In particular, I am studying the complex interaction between environmental variables, forest structure, species and genetic diversity, adaptation, growth, regeneration and human activities in managed and unmanaged forests using modern quantitative measures and statistical techniques such as machine learning algorithms.
Additional affiliations
November 2009 - October 2010
University of Göttingen
  • PostDoc Position
August 2007 - present
September 2007 - April 2013
Instituto de Silvicultura e Industria de la Madera
Field of study
  • Forest Genetic


Publications (286)
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In this study, we examined the spatial genetic structure (SGS) in extensively managed, but naturally regenerated forest stands of Pinus cembroides Zucc., Pinus discolor Bailey et Hawksworth, Pinus durangensis Martínez, and Pinus teocote Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. at local (within the stands) and large (among the stands) scales using amplified frag...
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The presence of heterozygous individuals in a population is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity, which can positively affect fitness and adaptability to environmental changes. While inbreeding generally reduces the proportion of heterozygous individuals in a population, polyploidy tends to increase the proportion. North American Populus tremu...
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Background: Seedling growth and survival depend on seedling quality. However, there is no experimental evidence showing that the seedling dimensions of the abundant, economically important and widely distributed tree species Pinus arizonica, P. durangensis, P. engelmannii, P. leiophylla, and P. teocote and their hybrids effectively improve survival...
Pinus is the largest genus of conifers with more than 120 species. Some of the most extended and relevant forest trees in the northern hemisphere are pines. About 30 pine species bear seeds large enough to be collected for human consumption. Those seed kernels, also known as pine nuts, are one of the first known foods of forest-dwelling humans in E...
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Population genetics theory predicts a relationship between fitness, genetic diversity (H0) and effective population size (Ne), which is often tested through heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs). We tested whether population and individual fertility and heterozygosity are correlated in two endangered Mexican spruces (Picea martinezii and Picea...
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Coniferous forests are under severe threat of the rapid anthropogenic climate warming. Abies (firs), the fourth‐largest conifer genus, is a keystone component of the boreal and temperate dark‐coniferous forests and harbors a remarkably large number of relict taxa. However, the uncertainty of the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of Abies signi...
Conference Paper
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PRÓLOGO Es de reconocimiento internacional, que México es un país dotado de un invaluable y diverso recurso forestal. Cuenta con una cobertura forestal de 137.84 millones de hectáreas, dentro de las cuales, predominan ecosiste mas áridos, bosques de clima templado frío, y selvas, que ocupan 56.30, 34.20, y 30.03 millones de hectáreas, respectiva...
The genetic structure of Populus tremuloides Michx. populations in Mexico is largely unknown. A study of this species throughout its range is critical to determine the genetic signatures of its adaptation to different local environmental conditions due to long-term natural selection and its adaptability to progressive environmental alterations such...
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Sabiendo que todos los eslabones de una cadena productiva son necesa rios para obtener los productos y llevarlos al consumidor final (mercado), en este libro se analizan los temas que más inciden en la complejidad y la falta de integración de la CPMA. La intención es contribuir a entender algu nos problemas técnicos, ambientales y financieros que...
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En este capítulo se describen los eslabones que integran la cadena productiva de la madera aserrada en los bosques templados de México (CPMA) y los principales actores que los desarrollan, mientras que en el capítulo siguiente se proponen las funciones y responsabilidades que cada uno de esos actores tendrían que asumir para que la cadena sea e...
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En este documento se considera que la cadena productiva de la madera aserrada comienza en el bosque y por eso, en este capítulo se abordan algunos conceptos importantes relativos al manejo sustentable de los recursos forestales. El término “manejo forestal” tiene su origen en la traducción de “forest management”, que puede interpretarse como “...
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En este capítulo, se definen las funciones y responsabilidades de los actores principales de cada eslabón que contribuyen al funcionamiento de la CPMA. Tales funciones incluyen las establecidas en la legislación ambiental y forestal, como la NOM–152–SEMARNAT–2023 (SEMARNAT, 2023), la LGDFS (2018), el RLGDFS (2020) y la LGEEPA (2022). Además, se...
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Una gran parte de las funciones y responsabilidades mencionadas en el capítulo 4, ya las realizan los distintos actores que trabajan en la CPMA; algunas, porque son de carácter obligatorio, al estar plasmadas en la legislación y normatividad forestal, y otras, por iniciativa propia de las organizaciones productivas y los prestadores de servicio...
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En capítulos anteriores se describieron los principales eslabones que integran la CPMA en los bosques templados de México (capítulo 3); las responsabilidades y funciones que les corresponde realizar a los actores principales de cada eslabón para contribuir a lograr un funcionamiento “ideal” (más eficiente) de la CPMA típica en su conjunto (capí...
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Es de reconocimiento internacional, que México es un país dotado de un invaluable y diverso recurso forestal. Cuenta con una cobertura forestal de 137.84 millones de hectáreas, dentro de las cuales, predominan ecosistemas áridos, bosques de clima templado frío, y selvas, que ocupan 56.30, 34.20, y 30.03 millones de hectáreas, respectivamente. De es...
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Tropical firewood species are of foremost importance for charcoal production worldwide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the moisture content of tropical fuelwood on charcoal production in modified Argentinean half-orange kilns in terms of yield, quality, and economic viability. Ten tropical species from the state of Quinta...
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El género Picea en México comprende tres especies: Picea chihuahuana Martínez, Picea martinezii T. F. Patt. y Picea mexicana Martínez; estas especies tienen diferente distribución y se ubican en poblaciones aisladas. Picea chihuahuana se encuentra en la Sierra Madre Occidental, en los estados de Chihuahua y Durango; P. martinezii en la Sierra Madre...
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La biodiversidad o "diversidad biológica" puede definirse como la variedad y variabilidad entre los organismos vivos y los complejos ecológicos en los que se encuentran. Se puede subdividir en cuatro niveles jerárquicos de organización biológica: genética, población–especies, comunidad–ecosistema y paisaje regional. En este contexto, la diversidad...
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In this document, entitled "Technical manual for the collection, management and sexual propagation of Picea mexicana Martínez and Picea martinezii T.P. Patt.", the main biological and technical aspects that must be considered to carry out a successful seed collection program of two of the native species of Picea in Mexico are presented in a summari...
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Currently, most of the world’s forests are governed by policies and regulations that contribute to sustainable forest management. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), a voluntary, non-governmental mechanism, proposes a market-based international certification scheme whose mission is to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and e...
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The Picea genus comprises three species in Mexico: P. chihuahuana, P. mexicana and P. martinezii, which are listed as endangered species in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001. Two populations of P. mexicana are distributed in the Sierra Madre Oriental. Using dendrochronological techniques, total ring, earlywood and latewood time series were developed to analyze...
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Knowing how and to what extent environmental parameters affect threatened species facilitates the understanding of their specific microhabitat requirements. In this study, we examined the response patterns of four threatened tropical plant species to variations in temperature, precipitation, and physiographic variables, and analyzed the relative co...
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Ratio volume equations are precise mathematical alternatives to estimate merchantable volume of tree species. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the goodness of fit of three commercial volume models associated to height ratio and three taper models to conform a commercial volume-taper equations system of Pinus oocarpa growing at the...
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Laurel (Cordia alliodora Ruiz & Pav. Oken) is a Neotropical native tree that is easily regenerated in the secondary forest within the Amazon region. Amazonian smallholders use this tree regeneration to obtain a homogeneous forest cover when developing local agroforestry systems, which do not depend on nursery seedling production for tree planting....
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Despite an increased focus on multiscale relationships and interdisciplinary integration, few macroecological studies consider the contribution of genetic-based processes to landscape-scale patterns. We test the hypothesis that tree genetics, climate, and geography jointly drive continental-scale patterns of community structure, using genome-wide S...
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The distributions of the three Mexican spruces are fragmented, possibly leading to phenological, morphological and genetic differentiation, which is partly caused by local adaptation. In this study, we estimated for the first time the intra- and inter-specific phenotypic variation in 5641 seedlings from provenances of the three Mexican spruces. We...
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1) Background: The Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken (laurel) natural regeneration management is a widespread practice among smallholders in the Amazon upper basin for the establishment of traditional agroforestry systems. This tree management approach is opposite to the development project proposals that contemplate reforestation with nursery se...
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Biological data are usually heterogeneous, fluctuating and have outliers. When these data are examined using least squares regression models, difficulties often arise in identifying the impact of regressors on specific segments of the point cloud. Traditional models cannot be applied when regression assumptions are not met. The objective of this st...
Conference Paper
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Innovación y tecnologías emergentes La información térmica facilita estudiar la evapotranspiración, cambio climático, islas de calor urbano y otros fenómenos. Actualmente el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido la incorporación de sensores térmicos a los Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados (VANTs), lo que permite analizar la dinámica termal en...
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The study of above-ground biomass (AGB) is important for monitoring the dynamics of the carbon cycle in forest ecosystems. The emergence of remote sensing has made it possible to analyze vegetation using land surface temperature (LST), Vegetation Temperature Condition Index (VTCI) and evapotranspiration (ET) information. However, relatively few stu...
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Citation: Protazio, J.M.B.; Souza, M.A.; Hernández-Díaz, J.C.; Escobar-Flores, J.G.; López-Sánchez, C.A.; Carrillo-Parra, A.; Wehenkel, C.
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Aim of study: Land surface temperature (LST) is an essential variable to monitor and characterize forest ecosystems. This variable has been consistently captured for almost four decades by the Landsat program. The current study aimed at identifying trends, knowledge gaps and opportunity areas in the use of Landsat derived LST for the monitoring and...
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Understanding hybridization is important for practical reasons, as the presence of hybrid trees in seed stands can influence the success of natural regeneration and reforestation. Hybridization creates new gene combinations, which can promote or enhance adaptation to new or changing environments. In the present research, we aimed, for the first tim...
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Las especies mexicanas de Picea se han estudiado genéticamente con diversos marcadores. Se han realizado estudios de diversidad genética con marcadores isoenzimáticos para Picea chihuahuana, Picea martinezii y Picea mexicana en los que se ha determinado la estructura genética analizando de 18 a 24 loci. También, se han realizado estudios con marcad...
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Picea es el género de afinidad más boreal entre los grupos arbóreos de México. A nivel mundial, la mayoría de sus especies se localizan al norte del Trópico de Cáncer (23°26’11.4” N), y solamente dos sobrepasan ligeramente al sur de este: P. chihuahuana Martínez, a 23°19’52” N en Taxicaringa, Mezquital, Durango, y P. morrisonicola Hayata, que tambi...
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El censo de 2018 - 2021 mostró que las cuatro poblaciones de P. martinezii son mucho más numerosas que las tres poblaciones de P. mexicana (Cuadro 6.3). Hubo más regeneración natural que árboles adultos en P. mexicana (índice de plántulas/árboles = 1.58 en promedio). Así mismo, hubo má regeneración natural que árboles adultos en P. martinezii (índi...
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En el presente capítulo se analiza el crecimiento en radio de los árboles de Picea martinezii (cuatro poblaciones) y Picea mexicana (tres poblaciones). Para ello se seleccionó una pre-muestra de 10 árboles por población, a los cuales se les extrajo un núcleo de crecimiento a la altura del pecho (1.30 m) y desde la periferia hasta el centro, utiliza...
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Among the Mexican trees, Picea (spruce) is the genus with the stronger boreal affinity. There are three species in Mexico, all of them paleoendemic, relic from the Holocene: Picea chihuahuana (in Chihuahua and Durango), P. martinezii (Nuevo Leon), and P. mexicana (Coahuila and Chihuahua). Spruces in Mexico have high ecological value for being part...
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Among the Mexican trees, Picea (spruce) is the genus with the stronger boreal affinity. There are three species in Mexico, all of them paleoendemic, relic from the Holocene: Picea chihuahuana (in Chihuahua and Durango), P. martinezii (Nuevo Leon), and P. mexicana (Coahuila and Chihuahua). Spruces in Mexico have high ecological value for being part...
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Societal Impact Statement Syntheses clearly show that global warming is affecting ecosystems and biodiversity around the world. New methods and measures are needed to predict the climate resilience of plant species critical to ecosystem stability, to improve ecological management and to support habitat restoration and human well‐being. Widespread k...
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Background: In the projected climate change scenarios, assisted migration might play an important role in the conservation of the threatened plant species, by translocate them to similar suitable habitats outside their native distributions. However, it is unclear if such habitats will be available for the Rare Endemic Plant Species (REPS), because...
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Antecedentes: Los bosques de Pinus pinceana en Tamaulipas crecen en condiciones de aridez en la Sierra Madre Oriental. Es importante conocer la composición y diversidad florística, además de los parámetros estructurales útiles para futuros programas de conservación. Preguntas: ¿Cómo es la estructura, composición y diversidad florística de la veget...
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Natural hybridization can manifest different evolutionary results, such as accelerating differentiation and facilitating speciation through the rapid origin of new biochemical compounds, physiological or morphological phenotypes that allow hybrid species to occupy new habitats, which for parental species would be inaccessible. However, these expect...
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There is an increasing interest in using non-wood lignocellulosic materials for the production of wood-based medium density fiberboard (MDF). Agave durangensis bagasse is a waste product generated in large quantities in the mezcal industry. This study evaluated the incorporation of A. durangensis bagasse fibers (ADBF) to elaborate MDF wood-based pa...
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Genetic diversity is key to species survival. In evolutionary ecology, the general centre–periphery theory suggests that populations of species located at the margins of their distribution areas display less genetic diversity and greater genetic differentiation than populations from central areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic d...
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Este artículo se encuentra bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution License CCBY-NC (4.0) internacional. Resumen Antecedentes: Los bosques de Pinus pinceana en Tamaulipas crecen en condiciones de aridez en la Sierra Madre Oriental. Es importante cono-cer la composición y diversida...
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Mountain ecosystems provide environmental goods, which can be threatened by climate change. Near-Surface Temperature Lapse Rate (NSTLR) is an essential factor used for thermal and hydrological analysis in mountain ecosystems. The aims of the present study were to estimate NSTLR and to identify its relationship with aspect, Local solar zenith angle...
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Aim of study: To determine the response of high-altitudinal forests to seasonal drought. Area of study: Monte Tláloc, Estado de México and Rancho Joyas del Durazno, Municipality of Río Verde, San Luis Potosí, México. Materials and methods: In this study, we evaluate the response to drought and hydroclimate in two young Mexican conifers sampled at h...
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SUMMARY The volume of the container determines the shape and size of the root of the plants, the amount of substrate, water and mineral nutrients available for plant growth and influences the production costs. In this research, the effect of 10 containers of different type and volume on the growth of Pinus cembroides Zucc. was evaluated in the nurs...
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El volumen del contenedor determina la forma y tamaño de la raíz de las plantas, la cantidad de sustrato, agua y nutrientes minerales disponibles para su crecimiento e influye en los costos de producción. En este ensayo se evaluó el efecto de 10 contenedores de diferente tipo y volumen sobre el crecimiento en vivero de plantas de Pinus cembroides Z...
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Background: Understorey plants are key to maintaining forest structure and functioning. They protect the soil, improve its structure and fertility, reduce water run-off and sustain the below-ground biota, amongst other ecological services. However, little is known about the environmental conditions that regulate the occurrence of these plants. This...
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Developing methods for successfully grafting forest species will be helpful for establishing asexual seed orchards and increasing the success of forest genetic improvement programs in Mexico. In this study we investigated the effects of two grafting techniques (side veneer and top cleft) and two phenological stages of the scion buds (end of latency...
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En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento del crecimiento en el radio de los árboles de Picea martinezii (cuatro poblaciones) y Picea mexicana (tres poblaciones). Para ello se seleccionó una pre-muestra de 10 árboles por población, a los cuales se les extrajo un núcleo de crecimiento a la altura del pecho (1.30 m) y desde la periferia hasta el c...
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A workshop about "Cambios demográficos, reproducción y estatus de poblaciones naturales de Picea mexicana Martínez y Picea martinezii Patterson en México: especies susceptibles a eventos de variabilidad climática”
Knowing how and to what extent environmental parameters affect threatened species facilitates the understanding of their specific microhabitat requirements. In this study, we examined the response patterns of four threatened tropical plant species to variations in temperature, precipitation, and physiographic variables, and analyzed the relative co...
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Macrosystems ecology is an emerging science that aims to integrate traditionally distinct disciplines to predict how hierarchical interacting processes influence the emergence of complex patterns across local to regional and global scales. Despite increased focus on cross-scale relationships and cross-disciplinary integration, few macroecology stud...
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For decades there has been confusion and uncertainty on how to clearly identify the two distinct species, Pinus strobiformis Engelm. and Pinus ayacahuite Ehrenberg. Pinus ayacahuite is further defined as two varieties, var. ayacahuite and var. veitchii. These species are of ecological importance throughout much of Mexico because they offer valuable...
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Significance Understanding what determines the distribution of biodiversity remains one of the great challenges in evolutionary biology and ecology. The Northern Hemisphere conifers do not follow a latitudinal diversity gradient and show a unique distribution pattern, that is most species are distributed at middle latitudes. To reveal the mechanism...